Where to stay in TOKYO - Don't make THIS mistake! | Japan Travel Guide

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Tokyo is a sprawling City that  offers dramatically different   experiences depending on where you stay. Are  you looking for night life and bright lights,   high-end shopping, unique dining  experiences, or maybe a more tranquil   time in Tokyo? What's the experience you're  looking for? We help you decide. [Music] Welcome back to Finding Gina Marie, where we  share our lives as full-time travelers and   the connections we make along the way. If you're  new here, welcome, I'm Judy and I'm Kevin. This   is the second episode of our Japan series, so  stay tuned for all the rest of them and catch   the ones you might have missed. We split our  time in Tokyo. We started off our Japan trip   in Tokyo and then we went and did some more  traveling and came back to Tokyo at the end   to share some time with our daughter. Our  experiences between our first leg and our   second were vastly different. The greater Tokyo  area has over 38 million people and the central   metropolitan area has over 9 million. So our best  advice is to book as far in advance as possible,   especially when you are visiting in autumn like  us or cherry blossom season. So many options for   both legs of our trip weren't available because  we didn't book early enough. When looking at the   different areas of Tokyo for hotels, you need  to look at not just what ward an area is in,   but also the neighborhood because even within a  single ward, you'll have a variety of experiences.   We'll be covering six areas to consider and  sharing some food recommendations, spots to find   cherry blossoms and beautiful autumn leaves, and  we'll also mention what we paid for everything. We   flew ANA Airlines in premium economy which was  a splurge using points since we were arriving   after a visit to family in the US. We redeemed 184,642 points and paid $226.77 for one-way   tickets valued at $2,996 for both of us. So we're  actually on a plan going to our flight to Tokyo,   and it's been really nice so far. Yeah it's  great. And so this was one of the splurges—we   are in Economy Plus that we earned with points  so that's a nice treat. Yeah, staff's been great,   treatment's been wonderful, plane looks great,  excellent seats, excellent foot area and stretch   out area. It's always nice when it's a 2:2  configuration so you don't have to have somebody   next to you. Those are nice a little; a little  bit better than regular, and slippers. I think   we have reclining seats. At least we have these  foot rests, which is really nice for me. Yeah, so   I'm all set for that. Noise canceling headphones?  Yes, because I can't hear you! [laughter] Chicken   teriyaki sort of noodles, teriyaki's over rice,  wasabi paste. Oh good. The advantage of the   premium economy was that we arrived fresh from  a relaxing plane ride with great amenities. So   I am thrilled that we are here. I don't know;  I feel like our airplane just really set—our   airline—set the stage for what awaits us. It was  just really a top-notch experience on All Nippon   Airways (ANA)—very nice service, lovely plane,  comfortable seats—set the bar pretty high. Yeah,   I'm so excited so excited. I feel very unprepared,  but it won't take too long for us...get ready for   a few mistakes. We had no idea of the overwhelm  we'd experience finding the right trains to get to   our hotel. All right last leg here we got just got  to walk to our hotel. This is crazy, there's a lot   of trains and a lot of stairs. It has been so much  more crowded than I expected it to be, and at this   point it's 6:18pm, which we've just gone through  rush hour so that is part of the explanation but   it made it very hard to just assess where you are  and where you're trying to get to. Yeah, there's   a lot of ticket gates, too, so we didn't want to  make the wrong choice. Well, and unfortunately,   not knowing where we're going and having a path  but you have to get there by this amount of time   so if we missed something, then we're starting  over, and the path that we took based on price   um also required us to get off at multiple  stops so it's been an adventure, and we are at   the—nearing—the Finish Line. Yeah, the last stop,  just a quick walk right 500 meters, right? Yes.   All right, let's go. Sounds good. So let's start  off with Shibuya. It's southwest of central Tokyo   and one of the three large subcenters in Tokyo.  The other two are Shinjuku and Ikebukuro area.   We were shocked that our first sights in Tokyo  were of a highway overpass and could have been   lifted out of any part of the world. There were  no tall buildings and it didn't look particularly   Japanese, except for the Kanji versus Roman  lettering on the signage. It turned out that   although our first hotel was in the ward of  Shibuya, it's in the neighborhood of Hatagaya,   which is an upscale residential area of town and  requires you to take an extra train leg to get   there. If you're looking to stay away from the  hustle and bustle, this may be the area for you.   We stayed at the Himalayan Cloud Hotel. It was a  very nice hotel and great for the price. We paid   $635 for [FIVE] nights which breaks down to $127  per night. We thought we were staying in the area   with skyscrapers, so you need to understand  the neighborhood as well as the ward. [Music]  When planning your hotel location, do a quick  directions from the Tokyo Airport and see what   it looks like on the map app. If you stay near  one of the major train stations, you'll save time   on your first day arriving in Tokyo. You can  travel quickly to any other place in Tokyo by   train without having to deal with your luggage  after that. You'll also save money because you   won't have to take these extra arms deep into a  neighborhood. And if you're near a major station,   there's likely going to be more that you can  do in that area. So let's skip to the area of   Shibuya that you might really want to stay in  or be expecting when you think of Tokyo. The   most touristy thing you must do is to be part  of the Shibuya Scramble: 3,000 people cross the   scramble every 90 seconds. Watch us walk through  it and then view it from overhead. Skip the pricey   Shibuya Sky building with its $15 online tickets  and rooftop seats costing nearly $28. Instead   head to the Magnet for a budget-friendly  option. For just 1500 Yen (which is $10),   enjoy a rooftop experience with couches, fewer  tourists, a drink and no reservations [Music]   needed. The Metropolitan government building's  45th floor observation deck offers a free view,   but it's currently closed. If you have an  international driver's permit, consider a cartoon   character go-karting experience from Street Kart  Tokyo bay where you can dress up in your favorite   costume and ride around the streets of Tokyo looks  like those people were having a lot of fun and   if you have enough patience stand in line for a  picture with the bronze statue of the famous loyal   Hachiko a Japanese Akita dog who lived a 100 years  ago and is remembered for his remarkable loyalty   to his owner it's a very popular site you can get  pictures from the side but if you want to pose   with a statue you have to wait in line it's right  in front of the shabuya station's Hao exit which   was named after him if you want to have amazing  sushi but want to make a real experience out of it   we recommend kakaya by the sea in the Mario Macho  neighborhood it's got traditional Japanese seafood   with a temporary twist you need reservations but  it was our most memorable meal if you book online   you need to order one of their family style course  meals we might not have chosen that left to our   own devices but we tried some incredible food that  we might not have been ambitious enough to try   otherwise we chose the Yuki course which included  nine small courses that we could barely finish   at 4,800 Yen per person or about 3250 this is FY  and let me overa FY and oh this one's fatty fatty   and the ring okay yeah let's snap SN Amber Jack  Amber Jack Spanish ma excellent Spanish Ma and [Music] V the waiter and chefs were  a hoop and cheered anytime anyone   paid them a compliment after each course which was [Music] aw and if you're interested in a themed  hotel check out the nearby Sweets Hotel mom's like me when I why  didn't you book us here Mom are they free oh yeah I found my place I found my [Music]  home on our second visit to Tokyo from Kyoto we   were a bit smarter and planned a little bit  ahead unlike our last uh hotel in Tokyo this   one's right near our main station Shinjuku  so should be an easier trip than the last   time which was a little bit exensive right  and hopefully this should be a busier part   of town too so we are excited for all the cool  things you're going to be doing Tokyo again to   we knew our daughter would be disappointed in  the hota area so we booked a hotel in Shinjuku   near the main train station this area  is famous for its flashy neon lights and nightlife it is a bit more nightlife than maybe  we had bargain for because Tokyo's red light   district also is here called kabucho it's not  unsafe area just be mindful to avoid the [Music] touts this is where you want to be if  you're looking for some serious nightlife scene because there are parties well into  the night the streets can be very dirty   until the garbage Crews will transform  it in the morning there are several APA   hotels in this area and you want to make  sure you have the correct address for the   one you book ask me how I know to do this  and air hotel is right in the middle of all [Music] this the rooms are small but  functional and affordable APA stands   for always Pleasant amenities for Kevin  and I we paid 73384 Yen or $499 for four   nights which is $24.75 per night we got a  separate room for our daughter at the same   price since the rooms were way too small and  only had one bed which is pretty typical of Japan this area even has its own  four-way scramble but it's much smaller and we don't mind busy cities but  we don't go out partying at night so this   area of Shinjuku wasn't a perfect for us  we are glad that we got to see some of the   popular sites like the 3D cat display  near the Shinjuku station's East exit   it spans three stories and runs from  7:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. with different   videos appearing based on the time of day  very Instagram worthy and fun to [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] watch  Shinjuku has its own themed hotel but this theme   was darker than the sweets one hotel malta's  exterior designed to look like it's falling   apart there's also a glamping hotel with a beach  Vibe allowing the feel of glamorous camping on   the seashore with hammocks and beach chairs  facing gigantic big screen televisions and   a ton of free food let's move on to Cho one  of the areas inside Cho city is Ginza where   you'll find upsale shopping and 100-year-old  stationary store Japan is famous for stationary   and fountain pens and this store boasts five  stories of joy for anyone with a creative [Music] flare go past all the fancy stores and  you'll come to thei market area it's the largest   fish market in the world don't go at lunchtime  though because the fish is overpriced here it's   better to go to any of the restaurants who  purchase their fish in the early morning   hours stalls typically close at 2:00 p.m. if you  take a sushi making Class A market tour is often   included beforehand Cho also holds the man-made  island of sukima which is famous for monaki   you'll know it better as mja Tokyo's version of  the Savory pancake called okin namaki which is   from [Music] Osaka there's an entire Street lined  with manga restaurants mostly open for dinner we   preferred hiroshima's version version best of  all but they are all worth trying M's runer and   gooier and AR as well formed compared to the other  versions we split a pork curry pancake which cost   1130 Yen or $768 it's pretty affordable  especially for the amount of food you're [Music] served across the street you'll also want to stop  for melon pan they are a steel at200 again and   they are delicious and that's only $1.36 so you  can have two okay we were at this place before   back for second round right and we didn't taste  it on camera so I thought we would here and it's   called melon pan but I think it's just because of  the shape not because of Any flavors it's got not   not got melon in it but the top is like a Dutch  crunch um site and it's really fluffy inside it's   really good and and it's good enough that we came  back twice can I give me that piece there we go   I agree this same part of town is famous for  Manga and Anime let's now take a look at the   asakusa area it's where Tokyo's oldest and most  significant temple senoji temple also known as   asakusa Canan and if you thought visiting a temple  would be a somber experience guess again for many   of them the grounds are celebratory high energy  and filled with vendors of every sort it's also   free to visit the kamarian gate which means  thundergate in English is the outer of two   large entrance Gates that ultimately leads to the  senoi temple the gate with its Lantern and statues   is great for pictures when you come in through  this gate you'll walk along the street leading   to the temple called nakamas Dori it's lined with  nearly 90 shops selling crafts suvenir and plenty   of sweet and savory snacks seasonal events in July  and December are also held on Temple ground it's   easy to miss this main gate if you enter through  one of the side or lesser Gates keep in mind that   you're not supposed to eat while you're walking  so although there's all these food vendors there   aren't always places to put your trash so you  may have to carry it with you or give it back   to the shop person if the lines aren't too long  there are plenty of restrooms here and they all   have toilets with built-in bedet our daughter had  a laundry list of foods that we needed to try from   the food vendors so of course we had to listen  to her so this is a milk serve I've seen a bunch   of these and finally got a chance to snag one  while we're by the temp look fake though yeah it does Mr Softy or Dairy Queen or what um I don't  know it's a little bit crystalized just okay but   I'm a snob when it comes to ice cream look looks  pretty though right it does the other popular ice   cream here is serve inside a crate what do you  think it's creamy softer yeah it's really soft   it's really creamy very good since we're talking  about ice cream we're excited to share that we've   started our own absolutely free community  Forum that we are calling La Familia you can   ask questions about trip planning and all things  related to travel there we're also giving you a   chance to peek behind the scenes and are offering  a bunch of other perks we're calling gelato   levels if you decide you want to help support us  financially as well a video with the details is   linked in the description ion below the uo area  of asakusa has several museums as well including   the Tokyo National Museum which is the oldest and  largest museum in Japan unfortunately we missed   exploring museums on this trip but we think it's  still worthwhile for you to visit there so let's   talk about chiota we visited the neighborhood  of K in the chiota area to meet up for a great   ebike tour that hook us through this area and our  guide was really good it was a perfect way to get   our bearings especially since Tokyo is so spread  out we'll put a link in the description below at   the end of it we stopped at a standing Sushi area  for lunch that our guide recommended called benai   sushi bar this is a very authentic sushi bar with  very little English it was a little difficult to   figure out what we wanted so we chose to share  the special of the day which was a 10piece set   of five different sushimi lunch is typically from  around 11:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. so don't wait too   long to find a place to eat we prefer the salmon  and the shrimp the best and for both of us it was   $1,800 Yen total which is about $12 also in cond  is karashibi miso Ramen kambo which we loved and   is known for offering spicy Ramen this place  takes it to the extreme its name translates   to ogre's iron club which basically means that  the spice level will have you feeling like you   got clubbed in the mouth their basic Ramen is  $980 Yen or about $6.66 to upgrade to an egg   Ramen cost $150 Yen or $782 cents and you can add  additional toppings for extra charge or additional spices the Imperial Palace which is the main  residence of the emperor of Japan is here Koko   Gan National Gardens also are here as well the  most convenient entrance of the park is from   the kudan side through the tayuman gate which  is a 2-minute walk from the kudan D station   inside the park is the nepon Buddakan area which  hosts Rock shows and martial arts tournaments The   Beatles played five sets here in 1966 during  their world tour tuman gate is famous for its   cherry blossoms around the end of March the area  is so loaded up with visitors you can't even ride   a bike through it a little later in the season  it's also famous for its fall colors we visited   this area in October so it was a little too  early to get the pretty trees one interesting   thing about this gate is there's actually an  outer gate and and then an inner gate and you   have to make a pretty hard turn to get through  them both which made it harder for the city to   be attacked if you're looking for cherry blossoms  the British Embassy has a lot of them when they're   in season everywhere in Japan you can find places  where you can rent a kimono if you want to walk   around in a traditional outfit for the day and  that applies for both men and women if you're   looking at a rickshaw ride your time in Tokyo look  no further than asakusa where there are plenty of   them before we get to our final recommendations  we want to talk about the manato area the manato   ward is the most expensive area to stay in Tokyo  it's one of the most International areas and has   a concentration of business and diplomatic  activity in Japan the jingu gayen area has   a golden Geno Tree Line Street that you must  visit in Autumn warning there is a lot of posing   and selfies happening there so come early in the  morning when it's less crowded we arrived late in   the day and it was still worthwhile the trees in  the fall are a must SE they are truly JW [Music] dropping the nezu museum also is here even if you  aren't visiting specifically for the art there's   a lovely five-star Garden if you are looking for  some peace and Tranquility so with so many areas   to stay what are our final recommendations  well after some of the mistakes we made we   recommend that you stay in a Central area of  Tokyo near a train station because then you   can get on whenever you want to and visit other  areas you'll still have walking access to the   shops and convenience stores and things that you  would normally want to access in Tokyo so we'd   like to know where you would prefer to stay in  Tokyo leave us a comment below and let us know   what resonated most and why if you've enjoyed  this episode and you're already subscribed one   of the biggest compliments you can give to us is  to share our content with your friends and family   if you haven't subscribed please do so and give  us a like and check out finding gen.com lots of   good articles there and more information on  our travels until next time until next time
Channel: Finding Gina Marie – Travel the World
Views: 255,754
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: apa hotel shinjuku kabukicho tower, apa hotel tokyo, asakusa tokyo, best area to stay in tokyo, carry-on, carry-on suitcases, finding gina marie, first time in japan, first time in tokyo, first time in tokyo japan, full time travel, paris, san francisco, shinjuku station, slow travel, things to do in tokyo, tokyo travel 2023, tokyo travel guide, tokyo travel guide 2023, tokyo travel tips, tokyo travel vlog, travel, travel vlog, where to stay in japan, world travel
Id: mJwV_R4w1wY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 7sec (1327 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 02 2023
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