Which Halo Game Has The Strongest Brutes?

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before we truly get started on this list i want to bring up why i don't mention the halo wars games when i talk about the strongest brutes jackals elites or any other species in all of the halo games and i'm making this statement now because halo wars 2 is very heavily centered around the brutes you fight them for most of the game actually it's for the whole game in the dlc you fight as the brutes against the flood but we're not going to talk about that either you see these videos are about the strongest version of a species in any halo game and part of the raiding process is looking at how these creatures stack up against you whether you be master chief spartan lock or even noble six but in halo wars and halo wars 2 you don't ever really go one on one with a brood or a hunter or a jackal or even an elite sure there are some mini boss and boss levels in halo wars but for the most part what determines how well you do and how well your enemies fight is your army composition very rarely do your units go one on one in a game of halo wars and in that situation we are going one on one in a game of halo wars the person who has a counter unit or just a better unit in general will always end up winning there's no skill there's no tactic other than just building a good army i just wanted to get that out of the way first because i knew there might be some questions down in the comments section about why i wasn't bringing up halo wars the brutes that fall at the bottom of our list belong to halo reach and this may come as a shock to some of you because the enemies inhaler reach on legendary are very difficult their ai is very smart but just by looking at these brutes in halo reach you can tell that they sort of got the short end of the stick in the intelligence department it doesn't matter if you're fighting a lowly brute soldier a brute captain or a high grade brute chieftain pretty much every brute in the game is going to make poor decisions and isn't much of a threat to you now the brutes inhaler reach do sort of make up for their brutish name by being able to take a good amount of damage however if you're using something like a dmr or a magnum or a needler rifle all you have to do is hit a couple of shots in the head knock off the brute's helmet and put one in his dumb looking skull to take him down you don't even have to rely on the noob combo which is charging up a plasma pistol and then shooting someone in the head in fact the plasma pistol doesn't do anything to the brutes in halo reach you can kill them with it it's just not the best way to take off their helmet using one precision weapon and just shooting at the head is the only thing you have to do and even if you lost your thumbs in a horrible g-fuel related accident you can still fight brutes pretty well you don't even have to use precision headshot weapons the needler is exceptionally good at killing brutes even brute chieftains look how fast i'm able to just mow down all of these brutes one by one using the needler and the brute's ai is so poor that most of the time they'll just stand there and let you shoot them whether you're using a precision weapon or you're using the needler they will be static semi-moving targets that will shoot you from a distance and this is their biggest downfall if the brutes were more aggressive like a lot of the other boots that we're going to see on the rest of this list the brutes and halo reach would be a lot better but because most of the brutes in halo reach with the exception of the brute chieftain wielding a gravity hammer are static non-moving targets that will shoot you from a distance they are insanely easy to kill and like i said before even the brute chieftain is easy to down if you have a needler but i mean what do you expect from something that just looks so ugh i think it's pretty easy to tell that when bungie created halo reach they sort of saw brutes as an afterthought they could have made their ai a lot better and made the brutes a lot more challenging but they probably used a similar ai code as the elites in halo reach and when you take a brute and make it behave like an elite it's not going to be as strong brutes are aggressive they need to go berserk they need to rush that is their strong side and in halo reach the strong arm of the brutes was never utilized [Music] staggered line shipmaster they outnumber us three to one then it is an even fight all cruisers fire at will burn their mongrel hides the brutes of halo 3 are next on our list and i think the shipmaster in that cutscene i just showed you said it best three brutes against one we still have a fighting chance i think the brutes of halo 3 try to replace the role of the elites in halo like the brutes of halo reach the brutes of halo 3 are generally static non-moving targets that will shoot you from far away they generally won't rush you they prefer to shoot you from a distance so for the most part when you're fighting brutes hiding behind cover and poking out for quick shots is one of the best ways to take them down especially since their shields take a very long time to recharge in halo 3 meaning that given enough time and enough firepower it's very easy to take down any brute in halo 3 even the strong brute chieftains and if you're trying to take down any brute in the game incredibly quickly all you have to do is use the noob combo which is charging up a plasma pistol letting it go and then shooting a brute in the head with a precision weapon i never understood why the halo 3 brute loses its helmet when it's shot by a charged up plasma pistol in fact every brute chieftain in the game that's shot with a charged up plasma pistol will lose its shields but not its helmet and this makes them incredibly hard to take down you can't rely on the noob combo to take down a brute chieftain and that's one of the things that makes them so difficult you have to fight fire with fire the brutes are aggressive by nature and the brute chieftains because they can't be easily killed by a noob combo have to also be fought with aggression you have to pump a lot of bullets into them before they go down everything about the halo 3 brutes just seems a little bit sedated even the berserk mode from the brutes is pretty easy to counter berserk mode is when a brute throws down its weapon and charges at you full strength going for the melee attack but in halo 3 the berserk mode really isn't that strong for starters a brute can only go into berserk mode if it's lost as shields and therefore does not have a helmet which means that a berserking brute in halo 3 always has an open head so it's always the easy option when a brood is in berserk mode to just shoot him in the head with your battle rifle not to mention the brute head has a high contrast with the rest of the brute's armor and it sticks out especially when you're looking at a brute from the side essentially when a brute goes into berserk mode it goes into easy headshot mode i find the brutes are easier to take down when they're in berserk mode not harder the big exception with halo 3 is the fact that the brute chieftains exist and the brute chieftains can be some of the hardest things to fight they have insanely high health they have insanely high damage and they have the ability to go invincible if you're not ready to take on a brute chieftain it can kill you even though the brute chieftain's wielding hammers can be very easy to dodge in my opinion if the brutes of halo 3 kept their helmets on when they lost their shields and didn't become an easy headshot they would be a far more difficult enemy one that i think would be much more fun to fight when you're playing on legendary difficulty looking for a challenge [Music] ah get this thing off of me it feels like we just talked about the halo 3 proots yeah the halo 3 odst boots are pretty much exactly the same in fact i'm pretty sure that bungie used the exact same ai when designing the halo 3 odst brutes but there are a couple things about the halo 3 odst brutes that put them higher on our list for starters and this should be pretty obvious you're an odst you are not a spartan like you were in halo 3 and if the halo 3 and halo 3 odst brutes are pretty much the same and you're fighting with a dumbed down character it's going to be more difficult bravo to bungee for not scaling back the ai of the halo 3 odst brutes and making them dumber just because we're an odst and i think that difficulty in fighting brutes and halo 3 odst at least when compared to halo 3 is pretty cool it sort of helps to give that effect that you're just an odst now of course being an odst is nothing to laugh at but you're nowhere near a spartan and you can feel that when playing through the game but that's not the only reason that the brutes of halo 3 odst rank higher on our list for one the weapons sandbox of halo 3 odst is a little bit underpowered compared to halo 3. namely we don't have access to the battle rifle most of the time in halo 3 odst you're stuck with your tactical magnum which for stealthy situations is a very good weapon but if you've ever tried to fight a brute with just your tactical magnum you'll find out that it does not do enough damage to kill it effectively yes you can use the noob combo in halo 3 odst to kill brutes very effectively but one of the main things that stops you from doing that is the fact that many brutes especially brute captains wield carbines and carbine brutes in halo 3 odst are one of the most annoying enemies to deal with most of the time the carbine brutes will outrange your plasma pistol so it's very hard for you to take down their shields and their helmet with your plasma pistol if the brute that you are fighting is wielding a carbine coupled with the fact that it only takes a couple carbine shots to take down your health in halo 3 odst and these brutes are a lot harder to fight in halo 3 your melee attacks are also fairly useless against brutes so if one ends up berserking and you don't have a precision weapon to shoot it in the head very easily sometimes it can actually end up killing you remember when we were talking about brute chieftans in the halo 3 section of this video and i showed master chief jumping over a brute chieftain with a gravity hammer yeah that's not going to happen in halo 3 odst so there's only a couple things that make the brutes harder to fight in halo 3 odst but i can definitively say that the brutes of halo 3 odst are much harder to fight than halo 3. johnson you all right [Music] excellent work article the hierarchs will be pleased nikon is my responsibility what's your responsibility now it is mine a bloody fate awaits you and the rest of your incompetent race and i darterus will send you to it and the prophets learn of this that they will take your head when they learn fool they ordered me to do it [Music] it's sort of funny that the introduction of the brutes began with halo 2 and halo 2 definitely has the strongest brutes i'll be honest their ai isn't great and in fact sometimes feels totally broken but i gotta be honest in halo 2 this broken sort of dumb strength is exactly what makes the brute so difficult they just rush you out of nowhere they are so relentless in halo 2. i mentioned in halo 3 that when a brute goes into berserk mode it's a little bit easier to kill him but in halo 2 sometimes this berserk mode is your worst nightmare especially since the brutes seem to go into berserk mode for no reason at all a brute charging at you with berserk mode doesn't even have to have its helmet knocked off and therefore you can't kill it with an easy headshot these types of brutes brutes charging at you with full armor in berserk mode are some of the hardest things to take down in all of halo 2. and there aren't that many super reliable combos to take down brutes and halo 2. basically you just have to shoot them in the head until they're dead there aren't any chieftains in halo 2 in fact the brutes are pretty one-dimensional there's only brutes and brute captains and there aren't too many differences between the two but those simple halo 2 brutes can still do a ton of damage and take a ton of punishment brutes can kill you insanely quickly in halo 2 just by using a brood shot or a carbine you'll just be walking along and bang you're dead in a massive explosion i've found one of the best ways to kill brutes in halo 2 is by using a carbine this way you can stay at a far away range but also kill them pretty quickly but even this strategy is very difficult because a lot of times when you shoot off the helmet of a brute it goes straight into berserk mode so while that one brute is rushing you with maximum speed the other brutes are still going to continue to shoot at you this dynamic in this speed and aggression of the brutes is what makes them so difficult to fight in halo 2. and we can't leave out tartarus the final boss of halo 2 which on legendary is a very hard fight unless of course you are smart enough to bring a banshee i want you halo fans out there to let me know what you think about my lists and ratings down in the comments section below and if before the video you made your own lists and ratings how did yours stack up against mine i've been getting an unimaginable amount of support on these videos i'm going to keep doing them so you definitely want to subscribe if you would like to see more you can actually click the logo on the left of your screen to subscribe to my channel and if you click the links on the right you can figure out which halo games have the strongest elites and jackals thank you all for watching please stay notable and i will see you in the next video
Channel: Luke TheNotable
Views: 749,685
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: halo tips, halo 5, halo, halo gameplay, halo commentary, lukethenotable, luke, thenotable, luke thenotable halo, halo 2, halo ce, halo reach, halo 3, halo 3 odst, strongest brutes, brutes, halo brutes, halo brute lore, brute lore, halo wars, strategy, luke the notable, halo theory, halo lore, halo game, halo covenant, halo story, halo news, elite, spartan, arbiter, tartarus, halo brute history, which halo game has the strongest brutes
Id: 5ujTDOVt3M0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 35sec (815 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 16 2017
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