Expensive Batteries vs Cheap Batteries!

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hey guys this is James white with frickin review is bringing you As Seen on TV product reviews gadget reviews and more now if you have a subscribe to this channel please because they're doing so for more videos like this now that I've got something by requests I'm a little different I'm comparing expensive batteries and cheap batteries to see how much of a difference there really is there's a lot of different batteries out there I could have compared dozens of them but I wanted to keep it to a small number so I've got three and three so let me show you the batteries I got and the tests I'm gonna perform to see how they compare alright so this is what I've got I've got two teams right here these are the expensive batteries and these are the cheap batteries and really it's kind of like too expensive too cheap and too perceived as each but that's a little bit different these were both at the dollar store these are CVS brand batteries and these are the regular Douro cells but actually the CVS brand was more expensive so I think this is perceived as a cheap brand this is a perceived as an expensive brand but it'll be interesting to see how they compare especially since that one's a little bit more expensive so I'm gonna run them as teams run those individuals compare both of those and see how they actually do and I here's the test going to perform I know that probably looks utterly ridiculous but I got six fans I'm going to go three expensive three cheap I haven't blow them away from each other so the airflow doesn't affect each other again not scientific but I'm trying to keep it as fair as I can I had to put it in this contraption so they won't fall because these don't stand up on their own and this is the second time I've tried this I had a whole other video it's been three days on that failed miserably but right now let me load these up with batteries and start my test to see how they compare so while I'm loading this up let's take a look at the tale of the tape in this corner we have the team big spenders the Duracell quantum x' the Energizer ultimate lithium's and the regular Duras cells in this corner we have the low-rent or a Panasonic son being both versus a dollar store the CVS brand purchased at CBS so what I've got is six sets of batteries so I have a fan for each one but I'm gonna do four rounds because I have four batteries in each pack I'm gonna rotate the fan so different batteries with a different fan each time to try to mix up the results a little bit and compile all the data at the end and see who comes out on top not just for duration but also for cost per hour to see which one's most cost-efficient so let's get started right now all right now it's time to turn these all on and start to stopwatch and then wait Panasonic Sunbeam CBS Duracell quantum energizer ultimate lithium regular Duracell there we go we have fans stopwatch is going now it's just a matter of waiting which one will die first which one do you think my guess is the Panasonic dies first and the energizer lithium lasts the longest but we'll see each fan takes one double a battery so I can't imagine lasting that long we're at the 30-minute mark they're still going strong none of them seems to be showing any sign of slowing down so the team big spenders and the team low renters are battling head-to-head it's a tough match you're at the almost three-hour mark and the Panasonic starting to fade those are still hanging in there Panasonic not doing so well not feeling too well it didn't make it it just stopped second shy of the three-hour mark Panasonic the first to fall in this epic battle all right at the 401 mark the Sunbeam has just crapped out it's done so team low-rent renters are not doing too well today but it's got one more contestant to go see how it does the CBS brand has just died at the 4:13 mark it's a slaughter team Lowe renters are all out while the team big spenders we're still going strong all right we are at five hours and 50 four minutes barely hanging on now for the regular dura cells starting to see a little bit of wobble it over there on the Quantum's and right now the energizer ultimate lithium still going strong and it's dying it just died it just died 5:58 didn't make it to six hours the other thing to consider is even though this side didn't last as long what about the cost per hour that's something else to consider and oh there goes 616 for the Duracell quantum and it was the most expensive it was the most expensive and it did not last the longest look at this the energizer ultimate lithium it's still it's not even wobbling it is going strong it's definitely gonna be the longest lasting but let's see later on if it's the most cost-efficient but right now the energizer can bask in its glory of winning the contest of all the other contenders and the final one has just thought the Energizer at 803 803 it is way out on top of the errors let's take a look at round 1 duration results a team big spinners obviously pulled out a head quantum six hours 16 minutes energizer lithium eight hours 3 minutes and Duracell 5 hours 58 minutes an impressive showing by team big spenders obviously low renters not quite as strong CBS the top of the pack there at 4 hours 13 minutes sunbeam right behind it 4 hours 1 minute Panasonic kind of far behind it 2 hours 59 minutes now let's take a look at the cost per hour which is how a cost efficient these batteries are things a little bit different there now looking at these results CBS way on top the most expensive of the batch twenty nine point six cents per hour team big spenders obviously more expensive to quantum 27.9 energizer 19.5 and Duracell sixteen point eight now the Sun be and Panasonic even though they didn't perform as long because they're twenty five cent cost they were the cheapest per hour six point two and eight point four cents apiece very interesting results this is just round one let's take a look at the next three rounds compiled all the data and do the final results and nor off we're 13 seconds in let's see if they compared to the round and how well the batteries all did then maybe they'll do better they'll do worse Panasonic died first this time only 2 hours and 27 minutes last time it lasted almost three hours sunbeam just died sunbeam just died at the 356 mark and the CBS has just stopped at the 445 mark regular Duracell just stopped at the 605 mark oh I think we got an upset here the Energizer just pooped out really quickly and there it goes the Energizer is oh I just died 631 not nearly as long as the first round and the champion of this round just into the Duracell quantum lasted 7 hours and 21 minutes all right I've just rotated all the fans once again started around 3 we're two minutes into it let's see if we have the same pattern or if any new contenders arise oh and the Panasonic just died at the 2:22 mark and the Sunbeam just stopped it for 19 CBS just died at the 4:45 mark the exact same time as round 2 and there it goes at the 507 mark all right round 3 just in at 7:15 for the quantum 723 for the energizer very close but round 3 is over all right their fans have been rotated new batteries inserted we're starting around 4 or 16 seconds into it this is the final one and there it goes the Panasonic just died at the 225 mark they're pretty consistent consistently in fourth place 3:57 for CBS 357 and Duracell just stopped Duracell quantum just stopped at the 641 mark and the energizer looking and just thought for the 644 mark and that concludes our test energizer lithium was the last man standing but let's see the results crunch all the numbers and see who comes out really on top for longest lasting and the most cost-efficient this is the sheet that I made my notes on as I was going now one thing I noticed these numbers here this is the time obviously this isn't the fan number per round as I rotated them excited numbered the fans fan number one in four seem to consistently perform lower than two three five and six see one is lower one is lower one and four the lowest four is the lowest four is the lowest so I think the fair thing to do is to take the top two results from each set of batteries that we were getting their best performances average those out and then compare so let's do that right now all right so what I was going to do is take the top two results just in case two of the fans might have been drained on the batteries more than the others but as it turns out that doesn't really matter because it doesn't affect the final results alright so I'm kind of excited to see what the final results are let's take a look we look at the duration of all the batteries this is the average between all four rounds it's similar to the round one that the energizer ultimate lithium came in on top at an average of seven hours and ten minutes right behind that's the Duracell quantum at six hours 53 minutes the railer Duracell is pretty strong for a inexpensive as they were at five hours 41 minutes not unexpectedly the team low winter is also kind of in the bottom CBS four hours 25 minutes Sunbeam 4 hours 13 minutes in Panasonic 2 hours 33 minutes comparing that with the just the top two in duration as you can see although the times may have changed just a little bit the order of finish didn't change at all so really I think looking at either one will still yield you the same results so let's take a look at the cost per hour now alright the team big spinners the Quantum's were the most expensive 25.4 cents per hour right behind that Energizer's and Duracell actually respectable 17.6 back to the team low rent or CBS way out in top 28.3 cents the most expensive more expensive even than the Duracell quantum x' per hour and the most cost-efficient would be these sunbeams at five point nine cents followed by the Panasonic's in nine point eight once again if we look at just the top two results the numbers changed a little bit but the order does not change at all let's look at the team results here big spenders way out in front 47 36 minutes versus 33 74 for the low renters the cost per hour twenty one point nine versus fifteen point six not a huge difference in the cost per hour really but if you take out the Duracell and take out the CBS which we're kind of the middle ground ones quite a big difference the big spinners way out in front and for the minutes and the low renter's way below as far as cost per hour goes so in conclusion it would appear that the Energizer ultimate lithium's are the longest lasting of the batteries I tried but the sunbeams for the most cost-efficient so it depends on what you're using them for for something or change down a lot of batteries might want to go with a sunbeam something that you don't want to change too often I probably go with the Energizer lithium's should point out that these sunbeam are the high drain versions I believe they have a low drainin so keep an eye out for those when you see them at the dollar store now for those of you who want to see all the numbers I'll put all them in the description below so what do you think about these results I know they're not scientific but I think they give a pretty good idea before these batteries Falls for a duration and cost have you tried an experiment like this do you have a favorite battery tell me what you think in the comments below please subscribe for more videos like this and until next time this is James white with frequent reviews thank you
Channel: Freakin' Reviews
Views: 2,070,174
Rating: 4.7792058 out of 5
Keywords: battery test, battery drain test, battery life, battery comparison, energizer ultimate lithium, duracell quantum, duracell vs energizer, sunbeam batteries, panasonic batteries, cvs batteries, energizer ultimate lithium batteries, energizer ultimate lithium vs duracell quantum, energizer ultimate lithium aa batteries, energizer ultimate lithium test, energizer ultimate lithium aa vs duracell quantum
Id: RWAjgZmnoZo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 02 2018
Reddit Comments

Tl;dw: get the sunbeams, they're the best value

Edit: yes, the Energizer Lithiums last twice as long. They cost much more than 2x as much though.

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/PitaJ 📅︎︎ Dec 09 2018 🗫︎ replies

it's not helpful to ignore high-drain situations in today's world. The lithium would absolutely crush everything else and massively decrease its cost/use situation.

And the zinc-oxide batteries? Don't use them unless you need a battery for a remote control-- it's 120 year old tech (and it shows).

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/FreudJesusGod 📅︎︎ Dec 09 2018 🗫︎ replies

I like how the guy pretends to give more info just to lengthen the video, lmao. Can't stand that crap.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/vloger 📅︎︎ Dec 09 2018 🗫︎ replies

I use the Sunbeam ones in my mouse. They work fine.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/t0f0b0 📅︎︎ Dec 09 2018 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/TimMcMahon 📅︎︎ Dec 09 2018 🗫︎ replies
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