Where Should You Stay in Bali?

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if you're coming to Bali I know you're wondering where should I stay well we got you covered today's video we're going to be sharing with you a villa for 50 a night in chengu comparing it to a villa in abood for 700 a night the biggest difference between these two bookings is really your group size but we're gonna get into the details in just a second so let's start the video and show you all the cool Villas first we're going to show you the tour of this massive 700 a night luxury Villa here in abud Ubud is an hour and a half away from the airport and it's known to be the art and Cultural District of Bali this is where Eat Pray Love the movie was filmed and it's a lot less crowded than chengu of course if you go to the city center there's going to be crowds but this area has so much more open space especially with Rice Terraces this Villa is in the middle of nowhere to get here you get to drive 10 minutes on this dirt and bumpy road it was kind of wild but once you get here you have peace and quiet obviously Ian and I never stay at Villas that hold this many people the reason we were here was because we were hosting a content creator Retreat where we taught students how to make a full-time living in this career path there were four teachers 10 students so 14 people total technically it only holds 12 but the max is 14. so we were able to actually hire an outside company and they brought two beds in but having extra people means that you get to lower the price so if you divide 700 by 14 it's not as expensive as you think everyone left yesterday and outside the kitchen is a mess and our Butler bollock has not arrived yet that's the best part he comes with the Airbnb he'll check in on you once a day come do the dishes grab stuff if you need it from in town that's really great but he doesn't stay here so this place is totally yours and he's kind of just like on call if you need him another thing that comes with the Airbnb is everyday cleaning of the rooms which I think is great and lastly we did have an amazing Chef which we included in this 700 price but technically we outsourced him so we hired him outside of the Airbnb if you're somewhere like this a little bit further out of town and you have a big group of people it's a really good idea to hire a chef because otherwise you're going to be having to hire cars every day to get into town get everyone to go at the same time sit down for dinner it's just way longer and way less convenient we are obsessed with Lion he was just so much fun to have for three times a day breakfast lunch and dinner at dinner we even had a four course meal salad soup main dish and a dessert but the best part was he was able to accommodate everyone's dietary restrictions so he had some gluten-free three students we had someone that was vegetarian our Chef is going to be linked in the description below and he is hands down the best chef in all of Bali let's change why on life and get him booked up throughout the year so right here is where we would teach classes we were able to have a rental projector right here in front of the students so we could teach every single day I was expecting this room because it's massive to have air conditioning but it did not so maybe for this Airbnb please get some better air conditioning here because some days got really hot so you have the kitchen dining room table family room over there and even an extra room chill out room over here Wi-Fi is in the laundry room over there and once it hits anywhere in this room it's so spotty so a lot of people that go over to that laundry room download stuff come back in here they need better wi-fi that extends throughout the entire Villa the architecture of this Villa is just so Elite again don't know much about home decor but I know how it makes me feel and I get excited about this pit thing just another seating area I try to eat out here as much as I could Ian and I hung out here last night and you know just the leading lines oh my God a lizard just jumped in the pool a lizard just jumped in the pool his friend's looking he's gonna drown where is he [Music] get him man he's right there he's found salamanders do salamander without a tail bye buddy don't fall in the pool again there's six bedrooms each bedroom has one big bed but you can also split the bed into two which we did for a lot of our students so they don't have to sleep together this is the beautiful view from the corner rooms got a little poo going on here race Terrace this is kind of like a yoga area whoever wants to stretch the toilet is separate from the shower which is great if you have multiple people because then you're not constantly fighting for the bathroom shower is amazing great water pressure hot I love this shower yeah just a really really nice bathroom and lastly there is also an outdoor shower it's got two shower Huts outdoor which that's pretty bougie if you ask me beautiful view I wish I would use that Omar [Music] and this is the gym that they have here it's very very basic we actually went into town about 15 minutes whenever we wanted to work out because this really didn't do it for us there's a small treadmill a bike and then some weights even though Jim's kind of crappy you still have this beautiful view of the Rice Terraces you'll see locals come up to this Edge and work in the rice paddies and you could get some beautiful sunset or Sunrise Photos out here and of course the best part is the pool it's a what is it a t-shape it's like a Tetris shape I know a lot of people don't like being this far away from town but I love it I like being secluded this is like my little village with all my people and no one can touch us this is definitely a lengthy tool so if you like a little workout I feel like I'm an ad if you like to work out hop in go for a swim this is the most important feature of the Villa are you the small dinkle man I hope this isn't like disrespecting their culture in any way cutting in real quick to introduce the sponsor of this video Masterworks as you guys all know Anna and I love traveling the world but even if you're in a dream destination like Bali inflation will sadly follow you everywhere you go if you're looking to save up for your next trip you not only want to Shield your money from inflation but you also want it working for you too usually investing in stocks and bonds is a great way to start making some cash but if you've been watching the stock market over the past couple years that's not always the case according to Forbes there's one asset in particular to look out for in times of Crisis and that's investing in Fine Art the last time inflation was this High only three assets outperformed the inflation rate and out of those three Fine Art appreciated an average of 17.5 percent with Masterworks you could start investing in fine art by Legends like Picasso and Monet without spending millions of dollars on an entire painting what's crazy is that seven of the last eight paintings they sold delivered net returns over 17 for their investors over half a million people have already invested with Masterworks and with inflation still high that number is growing fast best part is you can gain Priority Access with our Link in the description below and start your art investing Journey today now we've moved on to Villa number two in chengu it's 50 a night and the biggest difference between this Villa and the last one we were at is that this one is shared what that means is we share the kitchen area and the pool area with other guests let me take you inside first you have this beautiful hand carved door it's so intricate if you don't follow us on Instagram I actually posted a few reels on this Villa and they went viral so make sure to follow us on Instagram so you can see stuff before we post it on YouTube but this was basically the real I just opened the door and exposed this beautiful view and yeah I mean there's not as much to this place I think one of my favorite Parts about this Villa is this conversation pit with the pool backdrop you could have your breakfast down here do some work or hang out with friends at night even though it's shared it does feel private at times throughout the day this place as a whole does feel a little bit more compact than the one in a boot and that's really because we're in chengu changu is much more built up it's more crowded but what you're sacrificing in space you're getting more livability so changu has better wi-fi more cafes more things to do lots of gym options so we have a gym that's four minutes down the road so it's basically kind of living in like a City versus in the country in a way I think for long periods of time we prefer changu just in case we want to hang out with friends or go do something there's that social aspect that we love this is just some more seating area a nice little kitchen dinner table and this is the kitchen this is just kind of outdoor living there's a stove that you can cook you are able to use any of their plates silverware let me just grab that fruit real quick just down the street from us we were able to pick up some fruit I got three passion fruits uh dragon fruit and mango and all of this is a dollar and 42 cents and I know you can't get like anything for a dollar 42 cents in the US I really love the layout of this Villa especially because there's little hidden spots to hang out like this one we're heading up to the second floor where there's more rooms and up here there is a chill hangout spot with some bean bag chairs you don't need to get fancy with the way you cut your fruit just get a spoon and dig in dragon fruits are so cool when they're made into smoothie Bowl because the bright color of it it's so pretty it's probably the prettiest fruit out there and passion fruit is one of the tastiest and so nerated our room's right here so we can easily just open up we're waiting to show you our room to clean it just like the last place they clean our room every day the best part about this place is they do your laundry for free or it's included in the price so we get clean laundry every day Welcome to our crib so you still get a beautiful room all to yourself that's why I don't really care that it's a shared area because think about it if you're staying at a hotel you still have to share the pool with other people we've got a king-sized bed a lot of seating areas and of course the personal touches that this Villa has which is like a really cool wooden door we've got a very nice bathtub and a shower with this cool view hopefully this video will help you decide where you want to stay in Bali honestly there's so many amazing spots so make sure to really look around and if you want to subscribe and follow us along our own Journey please hit that button like this video comment down below and we'll see in the next one love you foreign [Music]
Channel: Ian and Ana
Views: 65,109
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bali, Bali, bali villa, bali villa tour, bali villa luxury, bali 2023, bali vlog, bali hotel, bali travel, hotels in bali, villas in bali, where to stay in bali, best villas in bali, best hotels in bali, bali indonesia, villa bali, villa bali private pool, bali travel 2023, bali travel guide, canggu bali, ubud bali, bali hotels, bali villas, airbnb bali, bali resorts, best airbnb in bali
Id: -HELuBWRo_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 40sec (580 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 03 2022
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