Which D&D Archdevil Is the Most Satanic?

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[Music] in Dungeons and Dragons the arch devils are the rulers of the nine Hells of beor each controlling one of the nine layers there are also Arch Devils who have lost their positions and are still out there plotting and scheming and other Arch Devils who have these miscellaneous roles of authority just not quite the rulers of their respective Plains so Arch Devils they're the most powerful of the devils and DND D which are lawful evil fi they embody corruption domination manipulation Sinister Bargains conquest and tyranny the nine Hells and the arch Devils draw heavily from Dante's Inferno and from judeo-christian lore in general some aspects of the D and content are close to these original sources of inspiration and other aspects have been reimagined quite a bit this makes me curious to see which Arch devil is the most like the figure of Satan I suppose this also means we're searching for the most evil of arch Devils before we proceed I should make an important point of distinction between Dungeons and Dragons and real world theology or religious traditions in DND D good evil law chaos these are all independent forces good has its power evil has its power law has its power chaos has its power there are certain moments in which they can cross over a bit or have a bit of nuance or balanc together in a way to form a sort of neutrality but in their Essences good evil law chaos they are independent of each other they are their own powers their own forces they're all part of this big Cosmic play or Cosmic struggle not only are they independent forces but they are more or less equal in power now I think you could make a pretty good argument that good does tend to Prevail more than evil but that's really going to depend upon the setting in which you're playing like in Raven loft or in Dark Sun evil seems to have the upper hand this D and D cosmology is somewhat similar to Zoroastrianism it also reminds us of the elri novel series by Michael morock it also can remind us of Star Wars that has the dark side and the light side of the force it also has some similarities with dosm and with ancient polytheistic pantheons though those are usually a bit more nuanced the point is that the D and D cosmology is actually quite different than a Christian one in Christian belief there is no independent evil power there's no other power that is separate from God or beyond God God evil really is not a power unto itself but rather a Corruption of the good or a Corruption of the natural so what sorts of evil traits does the figure of Satan embody well there's a lot that could be said here but I'm going to focus on three big ones Pride Temptation and despair so what do these mean exactly pride is the cardinal sin it is the root sin or the root evil from which all other sins or all other evils come now this is not the root of all tragedies or the root of all misfortunes it's the root of all evil acts the corrupt intellect says I can do anything that I want I can shape reality according to my will in my whim now this does not mean pride in the sense of being proud of a genuine accomplishment if someone that you know or you yourself works hard and accomplishes something good then naturally you are going to feel a sense of pride in the sense of you're proud of that or you want to celebrate that good thing this is pride in the sense of self-absorption the refusal of humility this kind of rejection that there is anything greater Beyond one's own self Temptation in the satanic sense means alluring or enticing people into committing evil Acts or to distract them lead them away from that which is virtuous evil Acts cause un just suffering or harm abuse murder robbery vandalism lies betrayals and so forth harm done to people that do not deserve it Temptation thus takes something that is wrong or harmful and makes it appear attractive it makes it look like an alluring thing or maybe even an apparent good thing it provides this kind of short-term reward this short-term pleasure or a short-term escape from pain but there's a drawback because in the long term there are consequences that are far worse and often those long-term consequences are hidden they're concealed whenever the Temptation is being presented despair in the satanic sense is causing others to lose hope an overwhelming weakness and helplessness this sort of Eternal darkness that has no promise of of a dawn this Bleak unending gray that snuffs out all chance for Living Color to return you've already acted out of Pride and done evil you've already given in to Temptation so oh well this is just your life now you might as well give up there's no way out of this this is just your new reality this is your prison just keep wallowing around in the muck there's no way out of this hell so these are the satanic traits that we we are looking for as we go through the arch Devils Pride to control reality itself temptation to lead others into hell and despair to keep them trapped there without hope we'll go through the arch Devils according to the nine layers of the hells of beor according to the fifth edition lore we'll see what we can find out we start with zariel she is at the first layer known as aerus her role is the ruler of aerus and the leader of infernal armies her appearance is that of a fallen angel with a Fierce and warlike demeanor her personality is aggressive militant and ruthless zerel is dedicated to the Art of War and Conquest her motivations are to lead the infernal armies in the blood war against demons and to prove her strength and Leadership she's associated with evil Fighters and evil paladins zariel was once an angel but she fell due to her obsession with the blood War and her desire to actively participate in battle she was installed as the overseer of verus by asmodus himself the ruler of all the nine Hills she leads with a fiery temperament iron discipline zealous tactics and a preference for aggressive recruitment of mortal Souls aerus is nowadays a ruined Wasteland and it's under her control there are citadels dotting the landscape maned by her forces that are in Perpetual conflict against the invading Demons of the Abyss next is diser at the second layer known as dis he is the ruler of dis also known as the city of iron his appearance is a tall iron skinned Devil with a calculating expression his personality is paranoid cunning and extremely cautious desper is a master of defense and fortification his motivations are to protect his domain from any threat and to solidify his position through alliances and fortifications he is associated with information Brokers conspirators usurpers and spies deser is the Lord of this hellish city of D and he operates as the nine hell's primary arms dealer he oversees massive operations of mining smelting churning out weapons and armor that are used to combat the Abyssal threat he has deep paranoia it leads him to live a reclusive life in his iron Palace filled with libraries surrounded by spies and informants and in order to further ensure his own safety he crafts impenetrable adamantine armor Mamon is who we find at the third layer known as manaros he is the ruler of manaros a swampy realm of avarice and greed his appearance is a serpentine Devil with a greedy gluttonous appearance his personality is greedy unscrupulous and manipulative Mamon is obsessed with wealth and material gain his motivations are to accumulate as much wealth as possible and to increase his power through bribery and Corruption he's associated with misers and Wealthy hoarders Mamon is a ruthless Merchant and he is a miser to the fullest and most awful sense of the word he oversees the soul trade in what's known as a sinking City whenever a mortal dies and goes to hell they first emerge out of the river sticks as a lamure this pitiful weak kind of devil larvae if the Mortal was associated with any particular Arch devil then that Arch devil gets claimed to that Soul if the Mortal was not associated with any particular Arch devil then Mamon is probably the one who is going to grab up that Soul so in other words he appropriates excess lemures for profit and he maintains the sole marketplace with the minimal amount of expenditure possible so this leads to manaros and the sinking City being a feted wretched domain that is characterized by the cheapest construction possible the flimsiest materials the poorest of upkeeps maman's obsession with wealth and efficiency drives him to seek profits in every single transaction that he's involved with it makes makes him a dangerous entity to bargain with and those who waste his time will always face his awful wrath bile and ferna are next they're both together in the fourth layer known as fleos they're the co-rulers of fleos a realm of fire and passion bile is a handsome devil with a Charming demeanor while fera is seductive and dangerously beautiful B's personality is manipulative and Suave while ferna is passionate and sometimes unpredictable their motivations are to maintain their grip on Power and to manipulate each other and their rivals in order to stay on top they're associated with charlatans seducers and demagogues Fiera and bile share a unique rulership over fleos this is the only layer that has a twin or a dual ruler and it's marked by this mix of rivalry and collaboration and this is all under Mod's allowance fiera's Charisma and manipulative skills contrast with B's administrative Acumen it creates a dynamic partnership overseeing this realm of fiery Delights and judicial proceedings the realm serves as the center of the nin hell's legal system resolving disputes and administering promotions or demotions through fiery rituals fear's direct involvement in the soul trade involves emotional manip ulation and the Gathering of intelligence she wields power and influence over Mortals that are seeking positions of power or status next we come to levistus and he's found at the fifth layer known as Stiga he rules there and this is basically a frozen Wasteland there's a frozen ocean and there are massive icebergs it's actually quite unlike the other layers of Hell List's appearance is also quite unique he's trapped in a block of ice within there he appears as this tall Regal figure with a cold calculating expression his personality is cunning vengeful and patient listus is known for his elaborate plans and his ruthless nature his motivations are to free himself from his icy prison and exact Revenge upon his enemies but until such time he devotes himself to corrupting Mortals in the world just constantly he's associated with people who are in desperate hopeless situations listus is the Lord of Stiga curiously as I mentioned he's trapped within a massive Iceberg this is a punishment from asmodus for some unknown offense levistus contacts Mortals who are in Desperate situations who are in Dire Straits he exploits their circumstances offering an escape from their plight in exchange for their souls that's a terrible bargain in the long run but there are no shortage of food fools who take it listus has an ongoing rivalry with the former ruler of Stiga known as gion this layer of Hell really is unlike the others it's not constructed it's not developed in any way it's a battle torn icy Wilderness there are devils mercenaries can be found there you can even find monsters and massive beasts and they're all engaged in these constant skirmishes despite his imprisonment listus manages to excel in fulfilling his quota of souls all the arch Devils have quotas of souls except asmodus who's administrating the whole thing so listus excels beyond all of them because he's just in this ice he's focusing his full attention on such matters while gion on the other hand is out there scheming to supplant him and fighting and battling in a physical sense but at the moment gon is not able to directly affect listus due to this iceberg that he's sealed inside of before we plunge deeper into this tour of the layers of hell I have an exciting announcement my 5e book monstrous Heroes is about to launch the pdf version will be out here in just a week or two and the hard cover version will come in just a couple months after that have you ever wanted to play a character who was fully a monster not just a humanoid with a little bit of monstrous ancestry have you ever wanted to explore the more monstrous side of the game while still using the familiar structure of a player character in D and D or are you a GM who wants options for advancing basic monsters into more Dynamic enemies and NPCs this incredible toome features 17 full race Plus classes monster classes fiends celestials ogres vampires hags constructs aberration Fay all the creature types are in there as well as backgrounds Feats spells magic items a section of NPCs and a bunch of World building settings and campaign plots that help connect these monstrous characters to your adventures check out the link down in the video description to get your copy on order proceeding down down we come to glasa on the sixth layer known as malbolge her role is the ruler of malbolge and she is the daughter of asmodus her appearance is a stunningly beautiful Devil with an air of Regal Authority her personality is ambitious cunning and manipulative she's known for her rebellious streak and her cunning plots her motivations are to prove herself as a powerful ruler and to expand her influence in the nine Hells she is associated with thieves masterminds and corrupt Nobles glah is the rebellious daughter of asmodus she governs malbolge and this is the prison layer of the nine Hells lawbreaking devils are sent here and there are also other captors that are imprisoned here facing torments facing tortures despite her status as Warden and also as a notorious criminal glah maintains a position of Power by always avoiding conviction she always slips out of everyone's grasp she established the hell first organized crime syndicate she manipulates legal loopholes she's even made counterfeit currency to profit from the soul trade asmodus has disciplined glah many times in particular by making her an archdevil and limiting her influence to entice Souls through contracts and legalities he basically wants to ensure that her Ambitions remain in check by giving her the responsibilities of running the prison layer of hell next is Bible in the seventh layer called Maldini so he rules here in Maldini this is a place of Decay and ruin Bible's appearance has changed quite a bit over time once upon a time he was very handsome now he is a slug-like creature with a grotesque Visage due to a curse his personality is deceitful paranoid and treacherous Bible is is known for his duplicity and his endless schemes his motivations are to regain his former Beauty and to increase his power and influence within the nine Hells he is associated with people who have failed and seek redemption or seek a comeback he also is associated with corrupt influencers in the layered bureaucracy of the nine Hells Bol once wielded immense power over both Maldini and malbolge until his ambition led him to conspire against asmodus despite his treachery being uncovered asmodus still saw value in Bow's intellect and his manipulative skills so he assigned him to oversee the hell's bureaucracy on Malini as a punishment for his deceit bowal was transformed into a awful slug-like creature nevertheless he continues to focus on Gathering Souls from the material plane exploiting the desperation of Mortals who are seeking redemption or seeking Revenge while at the same time he embeds Insidious Clauses into the contracts that he gives these mortals and that often leads to their downfall on the eighth layer of cania we find mephistophiles so he rules here in Kenia this is a realm of Eternal ice his appearance is a tall figure with a hyper devilish appearance often with some Arcane Implement in hand his personality is ambitious arrogant and immensely intelligent mephistophiles is a master of Arcane magic always seeking greater power his motivations are to overthrow asmodus and become the ruler of the nine Hells he's associated with evil Mages mephistophiles rules over the frigid realm of cania where he conducts Arcane experiments from his icy Citadel mear and it's guarded by these punishing broal storms his obsession with research and his disdain for distractions make him a formidable but reclusive figure to a degree he's also known for disintegrating minions for just the slightest of transgressions despite his focus on experimentation mephistophiles also specializes in luring skilled Wizards and sages into contracts with the nine Hells harvesting their souls for his studies while maintaining strict control over his minions through cleverly worded contracts throughout Kenia scattered libraries and repositories of Arcane knowledge serve as Testaments to mephisto's insatiable thirst for understanding while long isolated citadels house sages who are patiently awaiting his attention to share their discoveries now we come to asmodus at the final and Ninth layer of hell nessus he is the supreme ruler of the nine hells and the most powerful of all archdevils his appearance is a tall handsome humanoid with red skin horns and wings his personality is cunning carismatic and Incredibly intelligent as modus is a master manipulator and politician always scheming to expand his influence and his power his motivations are to gain ultimate control over the cosmos to manipulate Mortals and deities alike to achieve his goals he's associated with evil cultists asmodus is The Mastermind ruler of the nine Hells long ago he cunningly orchestrated a trial before Primus the leader of the modrin and the ruler of the Clockwork Nirvana of mcis this is the most lawful plane in all of D and D as modus defended himself against accusations by Mount Celestia's Angels he justified his manipulation of Mortals as NE necessary for maintaining order and for battling the chaotic evil onslaught of demons that threaten to destroy all the plains despite many angels testimonies against asmodus which detailed his endless sins Primus refrained from issuing any definitive judgment instead Primus mandated that asmodus had to carry the Ruby Rod an artifact that ensures adherence to law asmodeus's ultimate ambition is to rule the cosmos we could probably say the same thing for most of the other Arch Devils but he's the farthest along that path he views himself as the only entity capable of creating a utopian future free from chaos and free from demonic influence H yeah I'm sure that Utopia would work out just fine in addition to these main infernal rulers there are a few other miscellaneous Arch Devils that we can find information on in 5e there's gion who is on the fifth layer of Stiga his role is the former ruler of Stiga but he's now a deposed Arch devil his appearance is very striking Very Metal He's a monstrous giant with a humanoid-like upper body a serpent lower body a scorpion stinger and bat-like wings his personality is deceptive ambitious and violent gion is known for his cunning and his treachery as well as his love for physical combat his motivations are to reclaim his lost power and to exact vengeance upon those who deposed him he's associated with brutes and evil Warriors gion engages in an enduring power struggle with levistus over control of Stiga with neither of them able to permanently secure dominance there now as we know levistus is currently imprisoned in ice and he's also protected by that ice but gion keeps trying he's so ferocious he has such marshal prowess that he just remains locked in this battle for Supremacy also remember that on Stiga there are other creatures and other Devils and mercenaries there so he's always fighting with them too his focus on combat does ultimately hinder his ability to establish a stable hierarchy it leads observers to speculate that maybe asmodus is orchestrating this conflict to test and maybe even replace both levistus and gion with a more capable ruler back on the first layer of vernus we find Bale his role as a powerful Duke of Hell He commands Legions in the blood War his appearance as a massive bullheaded Devil with bronze-colored hide and immense strength and ferocity his personality is brutal aggressive and fiercely loyal to asmodus Bale is known for his Marshall prowess and his Battlefield tactics his motivations are to prove himself in battle and to earn earn even greater favor from asmodus he's associated with evil soldiers cunning courtiers and politicians Duke bale as he's called also known as the bronze General has risen in prominence in the nine Hells for his tactical Brilliance and his leadership on the battlefield it's earned him quite a bit of a claim from his Masters despite his military prowess Bale struggles with infernal politics he often finds his Ambitions hindered by more more politically Savvy Rivals that's why he's associated with courtiers and politicians because he seeks to Ally with them to shore up his weak area he recruits Mortals into his service sparing their lives in exchange for their souls and their allegiance he also cultivates a small following of very devoted very passionate cult followers they rever him so much that they even refer to him as the king of Hell next we have huten he's found on the eighth layer of Kenia his role is a cunning General in the infernal armies serving under mephistophiles his appearance is a shrewd pit fiend with a knack for strategy and deception his personality is clever opportunistic and resourceful huten excels in orchestrating ambushes and surprise attacks his motivations are to rise to the ranks of Hell's hierarchy and secure a position of power for himself he's Associated most with pit fiends so mephistophiles is the RO rer of cania and hudin is one of the Dukes there he's feared and respected quite a bit particularly because He commands a force of pit fiends one of the strongest kinds of devils he ensures security for mephistophiles and he suppresses any potential Challengers despite his power and his ability to challenge Kia's Lord huden remains fiercely loyal to mephistophiles it's been suggested that mephistophiles maintain some kind of magical domination over huden he's quite obsc sker outside the nine Hells but inside he's very well known in fact he's quite well known for his hatred of Mortals in anyone who dares summon him will be dealt with swiftly and viciously next we have malok who previously dwelt on the sixth layer of Hell malbolge his role is the former ruler of malbolge now a deposed Arch devil his appearance as a hulking monstrous Devil with a lightning and used whip his personality is tyrannical brutal and oppressive Malik ruled malbolge with an iron fist before being overthrone his motivations are to reclaim his lost throne and to assert his dominance over his Rivals he's associated with risk-takers and those of extreme ambition malok was once an esteemed ruler of malul in the nine Hells but he fell from so-called Grace after being corrupted by his advisor the nigh hag malard this lead to a failed attempt on his part to overthrow asmodus yeah generally not a good idea he got stripped of his power and relegated to the form of an imp he managed to escape and to eventually reconstitute his proper form but anytime he comes back to the nine Hells he gets relegated to the form of an imp so he's Desperately Seeking to regain his former status always scheming always trying to make alliances usually he resides in sigil the city of gates between the plains he often will bargain with yugoloths for Aid despite his diminished State remnants of his influence linger in deep dungeons in the world where Idols dedicated to him continue to attract worshippers and treasure hunters in fact an idol of Mok is that statue we see on the cover of that first players handbook that ad and D players handbook from 1978 now we come to titivilus who is found on the second layer of Hell disc his role is a devious Arch devil known for his skill in deception and manipulation his appearance is a Sly and cunning Devil with Darkly Exquisite clothing a Charming demeanor and an air of sophistication his personality is deceptive manipulative and persuasive titivilus excels in sewing Discord and spreading lies his motivations are to undermine the plans of his Rivals and to increase his influence within the nine Hells he's associated with cunning politicians and eager adventurers titivilus is the cunning adviser to desper the ruler of D titivilus has risen through the ranks of the infernal hierarchy by manipulating situations to his own advantage Vantage he lacks the physical strength that most of the other Arch Devils possess but he compensates for this with masterful negotiation skills and the ability to manipulate those around him he's actually managed to gain quite a bit of this Spader's trust and so titivilus now wields significant power in dis he can even represent desp or speak on his behalf because of this titivilus is now going about orchestrating schemes that will not only maintain his position but he so recruits others recruits Outsiders to come in and Carry Out tasks that will further bolster and promote his influence so there is some degree of Satan in all of these Arch Devils but clearly more in some of them than in others so we can start eliminating some right away zariel and Bale are more like evil military generals like dark epic soldiers so we can cut them out we could cut out gion along with them as well he's sort of in that same camp as he's more of a brute evil monstrosity than anything else deser is a paranoid recluse so he's not the most satanic huachin is a vicious pit fiend but also he does accept his place underneath mephistophiles and asmodus and he's extremely loyal so I wouldn't go with him either bile and Fiera are more about the politics and administration and scheming within the nine Hells itself glossa is really really rotten but she's sort of a cross between a rebellious teenage daughter a Dominatrix and a Crime Boss so I can't really consider her the most satanic Mamon is also super rotten but really the vice or the sin that defines him the most is greed malok is a betrayer a wouldbe usurper and a treacherous Tyrant so he gets pretty close but not close enough plus he's been defeated and thwarted and exiled for a very long time titivilus also comes sort of close but he is more caught up in the scheming within the nine Hells than anything else so this leaves us with levistus balol mephistophiles and asmodus as the top contenders this is a tough choice levistus is trapped in ice which reminds us of the portrayal of Satan in Dante's Inferno he is condemned and punished stuck within a frozen realm of denial and arrogant Pride he also fits the roles of Despair monger and tempter as he devotes more time and attention than any other Arch devil to contacting people who are in dire crisis or doomed situations it's hopeless there's no way out of this but I can offer you a way out this existential exploitation is just so nefarious Bible also goes about leading souls to damnation in a similar way he contacts those who have failed at their Endeavors or who are in lowly situations maybe it's through their own faults or maybe they are actually victims of some kind he exploits the bitterness and the resentment that one can feel while in such a position and he influences them with Promises of power or tantalizing Bargains mephistophiles is also maavan in this way offering the Allure of arcane power and valuable knowledge he strikes the notes of Temptation and pride all the way though I've never known him to be the worst of the despair mongers then asmodus the ruler of the nine Hells the most prideful of all the Devils even going so far as to have Deus or God in his very name he is the prince of sin and his schemes are unending the many temptations that he presents are rotten at their core but again he has never come across as the worst when it comes to Bringing on Despair and we have seen time and time again throughout the additions that there is a strong argument to be made that asmodus does fill a kind of helpful role in the bigger picture in that the forces of his diabolic realm keep the demons in check which are generally regarded as the worst of all the fiends as they want to annihilate all of existence whereas the Devils want societies they want the planes to keep on existing albeit so that they can keep spreading their malicious influence but there's this sort of relationship that the Devils have to the other beings in the cosmos they're part of the drama of it all they contribute to the story and their own nasty way the demons on the other hand want the story to end they want all of reality to be obliterated and swallowed by the abyss H this is a very tricky one it might be helpful to rank the arch Devils by the three main satanic traits that I've outlined so if we look at Pride I'm going to go with asmodus then mephistophiles then listus then Bible at the bottom asmodeus's position as the ruler of the nine Hells and his desire for absolute power confirms his immense pride and arrogance mephistophiles is a very close second and he would be just like asmodus if only he could pull off a takeover levistus is third maintaining a prideful and even Regal pose even while trapped in ice Bible is last having been brought down a peg due to his wretched curse then onto Temptation I'm going to go with Bible then levistus then asmodus then mephistophiles temptation is an extreme ex L close call among all four of these Bible is considered the epitome of manipulation deception and enticement he's like the epitome of fian Bargains and the arch devil who does the most tempting of Mortals listus comes in a close second he to devotes most of his time to tempting Mortals and working toward the harvesting of souls after all being sealed in an iceberg doesn't give him much of an opportunity to do much else asmodus and mephistophiles are also major tempters but they're also caught up in so much other work they have so many other kinds of things that they do all these other duties and responsibilities and plots and activities then on the despair point I'm putting listus first then Bible then asmodus then mephistophiles listus is like the king of despair when it comes to Arch Devils more than any other he prays upon people in the most dismal and hopeless of situations making them forget that there is always the chance to turn to the good there is always hope for those who believe like Darth Vader turning back to the light side at the very end of the original Star Wars Trilogy or the one Thief who's crucified alongside Jesus who genuinely admitted that he had done wrong and called out to Christ in Faith and Hope and was saved spiritually there at the last moment bable isn't too far behind just to a somewhat lesser degree as modus and mephistophiles of course spread despair as well and exploit people whenever they want to but they just don't take it as far asmodus seems like the obvious choice for the most satanic but there's something that just doesn't fully convince me the fact that he does have a somewhat decent argument for a sort of Greater preservation of life and order the fact that he so adamantly fights against demons just doesn't fully feel like the figure of Satan if I score these four Arch Devils based off those rankings I just did of Pride Temptation and despair we get listus just barely at the top with nine points as modus and bable tied for a close second at eight points each and mephistophiles clearly last with five points I knew there was something to that dantean imagery of the devil King trapped in ice while you could argue the winner should be asmodus or maybe bow and I think that is a pretty solid argument I'm going with listus The Condemned one the Frozen one the one who spends all his time influencing Mortals not just to sin but to give up all hope and all faith well this was a very dark subject but I hope that in facing it we are now better equipped to handle such harsh realities and I can personally attest as someone who has struggled in the past with severe depression and hellish anxiety just how grim and Bleak and dead inside you can feel the world seems gray and meaningless seems gray and meaningless it seems like the Future Has no promise of any ray of light but I can tell you that this despair really is nothing more than a distortion of the truth the truth is that there is hope all you have to do is choose it seek it take one small step at a time you can seek it out through traditional religion or through a loving relationship or through creative Endeavors such as role playing games or music or writing I promise you it's not worth giving up the world and all of us in it would be worse off if we were deprived of your potential goodness there is a light that shines beyond the darkest of clouds a dawn after the most horrible of nights in fact the very name that I go by esper comes from the Spanish and Portuguese esperar or esperansa hope thank you all for watching and a very special and big thank you to everyone who supports me over on patreon in particular Lucas mesmo Adam wood Nick thy pirate king Jered primont lock Nicholas a Technicolor Shale and Robert brini much appreciation to you guys and if you yourself are interested in supporting my channel and getting some great exclusive rewards every month check out the link to my patreon down in the video description and don't forget to check out the link to monstrous Heroes it is getting so close to launching I can hear them pounding down the gates until we meet again my Brave companions keep your sight set on the radiant Dawn of Hope as always may your adventures be many [Music]
Channel: Esper the Bard
Views: 16,037
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: d&d, dungeons & dragons, dungeons and dragons, dnd, 5e, 4e, 3e, artwork, illustration, art, player’s handbook, players handbook, dmg, monster manual, gm, dm, dark fantasy, evil, analysis, ranking, monsters, devils, archdevils, demons, review, breakdown, fiends, hell, nine hells, asmodeus, levistus, glasya, zariel, avernus, blood war, most evil devil, most evil demon, in dnd, pit fiend, who is the most evil archdevil, dnd archdevils, dnd 9 hells, satanic dnd, satan in dnd, lawful evil, moloch, fierna
Id: VdSca-bXy6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 33sec (2493 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2024
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