This Knife Sharpener Just Blew My Mind

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welcome back friends to the shop representing the Midwest today my friend Ken sent me this awesome hat no coast love that so there's been some confusion as of late as to who is an East Coast man where do you have to live to follow into that unfortunately to fall into that category what's simple it's my channel I make the rules and I say that if you're east of the mason-dixon line your East Coast guy unless you're Florida now Florida has got its own has completely own set of crazy we can get into that in another time but that is the criteria for East Coast guy check it out leave it to Ken to come up with another interesting video idea I have a little pile of stuff that he sent over the last couple weeks I've got a week's or the video content just covering these interesting things so I got to start with this right here ken also sent and health sherry thank you with a very nice letter this is the little knife this is a here let's get it out here on its own this is the gerber pixie this is the the exact knife that I lost hunting with my granddad I had a two scabbard remember the old Gerber the two scabbard knife sheath with the a 400 and the little pixie nightline granddad had the same one and he found one and sent it to me and it says right on there gerber pixie and this is the old one before the armorhide which is really really cool so that thank you very much we might even try try to put an edge on that today I'm very happy to have that back all right I can sense something that's very interesting now of course I think just like trying to build a better mousetrap as as the same number of resources and effort there's been put towards that has been put towards finding a simple way to put an edge on a knife right and how many different ideas I mean just on this channel alone we've got probably covered half a dozen or so in the last year this to me is be interesting so here's what I would like here what would make the perfect knife sharpener the perfect knife sharpener for me would be this I'm working in the shop I'm trying to cut some paper with my pocket knife and it's dull and and I just I don't have time I don't I just want it to be sharp right is there something that I can like take a step over in 10 15 seconds running running it through a machine or go through a process where I can have the knife sharp immediately without dragging a bunch of stuff out in power cords and all you know you know what I'm saying right it's just it's always an event and I mean how when's the last time you sharpened your wife's kitchen knives I mean good grief I mean I'm guilty of that I've got every knife sharpener known to man and still Mrs W has to remind me because it's a process right it's just it's not set up and it's just not handy well I don't know if it's gonna change today but this is very interesting this is a this is a something I've never seen before razor sharp edge making system and it's just a very simple couple of wheels that mount onto a six-inch bench grinder so let's binge bait excuse me that's so used to cure it I don't I know I know the heresy I don't carry the 940 anymore I have found what am I risk Reiber said that the paramilitary is it the 2 or the 3 whatever it is it's excellent it's my new EDC knife it gives me the fizz all right so what do we have here it says they're in big bold letters read the instructions so it's like MDF it looks this looks like paper so we're gonna have to really read the instructions how about we just kind of muddle through it I mean we have a course so this is let's see warning never cut okay yeah got it cut against it don't cut it into it that's pretty obvious so these are 2 wheels this I mean this this looks like MDF medium density fiberboard this is the stuff when you go to Home Depot and you want to buy real wood then you check out the price and you go home with this stuff because it's so much cheaper it's basically like a paper that's pressed together to make a hard substance works fine until it gets wet that does not like that so apparently you mount this thing on your grinder and this is gonna replace all sharpening systems outer drive will it's California I don't know so I'm not going to get bogged down with the instructions here I don't have the attention span for it but essentially what it looks like is don't cut this way it just so happens I have a underutilized grinder here I've put my have these polishing these cut and polishing compounds on our wheels on here this one's all burnt I cut it on fire one time then I don't use that often to be honest so if we could find I was actually what I was going to do was I was gonna put a scotch brite pad on here just for buffing and polishing so never find that there certainly are a lot of instructions in that booklet very small print I'm starting to get excited if this works how cool would that be to have something on your bench it's mounted on all the time ready to go that you can just turn on and just touch it and make your knife sharp they did go on a bit about the balancing and the instructions and this is not super balanced and they said if you run into this it could be if you're seated did you know you're seated well that your washers those crush washer deals there may be bent a little bit that's probably the case but we're gonna go with it I think I mean I don't I don't know if we can get much better than that they've included three different compounds here there's this yellow one here that is well it's like a hard wax there like a ski wax there's a 180 grit silica carbide which is for resurfacing the grinding stone apparently I don't know how you would get that into the MDF I guess we'll read on and then jewellers Rouge which is for the slotted MDF no I can't be bothered with this the instructions but the very small print said put some wax on here not too much wax it's so hard I mean how do I even get it out of there I'm gonna take it out of the cup that's probably those cups are for ketchup not for wax here it said don't completely cover it but it should just be streaky so I'm kind of alternating back and forth here the recommended RPMs on that was 3000 that was the ideal this is 3600 I think it's within spec that's close enough what knife should we test this on first my faith is so strong I'm gonna go with my favorite so I don't I was just noticing the other day that this is just about neat in need of some sharpening we can see here this is a standard piece of printer paper I can't get a I've used this really heavy on a push cut it's not really working very well but let's take it one step further a file will pull it across here once oh man that's hard that's hard to take would it do help it well it did not help it okay so this is the rotation here so we want to go opposite it right that seems awkward that's an awkward position not necessarily I guess I'll get used to it I was wondering maybe turning the grinder around but that would put the switch on the other side I guess I wonder if you could separate it from the base it would I would prefer it to rotate this way actually this way I could go like this that's maybe what we'll have to do that's gonna be way more natural but we'll plug it in I got to get some more plugs in that wall oh that's what series good as a side note make sure you put your safety glasses on when using this if you're an East Coast guy you can just stand behind your fat wife let's say it's got to go this way right this is very awkward this is a very coarse - I mean not having a bench a little anything to stabilize it so it feels very feels very coarse okay I got a little wire on there [Music] I don't know if this is for beginners here okay well that did very quickly I mean that's course that's 180 grit that did establish that grind on there let's [Music] that's noisy I guess this way we don't need to go any further than that I can see that I established that grind on there for the slotted wheel that gave us this jewelers Rouge it's got the kind of the radius and then they said just start it and just touch it [Music] [Applause] okay but this seems so awkward to me you know what guys in all fairness I'm not really giving it a chance I got tripods and light stands and all the stuff around here and I'm trying to work let's just do it let's let's go real world here right so you've got it on your bench right let's take a knife I'm gonna run it across the file here right there obviously you heard it it's not gonna not gonna cut very good how does it work if you're just for the quick and dirty you got it on your bench you got it all set up you want to sharpen your knife really quick how long does it take let's see alright come over here to the course I'm gonna put a wire on it look him over to the slotted one and I'll do three passes two more I'm not really sure what the angle is I'm just kind of guessing what seems right and to be honest with you if a knife sharpener is gonna take ittake much more effort than that then I'd really don't want to monkey with it because I can have the the what's the origin what's the other one we did the little one the one we did for the giveaway that one set up on your bench is that that's about the same time it takes let's see how sharp we got it where's a paper at I can't start the stop the camera will get accused of impropriety 'he's alright you saw it i pulled it across the vise it wouldn't cut pretty good yeah it's sharp let's try shaving tester let's get you up close here will it shave oh man that is absolutely sharp look at that that is unbelievably sharp unbelievably sharp with a little bit of effort so when you probably want to revisit this I didn't have a lot of time I got to take Jack to his cross-country practice but I wanted to try it out really quick but what happened what did we do I pulled the knife across hard across the file took the edge off of it and in four passes I did get one pass on the stone and then three passes each side on the slotted disk and well you saw how it shaved I mean it's rare I know it keeps saying this that this is the sharpest I've ever got a knife but here I didn't even know the angles I wasn't really sure what I was at and I'm in kind of a hurry up I took my thing over to the bench grinder and voila I've got a sharp knife and I know guys are gonna know what about the angles and this and all you know I just don't care about the angles you guys some of you guys went went overboard with the Russian knife sharpener about how when you got to the extreme edge and you were doing math and all this stuff I mean I just could not care less about that I'm not that guy I don't have that engineering mind what I want is I want something that works I want something that I don't have to waste a bunch of time on or read an encyclopaedia to learn not a lot of setup if you can take those wheels and you can bolt them on to a Harbor Freight buffing wheel so what are you gonna have what's this thing cost 60 I think 60 bucks 65 bucks for the wheels buy yourself a $30 Harbor Freight 6-inch grinder bolted on or clamp it onto your bench and what are you sharpening with this you're sharpening everything am i sharpening axes with this most likely because here's the reality of it is is it's set up it's plugged in right there's no I'm not taking stuff out of boxes I'm not messing around when I think about it I can take two steps over to the edge of the shop I get to the bench I can sharpen it I can move on and don't have to worry about it so I mean and that's coming from a guy that's never used it before that doesn't have a clue so yeah once I kind of got my all myself a little bit of room and stop whinging about all the tripods it actually worked pretty good but that's impressive I think we should revisit that what would you like to see try to sharpen on that what would be the ultimate test maybe it will touch upon that again but I'm I'm pretty impressed how well is it going to hold up being paper in a damp shop not so good probably I probably have to relocate it over to the wood bed or the wood the woodworking shop that I keep heated because it gets this is a pole barn and it essentially rains in here sometimes when the humidity is high so yeah it's pretty good very interesting thank you Ken that's a fascinating thing I think Ken sent that I'm pretty sure if it wasn't you can I if Ken didn't send it someone else didn't let me know and give credit where credit's due but I think Ken probably did send that so amazing I'm a fan I just don't know about its durability and longevity being made out of MDF but I guess if it's in a dry area that'll be good so thanks for watching keep us in your prayers may God bless you and your families and we'll see you guys on the next video
Channel: Wranglerstar
Views: 746,175
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wranglerstar, youtube, knife sharpening, knife sharpener, sharp knife, how to sharpen a knife, how to, knife sharpening system, sharpening a knife, sharpening stone, how to sharpen, sharpen knife, how to sharpen knives, how to sharpen knife, sharpening stones, knife sharpening easy, knife sharpening stone, sharpening knives, chef knives, best knife sharpener, knife sharpening jig, knife sharpening machine, knife sharpening for beginners, knife sharpener review
Id: gK9B1_NXujs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 24sec (924 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 24 2019
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