How to find the BEST accommodation in BALI (short & long term)

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in today's video I'm going to show you guys how to find the best accommodation specifically in the changu area for places to stay here in Bali if it's for a week if it's for a month if it's for a year there are so many different options and I'm going to Spill the tea on how to find them let's start with the first option a typical Balinese Villa just like ours so welcome into our typical Balinese Villa that we are renting here in barua I don't know if I'm saying that right but it's literally right next to changu so I thought I'd give you guys a quick tour of what you can expect when you rent a Bolognese dinner okay so it's literally just me and my boyfriend that are living in this space but I think that's perfect so this is our kitchen we actually have an oven as well that we haven't even used yet but we have all you know we have all the facilities we have glasses we have plates we have cotton this is the kitchen area which then leads me on into the living room space this is kind of like our outdoor space we have the dining room table here where we sit down in and then on the other side we even have a sofa if you just want to chill out sometimes after lunch I like to sit down over there and just relax with a little bit of view and it's just so peaceful so this is pretty much half of the Villa if you think about it because you have this outdoor space which we use a lot in the day and then we have the obviously the pool obviously we have the outdoor sunbed if we were relaxed and then in the pool and then we have the big indoor bedroom today was cleaning day so they cleaned the Villa twice a week which is included in the price if you're going to rent a villa like at this level okay and then we obviously have the bathroom area and the Wardrobe having the bedroom separate to this whole Space makes it feel a lot bigger in a sense because you obviously have the wall there but it doesn't have any indoors you just come in you have your two sinks which is great for two people sorry extra but it's it's you know in the prices for the space that you get two big wardrobes chest of drawers there's plenty of storage space if you have loads of clothes I don't really have that many clothes with me but if you do and if you want to live here in a villa then you have loads of space okay and then this is definitely one of my favorite Parts is that outdoor bar like Jacuzzi bath and shower Jacuzzi bath I mean this Jacuzzi bath is absolutely enormous it was very relaxing for two people I mean is that I have had a date night in here with some with some candles and some red wine and some cheese it was absolutely super romantic relaxing and obviously what I love about these Balinese style Villas is that it's all Outdoors the shower bit I don't think all of them but I think a lot of them the majority of the Villas are Outdoors so obviously you're taking a shower outdoors and then you have the plants and you can see everything from into the open kitchen and I actually love this about it because it's just super spacious it makes the space feel a lot bigger than it is coming back around you just are back into the pool and the outside space so that's the first option a villa a traditional Balinese Villa the second option we're actually gonna have to go to my friend's house because he lives in a guest house which is the second option for accommodation I actually have to drop off this load of washing because we don't have a washing machine or dryer inside the Villa but it's super cheap to go get your clothes washed here that only costs 2.33 [Music] foreign this is the second option a room with a private bathroom and a guest house so if you come in this is one massive room there's aircon this is the Wardrobe space can I open this yeah so this is like the Wardrobe space you have scary TV a fridge this is huge I mean you're not even gonna feel all of this just with clothes and then you have the other side you obviously have a massive double bed a desk area so many plugs which is super important because you work online he works online he's a personal trainer I'll put his Link in the description and then over here we have the shower there's like a little um kitchen well not the kitchen spaces more like a sink he has all his plates here and then we have the bathroom so you just have your toilet a private toilet your shower in the room your sink yeah everything in here this is perfect for additional Nomads hair in Bali and the location it's this this guest house is one of in the center of changu so this is his room here and then we're gonna go downstairs to look at the swimming pool and the shed space and the kitchen this behind me is the shed kitchen and dining room to be honest I think this is a lot better than our kitchen at home and develop but let me just show you around what you can get in a guest house shared kitchen and living space so this is the ground floor and then you turn around to the shed dining area dining space with the most amazing view over the rice field look at this and then you have the shared kitchen so obviously you have the oven and then every person here has a cupboard to keep your dry Foods your dry goods and then over here you have all of the best equipment for cooking at home you've got a pressure cooker you've got I don't even know what this is rice cooker fryer toaster blender air fryer you've got a lot of different tools to cook here you've got a rolling pin more frying pans big pots you've got a freezer a shared freezer a big fridge for everyone to share and it has your room in here so this is room two which is really full you have a microwave sandwich maker food processor so Gustavo my friend was telling me that's pretty much nobody uses this kitchen he's the person that uses it the most and it is very very clean I'm actually shocked how clean it is I've traveled a lot in hostels and shared accommodation and the kitchens and the bathrooms are never ever this clean this guest house and a lot of guest houses in changu are normally quite fully booked so if you are willing to reserve this base try and send them a message on WhatsApp few weeks before you literally have absolutely everything here if you're trying to save money in Bali and cook at home think about a guest house that is with the kitchen fully equipped like this and you can really save a lot of money so the price for a room here in this guest house is going to cost you 7 million Indonesian rupiah which is about 400 US Dollars and that includes a cleaner once a week in your room and they do your washing or you have option three which is renting a house just like this one so this is actually a house of my good friends Danny and Lucas who are from Brazil and they've been here living here a long time in Bali for the last 10 months so let's go take a tour of the house foreign we have the boards here so we can surf oh my God this is the messy room and all the stuff and here you have another bathroom the huge living room wow this is so cute yeah we can have a dinner actually we bought some things it's this is was not here before but we got so we can feel more in home uh-huh you have a full fridge yes wow all open plan a big pool here wow we can have a great Sunday morning with the Vibes with the barbecue we have a garden if you want to have some dogs you have space yeah that's true oh my God it's so nice out here and here you have the first bathroom so we have the living room here all connected into the dining room the kitchen and then the space there like a porch kind of with one bathroom downstairs and then this is lateral this is your room yeah me and Lucas actually huge it's huge that's the point it's huge massive so clean yeah and here we have the open bathroom so different like super Bali oh my gosh yeah we can take a shower and see the moon oh that's amazing and second floor second floor let's go so you've been living in Bali for the last last 10 months just one year and you want to be and you want to stay in Bali for at least two years here is amazing yeah so this is the second floor and here we have more rooms so this place has how many bedrooms three three beds yes this is another like a guest so this is the second bathroom like a guest bathroom here we have it's the guest room and also my officer so in the Box room because we make a lot of review for equipment so yeah and actually it's like a glass room oh wait I'm gonna open the curtains yeah look at that wow that's floor to ceiling Windows yeah it's beautiful in the Sunrise it's here wow yeah and it's a huge room actually that's yeah this is my officer I have my laptop and stuff here Danny is super organized and here we have the 31 it's Lucas officer Lucas yeah so say hello this is actually the gear room and we record here and make everything so this was actually the third this was a bedroom before you change it to the change would they go the stuff out and put the the studio things yes painting and everything so this is what Lucas has his office and then it was the organization and they have this massive space where they painted they have air conditioning in here we have three three bedroom with air conditioner air conditioner in Valley something you need it yeah you do need it and you have the beautiful rooftop what this is just insane so you have the pool and then this massive root up you don't have any furniture out here but you don't really use it that much do you no not actually just one look because it's flying your drone so yeah wow and normally it's more beautiful than today because now the rice is gone yeah but when it's all green it's beautiful I can imagine this all green but it's really nice to have a view okay so now the question everybody's asking how much do you pay a year or a month so here for the month it's 1050 hundred dollars but it's three bedrooms so exactly we can have three people living for 500 a month so you guys decided to go long term which actually gives you more of a discount going long term yes that's the point because when we start to searching we want a villa or something like that but we looking for the price for a month and the price per year I say okay here is a big deal and it's better right yeah you gotta you get such a bigger discount I think this house right now in peak season in Bali you'd be paying I'd say three thousand yeah yeah I think 2.5 3 000 yeah for sure yeah for sure so these guys paying one thousand dollars and then obviously bills which is you know the the pool and everything so 1400 500 divided by three people that's 500 bucks yeah that's amazing in the middle of Bali yeah and one thing I forgot to mention Danny just reminded me that these guys have a cleaner yeah two times a week two times a week if you want they can come every day but we prefer two times a week yeah every wow and that's all included in the price so 1 500 bucks for clean the pool guy to clean the pool a guide to clean your car and to cut the garden and everything is the same guys so a gardener and also electricity and we have four air conditioner here so that's four four air Acorn you've got water included you've got the Wi-Fi included yeah so that just shows you what you can get in Bali if you're going short term rent or long-term rent so that's just something really important to consider if you are wanting to come and live in Bali for a week one month or a year just like these guys I prefer long term you can spend the other money traveling these are only three different types of options there are so many different types of accommodation here and body you've got hotels you've got Resorts you've got so many others but I just wanted to focus on showing you guys the ones that I had access to to really give you an understanding and kind of visualize what you could get with the budget that you have and if you wanted to check and if you're wanting to stay short term or long term so the one thing that I think people assume is that pre-booking accommodation will be the best way to find a place like this you'll find everything on or Airbnb no also I just want to note something really quick is the research that I made before I came to Bali and looking online on tick tocks and YouTube stuff the price in Bali specifically has almost tripled so before the pandemic in 2018 2019 you are paying a third of the price for the for accommodation specifically accommodation now it's literally tripled so I actually found this girl on Tick Tock who was explaining about the Villa that she was renting on Airbnb for 3 000 US dollars in 2018 2019 and now the same Villa is costing around nine thousand dollars obviously we came in peak season as well and that's something to note if you are wanting to get better deals you can come in the rainy season and you'll get better deals because it's all about negotiation which is something I'm going to talk about in just a second so to find guest houses Villas houses short time and long term it's all unfair Facebook Facebook pages Facebook pages and Facebook groups that's how I found this house that's how pretty much 80 I think of people find their accommodation I thought it was on Airbnb on booking and you reserve before you get here but that's not the case so what you need to do is you need to reserve a hotel a villa or guest house or whatever for like four or five days when you get here wherever you are and then from there you need to message people on Facebook from the Villas that you find I'm going to link the Facebook page down below and like a couple of them that we found them on and you have to message the like landlord or whatever you have to go and view the property before you go and you know settle on a price because some of the pictures can be quite deceiving you have to think that barley and changu this area of Bali is really up and coming there's loads of construction when you need to go you need to make sure that there's no construction if you're working as a nomad if you're working online that can be really annoying or you know have a really big impact on new work so these things you need to go make sure of like if the location's good if it's near to shops or cafes or restaurants construction we personally visited about six properties before we found this video that we liked because a lot of the photos were very deceiving and online they looked amazing and then you got there and it was super old and it was you know really smell like bad smell and everything so make sure you go and visit the property before you you know you settle on a price so when you find a property that you like on the Facebook page you're gonna message the person and they're gonna probably send you their WhatsApp and then you're gonna negotiate the price is done through the negotiation this is also something really important because they are putting up their prices super high like really Western prices because everybody's coming from Australia everybody's coming from Europe and you're gonna have to negotiate because some prices they put extremely high and they are willing to negotiate especially if you're doing longer time contracts like we did we did three months here and we negotiate the price because if you do a longer packet you know like a longer time they will give you a bit of a discount also another thing that you can do is when you get there or you're negotiating through WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger you can say the budget that you have per month or you know your budget and and they are normally willing to negotiate with you that pretty much sums up how I found this space how my friends found their accommodation I really hope this helps I'm gonna like I said I'm going to leave all of the pages that I found really helpful and to find my accommodation down down in the description below if you have any video ideas or suggestions please leave them down in the comments as well I'd be really looking forward to like seeing what other videos you guys you guys would like to see and yeah that's pretty much about it so I'll see you in the next video bye
Channel: EDA
Views: 30,749
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Id: h8n7p1mvV6s
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Length: 16min 42sec (1002 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 13 2022
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