Which First Descendant is the BEST for Your Playstyle? (All 14 Descendants Skills & Passive Skill)

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today we'll be diving into all 14 descendants so that way you guys can see which descendant is best for you all I ask is if you enjoy the video leave a thumbs up so the first descendant we're going to talk about is ajck who's known as the tank of The Descendants now he has a passive skill called a vent Horizon acquires void energy after using skill when the void energy reaches its maximum amount it enhances skills and grants additional effects his first main skill is the orbit barrier it creates a shield in front of Ajax durability increases proportionate to the Ajax HP and defense his second skill is void walk leaps into the air lands on the ground to strike nearby enemies stunning them his third skill is expulsion strikes nearby enemies knocking them back and his fourth skill hyper Cube creates a dome shaped Shield durability increases proportion to Ajax HP and defense our next descendant is known for his explosiveness a pure DPS descendant his name is esimo his first active skill is Time Bomb he launches a sticky bomb forward and the sticky bomb attaches to an enemy or terrain feature on contact his second skill called Blast instantly detonates attached bombs bombs damage increased with the number of attached bombs his third skill guided landmine places a guided landmine at a current location once placed the landmine will fly to an enemy within a detection range and attach to it destroying your enemy and his for and final skill explosion starts moving forward fast on collision with the Enemy while charging inflicts knockback when the movement ends deals damage to nearby enemies and removes Buffs from all of them after the skill ends isimo enters Madness State our next descendant is known as the quartermaster of The Descendants his first skill is explosive drone he launches an explosive drone forward the explosive drone explodes on contact with the Enemy or terrain object dealing damage his second skill enhanced combat suit he summons The Shield recovery coms when the shield recovery coms is first summoned it recovers Enzo Shield then it continues to recover that Shield through enhanced combat suit effect his next skill start Supply he summons a bullet supplying device at a designated location IT Supplies bullets to allies his four skill perfect support it summons a small Supply ship to himself and allies the small Supply ship periodically provides Supply bullets and grants perfect support to allies the small Supply ship attacks enemies in front while it is active and when the skill ends it fires a missile forward that causes a big explosion and his passive skills shoot support it grants fire support to allies with an area around Enzo increasing their max ammo capacity now this effect does increase with the amount of members in Enzo Squad our next descent is known as the demolitionist expert lepic first skill is grenade it throws a grenade forward at an enemy exploding his second skill is overclock increases all skill attack and adds burn effect to a grenade and overkill for a set duration his third skill traction grenade throws a traction grenade forward to pull the enemies within range and his fourth skill Overkill fires a powerful Shell at the enemy the shell is maintained at the Landing point for a set period of time inflicting constant damage and his passive seal gives him a chance of surviving fatal damage during battle so it lets you get out of those close situations our next descendant the frost Queen Viesta loves freezing her enemies in place her first skill Frost shards fires in exploding Ice Beam inflicting damage and Ice shackle around the area it hits her second skill Frost Road increases running speed and shield and creates ice sheets on the ground where Viesta stands when enemies come in contact with the ice sheets they are inflicted with ice shackle her third skill cold snap releases an arc of cold air in front inflicting damage an eyce shackle her fourth skill blizzard creates a snow storm that explodes over time inflicting damage and Ice Shackled on enemies caught within and her passive skill creates ice spere floating around her body when inflicting enemies with ice shackle effect the ice spars will automatically fly towards nearby enemies and deal damage to the Target and its surrounding our next incate a fan favorite you might know her as bunny her first skill thrill bomb summons an electral orb to attack enemies nearby and afflict them with electrocution effect her second skill speed a light Sprint speed increased significantly and acquires more electricity her third skill lightning emission moving around deals more damage to nearby enemies and inflicts them with electrocution effect and her fourth skill maximum power shoots out electricity forward to inflict damage damage increases in proportion to the skill duration and her passive skill rabbit foot charges electricity when moving inflicts damage to nearby enemies when Landing after a double jump our next ascended a tank who likes to take flight and attack enemies from above his first skill repulsion Dash dashes towards enemy dealing damage and recovering magnetic force his second skill magnetic bwok creates a barrier to protect against enemy attacks recovers magnetic force depending on the type of projectile blocked his third skill magnetic spurt when damage magnetic force is reduced instead of HP or Shields after a certain period of time magnetic force detonates to deal damage around him and his fourth skill super conductivity thrusters allows him to fly when Landing deals damage to an area around his Landing Zone consuming all accumulated magnetic force his passive skill experience technician allows Kyle to acquire magnetic force through his skills when his shield is completely depleted he recovers Shield and magnetic force over a certain period of time our next ascendant Sharon is known as the Assassin of the first ascendants her first skill cut off beam attacks enemy with an electric blade to deal damage and inflict them with electrocution effect her second skill active camo allows her to hide from enemies when attacking or using skills active camouflage State ends immediately regardless of the time remaining when active camo camouflage State ends Sharon enters Ambush mode increasing damage of the next attack attack her third skill impact round launches built-in explosives forward from the arm to stun enemies and her fourth skill flash short sword targets enemies with the aiming range and throws multiple knives to attack them knives explode to inflict enemies with damage and electrocution effect and her passive skill assassinator damage increase is when attacking enemy that is not attacking Sharon killing enemies with the skill in the Ambush State resets cool down for her active camouflage our next Ascend is known as the chef who deals continuous damage and loves to manipulate fire Blair's first skill is Blaze up he spurts flame to deal damage to nearby enemies and create stove stove inflicts constant damage and burn effect to nearby enemies his second skill extinguish retrieve stoves in the battlefield and restores Mana retrieving stoves increase defense for a short period of time his third skill burn taste spurts Flames forward enemies near the Flames arrival Point are inflicted with constant damage and burn effect and his Force skill deadly Cuisine throws a large Fireball forward the large Fireball will split into small Fireballs causing extra explosion explosion damage afflicts burn effect and creates stove on the ground and his passive skill Pit Master critical hit damage increases when attacking enemies in Burn State critical chance increases depending on the number of stoves in the battlefield our next descended Valby is known as the water goddess her first skill clean up Valby becomes liquefied she cannot take her feet off the ground or use her skills but she can move through enemies and her movement speed and defense is increased when moving while liquefy she creates a path of water and Deals continuous damage to enemies her second skill plop plop creates a large puddle where she is standing Valby then pops up at a selected location in a large puddle enemies in the large puddle takes continuous damage and is inflicted with laundry her third skill bubble bullet bounces a bubble bullet forward to create a small puddle when the bubble bullet impacts where she stands enemies in the small puddle take continuous damage her four skill laundry bomb changes the equip weapon to a laundry bomb launcher when the launcher is fired a laundry bomb is created pulling in enemies inflicted with laundry and dealing continuous damage and her passive skill water intake when using skills while standing on water she consumes less Mana our next descendant is known as a DPS monster of the first descendants her first skill is called frenzy she consumes HP to enter berserk mode in berserk mode long-distance weapons attack and penetration increases her second skill life siphon deals damage to nearby enemies and restores HP in berserk mode damage increases in normal mode damage inflicted by enemies decreases for a certain period of time her third skill increased sensory her increased sensory adds an infinite ammo effect for a certain amount of time during frenzy and when in non-f frenzy State increased movement speed and HP Recovery during which life spear generation is increased her four skill Massacre changes current firearm to Massacre adds additional skill damage during frenzy State and inflicts stun effect on hit her pass passive skill creates life Spears upon killing enemies it recovers HP and stores power of life when absorbing life Spears known as one of the best support healers in the first ascendants Eugene has some pretty unique abilities his first skill restruct serum fires a restructure serum forward decreasing defense and inflicting allergy when attacking enemies with allergy it heals nearby allies and grants additional healing to allies who kill the enemy his next skill solidary healing summons a recovery drone that attaches to allies to heal them it recovers the Target increases their attack through the accelerant effect upon dismissal his next skill stimulate spray grants stimulation to allies when stimulation is active incoming damage is reduced and Recovery is received when stimulation ends and his fourth skill hyperreactive healing ground heal self and allies granting purification immunity to remove and prevent debuffs additional recovery is based on the number of allies and enemies within range Eugene is granted hyperactive effect increasing his attack and his skill power and his passive skill stop overreacting significantly reduces the time to rescue allies targets Rescue by Eugene increases to Max HP for a certain period of time our next descendant fra is known as the toxic Queen her first skill toxic trauma throws poison to attack Target enemies with damage and inflict room trauma onto nearby enemies her second skill defense mechanism significantly increases defense there's a chance of inflicting room trauma to enemies upon attack her third skill decompos poison throws toxins to form toxic swamp enemies inflict ined with Venom soaked leave toxic Footprints as they move and enemies that touch that toxic footprint also become inflicted with poison her for skill Venom and baptism changes current firearm to Venom baptism enemies hit with those bullets are inflicted with room trauma and her passive skill contagion links increases toxic skill Power by the number of nearby enemies inflicted with poison from fra skill our last ascendant jabber is known as the combat medic his first skill assault turret summons an assault turret to attack the enemy if enhan it launches attacks into nearby areas his second skill medical turret summons a medical turret to heal allies and distract enemies if enhanced it restores Mana his third skill multi-purpose gun changes gun to multi-purpose gun if hit by a multi-purpose gun turrets enter an enhanced State his four skill reactive recalls all summon turrets and inflicts a powerful damage to nearby enemies after using Total Recall you enter overhaul state where turrets are summoned in their enhanced States and his passive skill turret sink attack increases when assault turret and medical turret are both summoned [Music]
Channel: NothingButSkillz
Views: 20,977
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the first descendant, 3rd person games, looter shooter, best 3rd person games, new looter shooters, new mmo, new rpg, co op games, free to play game, FTP, NEW LOOTER SHOOTER, NEW 3RD PERSON SHOOTERS, new looter shooter, best rpgmmo, best role playing games, new free to play games, new video games, ne pc games, xbox, playstation, pc gaming
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 06 2024
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