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all right guys idiots D here back with another video I hope you guys are having an amazing day together you know the drill camera flip through the legs over here under and let's just keep it like this anyway guys totally keeping like this flip your phone upside down we're under the old intro back for his own stick but today's gonna be a very very fun day because you guys have been wanting me to do it for a long time there's the ABS in real life you guys love that a lot you were wanting to see another punch Bob in real life to where we take a scene from Sponge Bob and recreated or something from Sponge Bob and recreate so today we're gonna try and do that and you guys know the famous episode he was number one mid Eve man worm and hand just I'll put a clip right here if those guys don't know okay he was number one so basically this is the Hat right here took me a while to find it online but found the exact replica of this minivan werben hand jets and a hat and we're gonna try and create the actual soda drinking hat today and make one that actually just looks perfectly lighting because you look at the actual hat there's no way that would really follow you two wells and actual drinking yeah so we're gonna try to make one it looks identical to as close to be good at least and then another one which basically actually functions so I can actually use this in the future for other videos just for fun and you know there might be a video coming up very soon where it might be perfect for it and you'll see that right now so we're gonna start on that right now but you guys know the drill right now are three different options I'm gonna be cool you're gonna aim for number one because we kind of have today right now on you're gonna screen there is a 1 a 2 and a 3 one of these three numbers is busy with a job and bikini pot right now where my Krusty Krab employees shirt as you can see here you're gonna jot in bikini bottom even number odd number or 0 when you hit the like button also cuz I already from the vacations but a lot of you guys saw last video that we're new here and you guys didn't even use just watch so I'll just watch the videos roaring subscribe as you watch them every day what is up with you scribe subscribe hit the bell purchased you have this video when I posted and also right now hit the like but it'll find out what job and bikini bottom you getting three two one zero let me know down below what job bikini bottom did you get are you satisfied with your job or you have a crappy job let me know down below what you're gonna do if you keep on them with that job but anyways it started on making me number one all right guys we have this mini member benjensen head I was number one so this door dude we need to get in order to be a you know they're drinking how we need to have I put a picture on the screen over here somewheres using see exactly what I'm talking about this is what we need to do yet have the actual compartments of the cans the other straps we have the tubing and order make this hat perfect so we're going to try that blazer we're gonna make one that looks exactly like it and then another one that actually functions to first love you home deep we don't find some green to be buzzing about some other minor so brother Michael is impeccable a crafting store for and then we get started on creating his hat and like I said this house can be for something very very very very very very important very soon all right so we're starting instructing right now I'm gonna go wear this hat and the screws I'm a seen anybody do is dissolving anybody will the will point out and another thing just been wondering what happened to my car driving super smooth revision but I've been driving every single dead different informations I still have it he's alive as well and that's what we're driving today we're super through this not here today we've got the white tape and they also got spray paint because the cans expendable has on the actual cam they're just like blank hands and obviously get behind blink absolute spray Pamuk around and now we'll your tubing there's a white TV Years War right but we don't see green rep look around for it may be worse than here with by the green creep rate and make you think all right so we're looking for a pool for a video coming up actually and we solve this one but we look in fact this guy right here these beautiful kids this is a woman as I hired this this 10-foot family bla over 2497 meet Joe Adams I I've worked in overtime the last six weeks in his pool it was all worth it lame-o cross my feet I don't know kids playing catch with nobody what I earned in my yard this is the American dream it includes drain plugs is your bull of a drain plug good alright guys so for SpongeBob's hat he had just a plain labeled cans I'll show you guys picture right now just two cans as plain and had a red logo on we couldn't find plain cans like that so but Diet Pepsi ones though as of closest the dil burrows a good fight but gonna be used to spray paint over these logos to make them look like playing cans and then it should work out good so let's go ahead and show that right now alright so we're gonna do is we're gonna have just a nice simple even coat all around the entire thing yeah sometimes it's not about the delicacy that's about going for it buddy Nike said like adidas said just do just go for it just do that Wow did you did you already do the barbecue yes I did in the future everything is Chrome to you oh okay so sure I guess these are doing this looks pretty good against me though got my shoe no in the future everything is Gro that looks thank you oh my god don't know a penny so it's a lot partner this is the future you either be a part it or you can live in the past those are the only two options those you only do off paint some lukewarm before the future or living the past future or I mean Parker we're curious definitely didn't blow towards them well that's pretty normal to happen hearing a training it three two one oh dude that looks so trippy it really just wow it's that's a new flavor and part of the again don't do that once more here we go oh here we go oh that's it wow that looks so cool something's happening you see green oh it was kinda gray before huh yeah it was Green Wow I brought the first layer of it was green underneath a before that look dude that looks like The Devil's Coker come into a body you wow that was dope leave a like if you didn't expect that I didn't expect that those yeah I'm leaving a trail this time and see what happens instantaneous I was so late Wow maybe this are no longer trail here sooo happens ready oh all those burgers didn't make it over the next letters unfortunately hey DTV that never gets old oh my god it's bleeding awesome it looks like fireballs getting thrown at it that is so cool the way it bubbles up like that I know how all this is working but it doesn't looks really sweet something in the side the devil's drink oh my god dude the paint giving a structural strength that had never had before was never big a hole instantly yeah now it's just cracking the whole set of just cracking oh wait saw deer first I don't know what that was but as cool names all your crazy yeah alright yeah so it's actually done over the next days I'm doing my shirt Jane but this cans are finally done see some basic lane looking cans easier here so now our goal is to view looking find of all cans but a close-up image of just a can it's got a red label and it's also got a white board around it so we're gonna try and do is recreate that as well as partners of gold mary's to cut some red circles and I'm gonna tape around the outside and we should be good with that and then we have to make some tubing so we're gonna do that after we get the red labels on there alright so for spongebob in real life we needed the red label so Parker already cut these red label they're made out of construction paper pretty simple and then he's gonna tape them around with the white tape basically to make the things that are holding the cans in the actual Hat on SpongeBob we just people who work like that and we'll come back to you guys all right so the calves are actually done they're a little scuffed up so we're gonna fix a few things on them and then we're gonna add them actually to the Hat but we're done here because that's done but we still you the tubing that goes from the can to the actual mouth part so there's no green to because I bought this tubing yeah yeah Home Depot is your soft so we're just free paint this to being green hopefully that should work just the same and it'll have the same effect as the green tube you know SpongeBob's hat but in reality there was no green tubing that we could find solutions realism spray paint all right so right here now we're gonna do this because we're gonna spray-paint this entire tube and green and hopefully it should work so same way as we did before we're sampling a nice even coat on it just like all around it not even nice and even you know it's just it's just right if I seem like I'm actin weird with into those videos because I'm probably very very very not okay talk about a hot box alright so we're gonna just leave that like that and do one more of these and then that should be fine then we're gonna attach the cans that well should be up whatever they go together alright guys if all the parts together now I'm gonna mix us up for guys we're now I assure you they don't want ruining effect so you guys don't worry about it be right on the point right here but probably won't be here but somewhere in space but basically hello got screen and right now they're really add to the Hat once we put everything to go shoot come out the way I want to hopefully we're gonna find out right now three two one number one oh I was just returning the cursed soda drink hat to its original owner it smitty werben jaegerman jensen [Music] [Music] [Music] two hours later [Music] [Music] [Music] this is the number one hat this thing came out amazing you know way better than I expected looks great and one of my favorite things we've made like over all my favorite videos to film overall a long time just I love all the sponge my better life videos to be honest and this is one of my favorite ones because my favorite episode it's really cool seeing I'm glad that we actually were able to make it so now you know this actually isn't enough stuff alright guys so unfortunately I could have made the spongebob hat functioning but I just like the win look so I'm not gonna keep it that way and we're gonna try something spongebob did with this a glide in the second here gotta go make some bubbles and we gonna put some bubbly as being blow bubbles like he did in that episode click right here we're just going to do that and also just try and see one of these has and see how they work in general I just really don't want to ruin that hat dude you'll never guess what I just found out about that where is it wait where is that Jeff Urban and Jensen what the reasoning Jefferson yeah just right over there in the backyard I guess it was his hat Parker he was number one ooh it's beautiful comes up come on come on Smitty let go yeah I've got it I've got the million dollar hats what know you and what army Oh with your Living Dead of course all right guys we're gonna have already done but this is just kind of for our fun just for you guys watch and see - wanna see how one of the hacks with film actually where we could have made a function one by just taking awesome off this one and putting it on to the Spongebob hat and that was kind of the idea at start but it wouldn't have looked nearly as cool as will be made so we still want to test that stuff so we're gonna try right now the video was to guard our visitors bonus content those works did you feel something nice hers at that right I'll just dive right that's old night right that is very old Derek and sitting on the Sun for a long time there's timing of your like a reward or anything oh oh oh oh it worked it works but was it worth it how do you like once you have it started it seems to just keep coming out well but no no because it's just like all like its ends so like when you suck it out it sucks out a certain amount and so it'll just only only a certain amount come out afterward and I mean maybe that suction going to keep it up that's not it really wrong no matter what you do you still have a little bit of like residue I probably are trying blurry oh hell yeah machines alright so now that's the next thing is assuming to make it like spongebob where he actually blows bubbles until that work alright guys we're gonna try a little bubbles like split up see it works ready three two one oh my god I mean kind of does not fall out of the rep it's just kinda like throwing it in the water they would go up but if we were in the water they would go up bunch particular water yeah that's why it makes sense that's such a satisfying sound though yeah one flying bubble you do it right is a branch off a pop nothing we know that Alisa yeah no I damage like a little but suds alright guys that is actually a user new here make sure you guys subscribe is the first video ever seen by me just do me a favor subscribe right now hit the bell but in tears do not miss it when I post a new video and this is the first ever spongebob in real life video scenes let's say to other ones it's spongebob weightlifting also trying a real-life krabby patty so those will be on the channel be sure to check those out and give them a why they're also very very funny and also really to think one of my favorite series films let me know down below what other shows were spongebob again one of the scenes you guys want to see down below and as always that pretty just watching and I will see you people in the next video adios [Music] [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 204,243
Rating: 4.942575 out of 5
Keywords: tried, comedy, challenge, try, Mike, funny, humor, People Try, Guy Tries, Series, Crazy Challenge, Challenge, Kids, Friendly, Children, Family, Family Friendly, Scary Kids Toys, ADHDs World, Funny, Funny Challenge, DIY, DIY Toy, DIY Challenge, DIY Nerf, Nerf MOD, Nerf, Spongebob, Spongebob Toy, Spongebob Squarepants, Squarepants, Spongebob In Real Life, Spongebobs Work Out, candy food, Spongebob Memes, Smitty, ADHD’s life, ADHD, ADHD life, ADHD World, ADHD pokemon, ADHDs life pokemon
Id: -5RJ-LZVUgg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 18sec (918 seconds)
Published: Wed May 23 2018
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