BALI for a 10 days || what to do, first-timer tips, affordable airbnbs (2024)

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I've been to Bali twice every year for the past 3 years so I feel like I have a really good grasp on what to do where to go so I'm really excited to take you along in this Vlog but also share with you everything I know and give you suggestions for making your own trip to Bali uatu is probably my favorite place to stay in Bali because the beaches are superior there's a amazing surfing and really cute restaurants also just a lot of cute hidden airbnbs like this one I checked in at about 400 p.m. after a long flight from the US I honestly found this Airbnb just by chance and I was so in love with it I wish I stayed longer than I did also side not I always include the links to the airbnbs I stay at in my travel Vlogs down in the description so keep an eye out for that and if you haven't already please remember to subscribe as a free way to support me you don't have to but it would mean so much and here's the bathroom the shower is beautiful there's a nice little privacy screen here cute little mirror hello oh my little airport hair got [Music] crazy I had a really long week ahead of me so I was excited to just take the afternoon to myself chill read a book enjoy the welcome drink spot is all cozy in bed I'm kind of silly I forgot an adapter so I think my phone is going to die so I'm going to have to go run and ask someone if they have like an extra adapter or a phone [Music] charger so my original plan was I was going to go downstairs and get some dinner but I'm feeling so tired and jetlagged I think I'm just going to take a shower and then read my book and fall asleep I feel like I just got a listen of my body for this one you know and I'm hoping I wake up tomorrow feeling a lot more refreshed because like right now I'm just feeling exhausted but that's what you get for flying direct because of jet lag I woke up at the crack of dawn I think it was 6:00 a.m. when I woke up but I wasn't mad because it I could enjoy the morning and just watch the sunrise these really cute monkeys came and joined me and one of them stole my pen I'm actually a little scared of monkeys because in Bali they can be quite aggressive but I decided to journal for a little bit before getting ready for the [Music] [Music] day I'm off to go get breakfast now because I am hungry and I don't want to wake up CU my friend Kylie also walking up these stairs is a workout and itself so don't think I really need to do a workout today or like at all on this trip honestly one of my favorite cafes in all of Bali is this Cafe Suka espresso they have multiple locations one in ubu one here in uatu I think they opened one up in changu or simyak as well but if you ever come to Bali check them out I love their chia pudding bowl it's so good then after getting a light breakfast I decided to do a quick workout because it just makes me feel so good to start my day doing something active I also think it really helps with jet lag to move your body and because Bali is so humid I purposely wore a swimsuit that I could just jump in the ocean right after my workout and today was the day we were going to check into the Ayana hotel which was a really cool experience you can watch my other video there but this was my first ever complimentary trip on behalf of the hotel for background I've always wanted to be a travel Creator and so when they reached out and offered me a stay in exchange for some reviews and content I was just so excited this just goes to show follow your dreams anything can happen that was a really cool experience so check out that video and you can watch that entire Vlog there I already mentioned that ULU watatu has some really cool surf spots but I went to nadua to Surf just because it was wet season we went and as a beginner the waves were just much better here this beach is also really cool to come and just hang out at honestly my advice for when you travel to a new place especially Bali is just go and take yourself and just figure it out like showing up and exploring a new random place is the best way to go like you don't need an itinerary just go and take yourself after our hotel trip we went to UB and this was our Airbnb super cute just the two of us also one thing I loved about this airbn be that I didn't expect was breakfast was fully included super cool I got this mango yogurt smoothie Bowl but they also had other things to choose from like an egg [Music] sandwich I love how in Bali the food is always so fresh and so healthy and afterwards I felt like doing a workout so I took myself to Pilates also I recommend download the app goj to get around you can hire a motorcycle for less than 40 US cents cents yes crazy anyways I loved this pilates studio really great class and then me and Kylie went and got some food at this restaurant called leop leop which I've been to before and really loved it's traditional Indonesian and Bolognese food which I had to show my friend Kylie a spicy thick after ooh I like the hiccups oh no so spicy is it good it's just spicy that's all that's all it is I thought you like spicy I do but I didn't expect it cuz it looks like a braz thing then later that afternoon I met up with some friends and went to this beach club called Single Fin which this was my first time going to but it's in uluu actually super cool Vibes very nice chill you can watch Surfers I joined this girl Mia and her friends who I had actually met through Instagram which was so cool and we went out to dinner after having a little Sunset [Music] drink the next day I just had a very chill day and went to my favorite Cafe in Ubud called milk and Madu ended up eating here I think five times throughout the trip the food is really fresh affordable great quality I ended up getting this whole breakfast special for about 8 USD and I didn't really do anything this day besides eat do some work and just relax but the next day we were we're going to go explore some waterfalls so if you want to skip to that you should this is me just like doing a quick little mukbang it was so good thank you you want hot sauce I came back here for dinner and had their chicken Caesar salad and some potato wedg fries G I'm a sucker for a good salad and fried combo I also believe balance is key and I was craving a dessert so I had this cheesecake simply because it sounded so good good morning it's currently 7 a.m. which isn't that early like if you've seen my other Bali videos I've gotten up basically at the crack of dawn to go and do something like this but we're taking it easy me and Kylie don't really want to have to wake up that early today so it's 7 we're going to go and jump some new waterfalls that I've never been to before and um my driver Toya who if you ever need his like contact info I'm going to put it down here cuz he runs his own business he's a great driver all of his friends are really incredible um but he basically helps manage like tours and stuff so he is taking us to three different waterfalls he texted me the names but I forgot them already so I'm going to put them here and yeah I'm so excited so let's go jump off some waterfalls wearing jacket I knew this what happened I checked the weather so travel tip check the weather also so my dad joined us for this trip I didn't realize before our waterfall hike we stopped and got a coffee at Alchemy which also has really great meditation classes if you ever want to go I got myself an oat milk cappuccino which is my go-to hot coffee and a chia pudding with this coconut yogurt that was really good before showing up for our first waterfall of the tour I enjoyed my chia seed pudding as we were driving to the next waterfall that was me admiring how pretty it was we are whoa almost died treking Through the Jungle that Vlog that's true oh my God it's feel so great I have the worst shoes this to be honest all these waterfalls were beautiful to experience but this next one was probably my favorite because we could actually swim in it we just got to the third water SP water waterfall spot past these beautiful rice fields let's go look M this is what they advertise online Kylie was making me laugh because she was like this is what I think of when I think of Bali and what I see online met Go Jungle Explorer in Kylie's hat where you're like I wish I could put on like an Aussie accent be like yes they're wild the Wild Flower also growing up in Singapore I love the different types of tropical fruit they have here so try any if you haven't had them before after our waterfall Excursion we came back and decided to just relax take it easy after a nice shower I took out my journal and just decided to reflect on the trip so far how everything was going I'll be honest I'm not that good at being consistent with journaling but I'm trying to get there you know slowly but surely so I'm showered and changed after our waterfall trip and I'm going to go take myself to a cafe and eat some lunch cuz I'm getting kind of hungry I'm wearing this dress that I got out a boutique ages ago now and I can't I can't remember the name of it but if I do I'm going to add it here um but yeah let's go get some food and I'm going to do some laptop work and then maybe end up like doing something else in UB this afternoon I'll keep you updated I went back to milk and Madu and have the Caesar salad because it was just so good the first time I spent a few hours editing this video and came back Kylie was also working before we decided to go out for dinner at this cool restaurant that some locals recommended [Music] this is Kylie making fun of me being like no phones allowed but this place had a really cool Vibe the interior was really nice the food was honestly mediocre but the drinks were good and I think this is the type of place to come to if you're trying to look for like a nice Ambience and night out we watched the sunset and I think they could tell we weren't super happy with the food so they actually gave us this free dessert which was really really good so that was really nice of them thank [Music] you I have a today we were going to go on a volcano hike which I have done before but I was really excited to do again because I love doing this hiking Bali I put on my hiking clothes and also filled up my water bottle so I could stay hydrated going hiking today so excited our shoes were still so wet from the day before because it was raining so heavily so I had to wear my flip-flops into the car and carry them I also got these two super sweet coffees to power me through the morning and the drive took about an hour that's one thing to keep in mind driving places in Bali can take some time so be prepared also put on a ton of sunscreen because I'm trying to protect my skin and then we used get your guide to have this one-of-a-kind local experience get your guide is the best place to unlock the most unforgettable memories for travelers they offer over 60,000 curated experiences in more than 3,600 destinations worldwide their website and app makes it so easy to book and access tickets with no printing required I booked this Mount bachor hike for me and my friend and it was one of my favorite activities we did while in Bali our guide knew which route to take would be the best for the views and also based on our fitness level also I'd like to think I'm pretty fit but fair warning I had to stop a couple times during this hike to catch my breath it was very much a steep incline for a short period of time but it was so worth it even when you get to the halfway point honestly our guide was the best he was celebrating us every single step of the way he was really good at pointing everything out to us also I felt like I was so energized from those two coffees I felt like I could literally run up this mountain and Kylie hated me for it she was like girl slow down also you can try get your guide by using the link in the description anyways I think some of the highlights of the hike were as we were going up there were little cats on the mountain there were also so monkeys but the coolest thing was that at the summit our guide helped us use the volcano steam to hard boil some eggs and of course the view at the top was just beautiful the monkeys were hanging out here too because surprisingly it was a little cold on this mountain and the steam is what warmed them up but side note I'm actually kind of scared of monkeys especially when they're trying to steal your food see it's kind of [Music] scary okay let's [Laughter] see but I highly recommend trying this even if it's just for the experience of eating an egg cooked from a mountain so cool we boiled them after our hike I was starving so I got this pepperoni pizza which I know is very American of me but you know what I was craving it and then we went out for our last dinner in po if there is one restaurant you go to from this video I Really highly recommend honey and smoke and UB it was so good mukbang time is it mukbang or mukbang must say mukbang octopus so good chicken is so good the chicken skewer was so good I'm also a huge fan of octopus so I enjoyed that but the cherry tomatoes I showed earlier were a surprising winner of the whole dinner I also put down in the description the links to the restaurants we went to and what we ordered so you can try as well but that was it for this Bali Vlog thank you so much for watching make sure to like And subscribe and I'll see you in the next [Music] video
Channel: Morgan Venn
Views: 190,171
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: FnblcP8QfPA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 56sec (956 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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