Where Does the UFO Go at the End of the Game in The Long Drive?

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all right folks so last episode we traveled beyond the road into the great unknown and guess what there was like nothing there it's just basically more buildings so you know what we're going back home I'm tired of this mom doesn't exist uh she's gone or maybe she died maybe it's a rabbit's ate her I don't know so we're gonna go back home but we're gonna change it up we're gonna go into more of a hardcore mode that way it feels a bit more like a Survival Game I will still get to mess around and do our fun things but everybody pretty much wanted to see me go back home and pack it up and end it there so we're gonna go back into the normal Branch where Carl is I want to do one thing in the multiplayer test Branch I know I can spawn in UFOs and there was a million questions saying where does the UFO go now that the road is gone so we're about to answer that right now also you guys can hit that thumbs up button for some more long drive and if you're happy that we're going back home because Mom doesn't exf way back at an actual ending and we're gonna have to turn back around and go find Mom or whatever's gonna happen all right UFO show up let's do this here it comes so where does the UFO go wait maybe this is the answer to the end of the game uh we see where they go what if it just beams straight up okay it's turning so it's gonna stop over the road there's the end of the road where are you going where wait is it Landing hold on it's like it's still going down does it actually travel with the land and go up on its uh change the time that way you guys can see it where where are you go oh okay we got mad bunnies hold on I'm trying to watch this um it hasn't sped off yet I feel like it's about to land and hit the ground is that a thing I'm so confused right now oh hey hey okay the bunny's eyes are green come on keep watching all right it's turning to the ride a little bit is it gonna speed off okay it's starting to speed up there it goes and it has wait what did it come on it's it's actually gliding along the ground what the heck all right so it does stay above ground it's just really low I feel like you could hit your car with that like that'd be kind of funny wait it's turning okay it's going right now uh I've never seen it take a path like this all right is it gonna actually go up the mountain I'm gonna keep my eyes on it uh it's going left now uh okay it's going hard left now wait I don't think you can decide where to go um it's okay now it's going directly up the hill it's gonna disappear at some point I think that's weird the UFOs are really confused too it's like me at the end of the game where I'm like wait what do I do I was kind of hoping it would like land at the end of the road like I feel like that would have been an ending and a half and maybe you climb into it and takes you to Mom's house all right well you know what time to get out of the multiplayer test Branch let's go back to the main game let's turn it into hardcore mode and let's do this hey folks so I think we need to do the hardcore mode in the multiplayer test Branch because when I loaded up my game um I'm flying I don't know if the hardcore mod did this can I even it's like I don't even exist hold on can I I can fall asleep right now what what happens oh yep we have uh definitely broken something so back to the multiplayer mod we go looking tonight all right we're finally heading back in the right direction or is it the wrong yes this is how I begin my journey so uh it's gonna be a little bit more survival like here I need to go find food fuel uh all that good stuff I do want to get out of the multiplayer test Branch uh right now I'm in it uh when I went out of it and into hardcore mode uh you saw I was flying to the sky so I got to figure out what's going on there but yeah now it is polls on the left side that's the way we want to go that way we can travel all the way back home so obviously my save's not completely destroyed this is good and we're going back this way hopefully we'll start to run into some characters once I can re-enable the mods I just want to get clear of this one little spot uh because it freaked out my game obviously okay so mods are back on game has stabilized from uh destroying itself I guess it was so confused that I was at the end of the road and I was like what are you doing and it just died so yeah we're back uh there's me uh I thought I was a like green or something huh maybe I changed that back I don't know everything's kind of weird right now so yeah traffic should be back it should be a carrot if the uh special car appears like I said eventually want to get over to the normal Branch but we need to find food and actually we got quite a bit in our system but it's draining like uh I think I realized at the very end of the series I think the hunger got turned off so eating wasn't necessary but now it is so it's back to full survival here as we try to Journey back home so you're probably wondering where the blood came from on my Dash foreign guys about me not paying attention during this game and yep that was one of those moments Komodo was fiddling with the light and uh looked up and died but I do believe we have a stop coming up here so we need supplies I need food oh it is a bus oh geez okay you know what's weird is technically I've been by a lot of these stops like these first couple I might actually remember uh okay we need food also somebody says uh the uh the radiator can run off alcohol is that my tire uh when did that fall hey Mr pumpkin don't run that over don't oh b-bump okay yeah we need food now uh since I was stupid and turn that off so let's go um there we go eat up all the food there's a cone uh this cell how much is gas here 42 cents a gallon uh wish it was that cheap now all right look for stuff is this alcohol uh it's oil I mean we can use that for the car uh yep that definitely was my tire uh hey don't hit that please Mr uh Reckless Plymouth cop all right so let's put this back in and let's go boom come on connect there it goes all right so we got that there's a mirror here I'm pretty sure that's mine too what's in here I got a little bit of gas here I don't know how full I actually think it is very full because we found a barrel uh oh yeah we're pretty good here so let's put a little bit of that in there and we should be good to go here hey there is something hot right with my car uh did I lose another tire wait what wait was that my tire I thought this was just pla actually here's a new tire I thought that was just place there I think my other Tire flew off and hit the gas pump that's funny uh Hey everybody okay hey watch out uh trying to repair my vehicle real quick it's fine Komodo is a bit of a dingus when it comes to driving uh wait what the why can't I not Mount this uh is it because I'm holding this here okay put that on ah oh come on that way we don't lose it what the heck where did that go okay we're gonna ignore that all right we have a working vehicle again and we got a ticked off driver in front of us hey I'm gonna get out of your way it's fine I'm not gonna lie this is kind of exciting going back because it's new yet it's not new because technically we've been on this road like we've driven this whole thing and we're going back so it's like I'm excited for when the house is gonna appear like I don't know when that's gonna be I'm almost tempted to do a lot of driving off camera uh maybe hey maybe I can talk paint actually I don't know if I want Pandora to drive the vehicle I don't know maybe she can drive for me and I can just relax and let her just kind of do it off camera I don't know it would take a lot to get back though like I don't even want to count how many hours it took me to get to the end of the road if anybody has a for sure number for anybody else that's gotten to it how many hours did it take you to get here that's a good what in that did that car just run us over why is the traffic so rude going in this other direction oh geez we are flipping in slow-mo like you gotta be kidding me they're trying to murder me okay check tires we got tires we're missing our door right um yep I'm not sure we're getting that back what is it where did poo come from was that in the car it might have been why is it lagging what is going on here so it's as if the AI is confused going in the opposite direction they've become more homicidal yeah it's definitely lagging now okay well if we don't need a door we can find another one of those uh man it's almost dangerous I feel like we should pull over maybe sleep for the night uh am I playing good on food yeah I'm plenty good yeah let's do that this doesn't seem like a good idea right you know what's funny I think I got turned around and I started going back the wrong way again also ever since I started going backwards my game is really broken like you saw some of the glitches and look at this it's like my game is cursed where's the rodent like why does it do this when I've got a Reload um kind of strange okay also the road is uh been drawn by a child it is zigzagging like crazy that was a piece of something it was off the AI okay so light poles on the left means we're going away correct yeah because right was right side right way right side left side wrong way I guess that doesn't even really rhyme how are you supposed to remember that there's no left is bad okay so yeah I I could have been going the wrong direction like my mind basically goes blank while playing this game it's odd because it's a relaxing experience and you're just kind of driving but you also kind of forget where you're at and then next thing you know you're hitting a pole uh while adjusting your light but I think we're going in the right direction now let's try to get to some stops I need to stockpiling food I'm trying to think what vehicle would I like to have if I was gonna go back all the way home actually I kind of need to go watch the first episode uh not of the original series but of this save and just see what vehicle I started with maybe I can go find one of those and just like return home as if nothing happened I mean I think that would be kind of fun all right check this out we gotta stop and we have a carb whoa okay hello beautiful uh you look kind of familiar this is totally not oh it is in the car I'm driving right now uh it looks to be in way better shape mine's covered in blood uh and it's missing parts dude that is a clean looking job right there wait is this Mr oil and gas car is this just gas car uh it's got water in the tank I'm sure it's not good for it all right go into here let's see what we got we got more food that's a good thing uh got a weird oil and gas mixture uh which I wonder if that car needs I just like the parts on it we might just strip it at those okay let's keep eating here it feels like my food's depleting faster than ever uh here throw that over to the side uh is this cheese I don't know if I would eat this you know what I'm gonna eat it I think it might have been a roll all right so let's check out what's in here I need a weapon again like that's something I've missed out on are these cigarettes why would you have these Never Smoke nobody smokes it's really bad for you it's just extremely gross okay we've got a little bit of stuff up here we got a tiny bit of oil eat that over there yeah we're gonna steal the doors off that I was hoping to find actually do I have destructible crates oh yeah I still have those let's break these open I'm hoping to find a paint here or uh I got a brush I can start to clean up our vehicle but paint would be nice what is this oh it's ammunition okay well we can use that you know on our non-existent gun all right does this door fit does it look actually what you're doing oh it's the driver's side okay I need this door all right let's put this bad boy on let's clean up the car a little bit at least okay that didn't fit very good at least want to be driving in style as I'm going back to my own house wait so we don't live with Mom what were we going to Mom again like I completely forgot what the letter said like there was some sort of a backstory in yep Komodo is so stupid it's been so long I don't remember uh there was something going on well whatever it is we need to go back home I'm tired of this yo what if we went home and like I don't know there was a car in there and like somebody squatting in her house they're like hey you've been gone for like a year and a half we just thought we'd come in here and live that would be a heck of a thing yo yo who's coming back home too or it's coming but I don't know why I called it he I don't know what it is it's coming back home uh you're not gonna pass me carrot look at my character's eyes he looks uh a little afraid of the carrot I thought carrot normally honks it why is it just following us wait what it's slowing down with us is it honking oh he's honking like normally they get really aggressive okay so if I take back off maybe carrot wants to come home too okay so I'm gonna go uh you're gonna go no he's turning her hey Karen no no no no hey I didn't mean it I didn't mean it buddy come on come on did I hurt your feelings okay here let's just let's just sit here uh you want to drive off uh here let's go hi what you need can I ride with you but stop honking at me yeah I can ride with you all right there oh there we go wait what has Karen always had a pumpkin head inside of it huh uh I'm confused uh carrot's actually a pumpkin that sounds weird once you think about it I could just worry we've been inside this car before that is definitely a thing also how far have you driven so carrot's speedometer is almost set to 6 000. uh turn on the radio station wouldn't it be crazy if we can communicate with carrot through its radio station that'd be amazing yeah when you're in this view you don't see the pumpkin that is Carrot where are we going oh he's gassing it up what are we what are we doing carrot all right why don't you react to me what what's going on here um that's a thing we're riding wait what is that there's a floating icon out there well this is uh this is awkward what if we is there something that I'm supposed to read here about carrot is it something we're supposed to do or is Carrot is broken yeah we're just we're riding along here no this is fine can I wait can I get out of here uh yes no there we go but I guess carrot doesn't want to give us a ride hey at least we could say uh we rode with carrot for like five seconds um didn't really do anything with this but it's fine so folks it feels pretty good we are going finally back home uh where we belong apparently in this game and let me know what we should do next thank you guys for watching and we'll see you guys next time in the long drive
Channel: Camodo Gaming
Views: 191,532
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: car survival game, the long drive, the long drive game, the long drive end, the long drive ending mom's house, red ufo, ufo, ufo sightings, long drive ufo, long drive red ufo, the long drive truck, the long drive diesel truck, the long drive new update, the long drive update, the long drive scary, the long drive secrets, new car survival game, my summer car, the long drive camodo gaming, camodo gaming, the long drive mods, the long drive new car, the long drive ending
Id: Nj9asPlFdhg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 4sec (964 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 20 2022
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