Where Tokyo goes next (Japan Travel Update)

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greetings everybody welcome to Tokyo this is an April 17 2020 and what do you guys think of my new mascara this is a gift a gift from my friend Mika this is called McConnell mask thank you so much Mika for this really lovely mask this comes from me cim yux Haruka and Hikari my friends in totally free fector thank you so much I love the pattern on it do you see oh it's upside down it's upside down hold on there you go that's Mel fudgy and they also sent Kenai this really pretty one look at this so you can make your own masks everybody they work pretty pretty good how's everybody doing welcome so I want to give you an update it's been about a week since the last travel update what's happening here in Japan yesterday Prime Minister Ave gave an announcement declaring a state of emergency not just for the seven prefecture x' but now all the country especially for six other prefectures that have been showing an increase in this virus it's such an awful thing right now Japan is undergoing very infections very quickly right now kind of behind like about a month behind New York Tokyo is so we're kind of we're all pretty like crossing our fingers and staying home that doesn't get to the same level as our friends over across the Pacific currently Japan has nine hundred nine thousand two hundred and ninety seven infections as of April 17th that's today 1563 people have recovered and left the hospital very good news about half that are the people from the cruise ship from a couple of months ago which seems like an eternity ago doesn't it the diamond princess so last night just to reiterate Prime Minister Rob is declared a state of emergency nationwide it's going to be in effect until May 6 and that's pretty significant because that's when golden week would have end between every year between April 29th and around May 5th May 6th the entire country pretty much goes on vacation all of the office workers all of the staff here in Tokyo will go back to their hometowns it's not everybody's from Tokyo Kenai is not everybody is so they would go back taking the trains taking highways are packed Shinkansen have lines going out out the door waiting for the next one the frequency is like every 10 minutes a Shinkansen is leaving it's an amazing migration of people going back all over the country and obviously Prime Minister I ban the government central government said that if we're going to be doing a nationwide shutdown our state of emergency we're gonna have to do it now and they did yesterday it just made sense and this was largely welcomed by all of the governors and everybody in the country thought that Prime Minister Rabi looked really good and strong very decisive and his actions so it was a good moment last night to see that to feel like we are taking the right steps now just I mean in hindsight we wish I could have been a lot faster but I'm glad it is now than later let's just keep it we always try to stay positive so we can extend what can we expect for the next three weeks hopefully more people will be staying off of public transportation we have seen not a lot of people stopping jobs because there's no law in place to enforce people not to go to work and you would think you know in any other country that this would be a reason not to go to work but for a lot of people in Japan they need to physically be like locked in the rooms in order not to get on to a subway to go to the office there's been a decrease in writer commuting about 30 percent but that is far from what's necessary to really make and make a dent in stopping the spread of this hopefully after yesterday's speech to this more we didn't see as many people out commuting and it's it is decreasing over time offices are asking to close asking but there's no penalty to do that just like in other countries where there's fines and criminal proceedings and stuff it's like basically it's society saying don't do it and people are following the rules at least we're doing our best to do that here if they if they don't then the laws change so Japan is a very reactive country based on the people breaking what we ask them if they break it then harsher laws come into effect there's so much news there's so much news to get to I know that all of you most of you are watching are also in self isolation or can't go out I know that New York has been extended to May 15th the shutdown Japan made until May sixth and possibly extended even further I know that London is is shut down now for what seems like over a month so we all have to keep a very positive mental attitude it's not easy it's not easy I'm still seeing a lot of I still seeing a lot of youtubers going outside I'm trying my best not to do that although this part of the hay fever is really bad in Tokyo this part of my brain is like there's not a lot of people outside it's probably okay to go out there and do some live streams and then this part of the brain says that's not what is the responsible thing to do stay inside do your best to create inside of this bubble that you call a house that's what I'm gonna be be doing and I really appreciate all of your support out there so on April 7th Prime Minister Abe a shut down seven prefectures basically calling a state of emergency which doesn't really have a bite but it has a very strong bark to it yesterday we saw he reported that there were six prefectures that saw a very rapid increase in the cases Hokkaido is going through a second wave right now Hokkaido Ibaraki Prefecture which didn't have any infections for the longest time and now is really starting to spread up there Ibaraki is just north of Tokyo Calla Prefecture where Kanazawa is Gifu Prefecture which is not that far from Ichi Prefecture which is where Nagoya is and Kyoto those prefectures have seen some escalation over the last ten days since the last state of emergency was called and the Prime Minister shouted out gave those six prefectures some notice just so people know that the it's really starting to spike over there the original seven were Tokyo Kanagawa Saitama Chiba Osaka yoga which is work obeys and Fukuoka so there are 13 prefectures where we're starting to see a lot of movement you want a Prefecture is the only Prefecture in Japan without a case but that is dependent on the testing now this has been the greatest criticism of Japan and the government there's just not a lot of testing going on today in the news we saw some movement finally that people are starting to be able to get tested more freely the law was not I would say the law but the policy was that if you didn't have a fever for four days and you did not know who you you might have gotten it from and you can't identify it to a cluster that was already identified they would not test you and I have friends that have had fevers for more than four days and cannot get tested anywhere in fact if you call you have to play a game of phone tag getting them from one place to the next place to the next place and it's just so much of a headache that people who need to be tested or not so they don't know if they have it and they don't know if they can go back in and release into their family but then the family gets it and then it's a whole whole really big nightmare just yesterday there was a hospital that said I'm laughing cuz it's so bad a hospital that reported that they had tested somebody negative and they found out that he was positive and they made a mistake and he went back in and infected his family so these these things are the government is getting a handle on it we just it just takes time government is not effective in handle that's a big crow and in handling these kinds of situations it requires a momentum building and it takes a long time before that locomotive can start to move just wish we started to move it a little bit earlier but let's stay positive I wanna get into what now I want to get into what now a lot of you have have I know that was Toby I'm telling you I'm kind of going in a downward angle so you can see the crows going by I think they're scouting left and right for food I'm gonna go in and take some of your questions at the end but I want to go over what now when can you maybe start to plan your trip to Japan I'm getting more and more people asking I want to show you right now the situation in Japan I get a lot of of my information from NHK world and killed on news so I'm gonna show you in a second this this really well done time lapse that they're doing on Kyodo news which is one of the big English news websites they they're mostly Japanese but they have an English website which is very well done check this out here you can see how the infections have gone over the last this is going to reset it's a like an animated gif you could see in March Hokkaido was the worst affected and you can see I Chi nagoya up there coming in and Osaka was they were all above Tokyo and watch Tokyo just start to spike around the start right around here look at that this is what we're talking about when we say that Tokyo might be another New York City we're really worried about that here April 9th 10th 11th 12th March okay so it's a pretty cool graph they're updating this every couple of days so there's two days behind I don't know our lifestyle here in Japan has been tough because we don't we we almost not go out every other day like we don't even go out for a walk if we do go out for a walk there's just too many people outside and Tokyo especially along the river kids are still playing on playgrounds they starting to shut those down and putting tape around them saying please don't go to play in playgrounds families are still out walking but there's too many people having picnics too many people meeting people from other families it's not it's such a bad shutdown with a lot of unknown information that we're just afraid to go out because there's no one is was socially distancing over the last week we've seen supermarkets start to put vinyl sheets in front of the registers we started to see spacing suggested spacing on the floors inside of supermarkets so people know to stand about a meter or two just earlier this week on Monday when we went to go to a weekly shopping run I told the lady who was get coming up close to me I I told her please to separate and let's do some spacing says I don't know if you're sticking you don't know if I'm sick so let's do some space use ah ah and then she did a part people just don't have the mindset this is Tokyo where you it's rude to give spacing all right this is a city that's so jam-packed it's rude to give spacing because then you're in somebody's way and it's it takes some time to change people's mindsets in the city but if we again I wish we'd started this a little bit earlier and instead of saying please stay inside they were also saying if you go outside please socially distance or or physically distance is probably a better way to say this Tokyo is struggling with that and this is why I think we're starting to see cases increase and when can you come back to travel I I think I'm getting a lot of messages I get hundreds every day on every single meet social media platform Facebook Twitter YouTube of course patreon discord a lot of people have trips coming up in June I would say that May is not gonna be possible to come here to Japan because it's most of the attractions have changed their closing dates until around May 17th and this includes Tokyo Disneyland its Tokyo Disneyland it has no plans to open at all right now we just there's no plan to open they haven't made the determination and they won't make any announcements until there sure now and I think that's a responsible thing to do so if you do come to Japan and you do still come in June there's really not a lot to do except for maybe hiking and staying in the countryside you don't want to come to Tokyo at all but you can't even come to Japan anyways because according to J nto the National Japanese National Tourist organization and I highly recommend you go to their website I'll put a link in the description after this livestream nearly everyone is banned from entry right now like you just if you did come somehow you managed to get on the plane you would not be allowed in and Japanese that are returning to Japan now they have to go through a 14-day quarantine and they're not sending people to hotels anymore which was sort of like really a nice way to do it please on your own go carefully don't take public do they just hold you but didn't enforce it now they have cardboard box compartments in Narita airports luggage terminal where you pick up your luggage you're checked in luggage they've turned that into almost like a refugee center for people returnees to quarantine for two weeks and they look pretty comfortable actually it looks like something from Muji Russia that you could say has some sort of style to it I don't know just like this mask that we have but it is a really nice fast look at this mica this is mica no mask I'm really I'm really happy about this thank you so much mica you can make these at home with material that you have just have a have a double ply one that is more absorbent on the inside you can wash these that's so great so hopefully that people who are are stranded and not eat the airport have a good story to tell afterwards because if you do I want to talk to you I could do we could do an interview with you here I'd love to hear about your experience as you can tell I'm Kenai and I are trying to stay really positive it's hard of course being in self-isolation but again like mentally you have to really stay positive out there we know how tough it is for everybody it's not just you out there that's another reason why I do these live streams you're not the only one out there who is stuck at home we are too and although no one has no one has there's no police officer with a ticket waiting to write us one if we do go outside we just choose to do that because this is the this is the responsible thing to do it's a societal decision and it's not about us getting it it's about us getting it and clogging up the medical medical system and we just don't want to get it too but we don't want to do it for society right now the hospitals are in a tough situation more about that in a minute and once again the attractions are closed until May 17th it looks like it could be extended further and this is also before you start making plans for the 2021 Olympics we're not really a hundred percent sure that things won't be changed again and I want to point that out another viewer had said that this is something that we should consider the dates have been moved one year exactly against my recommendation was to hold in April Olympics which would have been the best ever this would have been a tremendous as as president Trump would say this would have been tremendous for the entire world to have a spring Olympics ah but then again I could see why they would want to delay it even further because we're just not sure but that doesn't mean that the Summer Olympics are still going to be held on that date there's possibilities it could be moved over depending on a lot of things like the vaccine so we will see yeah I I would say oh gosh it's just so many people who are who had to cancel their trips and the updates that I did from I started doing these updates January 30 29th or January 30th when the first person was infected in Japan and I could see we could see this way of coming I started to do updates in ek bakudo I went and gave an update I also went to Shinbashi and gave an update and I was the only one out there that was really wearing a mask I wasn't really wearing I was I was very worried about this for a long long time and now we're at this point a lot of people had to cancel and be thankful that you did cancel because right now Japanese tourism is down to the lowest point it's been you know in in a decade ninety-three percent reductions so I don't even know whether seven percent are probably stranded tourists but 93 percent reduction in tourism in the month of April and from March to April in the last last month 93 percent there's not a lot for you to do here June is going to be pushing it I know that there's a push to reopen the economy and none of these countries can stay closed for a very long time despite the health risks we just have to get through this first wave and flatten the curve but we the economies also cannot manage not opening right now I have a box right here you see that right there this is Sasha ah this is your box here from Ireland was returned to me I had a package from Australia returned to me which couldn't go out because Australia had closed the borders that can't continue for too long because if commerce ends then the economies will start to decline so I figured that this is a first wave thing and maybe the end of June might be the absolute earliest but I believe quarantine will still be in effect that means if you do decide to come to Japan it better be a long-term plan like for three months or more because if you do come in you're gonna have to spend the first two weeks doing nothing and then probably when you go back home another two weeks doing nothing so if you can work remotely this is ideal you can even work for two weeks inside of nutty the airport I think by June they'll have a did you see that crowd just go behind it's a big one I think that's the same one he's doing circles looking for food doors open um yeah for me personally if you ask me I'm telling people the earliest that I would return and start to travel would be autumn international travel would be autumn and I'm not talking about October either I'm talking like November and that's when the normal flu season starts to spread too so the responsible thing would be to start looking at 2021 as a date for you to return to Japan or to come to Japan for your vacation or if you have an open ticket that you can change 2021 seems like it's gonna be the year 2021 is gonna be the 2020 that we all hoped it would be alright because I had massive plans for 2020 oh yeah I can't even go outside to make the show anymore I have to be here and come up with ideas within the box so yeah we're all kind of struggling here again the decision yeah the decision - the decision to close down the country nationwide came just because of the Golden Week holiday because people had to travel and I think this is the right call and I'm very much welcome and I'm gonna go and turn to your questions now and also mention some of this stuff that I also have in these notes I kind of been take I take notes throughout the week and I watch the TV news hit all be is a show that I've been I've appeared on as a guest for I don't know it's about ten ten or twelve times I've gone into the studio or been interviewed for that show about inbound tourism and I'm really proud to be part of that of that crew over there and right now they're they're actually the guests aren't even coming into the TV studio anymore after some TV personalities came down with coronavirus they're staying inside their houses they're staying inside and the TV cam are bringing in monitors still like 8k monitors it looks like they're actually in the studio like in a box it's pretty amazing the technology Japan has but I will take your questions right now we'll start with the people who I do appreciate you guys tuning in to watch this it's a beautiful sunny day that I can't go outside and enjoy here in Tokyo John welcome once's here Tony pea nice to see you Jeff be hi John and can I keep up the excellent work in content Michael suss I don't more Oh Connie for a Sahib you're fun I should go get little bit slightly too early Richard Wright's in here keep yourselves safe thank you Richard and pinku hoshi I have two tickets to Japan in September I can't get a refund a pink Hoshi I would recommend that you just just wait if if you can't go in September and that's kind of on the fringe for me I think there's gonna be a second wave I just this is my feeling okay there's gonna be it's gonna go down then everyone you will see the decline and the economy will start up and there's gonna be a second wave that won't be as big as the first way they're almost always is and that's gonna probably be in the summer and September's might be a little bit early but if if international travel is been canceled and flights are canceled then you can't come anyways so they're going to have to refund your money I told people in March who were quite worried and wanted to cancel just just wait and naturally they're gonna have to refund your money because they're gonna have to cancel the flights and sure enough that they did I think everybody who had this anxiety about not being able to get money refunded for hotels and and whatnot were eventually refunded because the government had shut down or Airlines had self shut themselves down and when that happens they have no choice but they have to refund your money because there's no they can't provide the services right so I think just wait pink pink owashi and mmm I believe once summer comes around you'll probably be able to get refunds I also see a lot of really good travel deals coming in the fall Toni P looks like I will start planning my for next spring it's probably safest I wish I had flying out there this Sunday I know Tony I know stay safe John and can i I know it would be great to see so many of you I wanted to have a rent a riverboat and do a meet up with everybody on the riverboat but that's also one of the cluster points where you can't go out and of course we had to cancel that that's a shame because I wanted to throw business we're steffel definitely gonna do this next spring though definitely if we can because I want to throw some some work and throw some business to the to the riverboat people because they've lost a lot of business over the last two months and it's just gonna get worse I don't know if a lot of them are gonna stay in business because here's a long time to wait but spring looks good Tony for a return Kristin we'll have our own Olympics chris dickerson writes in here we love all them we love all the mods yes so do I thank you mods a Remco s you shot enough to edit in two episodes yes I did shoot a lot when I was in Ohio and whatnot it's gonna be going on a new channel so more on that next week a sweet Hightower thank you so much I love these animated emojis you gotta fight it out and Rose rose Trin writes in from Singapore for Hugh thank you I'm gonna get myself a coffee with that and by getting myself a coffee I probably just go make it however I did get in this box and in this box over here I didn't get a package we can do a package unboxing I got something from Amazon and we're getting a lot of deliveries we bring the boxes outside here we let it sit for a day if we can and then we wash down the boxes and open it because you just can't be safe enough I know it's like it seems like an over overkill over too much but what we learned was that creating habits and taking a little bit further than normal is what will keep you safe for for now your hair looks good today I you know I bought it I bought a set of clippers Panasonic clippers and I every day I look at that in boys today the day to shave this down and the answer is I'm not sure I cannot comb it it doesn't stay combed it just turns into and turns into a frizzy mess so I might livestream a razor haircut Kenai is itching to go Kona you want to do it don't you and she wants to do it I don't want her to do it but she's got that razor fever because this is like a like a like a grassy knoll that you can just shave down she's so excited about that it might give us something to look forward to if anything so we might stream the stream the thing but all right the live streams just just for FYI after the live stream it's gonna take about 12 hours before you can see it due to a bug in YouTube so I really apologize for that in advance only about five hours ago could you see the live stream that we did with the freeze-dried food which isn't was incredible yeah so let's go back to your questions here about traveling to Japan get away from my hair let's see what do you have here shoot me anything sanitizers great story great story about alcohol and hand sanitizers thanks for bringing that up guys so all of the we have a lack of alcohol available anywhere there's nothing to be able to sanitize the house your hands it's sort of all run out so Suntory and a lot of sake makers in japan is filled with hundreds maybe thousands of thousands of sake makers all across japan are starting to move away from making japanese sake and moving into high alcohol products for sanitation this is a great story that i really love a sake brewery and coach prefecture down in Shikoku started to make high alcohol sake seventy seven percent alcohol to ferment this and they had ten thousand orders in the first day many of them coming from hospitals and institutions that just need alcohol so you can see them ramping a production and on it writing seventy seven because it's seventy seven percent alcohol the the biggest problem that japan has with making its own alcohol is that alcohol is made high alcohol stuff is made from glucose so very very it requires a lot of sugar to make high alcohol and japan doesn't have that usually it's imported from brazil's sugar cane or american high fructose corn syrup corn stock from the united states japan doesn't have that domestically so we need to get that sugar sweetener in order to create enough alcohol there's just not enough domestically since there's a worldwide desire for glucose in fact if you have money invested in alcohol making companies not in gasoline okay because i bet you the gas prices are gonna go down and alcohol alcohol and and other alcohols to make disinfectant they're gonna be skyrocketing just just like Fujifilm toyamakk chemicals have you gone stock that's the one to pick but it's nice to see that Japanese sake makers are starting to step up and and everyone is getting to work to try to find ways to get through this and alcohol is something we're all gonna need for the family the family outside Japan collab with Mike Chen Jason writes in Mike's doing okay I think he has a bunker somewhere we talked about it he's a good friend a very good guy and I know he's gonna be just fine he's got himself it I'm Moyes here probably he'll be back in 2021 but we were both pretty worried about this in February before he left to go back to the US and I'm Shh I'm sure well we'll be be working together again with a lot of other youtubers that are gonna come to collaborate in 2021 probably I'm gonna be here though I'll be here but we're not meeting anybody that's another thing I'm not meeting up with other people now I think I mentioned this a little bit like I've other families in Japan are meeting up with other families and having picnics and stuff and this is the one thing that you should not be doing and I know the government says no groups of ten ten or less don't even meet anybody outside of your family household because one person has it you spread it to your whole family household so despite the desire to do this I think a month is not a long time for you to wait to meet your your buddies and go drinking and if anything go you can order we can order alcohol on on Amazon I don't know a lot of the countries can't do that but you can do a FaceTime call and have a drink with your buddies then and then do picture-in-picture and watch a movie together or something I don't know but try to come up with creative ways not to meet other people's families or other people just because it increases the risk the Japanese government says you should try to reduce the encounters you have with people down to 80 reduce it by 80 percent and that'll help the country a lot I say reduce it by a hundred percent just don't mean anybody if you've got to go out to the supermarket do it and come home get delivery if you can we're doing our best to try to maintain that distancing a Skype party is great a zoom party which is another platform that we've all been learning about is really great FaceTime there's a bunch of other platforms that you can use to to hang out Google hangout but just I think if you get in a habit and you realize how important that this is to just stay inside and not meet up with your buddies or your friends or even if you're like meeting up with another mother so your kids can play together I know you want to do that but in Japan they're doing that and they're kind the infection rates are skyrocketing so let's just keep it in perspective you don't I mean we can wait a month I can wait a month I'm aging rapidly put my I'll be okay I'm what foods do you miss the most that you can't get delivered and we're gonna cut down on the pizza too because can I said where we never eat pizza um sushi is the biggest thing that we miss because but we can get that delivered and we're gonna try next week to get sushi delivery but we miss sushi we miss going out and just having a normal life going out on date night our anniversary our three-year anniversary 2017-2018 three-year anniversary is coming on on April 21st I can't take Kenai out so were we I asked our discord I asked our patreon community well some ideas that they had and one of them was to maybe get flowers delivered but I'm gonna go out there's a couple of butcher shops here and if they're still open I want to support the local butchers and get a really nice piece of Wagyu like a really expensive cut of Wagyu maybe a tenderloin or something and we have a yucky Nick that gas stove that I showed you and I'm gonna create this balcony that I have inches in with Christmas lights and see if we can have an night of it I think that'd be pretty cool I might livestream that just to bring you in here because if anything at least our patreon supporters because it's meant the world to us that you guys are still supporting us despite the fact that we can't go outside and make the content that you want but that I want to huh I'm with you there but we can we can make this if I if you have to stay in I have to stay in and then we're gonna do it like this but I can get I can go on to the supermarket or to the store to the butcher stores and get the ingredients to make it a nice dinner we have an insta pot sent to us by Katayama for our wedding gift and we're gonna be using that next week looking at restaurant recipes for that we've been afraid to use it because it has three prongs and Japan has two prongs and the u.s. ones have three prongs so I get a get a converter and or cut that off but we're really excited about using that a little bit more yeah a couple of questions here I know that this is I want to address the questions that you have with travelling to Japan insta pot sounds like a social network it dies in a way it does in a way and we're gonna try to make some instant pot recipes if we can Jeff Aang here's something for you and can I think guys thank you so much I'm gonna use be using this towards the steak now jokerman as a grocery store have been busy lately a Joker man I actually put pictures on Instagram stories about about four days ago the last time I went to the supermarket you can see that they've they've there are times when they're not busy like right now in the middle of the afternoon in the morning all the all the older people go there and then it's so crowded with people who move really slowly you got to go around them and then after they go home there's kind of a period where it's very quiet and then around 4:30 5 o'clock people go out to shop in Tokyo we always live kind of close to a supermarket where we don't need a big refrigerator but you know we bought one because we need a big refrigerator thanks for the question I was thinking of maybe doing a live stream in the supermarket but to be honest with you you know I don't think that we should publicize going outs and even out of curiosity or for content I know that we all all the youtubers need to make content I think juice pecan I and I had this decision we just had I think it's kind of for us it's not responsible to be going outside and making like I wanted to rent a car and do this too but we said that look the rental cars are being used for people at the airport that can't take public transportation the to go to the hospital they're using rental cars now and basically we just don't want to promote traveling around anywhere again non all non-essential travel means don't make youtube videos outside too that's just kind of the decision that we came up with and I completely support that can i of course I wanted to but can I is the smarter one of the two of us look into miles NZ has been in for New Zealand has been locked down for four weeks but we had eight new cases I'm hoping to go in September New Zealand is a place that I guessed it I think they're being really smart the mail is shut down everything is shut down they're not allowing anything into the country in New Zealand and we're seeing the results not a lot of cases although there are new cases but it's an island just like Japan but unlike Japan New Zealand shut down fast and I think that's a really good thing thanks a lot good gents miles for sharing that we I wish all of you guys were here in Japan but it looks like it's gonna be fall as the earliest I miss unlikely gamer rights and you just got the hitchhiking blu-ray it's a blu-ray not a DVD it looks really good on the big-screen TVs I sent them out to patreon supporters I'm really glad that they started to arrive I stopped because they're not arriving quickly enough so maybe I'll release the remaining ones to the general public sometime at the end of the summer when the male is working better what's a DVD OCD state you know what it is if you have the ability to write you know what it is Eliott l your biggest fan Thank You Elliot can't wait to be a patron thank you so much it does make a difference I do want to announce and this isn't the official announcement yet I'm going to be starting up I don't pay Treon is the main place where you you could support us if you choose to do that but we have the ability because I can't send send packages and I'm not I'm quite uncertain about that and a lot of people can't support on patreon for one reason or another we're gonna be starting the sponsored button within this channel here so if that means I'm going to unleash some emoji some new only in Japan emoji next week so I'm gonna price this so it doesn't cannibalize that means if you are supporting on patreon as a samurai supporter over there you're still going to have the same perks that somebody who's supporting on on YouTube so I don't want it to be reason where you have to pick one of the other I want to make it so that you're going to be happy wherever you support it just doesn't make a lot of sense to add more to give less to one side it's I'll make another video to explain it but the support is super appreciated I get something that I want to unbox with you guys I don't know what this is but I just got it from Amazon and we wiped down the box oh I know what this is okay I actually I've been looking to order a Nintendo switch but we don't have they're not available for sale in Japan unless you pay double the price so those of you who are playing Animal Crossing without me how dare you let's open this up here what could it be once again I have to order stuff off of mail order is this what I think it is oh this is one of the two things I had to order cafe so whoever but whoever gave me the superjet for a cup of coffee I just ordered this it costs a little bit more than going to Costco but then to rent a car would have cost a lot more - so I'm gonna be perfectly caffeinated and ready to go for the next couple of weeks thanks to the espresso yeah they make Costco make some pretty good coffee beans I also have another package that's coming today and one for the anniversary that I ordered two in advance because I've got a plan an idea what to do it to do for that yeah thanks everybody for watching just to reiterate Japan just expanded the state of emergency to all the entire country because Golden Week holiday is coming up and we want to make sure that this does not spread any further Prime Minister Abe a look extremely decisive yesterday I'm somebody who is who is always going to be supporter of the person in power because we want them to do a good job and yeah it's hard cuz you're like why didn't you do it earlier and now it's here so I'm very happy that we seem to be going in a better direction there's more testing they've created little Hut's that they can do each Hut can do 50 tests per day which is not enough but it's better than what they were doing before so we're going to see numbers rise in Japan but we're gonna see more people test it and that's really important I think for families and for everybody else out there also I'm gonna be doing another video I don't believe it's gonna be live because these live videos don't go online fast enough takes 12 hours before they can mix the chat with the video and put that on to YouTube so this live chat is preserved 12 hours later takes if you want to see the playback so you have to go into the the Tokyo stay home Adventures playlist on only in Japan go you can see it right away albedo mask is coming today the government gave us two masks per family and that's coming today yesterday they sent it out it's kidding city Gaia and me not though word there's 23 wards in Tokyo we're in Chu award which is the central area near Nihon boshy and that should be coming today I'm gonna be checking the mailbox if we get the government mask I'll probably be making a video about it with Kani and putting that online as maybe a picture in picture or something fun because I want to see how it compares with the Meccano mask that I got from my friend mika in tody prefecture Thank You Mika and and see if the government which spent like it was like a ridiculous amount of money to send these out to everybody just two per family how this stands up to the masks that we can make ourselves I think it's pretty pretty fun episode that should be coming today so I'm really excited about that this is the time of the livestream where you guys can write and where you're watching from it's always nice to see cuz we have an amazing global audience the Hawaiian a Hawaii AK Inc Hawaii Hank happy Anniversary guys thank you I'm looking forward to the 21st now we have like we have these little markers over the next month where we look we make things to look forward to and this is one of the things that we had to look forward to like we're gonna eat delivery sushi on this day so it gives us a little things to look forward to I think that's a way to have little goals within your household to make the time go by faster but also to sort of appreciate when these special days do come just like camping day I don't get to tent out every day all right but when I get the tent out it's a lot of fun and you can watch the movie from the tent you just open it up and it feels like a drive-in movie theater a lot of people who have never even been there to a drive-in movie theater but if you do go to a drive-in movie theater or you have been in one it kind of feels like that to sit back in your tent alright and you open up this the side and you look through there and you can see the movie on the screen in front of you feels like a drive-in movie theater if you want to make it even feel even more get a Bluetooth speaker hook it up to your TV and put that in there it's then it feels like that little drive-in movie theater box that you'd have to put on your window with the really bad audio that would come in as you look outside to the movie it feels like it's pretty cool so we're gonna do maybe I'll do it a drive-in movie theater simulation with you guys over the next next couple of weeks because it seems like we're gonna be doing inside video live streaming for the next three weeks like this yeah Chicago Milford Ohio look at this Brisbane Australia Pennsylvania Mars Puerto Rico Boston Colorado looks great to see everybody's watching from all over the world chillin in Florida Brazil Bangalore San Paulo Twin Cities Chu oku our neighbor karachi ventura toronto osaka brazilian living there san francisco dominican republic look at this this is wonderful this is what YouTube does brings us all together like this so we can share some time together in these in these dark times we have a little bit of brightness which is called only in Japan go I don't have an announcement next week as well on the state of the channel - thanks guys so much for supporting another update next week on the direction of Japan again just to reiterate I think June might be too early gamer Pro thank you Japan June might be too early to come to Japan but I think after summer it might be okay and you'll see some travel deals but just be aware that it's on the fringe this is from my feeling the earliest would be November but I think it's safe but you have the other influenza season so I think it's safe to start planning for next spring next spring being like March or April or May a year from now it's probably the best bet but adventure seekers and people without families and those who aren't at high risk probably can start to think about maybe autumn but just be keep in mind that the quarantine measures might be in effect until 2021 and this looks better than the then this lens is this is the wide angle lens I try to use both it depends thanks guys so much for the support I will see you in a livestream tomorrow we're gonna try to keep this up every day I gotta come up with something new and become become creative if you have any questions leave a comment below hit the like button and encourage me I really appreciate it this also makes sure that you get the notifications on the live stream so you don't miss us because it's so much more fun it's so much more fun when it's a lot they save everybody thank you Eric Swanson I saw that come in thank you
Channel: ONLY in JAPAN * GO
Views: 46,573
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Only in Japan, Japan, update, mask, news, Travel, is japan safe, visa, situation, tokyo
Id: sBtQhnXPZxM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 53sec (2873 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 17 2020
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