When your friend STEALS FROM YOU in Minecraft...

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that is a good one

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/PizzaChips20-12 📅︎︎ Jun 07 2023 🗫︎ replies
on this Minecraft server I find out my friends have stolen from me from me the only thing is that they don't know that I know their secrets now I'm going to get my revenge and pretend like I don't know just to see if they'll admit a crime or end up doing the time alrighty next one to Ted the last one wasn't still good but maybe we figured this out let's do this oh that seems like it took away the color or snow I can't really tell let's try this potion oh that was a shrinking potion all my diamonds are in there great to have like half a diamond diamond nuggets uh one more time and oh that's synonymous potion I'm trying I'm trying what keep it down wait dorky what's going on all right what's that noise okay I'm saying you left with your legs not with your back not your legs ah there they go again what do you even know see this is why you have terrible posture I mean I don't lift anything useless sound like they're right in my house see uh maybe over here are they stealing from me wait wait a trap aphmau guys did you hear it awesome what what I didn't no okay see it's okay she's actually not here keep looking guys come on stealing from me but why yes I need to get a couple more items and then we can leave I don't know guys yeah tell him Casey yeah and our friends are some awesome banking supplies for us here in the kitchen we gotta get out of here yeah I have booby traps all over my house you're not gonna get away with us um you can't get out come on help me grab it to be quick there we go exactly yes looks like they're stuck in a sticky situation that does it out the window I go what happened I love spiders oh [Music] perfect that'll teach them to mess with me everyone was stealing from me leave this hey they didn't see me because I was invisible get everyone on the server to confess their crimes and find out why all right let's get to it huh oh there let's see there they are those thieves uh Hey guys uh do you know what's going on I don't know aphmau just called a server meeting but yeah she knows what we did oh no I can't believe wait wait what do we do not remember guys stick to the story we were all off watching me heroically battle a giant skeleton while you all cried in terrorists all we have to do is I what I mean do you think that story will impress her unlikely yeah just shut your mouth and everything looks fine this is kind of really confusing guys I'm just gonna go home not so fast a little sweating I'm just saying hello to my good friends nobody's sweaty here so I have reason to believe that one or more people on the server have been stealing from my house now I've called the Minecraft police and they're actually on the way right now so I'll just save yourself the trouble and whoever did it confess foreign don't you think that Mr tinkle Wings looks thirsty I mean of course he's definitely thirsty that's so nice of you about it he does look dehydrated drink then how about that I guess we know what the potion does oh yeah there it goes he's bound to come back down I got some real height guys annoying you look really nervous are you okay no no no no no no no no did you just yes I mean yes I'm okay [Music] see you know no way I did see these wonderful cookies in your window earlier grow a lot of cocoa beans too on the server yeah a good fresh cookie out what are you gonna do with it but they're not Super Fresh in the oven I'm gonna just put them on the floor and maybe I'll do this one for good measure and she's smashing cookies what are you doing there's no reason I don't need to tell you anything oh you guys should mess up and tell me who did it oh man I don't know what you're talking about you don't want to talk to me Noy come on throwing that away okay okay everything's fine what did you do look the mic I believe I mean um we did nothing [Music] perfect timing the criminal you can take away wait but hold on nobody can trust any crimes what [Music] all right bye Pierce uh I guess uh that's that time to go count my gold [Music] what is that over here look this little note I don't remember that huh the thief is still among you if they don't come come clean by tomorrow they will be revealed yes [Music] yeah exactly what it says it says it wasn't pierced and someone like that just so they could keep themselves protected what would you know Kim um [Music] oh yeah I bet you dropped the notes obviously someone or someone's here's a thief you should probably all stay together for tonight you know that's a great idea yeah what that's right me oh I got it we can all stay in my barn actually we could go somewhere else we're staying here at this Mansion well yeah that's not spooky you know [Music] don't worry about it it's gonna rain tonight I wonder if there's any ghosts inside hmm ghost that may tell secrets I think we're fine come on oh hello um no no no no no no not dealing with this this is like a thief wants to leave huh only a thief would try to run this note [Music] you know I was only making sure the door was shut don't want to let the spooky air floating out into the server okay it's shut well here we are everyone we have some dinner come on [Music] I just got here why would there be any food cam because there's always a spooky Castle have you ever read a book um maybe read too many books Kim [Music] hmm it doesn't seem to be anything here actually unless [Music] what's that it's like a cake popped up oh delicious you know the cake wow that's crazy guys you may want to look up there what I know what [Music] [Music] what [Music] what happened oh no uh can you see okay that's a little dramatic [Music] also huh what's this another note wait I didn't no one is safe until the thief admits their crime okay guys maybe maybe we should leave huh yeah I'm fine with that let's go um wait okay yeah yeah okay I'm getting out of this house all right we're getting out of here do you see the silence I can't see the barricade in there oh perfect you have an accent all the windows oh come on guys I just have this on me okay you know what uh we can break our way out of this let's see yeah why don't you try to break you out guys I'll go look for something okay wait all the weapons in my inventory are gone me too I don't know about this wait what were you gonna do with lava Casey wow [Music] you know what I'm out of here Casey I don't know if we can trust them anymore oh you're right come on I don't trust you too either let's go Zane oh this is going so well all right I'll get them to confess their crime of stealing from me this is what happens when your friends steal from you what he said join me and Kim and Zayn have taken over the librarian Casey and I have taken over the movie room you should join me in KC so we can survive survive well obviously there's a murderer in the group and we should stay safe Kim and Zayn can't be trusted so what do you say will you marry me and I'm not going to marry you come on Library huh ow I think I heard something [Music] else do you have mascara on it's only been five minutes what is going on sorry yeah but we had Defenders up against the screen he's Greenies they can attack at any time yes the what you think they're a tribe and we are The Bookies we would prefer an intellectual piece of literature sorry okay so you got war paint on and everything um I'll be right back that's Minecraft that's a dumb name again whatever like a selfie Minecraft oh that's serious what oh you finally come to your senses ready to become my bride what okay just wanted to see what you guys were up to what hey wait how are you guys getting ready yeah we haven't really gotten that far we'll figure it out after another movie I don't know maybe you guys should confess to something if you have but I gotta be somewhere else so you guys enjoy your movie Bring Back snacks okay so they like to watch TV which is why they're called the screen and they like to read books which is why they call the books okay whatever I I get it it's cute but they still haven't confessed with their crimes they're maybe they're the front they're distracted I got a bunch of secret Areas all right I got lucky that nobody saw me earlier but let's um let's turn up the stakes just a little bit more let's wait till they get a load of me Perfect all right Let's Get Dangerous it's all according to plant don't worry about the perfect defenses right here cam you're on your own [Music] boys I got my diary back they put them on Reddit let's see what Casey and Ian are doing I can scare them out and scare their confession out absolutely a romantic [Applause] hello [Music] I think I made him paint on too far but no one's confessed yet I gotta turn it up a little bit more [Music] help me please hit me on the head they brought me it was a rubber ducky there's something on the table too yeah it says I almost have all of you confess oh you didn't if someone's been stealing from me they better just confess so this guy leaves us alone wait you know only person left is Aaron it must be Aaron okay Aaron is not even on the server that's the only thing that makes sense you're not gonna get us Aaron oh my God come on Mr [Laughter] s at least had a backup plan can't stand liars Casey knows she did what she did confessing it all right you know what let's go check on our prisoners what it's me but why is it so hard to confess yes I did all of this because I knew what you all were doing in my house oh baby yeah literally this morning I saw you trap my dog I saw you stealing for me I set up all those booby traps for you guys guys we're supposed to be friends if you wanted anything for me you should have just asked so I can share fine can I please have my stuff back here one more time oh yeah that probably is here yeah I mean I'm sorry we took some stuff from you but I really needed some cocoa beans and just want some stuff like a tree with some villagers get some emeralds and you're not gonna get it out of there at all I'm trying too wait Pierce you weren't even in my house what do you mean yeah well I was there earlier and you know he just kind of seemed kind of lowly so I uh you know I just yeah I was just trying nice he was home alone and so I want to make sure he was having a good time you know I I kind of sympathize sometimes
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 1,201,094
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, minecraft, minecraft funny, aphmau minecraft, no swearing, no cursing, clean minecraft videos, mystery, minecraft mystery, mystery video, comedy, minecraft comedy, minecraft comedy video, stealing, stealing is wrong, friendship, drama, friend drama, minecraft drama, server drama, minecraft base, secret traps, traps, minecraft traps, cool house, cool minecraft house, keeping it real, minecraft gameplay, minecraft gameplay video
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 36sec (1116 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 06 2023
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