Using only ONE Color in IRL PROP HUNT! - Challenge

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ladies and gentlemen it's time for the one color prop hunt challenge we each are wearing a colored t-shirt and that is the color we're able to hide us throughout the office you will see tape and other areas marked off for people with that specific color am i winning no you're not because you are wearing yellow and this has pink tape I thought this box where you're cheating don't back down let the games come in so the winner can win this it's my color no that's green it might be your color but you gotta win before you can grab the cash you know who will be cheating though this guy right here okay I don't wait I wasn't gonna go on the elevator Bri wait wait wait wait red poster I could go in the poster I could be Naruto Naruto Naruto Naruto Naruto breathe normal she doesn't even know how to say Naruto Preston I'm challenging you to a game of head fall this video ladies and gentlemen is sponsored by head ball you could download off right now in the description iowa's and Android by win keep your dude world one through six thrown at me by the way guys don't add Keith he's a plan you're going dude you're talking a big game Preston man I don't know let's see it here we go here we go here we go oh baby who starts out for the ball Oh all right sorry Oh give you a chance he's angry now I can tell oh here we go is bloom another baby come on come on go ahead and start doing my dishes okay yeah yeah I'm the king of netball you dare challenge me don't forget to download in the description for absolutely free ladies and gentlemen okay okay office and I'm green why did I get the horse collar there's literally nothing green except for this guy's this is so good wait I just look even more green band they won't know where I'm hiding because I'll blend right in I have just the thing you know if I'm just hiding in the elevator just sitting here on the chair also this chair is orange it's not yellow no back it out oh I'll go inside but why it's there's no place to hide in there I've got to figure out a better idea cuz like covered look at this nothing no room but I have a great idea I brought my own tape which means limits for me I can literally go anywhere because I'll just take the piece of tape keith is still struggling over there oh I'm gonna hide in the cupboard I don't think I'm just rip that tape off and then I'll just put it anywhere I want and I can hide in the box but this is what I'm doing going this way okay what are you doing I'm hiding in office but don't tell Brussels my arm is green no don't worry about it just go don't close your eyes you're lazy guys you don't I don't want you to do my idea to you chicken I brought my own dang that's like amateur hour when it comes to cheating talk to me when you have a real cheap what are you doing Bri go hide I'm trying to use the bathroom the bathroom okay yeah but I'm a seeker so technically I can go anywhere and right now I'm using the bathroom I guess I can't hide in the bathroom plus where would I hide in there anyway just sit on the potty that would not be a very good spot no tape on this couch I've got an idea to take my tape and then what I'm gonna do is put the tape on the counter but I'm gonna hide it somewhere like back here behind the plant over this direction no I'm just gonna get back there take the evidence with me Preston says to win $10,000 I have to hide as something great what he didn't say that I couldn't be something great my office is not my color green [Music] I have a lot of questions why would you buy this item what is this full is this for some sort of sport that I've never played can you bounce it now I'm hitting it under the couch it's actually pretty tight under here I don't know what's gonna happen but I doubt breasts is gonna look under here because there's no reason cheating I can see if he walks by right there don't repeat so you can buy the $10,000 oh my gosh this suit has little finger holes this is amazing maybe this is for soccer I never played soccer so maybe this is a large yellow soccer ball there's a hole in the top this can be interesting interesting I know best what are you seeing where did you find that this is how you cheat as a professional okay it's very important that you don't with telepathically you just look like a walking green man Nick I'm hiding as a green pickup oh my gosh he's a genius why didn't I think of that please make a course okay Becky my ideas pretty good too but next like genius okay guys how's my hair look it's staticky I think I'm looking a little staticky here also toes not a graceful entrance it's a little rough so I just I need a new spot and I think the downstairs is the safest place to go what is this it's a big green washing line the first color we're gonna be searching for is yellow and I have these special yellow glasses on which help me see when people are hiding as yellow things so let's do this I just turned a door smell like eggs down there I don't think they're sticking out now at this point it's just a waiting game I come to think about it I am kind of hungry what am I gonna eat though doing things I have your tea and tea some pillows down there there's no snacks down here I'll get snacks later right now I gotta keep my head in the game we recycle that's something in there let's dock in there oh look at this green paper I can wrap myself in this and then nobody will ever know or I could not it probably isn't gonna work refrigerator always has green stuff what do you think mr. stuffed animal do you think you can I'm just gonna put you in there yeah you stay there I'm gonna go find a better place to hide because I think you might get found first if I were yellow amber are you hiding anybody maybe she's supposed to be my best friend what if she's hiding Brianna follow me I can't trust anybody in a color and a battle of colored things and objects you never know who's on whose side but wait an elevator okay so there was it there's only all man I'm starting to forget what colors their work Wow my feet are slippery I think he's going to the elevator we're fine this ball inflatable bouncy yellow weird globe thing okay so my feet are separate then I can't really say anything I I don't know how to fix this so I'm just gonna leave okie dokie the conference room always wait okay I know where to put you okay there was red yellow I'm forgetting the last color it's okay I'm not gonna worry about it for now hmm why didn't nobody hide his arms that would have been so good but we're going down went down the elevator which means I'm pretty much in the clear right now I'm humming humming humming uh I'm doing a yoga in the but uh I've never done yoga they feel like that's how you do it inside of a ball guys please this board why would you pipe this fish dad those are the ugly confession can't eat those because it's really green I need a snack feet are all slippery and I can't even eat my favorite food in the whole world except for pizza this is terrible who put yellow tape on a couch there is no way somebody is fitting under here I mean let me let me look look okay just just as a dad image demonstration no am i okay okay there's no wake up like so died garage oh no guys my hat fell off and it's too tight down here to be able to get it back on I can't even reach my hand around the back of me I just banged my head on the ground Oh president please find me soon I mean no don't find me don't find me Preston the elevator room has yellow tape on it but there's a problem there's a real big problem you can't open it it's somebody in there I feel like somebody's in there it smells like I'm on the inside of a balloon I've never been on the inside of a balloon but if I had been this is what it smell like I could see everyone come in out if you try to give yourself out a little bit of space a kiss smacking out slippery sandy I think I'm in a good spot because I'm right in front of this recycle bin maybe a check inside the recycle bin it's a probably not air check behind it okay well that sounded really inappropriate I swear it's my leg oh dude why is giggling in here who put Diglett in the fire extinguisher box and taped it Diglett no it must have been whoever is hiding is yellow this is the only yellow spot tied here too hot that means somebody attractive must be hiding somewhere what okay I don't know about you but I remember this big yellow ball inside my office get this thing out of here okay one this bucket this ball is Joe and why is it so I wait I think you found breathe what are you doing inside the balls Bri why were you hiding in the spot and why did you that's a big lid crazy is going over there I found you try to leave my spot Wow such a tough decision no I'm gonna stay exactly where I am this is a good spot it's not even an actual legal playing spot where is my money did I win I'm gonna keep this on for the rest of the day oh well okay I am dream man now that I'm a superhero I'm obviously gonna win prop up BAM we are looking for this color ladies and gentlemen yes that's right that is a Preston Styles calm sticker which you can get in the description down below but we're looking for what we are now looking for the color red when did we get a red refrigerator wait nobody's hiding in here are you kidding me we have a perfectly good red refrigerator and nobody's hiding in there I think this would be the best hiding spot look at this it would be amazing why didn't nobody hide here oh my goodness spend like another ten minutes still I don't hear anybody just I'll just take a nap for a while see what happens then again guys really with the red couch twice in a row okay that's it that's it just to prove you guys that there's nothing under the couch what if somebody's hiding inside of the couch I think it's hollow all right I think we're clear nobody is in the couch nobody's in the kick wait a second the elevator is both for red and yellow team's behind this door is where all of our amazing editors work if it wasn't for them our videos wouldn't even be possible but they might be smuggling the red hi nurse oh sorry sorry whoever the red tape here is cheating no hiding in the editor basin is so predictable he's gonna think that I'm inside of here even though I tried to hide inside of there and I hurt myself so instead I'm gonna hide back there behind those boxes and when it comes down here I'm gonna scare them now there is this cabinet down here where somebody could be God I thought I would never find it again lock and load baby this is gonna be a very large obstacle decline good luck yeah look coming I'm gonna find him I've got a fine I got a fine I've got a I'm good fine hey guys I just accidentally found the red team leader best to get out of here I can't believe I just accidentally found the red team leader drop it don't drop it very little woods try to hide whole log but I knew in my heart Keith what's the red team leader because I could damn I have a feeling he cheated I did not cheat Preston look this tape on the side of the calculator really how was I supposed to see this red tape from that side you weren't supposed to see it that's the whole point you cheated either way the tape couch tape on the couch me underneath the couch look Keith I busted without editor before he did anyway I'll hide inside of him you can't got there you can't hide inside of me just like Maddie and Billy's shirt we're looking for a green person and the first place we're gonna hunt really nobody then your dude this would be the best hiding spot ever like look you could totally hide inside comes me up close me up you're calling me fat are you this is really wrong on so many levels leave a like if you don't think I'm fat it's fine maybe the green person isn't in the trash can he's hiding inside my office nobody's hiding in my office I literally have the best office in the office and nobody's choosing it I'm offended there is green tape on the frigerator but I just don't think anybody could fit inside of here this it's good thing who to keep leave a red gummy bear that was way too much effort but now it's like my territory okay really guys nobody can fit in the fire extinguisher except for my wife Brandon because she's super tiny you know really watches her weight get that glue tape out of here we got bigger fish to hunt for what to believe anybody in there hello really oh wait a second why is there a green screen in the electrical room we're onto the green person green glitter green Legos on picking up on clues there's all these colored goldfish we don't talk about that but what is this he's refrigerated oh he's so cold and soft at all hot Texas Day I'm just gonna need a moment okay nap times over he was you in the refrigerator I feel like that means the green person has to be downstairs somewhere just don't know where I'm gonna bring a watermelon with me for good luck what's that we walk past it at some point in time is that true audience did you see him I don't necessarily remember him but if you're telling me we walked past him I believe you the watermelon told me to throw them into the boxes sneak [Music] maybe the watermelon doesn't know what he's talking about okay maybe he's just crazy whoa hold the phone since when didn't we have this how do we do ever recycle even at the office but not a giant green one so it's so big it could almost fit a human inside of it hold on stay here don't move we're gonna see if some bodies in this box really know Nik why were you hiding in the bathroom you gave me a heart attack I thought you were inside of here wait no does that mean NYX the last person to be Nick wins the money again Ronnie please hold on give me a second I gotta go back to the bank I can't believe you won twice in a row lucky here you go Nick superheroes aren't supposed to do things for money I just want to let you know that so anytime you feel guilty about stealing all my money you know where to find me in my office so you can give it back to me I'm gonna buy it so much Preston style John call merge the truth obviously [Music]
Channel: Preston
Views: 14,818,692
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kids, funny, challenge, family, comedy, kid, family friendly, kid friendly
Id: OyBFYa5u8ZA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 43sec (1243 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 30 2019
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