What They Don't Tell You About Venger - The Force of Evil - D&D

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so as we all know Wizards of the Coast is relaunching fifth edition Dungeons and Dragons later this year a 5.5 edition if you will they are rebalancing classes working out some of the Kinks of the Edition and overall remaking all of the core books alongside making entirely new art for them I mentioned this because an interesting character made an appearance in what is to be the new cover for the 2024 dungeon Masters Guide now of course uh for the last cover of the dungeon Master's guide we had a serak one of the most famous and Powerful liches in the history of Dungeons and Dragons so uh who is it then that would stand toe-to-toe against the serak as the new face for the dungeon Master's guide who is this guy it's funny because uh depending on who you ask this might be one of the most well-known villains in Dungeons and Dragons history or you might have never heard of them really it is a coin toss and it's funny because even the most most hardcore DND fan might not even recognize him but if their parents watch cartoons back in the80s it's likely that they would remember him on sight this here is venger the force of evil see dunge and Dragons made a cartoon back in 1983 called well Dungeons and Dragons that ran for three seasons with about 27 episodes in this show a group of kids find themselves on ironically iseki into a world called the r realm the premise of the show is that the kids want to find their way back home and so a powerful almost Godlike entity called the dungeon master grants each of the children a legendary weapon and then tries to guide them as they attempt to return back to their world venger is the villain of the show who needs the legendary weapons in order to accomplish his evil plans and so he hunts the children and attempts to stop them from leaving now even though the show was largely targeted for teen teers the lore in the world is actually fascinating and there are very serious themes at play throughout the series moreover it appears that wizards of the co is intending to bring back venger in some capacity so it behooves us then to cover him so let's go ahead and cover one of the most powerful villains in the history of dunon dragons but first if you're going to be playing dunon Dragons all day every day you're going to need to figure out a meal plan but if you're not no need to cook anymore when you got fat to take care of that for you factor delivers to you delicious ready to eat meals these are fresh never frozen meals delivered right to your home ready to eat in Just 2 minutes they have rotating weekly menus with dozens of meals to choose from and you can very easily filter them based on your needs they got keto stuff vegetarian meals protein heavy I mean you name it they got it no need to be going to the grocery stores anymore or doing all of that prepping and planning cooking your own food who's got time for that open the package heat it up and it's done got cravings for more than just meals Factory has breakfasts 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the left side of his head unfortunately however venger has never been canonically seen without his red and black costume meaning that we don't really know how he looks like inside now why does that matter well is the horn we actually don't know if the horn is is real or part of the costume and that that just drives me crazy see the costume and his overall fishness comes as part of a pact that he made one that one could argue probably makes him more of a warlock by today's terminology rather than purely a sorcerer and we have talked about this in the past about how a good and evil in the cosmology of DnD D is not just a moral or philosophical concept but a tangible force a force with a level of sentience of re power a paladin for example might harness some of this power by the sheer conviction of their oath attracting the power of good with their desire to be good similarly the death and Decay found in a graveyard combined with the powerful negative emotions of those who mourn their loved ones in there might convoke the power of evil to raise the dead as Undead we all know the stories of villains that turn demonic once they commit the most heinous of crimes but well this evil is the forest that venger serves a thousand years ago a manifestation of Pure Evil visited the realm which is the world where he's from in order to bring about his destruction and this manifestation is known only as the nameless one and is said to be so powerful that it simply travels across the cosmos conquering world after world when it came to the realm Avenger who at the time was a human made a pact with this power the nameless one granted him nearly unlimited power but sealed away the goodness in him in exchange and then commanded him to bring about evil and Chaos in the world through this paack vanger is able to command the power of evil to a demig Godlike level but makes him particularly susceptible to the power of good including preventing him from utilizing such good power and even killing him in some circumstances if drawn too close to such Magics this fact transform him into a half fiend now Avenger's main power power is the ability to produce rays of magical energy from his hand that explode upon contact canonically these rays are called Arcane fire though they really really just look like eldrich blasts and fit too considering that much Avengers power does come from his Patron these blasts are typically strong enough to destroy most things that strikes and Avenger can summon them seemingly with not much of a limit 99% of the time when venger wants you dead this is what he uses resorting to other forms of magic only when special circumstances call for it now his most powerful ability however and the one that makes him the powerful villain that he is is his inability to just die venger cannot die or rather it appears that he can only be killed when certain specific circumstances are met any attempt to kill venger results in him dematerializing becoming banished per se until he reforms again in a matter of day days or even weeks it is unclear whether this protective banishment happens as a result of a death or if it is a form of preventative measure that always happens right before the moment of death saving him right at that last moment from perishing there are times when venger has been seen explode as a result of a magical attack only to see him successfully dematerialize and then there are times when we see him dematerialize right before that moment of death almost as if the as if the magic knows what is going to happen and saves him at the last minute and this is by far the most powerful feature in vengers Arsenal and is what allows him to act conceited and Almighty against even the most powerful of enemies other than these two abilities the raise of magical energy and his inability to die Avenger is also a traditionally well-studied sorcerer being able to cast spells of ninth tier of magic though again he most L uses his Arcane fire as his main offensive spell so most of his actual spells are usually there only to advance his evil plots he uses his spells to scry open or lock doors teleport animate the dead dispel magic and really anything else that he needs at the time attacking again using only his rise when needed on top of this Avenger has exceptional knowledge when it comes to magical items including ways to seal them banish them or learn of their power his ability to seal objects is particularly impressive even to the point where not even the strongest spellcasters in his world could break apart his protections uh to give you a fifth edition idea for how these seals seem to manifest is that they appear to function very much like the ninth level imprisonment spell using in particular the chaining option of that spell for Avenger he would create a force field on a Target more likely a person but it could be anything uh and that force field couldnot be broken by anything other than by his own power so as long as he didn't wish it to be opened no one could penetrate those protections now Avenger's favorite way of dealing with problems or furthering his quest for Domination and evil was largely through believe it or not words as a villain venger is particularly interesting because he favors trickery manipulation and coercion rather than resorting purely to violence violence is there okay and it is brutal but it is typically not his first option Avenger is a type to threaten your hometown or hold a family member hostage just to force you into doing his bidding Avengers favorite type of magic is actually illusion and he will play the part of a mentor of a guide or even that of a hero if it tricks or manipulates its enemies into falling prey to his schemes this is not just a great way for laying traps on your enemies but in many cases it is necessary for him to succeed especially when it comes to obtaining powerful magical items see uh being a a force of evil and being harmed by forces of good there are many legendary relics in the world that fall Beyond his ability to grasp doors that can only be opened by those with a good heart seals that can only be undone by a pure Soul weapons that can only be found by those with the intent not to use them these These are the quests that venger manipulates others into performing for him because he just cannot do that his facility with illusion magic has also granted him an incredible eye to spot other Illusions making it very very difficult to fool him now venger has many allies or perhaps it would be best to say he has many servants most of which likely serve him under duress at least except for two Avenger has two companions who he appears to trust Above All Else and who seemingly serve him out of their own free will the first is his beautiful Majestic Steed a purely black demonic horse with red eyes that can breathe fire and can fly at the horse is of course a nightmare who for all intents and purposes appears to be connected to venger likely as part of his pack with the nameless one uh now the second Ally is a Shadow Demon Avengers spy master who moves about the World hidden in the shadows and informs him of events that unfold now none of them have names as far as far as I am aware they are just referenced as Nightmare and Shadow Demon respectively but they are nonetheless seemingly vengers closest allies now another Ally of not who is not particularly close to venger but you know happens to be topical for today's video is actually none other than War Duke Yep this guy who also coincidentally appears in the dungeon Master's guide book cover uh he once worked as a form of Bounty Hunter for Avenger capturing one of his greatest enemies and offering it to him in exchange for a reward but that's this video is not about him so we'll move on the real question though is what world is venger in his world is simply called The Realm now not the Realms mind you which is the Shand for the Forgotten Realms but just the realm throughout the TV series and for the additional products released with the series no full name was ever given to the world other than just the realm that being said this particular world is full of dimensional portals that join with many other worlds in the cosmology of D and Dragons the characters of this world are constantly coming in and out of realities and other worlds and it seems like the concept of finding creatures from other planets is relatively common place here that means that even though the realm is probably not any of the common worlds that we're used to such as fun or or Eon characters from other worlds can seemingly enter it very easily or or more to the point uh creatures from the realm can easily travel to any of the others in other words Avenger appearing in the Forgotten Realms would not be crazy at all and he definitely has the power to do so hell canonically venger once opened up a portal to 1945 Germany so that he could kidnap a natat SE Soldier and give him an Airship with more powerful weapons so that he could so that he uh oh God so that he could bring that technology back to Germany and have them just you you know have have have them win the war okay but you have to understand that if if Nazi Germany took over the world then the protagonist of the show you know his enemies would not had been born so that so he would defeat he would defeat them like that he he just he really wanted to defeat them anyways my point is planner travel is a thing and he can very easily do it plus we know that his world exists in the same cosmology as the rest of the D and D worlds as you know war duuk made an appearance here and he is over originally from greyhawk also an avatar of LOL has been seen in this world so it is again fair to say that the cosmologies are connected uh several cameos have also been made by the protagonist of the cartoon into the forgun Realms where they travel into the Realms uh note the plural here now Realms uh Forgotten Realms where they travel into the Realms in order to have short Adventures before leaving so the planets are seemingly very easily connectable anyways now back on topic so there are many things about Venge that are vague and unexplained that is because he really only appears as part of the cartoon show from the80s uh really the only other big source that we have like about his powers and his lore comes from the handbook that was released alongside a special uh DVD release of the show the handbook does give us his stats as well as some of his spells though it doesn't really cover any of the more esoteric features of his packed with the nameless one see here's the sad block so that you can see it he is a cr21 creature with 190 hit points uh it is funny though uh that they gave him a bite and a claw attack even though I am sure we never get to see him use those as Weapons it is also particularly shocking to me that he was given a strength score of 18 considering that he seemed rather frail when it came to physical challenges throughout the runtime of the show but yeah I I honestly wouldn't put too much stock on this stat block considering that uh none of the features here are unique or exclusive to him everything in here is just what any Sorcerer And Ark Mage would get for this level in Third Edition he wasn't really given anything special nothing in here has been custom made for him this is just a generic sblock basically other than the lore presented it's just put together in a rough flavor of venture just so that they could have it in the book I wouldn't even be surprised if the term Arcane fire uh for his magical rays is not even like a cannon thing or even sticks when they make his new stat I would imagine at some point in fifth edition since the name Arcane fire is really only used here and it is again just not exclusive for him but anyways uh going back to the actual show so let's get some of the weird stuff out now venger is the son of a person known only as the dungeon master now this dungeon master is supposed to be human but kind of looks like a gnome but regardless this guy is basically a god-like figure in this world in fact he very well could be like the literal god of the realm considering that no other God is mentioned uh and I don't believe that there are any churches or priesthoods that are shown at all in this world now the dungeon master is shown as a person like with wants feelings emotions and the like and more importantly he's shown to uh be able to make mistakes he's not entirely all knowing there is a limit seemingly to his power and he can even be killed that being said he seems to be able to have nearly Limitless magic and has the ability to apparently just know most of what will transpire in the future whenever the dungeon master appears he knows exactly what to do and what to say in order to manipulate events that suit him and his ability to tell the future is perfect enough that it seems like he is willing to place himself his loved ones and the entire world constantly at risk like right on the verge of Destruction knowing that so long as he does what he knows he's supposed to do things will go exactly as he has predicted there are however rules that seemingly he has to follow or at least I guess maybe weird limitations to his power for example it doesn't seem like his otherwise Limitless powers can change the course of nature as in he can't revive a dead person it seems and neither can he cure a simple poison originating from a natural creature further he is either unable to or merely unwilling to attack an enemy when not in self-defense all of this is likely the result of the dungeon master being the you know force of good to vengers force of evil meaning that as powerful as dungeon Master's abilities are he is fed either exclusively or primarily by the force of good which limits what he can do out side of what goodness is meant to provide in terms of power that being said in individual power he is much stronger than venger mostly thanks to his ability to seemingly predict the future with nearly perfect accuracy it does appear that the only thing that he's not able to predict or plan around it all is the nameless one the the pure manifestation of evil this powerful creature was the only thing able to surprise the dungeon master drain all of his power and almost kill kill him without even mentioning the fact that it successfully corrupted his son Avenger without him being able to work around it predict it or stop it now more interesting though the dungeon master also can't seem to manifest his power to express his will upon the world and force it to do his bidding as in he can't just go somewhere and accomplish a goal that serves him as as weird as that sounds like he has to get others to do what he wants for him if the dungeon master wanted to destroy an evil creature he theoretically doesn't seem to be able to just go there and just do it himself there are some weird limitations that forces him to find different Avenues to accomplish those goals probably because attacking even an evil creature a monster when not in self-defense is not considered a good act which means that his powers of good just cannot be manifested in that way now why why is all of this important this is important because venger serves the opposite Force which means that he is likely to also have many of these limitations for example we know that as powerful as venger is he seems unable to challenge certain creatures of nature or certain forces of nature a magical created thunderstorm for example could not be stopped by him and Powerful beasts were seemingly avoided by venger in particular powerful dragons which according to the LA L are Avengers greatest weakness and one of the few things that can actually kill him as much as dungeon master is the anesis of venger Avenger's actual Nemesis is in fact Tiamat the Queen of Dragons Who uh seemingly has an eternal enity against venger and both have been fighting for a thousand years for Supremacy over the realm and what is interesting is that none literally none Avengers Powers seem to affect Tiamat I find this interesting because if instead of looking at the power struggle between say dungeon master and venger as a struggle for good versus evil and instead you see it as part of a greater struggle you could reasonably add nature into the mix to form a triangle one with good evil and nature or perhaps neutrality instead of nature in other words neither the power of good nor evil can dominate over nature this is the element that venger has always sought dominion over but has never been able to conquer each of the three elements can truly only be defeated with the combined power of the other two which is why throughout the Animated Series Venture attempts to collect the Legendary Weapons of the protagonist who are imbued with the power of good so that he can combine his evil power with the good Power of the weapons in order to destroy Tiamat an element of nature or neutrality once and for all this is also the reason why Avenger can only be permanently destroyed by a weapon of good but only while in the dragon graveyard a source of natural power see in the show there is a location in the Realms where all dragons go to die this is the only place on that world where venger can be permanently killed it is probably because the land itself is suffused with natural magic so when you combine the power of good from the weapons and the power of nature from the land the two can be used to dominate over his power of evil and fully extinguish him now how the nameless one falls into all of this and how he seems to be able to overpower goodness with so much evil is unclear but it is likely that in battles between good versus evil that Heroes likely fall into the lands of nature or neutrality and so a hero wielding a weapon of good could destroy a powerful evil as it would be like two forces in this case good and nature bending together against the third Force evil Avenger actually once created a creature called the demo Dragon uh just like demogorgon I guess but like a dragon a demo Dragon it's funny because it literally was a two-headed dragon with tentacles for arms so literally like demod Gorgon but just like a dragon anyways once it was created neither Avenger nor dungeon master could stop it until a force of nature itself you know a powerful poison from a natural source was used to be able to kill him okay so anyways what what is the point of this entire whole philosophical ramble see okay the point is that venger is indestructible unless you combine two really powerful sources of power one of goodness and one of nature both sources have to be really really strong in the realm where Avenger is from there was only a single place okay a single place in the entire world where he could be permanently killed so the power level for these energies must be enormous but that is basically it in the world where venger is from he basically controls most of the planet with only a few pockets of resistance spread about the world the places he dominates he leaves as wastelands with near a tree in sight those lands are then populated by monsters whether they are Orcs lizardfolk Bollywood bugs ogres or any other type of monstrous creature and the rest those pockets of resistance are filled with normal humans however also with a few evil creatures such as demons and others who enjoy praying on those humans much how vanger loves to manipulate to get what he wants many of these demons do so as well sewing Discord amongst the few kings and queens that remain while venger slowly pushes into the last bastions of humanity that are left in the world and and I am certain that as soon as he collects a source of power strong enough to destroy that which he is otherwise defenseless against he will bring about his Conquest to other worlds worlds where he is unlikely to find much resistance against his incredible ability to just never die also at the end of the show the kids succeed and they turn him Human by unlocking the goodness in him that was sealed way by the nameless one and and and probably they they all lived happily ever after and all that jazz however that part of the show never actually aired because the show was cancelled so it is not canon however however the guy who wrote the show made the script for that episode so it would have been Cannon however however however if he turned human then that would be boring and we wouldn't have a villain to fight so it is unlikely that wizard of the coast would do that however however however however we could simply fight Avenger from the past one of the time before the show took place so none of that really matters I don't know it's complicated this was a cartoon from the 80s made for kids so it makes sense why they would want to make a happy and conclusive ending but until we get some kind of update on what is going on with him there is just no way to tell where he is at the moment so uh we will just we'll just have to wait and see I guess
Channel: MrRhexx
Views: 123,843
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: OSE1MYpFshk
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Length: 26min 46sec (1606 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2024
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