Which Halo Game Has The Strongest Jackals?

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we're going to start this video with the game that i think has the least challenging jackals out of all of the halo game and that game is halo 3 odst this is a little strange because in halo 3 odst we play as an odst we don't play as a spartan we don't have all of the augmentations that a spartan has in odst we don't even have a protective energy shield to shield us from the jackals fire the shielded jackals holding an energy gauntlet in halo 3 odst aren't that hard to take down especially if you have the tactical magnum just one quick shot in the hand and then a quick shot to the head takes them down instantly also notice here that the jackals in halo 3 odst and pretty much every enemy in halo 3 odst has a set range at which they will attack you if you go outside that set range the jackals won't fire at you this makes it very easy to take down shielded jackals because the tactical magnum can shoot very well outside of this effective range of the jackal and you may be very surprised to know that this also affects the jackal snipers in halo 3 odst the jackal snipers and halo 3 odst cannot shoot you if you are outside their effective range now this rule is true in all of the halo games but in halo 3 odst the maps are so open that a lot of times you can outrange most jackal snipers and because they have a helpful little light on their head it's very easy to see them from far away i think taking away this little light on the top of the jackal's head would make them a much more formidable enemy also if you have full health and halo 3 odst a jackal sniper hitting you with their sniper rifle will not kill you now if you take any amount of damage and then get hit by a jackal sniper you'll die instantly but also taken to the fact that a lot of times the halo 3 and halo 3 odst jackal snipers shoot a warning shot at least what i like to call it a lot of times the jackal snipers and halo 3 and halo 3 odst when they shoot at you for the first time they will miss shortly after their second shot almost always hits you and if you're low on shields in halo 3 odst you'll definitely die but that first warning shot gives you enough time to set your aim and take down the jackal sniper so for this reason and all of the other reasons the jackals and halo 3 odst fall at the bottom of the list send me your coordinates i'll see what i can do about clearing an evac route on my way to you [Music] the next jackals on our list are the jackals from halo 4. and to be honest it was very hard to decide which jackals belonged at the bottom of the list halo 3 odst or the halo 4 jackal the sniper jackals in halo 4 are also a two shot kill if you're at full health as the master chief in halo 4 and a jackal hits you you're not gonna die and because the halo 4 jackal snipers have a nice little bright light on the top of their head they're very easy to headshot so sure that first shot from a jackal sniper is gonna scare you but you're gonna know exactly where they're shooting from and be able to take them out they also have a set range like we talked about earlier if you're outside of a jackal sniper's set range in halo 4 he will not shoot at you even if he's looking directly at you the jackals wielding energy gauntlets aren't that strong either one quick shot in the hand and then one quick shot in the face kills the jackal instantly but in halo 4 sometimes the jackals don't even have to be shot in the hand first they'll run away exposing their head leaving them open for an easy headshot i will say the shielded jackals that carry a needler can be fairly deadly especially when they're in a group they're a great support enemy alone they're not too much to deal with but they do have pretty high damage per second with the needler in halo 4. but the halo 4ai is insanely bad at trying to find you from behind cover if you go behind cover in halo 4 most enemies in the game have a terrible time trying to find you and because of this they won't rush you so even if a jackal does get you pretty low on health all you have to do is hide behind a rock pop out and kill him and for all of these reasons the halo 4 jackals are this low on the list we good hocus she's a little crooked all right pop the hatch now i know this may seem weird that the halo 3 jackals rank higher than the halo 4 jackals and the halo 3 odst jackals because halo 3 and halo 3 odst use very similar ai in their game design but there are some subtle differences that allow the halo 3 jackals to be a lot stronger than the halo 3 odst and halo 4 jackals say what you will about the halo 3 ai it can be a little dumb at times but for some reason the jackals in halo 3 seem to be a lot smarter and a lot more accurate when they're fighting master chief the difference here is that in halo 3 even with full health you will not survive a jackal sniper shot on legendary difficulty so while the halo 3 jackal ai will give you one warning shot which gives you plenty of time to line up a head shot if you miss that head shot you're definitely going to die however the shielded versions of the jackals and halo 3 are just about as strong as the shielded jackals in halo 4 and halo 3 odst really not that hard to take down quick shot to the hand quick shot to the head that's all you have to do they are strong support class which can definitely give you trouble when they are fighting in a group especially alongside brutes in halo 3. but if you're fighting a jackal alone in halo 3 there's really nothing you have to worry about [Music] coming here was reckless you two know better than this thanks marines lock and load your weapons let's be ready to move yes sir while the covenant had us locked up in here i overheard the guards talking about this ring they call it halo one moment sir accessing the covenant according to the data in their networks the ring has some kind of deep religious significance if i'm analyzing this correctly they believe that halo is some kind of weapon one with vast unimaginable power scouting for a control room i thought they were looking for the bridge of a cruiser that i damaged during the battle above the ring but they must be looking for halo's control room that's bad news if halo was a weapon and the covenant gained control of it they'll use it against us and wipe out the entire human race chief cortana i have a new mission for you we need to beat the covenant to halo's control room marines let's move yes it's okay sir chief you have the point i feel like so far in this video we've talked about jackals that are fairly one-dimensional it seems like the last three halo games that i've brought up have had very very close jackals with only minor differences putting them ahead or below of each other but i think if we have to bring up one dimensional jackals halo combat evolved takes the cake there is only one version of the jackal in halo combat evolved and as the energy gauntlet jackal that you see here but i think at least on legendary and halo combat evolved the jackals are pretty hard to deal with even though they're very one-dimensional to start the jackals and halo combat evolved on legendary difficulty shoot their plasma pistols insanely fast and insanely accurate as a support class they can down you very quickly especially when they have something like an elite soaking up damage for them but they don't always necessarily need an elite to soak up damage in the first place unlike the previous shielded jackals on this list halo combat evolved shielded jackals are one of the first ones to actually put up a decent fight with their energy shield they don't go down easy especially if you don't have a precision weapon the halo combat evolved sandbox is pretty narrow and there aren't a lot of weapons that can easily take down a jackal shields now if you're up close it's a lot easier with the halo combat evolved sandbox but if you're far away the jackals with their insanely accurate and insanely fast rate of fire plasma pistols will take you down now the jackals in halo combat evolved aren't perfect some of them have broken ai and won't dodge grenades altogether which is one of the best ways to take them down and while they are generally very good at keeping their shields up and making themselves very hard to kill if you can kill an elite in their vicinity they will scatter just like a grunt this makes them very easy to kill but of course you have to go through the pretty tough halo combat evolved elites it hasn't already maybe but according to holland the covenant are still hunting for something where does he get off calling a demolition of priority one [Music] come on come on get in let's go come on in contrast with halo combat evolved the jaggles of halo reach are very diverse thing is the jackals in halo reach aren't that difficult you'd think with how smart a lot of the enemies in reach are the jackals in halo reach would be a lot harder to deal with but for the most part the jackals of halo reach aren't that strong the shielded jackals can be taken down very easily with almost any weapon in the game jackal snipers either carry a needler rifle or they carry a focus rifle none of them carry a beam rifle because the beam rifle doesn't exist in halo reach this means that jackal snipers while accurate don't kill you instantly which takes away a lot of their power the one thing that puts jackals and halo reach this high up on the list are the skirmishers these are fast unshielded versions of the jackals skirmishers are technically a subspecies of jackals still jackals just a little bit different but unfortunately during the battles of halo reach most of the skirmishers were wiped out and they are some of the hardest things to deal with in a large battle they have increased speed and agility and they are very fast they will flank you they will jump to high places and shoot you from above often the first time you start firing at a skirmisher they will dodge and keep firing at you the skirmishers in halo reach have incredibly smart ai and just a couple of them can take you down pretty easily but they're even more deadly in a group especially when coupled with the insanely strong elites of halo reach with jackals and other halo games especially the ones lower on this list you can sort of take your time you can hide behind cover bait out the jackals or use grenades but if you're playing halo reach these skirmishers will rush you you have to be quick and you have to be accurate if you mess up there's a good chance that you could die but then again there's a good chance that almost everything in halo reach can kill you i'll buy the game oh yeah my xbox gamer picture it's a it's a parrot oh we all got wrecked buck's gonna get wrecked too hundred percent yeah there it is awesome like halo reach there are also many variations of the jackals in halo 5. there aren't any skirmishers in halo 5 but there are still many variations you have jackals that carry storm rifles some that carry carbines you have the shielded jackals and of course the sniper jackals but the halo 5 jackals made it this high up on the list for a good reason i will say that the only poor jackal in halo 5 are the jackals that carry a storm rifle first off the storm rifle jackals don't have any shields also jackals tend to shoot you from far away and if you've ever tried to long range kill someone with a storm rifle you'd know that it's very hard to do almost impossible it is impossible but the rest of the jackals make up for it in halo 5. they're very hard to kill unshielded jackals with carbines are very accurate and almost always take at least half of your shields away two shots from a carbine will completely take your shields off and that makes it very easy for something as simple as a grunt to take you down the shielded jackals are very hard to stun even if you're shooting directly into their hands in all of the previous halo games killing a shielded jackal was very easy all you had to do was shoot the hand and then shoot the head but you can't do that as easily in halo 5. that's not to say that shielded jackals can't be stunned it just takes a lot more accuracy and since the weapon tuning test updates halo 5's weapons are a lot less accurate now jackals and halo 5 do a pretty terrible job of dodging grenades but if you're out of grenades and you're out of a precision weapon one jackal can pretty easily kill you jackals and halo 5 sometimes do have a tendency to do this dumb thing where they put their shield down and just leave their head open but this doesn't happen that often but if we move over to the jackal snipers these things are very annoying for starters even at full health in halo 5 on legendary one jackal sniper can take you down it's not an instant kill because in halo 5 instead of dying you go down first but this is actually where a lot of the shackles headache starts if you request to be revived from your teammates a lot of times your team will come over start to revive you and then that same jackal that took you down will take your teammate down so a lot of times getting hit by a jackal sniper means that you don't just die you have to sit there for an extra 30 seconds and wait for all of your teammates to try to revive you and then also get killed by a jackal sniper it's insanely annoying and one of the worst things that can happen to you on legendary difficulty but if we're going to be speaking about some of the most annoying jackals in all of the halo universe i think most of us know what's coming up next [Applause] i don't know if there's too many people out there that have ever played halo 2 on legendary that would ever say that there are any other jackals in all of the halo universe that could top the halo 2 jackals if you've never played halo 2 on legendary before take my word for it that these things are going to ruin your day let's start by talking about the shielded jackals like the halo 5 jackals these things do not get stunned by shooting them in the hand with a battle rifle they do get stunned it's just very difficult it takes a couple shots which means you have to pump bullets into them if you want to get a head shot and using a grenade which usually works and all of the other halo games to kill jackals doesn't work in halo 2 either because they're very good at dodging grenade throws the shielded jackals alone can be a very hard enemy to deal with but let's move on to the main event the halo 2 jackal snipers these things do not miss there is no warning shot they kill you with one bullet and they're gonna kill you it doesn't matter if you're out in the open or you're hiding behind cover if you poke your head out these jackal snipers will see you and they will kill you the only real way to combat a jackal sniper is with speed and you have to also know exactly where they spawn because they don't have any bright light on the top of their head to show you that they're there a lot of times you'll just be walking through a level and bang you're dead if you've never played halo 2 before don't start by playing on legendary because you don't know where all the jackal locations are and the only way to take these things down is by knowing exactly where these jackals are hiding and getting the drop on them i ran some tests and on average if you have a jackal that doesn't even know you're there and alert it you have about 80 frames to take the shot if you're playing on the master chief collection that's a little over a second but if a jackal sniper in halo 2 already knows your position say you've been shooting some elites or throwing some grenades you can have as little as 30 frames to take that shot which is half a second if you're playing on the master chief collection like i said before the only way to take down the jackal snipers on legendary difficulty is rot memorization if you don't know exactly where they are they are going to kill you and the jackal snipers as well as the shielded jackals in halo 2 is what puts halo 2 all the way at the top of my list let me know what you guys think about my lists and ratings down in the comments section below if you made your own list at the start of this video how did yours stack up to mine i got a ton of support on the video that i did about which halo games had the strongest elites and that was the inspiration for this video and you can bet that more are to come so subscribe if you'd like to see these you can actually subscribe by clicking the logo in the left of your screen and if you click the link on the right you can figure out which halo game had the strongest elites i want to thank you all for watching please stay notable and i will see you in the next video
Channel: Luke TheNotable
Views: 711,704
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: halo tips, halo, halo gameplay, halo commentary, lukethenotable, luke, thenotable, luke thenotable halo, jackal, halo jackal, which halo game has the strongest jackals, halo skirmisher, skirmisher, halo lore, halo lore jackals, halo jackal lore, halo jackal history, halo jackal strength, halo jackal legendary, halo legends jackals, jackal lore, kig yar, halo covenant, strongest jackals, halo game, halo story, halo news, stongest skirmisher, halo 2 jackals
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 47sec (947 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 10 2017
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