When Your Quran will Turn White - Literally? | Sheikh Yasir Qadhi

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[Music] with the followers of asa the righteous muslims this is where the end of times the actual end of times begins and it will begin with a very peaceful ending what is that peaceful ending sahih muslim reports from abu hurayrah that the prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam said allah will send a wind from yemen that is softer than silk that shall not leave anyone that has an ounce of iman in his heart except that he shall pass away peaceful death a wind will come from yemen beautiful fragrance sweet it will be gentler than silk and when the people smell it if they have iman they will die a peaceful and natural death and if they don't have iman they're still going to be there now what do you think is going to happen when in the whole earth nobody of iman is left what do you think is going to happen this is what our prophet said that after this point in time idolatry will return to the arabs and by arabs he meant the children of the muslims because when you said arabic then you meant a muslim as well that and he mentioned specific tribes and he said the women their bodies will be doing around the tribes of the ancient and the people he said will become worse than worse than animals and they will copulate in public like donkeys that's what the prophet saws said this might happen now this hadith is mentioned as pre qiyama and as also end of qiyama so allah knows best it appears that there will be a time where fashion will be prevalent even before the mahdi and then there will be a time that will become even more prevalent before the actual trumpet is going to be blown now if there are no muslims what will happen to the kalima what will happen to the salah what will happen to the quran what will happen to all of these abdullah bin masrud said a time will come a night will come that the entire quran will be taken back by allah the people will wake up and the muslims will be blank and there will be no one with the quran in their hearts this is a report in muslim in another version he said to his students make sure you read the quran before it is taken away the students said oh teacher these muslims how can they be taken away and as her father how can it be taken away and eben mr root said a night will come when the quran will be taken away and nobody will remain who can recite a single verse and they will even forget la ilaha illallah and they will speak the speech of jahiliyyah means they are going to talk with the fahisha vulgarity evil stuff and this is when this statement is going to happen what is this statement it it talks about the beast and we'll talk about the beast in sha allah definitely not today we're going to get to that insha allah in our next class the the next wednesday inshallah uh in another version in another version uh ibn masrud said that the quran will be taken away in one night in one night and not a single verse will be left in the kalb of any servant and not a single muslim will remain with the speech on it and the people will wake up like animals now it is pretty obvious therefore that you put the previous hadith in this one together the day that that wind blows is the day the quran will be forgotten not forgotten but gone and even those that had memorized some surahs or verses but they weren't means they will wake up the next day and they will remember nothing and the physical printed must-haves they will become empty nothing will be there what will happen to the kalima sahi muslim ana malik said that the prophet alaihi wasallam said allah this is muslim will not take place qayama will not take place until no one says on this earth allah allah think about that this is will not take place until nobody says allah is gone when will that happen obviously after the wind comes islam islam will be wiped away means to wipe away just like a garment that is continually worn is worn out until no one will know what is and what is salah and what is hajj and what is sadaqa subhanallah salah is going to be gone sadaqa gone hajj gone everything gone islam will be wiped away until no one knows what anything is and in one night the book of allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala will be wiped away as well until not a single ayah remains now this is very interesting because this is saying it from the prophet sallam and ibn masrit also said it from himself the two put together clearly shows this is an authentic thing okay this is from hadith saying i heard it from the prophet saws the previous narrations even just thing saying like it is however if you remember what did we say when a sahabi says something about the knowledge of the unseen what did we say it becomes a hadith when a sahabi says something about knowledge of the unseen this is ibn masrud describing judgment day automatically he gets a free upgrade to a hadith as we said because how does he know judgement day what does he know about how does he know to unless he comes from the prophet system so hadifa and a night will come where the whole quran will be taken away and there shall be remaining a small group of people a shaykh an elderly man or an elderly lady very old people and they will reminisce and they will say we remember our forefathers saying but we don't know what it means so we also will just say it like they said it so sila ibn zufar the student of hadifa said o of what use will it be that they say and they don't know what it means and they're not praying and they're not fasting and they're not giving charity and they're not going for hajj now pause here this hadith is a very deep theological issue that is not related to its signs of judgment day but it is very interesting because this hadith is one of the evidences used and i'm just going to mention it briefly and that is what does it mean to be a muslim what does it mean to be a muslim is it enough to say you're a muslim and not do anything there are so many in this land we seek allah's refuge our own children and grandchildren meaning our meaning the muslim communities there are so many whose parents are masha allah the best of the best board members imams duat coming fajr and their sons and daughters have nothing to do with this religion whatsoever other than the title i'm a muslim they will not even take off friday to come and pray jumu'ah they will not even care about eid but if you ask them they say oh i'm a muslim yes my parents are muslim yes it's very common are they muslim some and those that said no have a long list of evidences those that said yes they primarily use this hadith because this is a man or an old man who was going to say he doesn't pray he doesn't fight he doesn't do anything but he simply says yeah i remember my forefather saying this word i don't know what it means and by the way another tangent completely irrelevant yet so relevant the muslims who came to this land as slaves they were not able to preserve their religion they were not able to preserve their islam completely how many muslims came but they are in the tens of thousands in the very least think about that by the way in the tens of thousands muslims were brought here from west africa from the coasts of africa from what is now senegal in these regions they were brought here as slaves we know so many of them are yubi and suleiman we know and bilali we know we know them we have pictures of them we have handwritten documents in the smithsonian we still have qurans that they wrote from memory we still have them in this land these were slaves that had memorized the quran some of them were ulama some of them were princes they came here and interestingly enough this is a complete tangent but hey we should know this stuff we are in the end of the american muslims and we should know our own islamic history in this land a very interesting quirk by the way and i'm watching the time don't worry and i did promise you q and a everything is there inshallah let me go into this tension it's not prepared but it's very interesting there was this slave owner back in the 1800s who came across a muslim slave and appreciated the islam of that slave and realized muslims are educated muslims can manage finances and muslims are trustworthy so he made it a point to purchase muslim slaves and he had a plantation off the coast of georgia on an island called the sapilo islands the cepello islands it's called okay this is all history you should know and so on the cepello islands there was a large concentration of muslim slaves believe it or not and they would establish the salah they had a masjid that is actually the first masjid of america they celebrated how do we know this because the owners and the descendants of the owners kept diaries and they talked about these muslim slaves and they mentioned that there was a festival in which they baked a particular cake that we now know it was the cake that muslims would make on either back home in senegal or whatever they would bake it on once a year and they would hand it out this is the cepello islands so this is in the 1860s 1870s or so okay obviously series abolished everything changes what not okay cepello islands remains disconnected from the mainland in the 1930s harvard university or i should say have it they sent a group of anthropologists to study the descendants of slaves and they have a very very extensive archive of audio video material audio because they wanted to preserve the accents they wanted to preserve the heritage and video footage not just in cepello across america it was a very very well researched project and they went to the cepelo islands as well obviously and they interviewed the grandchildren of those people they interviewed people in their 80s and 90s who have memories of their ancestors three four generations ago and what you read is mind boggling of what you read one of these people says i remember i had an uncle so and so us kids would always make fun of him because he would go to one of the corner trees and fall flat on his face a few times a day and another lady says i had an aunt that she would always say phrases that would make us children laugh and she said i i don't remember exactly but it's something like ash madagada that's what she remembers this is in 1940 and she remembers one of her ancestors she said she my aunt henrietta whatever would always have a something on her head she said this and she would always say these phrases that would make us kids laugh and this is a lady in 90 years old so go back we're talking about 1860 and this is a lady now who came maybe in the 1830s and she has a phrase that she is saying of course these children are no longer muslim there's islam is all gone right obviously but this hadith reminds us of that that islam is gone but some phrase remains so it's not just towards the end of times another story quickly this is not planned by the way i just want to benefit myself and all of you and inshallah the what i like about teaching in my hometown we have no deadline when i go somewhere else i have a deadline i have to leave when i'm here alhamdulillah we can go on and on if i spend another two weeks what's the problem we can benefit each other correct inshallah if allah gives us life inshallah so another interesting anecdotal story and this happened with me or i met the person andalus and insha allah we will have a long series of andalus someday inshallah this one of my favorite topics the detailed history of andalus the rise and fall of the muslims of honduras and this is something that i met in andalus where there was a person who converted back in the 80s to islam and andalusian from some of the villages outside of portobahn not in the main cities make a long story it's a very long story short and shallow one day i'll tell you in its full detail that he was scared that his catholic family and especially his grandmother who was a very hardcore catholic would get angry at him so he would lock the door when he prayed when he visited his grandmother who locked the door and pray and one day he thought he locked the door and he didn't you know sometimes you turned the key and his grandmother opened the door and he was in sachita and he panicked but what are you going to do and his grandmother sat down next to him and began to cry and the man became flustered like what am i going to do now what am i what do i tell my grandmother etc etc he said the salam and then he consoled his grandmother grandmother don't worry i still love you everything is fine i'm normal everything fine and the grandmother said no i'm not crying because you converted to islam i'm crying because my grandmother told me that we are of those muslim families and to preserve islam at least in knowledge that we are muslim and i didn't do that like we know we're from the muslim descendants but i didn't do that and seeing you prostrate and obviously as a muslim side we know what it is right it obviously put all of these emotions back into me so once again we get this phrase of this she knows she's a muslim she knows but she doesn't do anything like that right so there are exceptional scenarios and back to this hadith now the question is are you a muslim if you don't do anything i will give you the mainstream responses to my response as well the general rule is that if you're living in a land of islam or in a land where islam can be practiced and you refuse to lower your head in sajdah even once and you refuse to fast even once and you refuse to do anything of islam then mere self-identification does not make you a muslim however in exceptional circumstances like the cepello islands like andalus like right now what we're going to mention the end of the hadith in those circumstances maybe there is an excuse that excuse is only when you don't have access to other muslims when you're all alone when you're persecuted in that case if you don't do anything other than say i'm a muslim perhaps that will be enough for you and this is proven in this hadith and now we come back to this
Channel: Quran and Islam
Views: 32,613
Rating: 4.9193859 out of 5
Keywords: quran, islam, Allah, Muhammad s.a.w, guidance, omer suleiman, yasir qadhi, noman ali khan
Id: Q4H8GtJdQBo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 35sec (1115 seconds)
Published: Sat May 29 2021
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