Where do CREEPERS live in Minecraft?

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yo what up everybody I'm a creeper huh behind me are you talking about oh this yeah that's fine whatever those neighbors love throwing parties am i right anyways this is the my creeper den this is where I live me a creeper and today we be showing you what's inside of a creepers house there's a lot of cool tricks us creepers learning our creeper house including the ability to TNT jump blasting far distances through the air or your run-of-the-mill regular explosion which in this case can get a little overpowered and speaking of overpowered have you seen the enchanted TNT that have been showing up in the strongholds lately they are spoken on plus we've got some proximity bombs you can place on the ground that I'd love to share with you as they say what's mine is mine just make sure there's no cats around you know I don't like cats and if you're lucky I'll even show you how to charge up but before we can do any of that I gotta get you to this house alright first step to get in a creeper house is getting a creeper head to get ourself a creeper head we're gonna need a change in weather oh boy guys Cloudy with a Chance of charged creeper they show up during thunderstorms more specifically when a creeper is struck by lightning they will become a charged creeper witness yes someone did some lightning and they get this blue lovely aura alternatively if you've got to try it's got channeling on it just fire at it a creeper and hey you can also set him on charged you a cinema charge by doing that either way once you've got a charged creeper on hand you're also going to need that charge creeper - boy no that's backwards hide the things I doe okay maybe oh you're right here we go here we go here charge creepers when blowing up other mobs give those moms a chance to drop their skull what we got right here next up step to crush that with an anvil yeah it's kind of creepy get it creep creeper anyways look we're gonna I'm sorry that's a bad joke pointed scrap a creeper head and then make an anvil fall on top of it what you'll see is that a little crush the head into creeper powder this is the essence of any creeper and its key to getting this house they only let players live with them that have the scent of creeper which is what this powder does but we'll still need a creeper gem now in order to make a creeper Jim we're gonna need creeper powder a diamond and some gunpowder we happen to have all three of those right here couldn't have been more convenient I don't even know how these chests get here I just show up in the world sometimes all right nice work so you've got the magical creeper gem but the final item we need is enchanted TNT which you can find in stronghold salt and pepper throughout your Minecraft world they've got a chance it's dead end and what I was trying to say is that these special enchanted team tees have a chance to spawn in in libraries more specifically so that any luck we might be yeah there it is what about a quick church yeah they're all right with any luck we might ah jackpot now I'm hoping we can find 90 bees enchanted TNT because you'll need eight of them for the house and they also are special TNT so I want to blow some up and then we can there we go what is that is that all we need one more nowhere to forgot I've got creative is that a problem before we make the house I wanted to show you what the normal explosion power of regular TNT looks like so oh gosh keep it away it's too late well he survived hey I'm quite impressed hey come over here guys measure 3 for your guy now here's what an enchanted teens he looks like an already right off the bat you can see that it is smoking in a serious way via flames everywhere a much bigger explosion so now you get special loot in dungeons as well I mean seriously it looks awesome as well I'm not gonna mess with this deity there wait I mean you are whatever take your creepy gym but you ain't charity equip house seriously it's been that simple this whole time can't believe you guys didn't know this item is your formal invite to the creeper house right click to place it down and just like that the den were creepers preside suddenly appears before your very eyes and what looks like a simple cave den could not be any further from the truth naturally if creepers are magical enough to keep an entire house away from you at all times well you should expect the contents of it to be quite magic too I'm really dizzy trying to circle this house anyways let's get closer at first glance it's nothing too crazy got some food cooking outside could be some random human explore got more TNT though you already have a stag oven we're gonna leave those for time being the moment you step inside the things change for the better I would say first of all you've got your morph room we'll be getting to that in a second but I wanted to show you the rest the pickup house you might have expected this house is fully portable just like some of the other mob houses we've seen such as no you know the village your house which lets you turn into any villager you want to watch that video you click the I in the corner but don't do it yeah a god Martina to show you highlight nearby cats this one's hilarious see cuz creepers don't like kathas funny a gunpowder shower and a whole mess of additional things charge mode yeah you're gonna see that but first let's just morph into a creeper you don't mind if I do we have creep a baby I yeah we a creep a baby ignore what happened before check me out baby I look good no really creepers are fun and this creepers got four distinct powers that we're gonna show off starting with creeper claws which are currently in my hand this is a extremely versatile attack yah basically it has no cooldown that you have to worry about it all and they deal seven attack damage which is roughly the equivalent of a diamond swords you're gonna be equipped to take out pigs I suppose bs pigs specifically pours on a menu tonight and the best part is this does not take any of your gun powder charge to use and you're probably wondering what that is well if you look at the little hot bar area or right above the hot bar you can see that we currently have a charge of zero well I don't first killing these pigs delicious in order to raise that charge or need to head back to the house and take a nice shower gunpowder shower your shower won't close you and the water will begin dripping drip drop and dripping that's because every time a creeper runs over gunpowder in game their charge will slowly increase by one you can see that happening right now see we zoomed in we made it big thanks keV however your shower will only get you so far maxing you out at 25 total charges at which case your shower will probably conclude no need to dry but now it's time for our next power y'all ready it's the TNT jump and it takes three creeper charges in order to do and use it words uh-huh anyway says look what it does BAM oh please don't blow that up that's a showcase arrow you I yeah this is this is this is fine it's fine bro shoulda hung the left anyways check it out we're gonna do it again cuz it's fun nice Oh beautiful serious carnage all over the place now as a creeper you technically have to watch out for fire damage I just happened to give myself fire resistance so it doesn't deal any damage to me you're not Superman okay anyways this ability sets off explosions at the beginning and the end of it so it is quite potent but next up we will have explode there's our next power section cheaper it only costs two charges and it's just an explosion you right-click explode this is the trademark creeper attack standards textbook Watson it's a great way to make friends as well hey guys where where'd y'all where'd you go now these guys suck seriously like they're just good at being on fire but yeah hey look at that look at this jump oh yes you could even spam click if you really wanted to and I can watch the sky I love a fat man gave us of a thousand charged just so I could show you what I'm talking about over the best day oh wait I forgot I need to land oh wow look at this you can even spam the TNT jump look at this carnage this is great we can see everything from here including everything we've ruined oh gosh what was they doing I didn't everything oh no this isn't what I wanted at all well okay we're gonna be just wing the rest of the video today it's time to go super speed mode 4s these powers next Power landmine place down a mine wherever you right-click yeah that makes sense you can make mobs run into it it's really funny when they do see lucky he jumped over it what are you crazy worst example can you just step on the get on it think Oh anyways the mine costs five charges to you so it's the most expensive power do you date sounds like I said you date but trust me you're not gonna take this one home to mom she's got an explosive personality time to show you more powers at the creeper den occasionally you'll find a whole bunch of creepers hanging out by your house from time to time well for me anyway that's because I'm so popular and I have friends it's really true well you saw her there's a button that highlights nearby cats for about a minute's time and as you can see there's some dangerous cats over there we're gonna blow them up and kill where's the key I'm gonna get you I got explosions oh we're mittens what's your name uh oh wow yes she killed it oh sorry sethbling it wasn't meant to be now since I'm a creeper I can hang out with my other creeper friends and they they creep we collectively creep and my collective creeps love showing off TNT that's because in creeper form all regular TNT becomes that awesome enchanted TNT that y'all saw earlier that's right you now easy access to the best time look I gotta be real explosions and T's pretty much the only reason to play Minecraft okay now here's where everything blew up so here's where we start to wing it okay it's no problem the very end of your creeper house by your bed you've got charge mode by pressing this puppy you now have charged abilities namely your sharpened creeper claws are much sharper see one-hit wonder sorry Betsy's nothing personal oh yeah by the way forgot to mention I'm also a charged creeper who'd have thought our next Power our TNT jump has become a TNT leap it costs twice as much but it goes twice as far with an even bigger explosion I know I'm in pain in addition your normal explosion has now become a huge explosion cost twice as much and you guessed it it's twice as effective wow that's actually like way more tip than twice this is a big hole for one explosion look I'm gonna spoon oh my gosh okay maybe we don't want to maybe we don't spam that one oh my gosh awesome just kidding definitely should spam it get to the water oh that would be bad check out the power of the charged creeper my goodness this is insane only the bravest or Nick people do wave to survive the onslaught seriously you ever seen anyone right click as fast as me I'm pretty good finally got the enchanted minefield double the cost but check it out right click and you've got mines all over the place be careful not to set them yourself and and hey you can spam them spams fun I do like that the oh boy oh this would be a fun minigame to mine I'm not even jumping I'm just getting blown sky-high every time I hit one of these this would be so much fun to play do they anything creative motor this would be really bad once you've had your fun you'll head back into your creeper house and morph into a regular old human and then you suck again anyways that's the video bye
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 2,876,837
Rating: 4.8953524 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, enderman, morph, morphing, minecraft life, minecraft how to, how to, op, showcase, mods, no swearing, no cursing, funny, logdotzip, minecraft logdotzip, house, minecraft house, house in minecraft, minecraft build, custom house, logdotzip enderman, 1.14, minecraft 1.14, creeper minecraft, minecraft as a creeper, creeper mod, creeper, creeper house, living inside, logdotzip creeper, minecraft 1.15, creeper aw man, playing as a creeper, TNT, Minecraft TNT
Id: MGwOjQKf0Cg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 29sec (749 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 08 2019
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