WHEN YOU WANT TO GIVE UP | Best Motivational Speeches | Start Your Day Right

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[Music] you can allow yourself to be distracted or as Robin Sharma suggests you can do incredible things can't do both you can stay where the Safety and Security is or you can risk what you have in pursuit of your dreams but you can't do both you can remain the character depicted in yesterday's story or you can take those lessons experiences and craft a new story but you cannot do both life is a game of trade-offs [Music] where any decision to go in One Direction is a simultaneous decision to not go in another a commitment to X is necessarily a rejection of why at least in that moment making this question all the more important what is your North Star I ask because everything you do is bringing you closer to or holding you back from capturing it [Music] one of my lifelines over the years has been clinging to the quote or idea that Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication right consistently trying to arrive there why because when things get complex in my life I don't know what I'm choosing clutter means I've lost sight of what's necessary versus what's trivial I become unclear on those critical trade-offs I'm making and we've all experienced this right the simplest questions are always the hardest to arrive at we can talk in circles about the details but how often are we honest with ourselves about the why I remember job interviews in college going on and on about the books I read the papers I'd written current events but then falling flat on my face when asked so who's Eddie Pinero uh a dude doing an interview like what do you want from me my brain had never gone there [Music] or even less formal I'll never forget a friend of mine a few years back ask me what my perfect day was just casually as we're driving I said I don't know Tom I've never really thought about that he goes then how are you ever supposed to have a perfect day if you don't know and how simple and simultaneously incredible who wants a life without perfect days right like like what is all this for the world is infinite and you can be ruled by its variability and its complexity you can run around adhering to all its rules hoping you're doing the right thing whatever that is or you can identify carve out and rule over your own little piece of it your own kingdom you can choose you if you take the time to uncover who you are what lights you up and then as Emerson Advocates hits Your Wagon to that star the best investment of our time is to truly understand and decide what we should be saying yes to because if we don't know what matters then nothing does here's the famous dialogue from Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland Alice would you tell me please which way I ought to go from here that depends a good deal on where you want to get to said the cat well I don't much care where said Alice it doesn't matter which way you go [Music] so long as I get somewhere Alice added as an explanation oh you're sure to do that said the cat if only you walk long enough beautiful passage if you don't care where you go any road will take you there and see it's not it's not wrong to not know it doesn't make you bad or mean life is a waste of time it just means you're taking a large portion of control which is one of your super powers and tossing it up into the ether it means you are bowing to Hope and I know that no one here wants to live every day merely clinging to Hope this is not a we'll see how it goes Channel or podcast right this is about the little changes that take life from a six out of 10 to a nine or a 10 out of 10. it's about using what's around us to maximize the miracle we are living and breathing every day again life is complex so for you to take the time and simplify to remove what's unnecessary what an advantage yeah I could do this or that I could go here or there but guess what I've spent the time thinking asking myself the tough questions and now I can be more deliberate in choosing my path so that I arrive at a correct destination a destination that belongs to me that means something to me that lights me up and excites me that's living and of course this isn't a one-time light bulb moment a permanent move no as we grow we change what we want shifts hey sometimes the current path even reveals itself to be the wrong path it's happened to me plenty but when you're consistently in tune with what matters to you who you are you can make the adjustments you can be deliberate no more shooting targets in the dark because life is too short our days numbered are arrows finite live life like each day means something because each day is transporting you to your something let's use the pieces around us to build our own skylines etch our own stories into the sands of time if a decision to do one thing is a simultaneous decision to not do something else make sure to have that North Star in scope so that you don't amidst that chaos of Life unknowingly turn your back on [Music] Who You Are and be as patient as possible working for that answer because as far as I can tell that information is the key that unlocks infinite possibility it's knowledge that opens the door to life on your terms [Music] there's an old quote that states 80 percent of life is showing up now showing up means many different things to many different people but the idea is not complicated you can't do anything of significance unless you have first and foremost arrived which brings me to today see I had a list of uh Concepts I've been excited to talk about things that I've either read or have been recent epiphanies in my life and I can't wait to share those with you but this morning oh let me tell you about this morning by finding the energy to do anything felt like trying to squeeze blood from a rock I woke up with a headache exhausted because I didn't sleep at all the night before and you know that feeling like when you didn't sleep at all the night before you're oddly constantly reminding yourself the next day that you didn't sleep and everything just felt off [Music] and realism speaking now things still kind of do and so I got up and I sort of played with the idea of taking today off altogether right maybe I'm due for one anyway I thought about resting uh that the little devil with the Pitchfork on my shoulder continuously uh reminded me how great sleep would feel and I was sitting there you know kind of weighing my options took some ibuprofen started the coffee sat down on the couch uh just kind of looking at the wall what to do what to do but realistically I knew and I want to explain why over the years I've taught myself through repetition that's sitting down and writing and recording unless I plan intentionally to do otherwise is a non-negotiable it's helped me see that the goal in any meaningful Pursuit should be getting to the point where despite the circumstances you show up Stephen pressfield whose voice often echoes in my mind when I come face to face with these situations he wrote Art Is War between ourselves and the forces of self-sabotage that would stop us from doing our work the artist is a warrior artist being anyone bringing something to the world that does not yet exist and he goes on to describe the battle with the Mind Over sitting down in that chair in writing when we know we must write but don't want to when a tired or distracted mind begins looking for off-ramps as mine clearly started doing this morning [Music] seemingly trivial moments when any rational Soul could argue for the validity of postponing their date with Microsoft Word will they come to matter more than ever because greatness is a byproduct of intentionality foreign if you become accustomed to breaking promises to yourself if you leave that door cracked for exceptions here and there will ultimately be kicked open and that's why I inject little reminders like that into my life to keep that mental muscle working for example there can never be dishes left in my sink when I go to bed why because if I skip it once there will always exist reasons to skip again it's a very easy thing to not care about because here is the reality progress is a lifestyle growth is a lifestyle at least if we're talking about any meaningful type of evolution I just finished reading it takes What It Takes by Trevor moad one of those three to five hour lessons on Audible depending on how fast it's playing it really packs a punch and I'm going to be diving into a few of his Concepts a little more in the coming weeks but one thing he discusses that I found incredibly valuable is the illusion of choice and what the illusion of choice highlights is that there are a set of behaviors that must be carried out to be effective the idea of alternate routes is an illusion there are no choices when it comes to what's necessary we know what must be done to win now knowing that is one thing knowing that and having to propel yourself to action when you feel like garbage is something different entirely but that's why it's so valuable to get to that place where you can take the emotion out remove the internal deliberation and automate the things you know are going to help push you to be that better version of yourself in other words you show up for you period and that is a non-negotiable the level we all need to get to when I'm thinking about this drawing parallels to a lot of different aspects of my day right the interval training I have this afternoon when you're exhausted 40 minutes in and are switching from squats to mountain climbers or whatever it is right instructor makes the announcement I don't think about anything I don't give myself a chance to try and rationalize any weakness I know if this is important to me keep that door shut no thinking just doing next [Music] simply doing what you always do what you've signed up for cannot be self-perceived as some Monumental sacrifice no it's just what you do it's neutral sometimes you feel like it sometimes you don't but you do what you do and that puts you on track to accomplish some incredible things and so remembering this ultimately pushed me through that studio door this morning and placed me down right in front of my mic sure I had to adjust some things definitely picked some you know mellower music there's going to be no crescendos today or my head will explode but this is not torture in fact I'm really happy with the way the episode's turning out I would have missed out on uh something that I think is going to be pretty valuable in a variety of ways but what I'm telling myself is that this is not a victory it's certainly not defeat it's just what I do and so the question worth asking yourself when facing the adversity life presents then whatever Arena you were in is are you willing to show up for you can you turn that internal deliberation switch off when it comes to the Necessities before you minimize that rationalizing that I battled with this morning we don't need or want that there should be no thinking no crack doors no metaphorical dishes in the sink if you decide something is important and you sign that dotted line when it's time to execute you act and then you move directly on to the next the goal is to not even negotiate with weakness now that's not to say press Field's aforementioned war of Art won't rage on as you Journey to the New Horizons you've set out for but just like anything it's an understanding that will help you focus we'll help you say no to the distractions and the minutia and continue writing your story constructing your reality line by line and piece by piece [Music] there's vulnerability that comes with risk I'm not sure we can get the full extent of it from a book or a video rather we only understand it once we experience it firsthand where you step further out into the world the short distance beyond what was once uh the the status quo whatever that looked like for you and suddenly you become susceptible to criticism and rejection you feel things you've never felt see things you've never seen sometimes it feels like you're taking off your armor and marching directly into battle then it makes sense in the beginning [Music] but there is always a point during the heart of the storm where we look around and ask why it's like a hangover right where there's this internal tension frustration knowing that the whole thing was self-induced you could be comfortable right now Comfort was always an option but you chose differently and as you push through something becomes evident it takes time but all things of value do you realize that life is now offering you things previously unavailable as though your ticket now permits you to relocate from the bleachers to court side the lock has come off the door and immediately you see why there was a cost associated with leveling up after all what is value if not scarce If This Were easy what would it mean if it were always accessible where would the significance exist if everyone could snap their fingers and arrive here what would be special about it what's remarkable is that it is reserved for the few willing to make the trip and oh the things we learn about ourselves along the way in the book Unbroken hillenbrand tells the story of Louis Zamperini a runner who went to fight in the second world war his plane is shot down and almost the entirety of the book navigates the horrors he endures right first being rescued in the Pacific then tortured in Japanese POW camps where he sees many around him die and even comes within inches of losing his own life on a handful of occasions and when he's finally rescued at the end of the war and I'll never forget this he's asked about what he went through and he says he'd rather die than go through it all again and I'll tell you why that's so meaningful to me because it shows you what human beings can endure when we take things one day at a time an almost unfathomable amount of pain and suffering and sacrifice we are so strong and so powerful when we as Louis did take the battle day by day and sure looking at the Horizon it's an ocean to Traverse but broken down merely droplets of water certainly manageable now of course we are not pows and I'm certainly not equating our adversity to his but the reality is we are in our own context in our own ways fighting our own battles we're all navigating personal obstacles and it's critical to know that one you are capable and to the other side is worth it we forget because it's easy to forget because we are wired to avoid discomfort because no one wakes up and intuitively thinks man I'd love to do the hard thing today but what we learn is to love deeply is to take off the armor and allow the heart to be vulnerable to seek out the adventures to embrace the possibility of losing one's way to dream of a place amongst the stars is to risk falling short and being reminded of our imperfections our mortality [Music] one might understand this and think only of the adversity of what can go wrong perhaps create lines in the sand that they refuse to cross and sure they play conservatively their hearts won't be broken their Maps won't be necessary their pride won't be crushed but for what what kind of existence is one where you never play the game because there was a possibility of defeat he can all endure what is required to live fully every single one of us yet so many will never leave the harbor because we struggle to see the journey as a collection of manageable pieces you deserve more and you're capable of getting more don't deprive yourself of it one thousand heartbreaks is worth finding that someone who lights you up in 1 000 miles in the wrong direction is worth uncovering that place you were meant to be 1 000 swings and misses is worth finding your place amongst the Stars vulnerability is not a burden it's a staircase to the Moon why not make today the beginning of your ascent [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] eliminate plans b c and d let the curtains close and the lights dim see the beginning of something new requires the ending of something current so make life Propel you into chapter two let the doors slam and lock behind you throw away the key with the boats burned and turning back off the table we have to make it work we have to figure it out well how we might ask with only these pieces with only this circumstance with only these resources well it's funny how when walking away is no longer a possibility so many other possibilities are born when we're stuck between the wall and our demons we roll up our sleeves and do that which we have been let's face it running from we fight we become proactive we take initiative it was always there we just never had to so if you can't do it on your own make life make you because the bottom line is there are New Horizons that await your arrival they are always there but they require you to make the trip to look out over the vastness of what's before you and convince yourself that what's ahead can become your new normal you know how I wish we weren't biologically preconditional candidate Preserve to stay safe to stay the same how I wish we weren't constantly being pulled to stay right where we are our minds they love it here with the rest of the World to Change the hope the progress all on the other side of that window all outside All Foreign to us you don't need any of that it'll tell you or maybe after you conjure up a little courage it might compromise it might say fine it's worth a try put one foot out the door but don't forget you can always come back to me you can always Retreat it's warm here safe here it's predictable here the Mind wants you to know that when things get tough mediocrity and comfort are always right behind you ready to embrace you with open arms and it's for this reason that those votes must be burned that the door must be locked and that chapter must be closed the journey before you it's going to be difficult there's no question about that anything of value brings difficulty and when faced with the adversity the only way to defeat it is to know there is only one way one option available to you and that one option is forward it's through there is no backwards or compromise there is no safety not if you want from life that which is extraordinary not if you want the things we covet dream of whether they're interpersonal Financial career oriented health related maybe you just knowing your soul that right now ain't it any move to something better will present to you its obstacles in my advice if it's what you really want is to have decided before you started that there is no other way there's no negotiating with yourself [Music] because if you allow that door to be cracked life will kick it open so point the compass North and dismiss any notion that what's comfortable is more important than what's meaningful when you're cold nothing is more appealing than that warmth but warmth is deception a short-term Ploy for you to forget what really matters an illusion see cold subsides but Victory is forever knowing that you pushed forward when most wouldn't is forever transforming potential into strength when your knees shook is forever so burn the boat for no other reason that there is no way forward so long as there remains a way back [Music] make life make you win and where most would look around and see evidence of defeat you'll find again and again in the same quote-unquote evidence the tools to build ladders to New Beginnings and bridges to new worlds there's a saying that I love that most of life's successful people were too ignorant of the odds to know their accomplishments were considered at one point impossible and I love it because it highlights that there was never a fallback option a concern for the statistics there was no worry or exhausted energy on what if rather it was constant building and adjusting finding ways over through and around the walls that inevitably stand before us there was no way home so they pushed forward into their greatness and so can you whatever shape form or color greatness looks like in your eyes whatever Mountaintop appeals to you if you want it if you're willing to decide before you go that you will one day stand amongst the clouds peering out at that world you deemed wasn't against you but for you anything is possible [Music] [Music] if someone were to tell you life is easy they'd be incorrect if they were to tell you there's a specified path contentment they'd be misinformed [Music] if they were to tell you there's a book of answers to every question you'll come across it'd be misled [Music] the point is not that life is easy predictable or defined the point is that despite the fact that it's none of those things you're capable of making something from it that from a seemingly endless barrage of unknowns exists the pieces to build something truly extraordinary I came across a quote a few years ago from Abraham Maslow and and a concept that was in Ernest Becker's book the denial of death and the idea is we are simultaneously gods and worms and every once in a while you come across an idea that changes the way you see things that's definitely one of them right a duality that is is perpetually under tension God and worms we're animals we're flesh and Bone eroding by the day and we're given a temporary stay on a giant rock rotating around the Sun while simultaneously equipped with the power to not only be aware of that finitude to transcend it to dream to see things that are not yet there our minds are miraculous we are both gods and worms so what do we do about this how about use the fact that we're going to die the fact that in many ways we don't have control the fact that life is messy and unpredictable and often a maze of complete chaos to rather than shrink because of it take off the guard rails and reach for the heavens to put things into existence that do not yet exist why not go all in after all the thing about living is the saying goes no one makes it out alive no one hops on the roller coaster to constantly look at their watch to dwell on its temporary nature now it's to enjoy the ride and what is our time here but a few short rides around the Sun [Music] like life is too big when the day overwhelms or disintegrates into chaos don't fixate on the rocky nature of the world around you but on your ability to take it all and make it mean something cherish the idea that although everything around you is dictated by natural laws and constraints your mind is bound by nothing and where you seek answers you will find them where you pursue more you will unlock it our finitude our challenges are essential to our existence they remind us that we have nothing to lose that the song will end so why not dance like it's your last time because sure in time we will be dirt for worms but that's exactly why as long as we're here will live to in our own unique way bridge the gap between the ground we walk on and the heavens above [Music] one of the more powerful realizations I've had both in business and life overall is that what we do to win today and what we do to position ourselves to win tomorrow they're often very different things and we've probably all experienced this in some capacity we get sucked into the cycle of doing becoming so task oriented that we don't make time to step back and ask which direction do I want this ship to go because sure we have to keep it afloat and we have to keep it afloat now but also we have to navigate the ship's role isn't solely to float right it's it's a transportation mechanism a vehicle where are we going and so the question becomes how do we balance the two I came across an awesome book by Lee Benson called your most important number and I'm about halfway through but already finding a ton of value that I'll be sharing in the future primarily around positioning your business for success and one of the first things the book discusses is the difference between what Lee calls eating and dreaming eating being the things we need to do now to take care of matters that are essential for today the things that need to get done so using the same metaphor actions to keep that boat afloat and then there's the dreaming which is essentially doing things now that help position the organization for success in the future down the road it's asking what can I do today that will ensure we are winning tomorrow so boat metaphor it's planning for storms that may arise later in the journey it's analyzing the best destinations and charting the course and here's what really struck me at least suggests based on his Consulting that ideally leaders should be I believe the number was 80 percent dreaming and 20 eating so yeah doing what has to be done today obviously but largely focused on positioning the organization and themselves for success in the days to come and what he's found is that very often out in the world that ratios flipped people are so consumed by the day-to-day that the future takes a back seat to the nuance and the quote-unquote putting out fires of the present moment we're spending 80 percent of our time eating now like most things this is not one size fits all uh say Frontline manager at a factory he's not going to be 80 dreaming and 20 eating their task requirements uh are are different but the point remains it's imperative that we in some capacity utilize our resources now to look ahead [Music] I don't know if I've ever told this story but I always joke around with my brother about it when we were kids in Southern California we'd have these basically battles on the beach right where we'd go down to uh the hard sand right in front of the water and we need to build these little walls slash Fort type things maybe 20 feet apart from each other this is like emulating World War one type stuff and then we'd make cannonballs out of sand and just throw the sand at each other right so in a way this is a perfect metaphor because uh we would always be juggling on one hand building the fort that would protect us from the other person so dreaming and then on the other hand I mean those things hurt right we'd have to in real time be dodging incoming sand simultaneously to building that wall right so uh the eating and he's a bit younger than me so admittedly this wasn't really fair but regardless you know he would get so consumed with throwing sand uh that his wall would be really cheaply made at the beginning I'd be trying to make this really solid base Foundation he would just be pelting me with this stuff and it was brutal but it's time went on I built that wall Higher and Higher and eventually it would be lights out for him he'd have nothing to hide behind the Young Buck was doing let's say less way less than 80 dreaming and so I'm no longer building castles in the sand but as the Rose said now I'm looking to build them in the air seeking to bring things into life that are merely ideas and Concepts in my head and naturally this prompted me to ask well what's my ratio now because it sure feels like I'm doing a lot of eating it sure feels like I spend a lot of time every day you know dodging Mikey P's incoming sand cannon balls right things are going to be different tomorrow than they are today and to truly win we need to be asking ourselves how do we build that bridge from the present to the Future how do we lay out stepping stones that will allow an evolution in what we're doing and I'm thinking if my day is 95 consumed with eating type tasks then I need to figure things out here right is it automate is it eliminate is it delegate it's something because the ship needs to be more effectively captained and I love these epiphanies just a change in mindset that can completely redirect uh one's entire trajectory it was funny I was having a conversation earlier today with a friend about scaling and impact and growth another person I love to throw ideas back and forth to and he asked me well Eddie what are some of the ways your world within could make money and I was like oh that's it's easy right so I laid it all out in great detail the ins and outs and he says that's awesome but that's not the question I asked you you answered a different question you answered how is the business making money now I asked how can it make money in the future boom Another Epiphany one of those instances where you catch yourself thinking small and this isn't a knock on the work I'm doing now or the system's in place now they're great now but again now isn't forever if you have plans to add more value and create more impact build more things that has to be baked into your time and resource allocation we all have to eat because we don't want to starve but we also have to dream because if we're unable to look ahead we simply will not be equipped to handle the turbulence of tomorrow right there's a duality to this game and I think the ratio with which we're juggling the two deserves consistent attention and examination now yeah life is seasonal there are times where keeping that ship afloat takes everything we have [Music] but it's understanding that that is a season and not the way things are dreaming allows us to start moving in the right direction even if it's one small step at a time building today piece by piece something we can stand on tomorrow a staircase to the version 2.0 and 3.0 and 4.0 the future depth on what we do today and so we must create space for that seed to grow we must chart the course and Captain the ship to the next Horizon [Music] you can become so fixated on winning or losing the game that you forget to ask yourself am I playing the right one is this my game am i setting myself up to win in an arena of significance to me because look there are infinite games out there and sometimes we find ourselves caught up in a race we have no business running meaning it doesn't really do anything for us it's not where we want to be or should be there's a saying by someone and a few social media Outlets actually uh like restricted my post for suggesting it was Einstein so it might not be Mr Einstein but whoever said it thank you you're awesome the saying goes everyone is a genius but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree it will live its whole life believing it's stupid now there are a lot of us fish out there attempting to climb trees as we speak wondering why we're not where we want to be perhaps seeing the results or lack thereof as an indication that we're insufficient inadequate in some way when hey that's not the case at all and so we haven't taken the time to identify our own personal intersection of what we love and what adds value to the world we haven't manufactured those fireworks that's something that has to be explored found JRR Tolkien not all who wander are lost right and I think we innately fear this process of searching because it's unsettling to not know how things are going to play out trust me I've been there right it's taxing to not have your packaged little elevator speech and a five-year Vision when it seems like the whole world does [Music] but to deprive yourself of this exploration is to potentially forfeit the very thing that you come to live for most of the time purpose doesn't fall into one's lap you have to have your eyes open what's meaningful must be sought out now I'm gonna play little devil's advocate here because our world is not black and white it sort of lives in this gray space right can you win at someone else's game sure there are a lot of people quote unquote succeeding in areas that are not ideal that they don't love that they're not their best in but how is Success being defined I've talked extensively about my journey and all those games I used to play the targets I used to aim for and I know a lot of people who've come to similar epiphanies right but when you don't realize you can exit stage left and begin again start something new you simply continue this same song and dance right it's not life that keeps us confined it's ignorance that keeps us confined we simply have to be taught that there's more and I understand to find an arena where you can thrive in a purely historical context is a luxury and you are programmed to survive you're not programmed to build an art studio because it's your passion right but there lies the battle we are at a place in time where we have collectively cultivated abundance the phone you're using to consume this content that little thing can be a portal that transports your thoughts your creation your business to the masses you have at your fingertips access to billions of people you have reach that humans only 30 years ago all the way back to the beginning of mankind could only dream of the means are there in so many ways it's about freeing yourself to pursue the opportunity that exists all around you because we self-limit Alan Watts asked the ever important question what would you do if money were no object now in a practical World why ask such a question simple because removing those monetary constraints says you contemplate your answer allows you to truly analyze what Endeavors are meaningful to you when something is Meaningful you want to do it when you want to do it you immerse yourself in those little intricacies in those details that the average person simply doesn't pay attention to making you so good at whatever that thing is that eventually not only can you be the best at it but you can monetize it and probably at a very high rate it's not money holding you back it's not time holding you back it's not the external World holding you back it's what you have been conditioned to believe that's holding you back you are a genius at something you are king or queen of your Empire Victor within your Arena but to realize these things you have to one understand it's a possibility and two refuse to stay stagnant we have to stop conceding so much while simultaneously accepting so little life will never provide what you do not ask for so why why be scared to ask life won't tell you you're a fish climbing a tree you must tell you that Life Won't expand your horizons and adjust your trajectory you must initiate that change to find your Genius you must be willing to leave what's insufficient to capture what's meaningful you must be willing to leave what is meaningless [Music] let's agree to alter the question do I have genius level Talent because you do and you live in a society that also rewards those who realize it the question we need to be willing to ask is are you willing to walk on Shaky Ground to abandon at least for a period of time safety and the comfort of predictability in order to find that genius are you willing to nurture the greatness that already lives within you because it was never a matter of ability it's a matter of what you're willing to discover [Music] I recently heard someone say it's not about doing your best it's about doing what's required [Music] are they different very here's my take doing your best has an emotional component attached to it it's subjective what exactly is your best well it's a story that you tell yourself a narrative opening the door to limitation I've always found that when we put our backs against the wall and Venture into scenarios where it's essential that we get something done we somehow always find a way when we leave no plan B for ourselves we are required to make plan a work and so we do it's a testament to both the resilience and power contained in the human Spirit as well as the reality that we can Astound ourselves when we're unwilling to take no for an answer that it's not the resources that are the problem it's usually our unwillingness to move forward into the dark our hesitant to try explore test build and rebuild actions that are surprisingly unrelated to One's best and have everything to do with accepting nothing less than an identified outcome one of the reasons I fell in love with the sport of running because it reinforced this notion in my life it became the template with which I could repeatedly amaze myself I talk a lot about earning confidence and oh how I earned it step by step mile by mile day by day in the sun in the rain in the desert in the woods through city streets all over the country and the world I came to understand the relationship between the turbulence of now and the satisfaction of later it was on those days that push beyond my usual level of comfort when that cloud of pain and Agony would hover over me I couldn't even really point to where my body hurt it just all seemed to come together into this one giant hell and to learn that I could not only endure that but grow in those moments to see myself rise above any preconceived notion or understanding of best in order to defeat My Demons conquer the day's objective it changes the way you see yourself in the world now could onlookers be tempted to call these self-created goals arbitrary even unnecessary sure then I get why they would but I'd also completely disagree those days were a master class in doing what is necessary realizing that when you shut your rational brain off and don't give your mind a chance to talk your body out of it see just how powerful you are you realize that story of your best is nothing more than a house built on Sand life is not about that story you've told yourself it's not about your personal records and Peak performances what you think you can do or how far you think you might be able to go it's about not stopping in the moments when it hurts doing what is required a decision that compounds over time to create what was once impossible [Music] one of my favorite quotes is by Admiral William mcraven an absolute Hero Of Mine funny enough he says if you want to change the world you must be your very best in your darkest moments and what a beautiful idea to rise when life presents its periods of turbulence [Music] and sure it may be a matter of semantics but in those moments of Darkness I think of your best not in the traditional sense not as a personal metric but as a willingness to do what must be done a removal of the spotlight from you all together and instead point it directly at the road ahead that the task at hand when you choose to make the journey not about what you can and cannot do but instead make it about what must be done the universe as Paulo coilo has so elegantly stated conspires to make it happen [Music] I think back to my journey and at so many periods my best wasn't good enough I was so lost and so overwhelmed that the only thing I could do was not stop moving that was my superpower simply trudged through the fear of things falling apart the nagging pride and hurting ego and what I learned was that life is no different than all those miles I'd put in running how I felt or what my previous capabilities were what I deemed my best to be it was all noise it was all irrelevant what was required was that I moved forward through the chaos and to something better and so I did and in your world so can you the stories we tell ourselves are so powerful and in many ways valuable in our journey through life but there's one narrative that eliminates the necessity of so many others you can get to the top of whatever Mountain you are seeking to climb so long as you do not stop so long as you let go of the limitations tied to your quote unquote best and instead do what is required to get there you'll see how adaptable and transformative that best really is how it's a lagging indicator it will take time but you're capable of being patient and it will have its moments of chaos but you are capable of weathering those storms it will present obstacles that leave you unclear uncertain sometimes unprepared but you're capable of picking your head up and moving through that Haze what you know of yourself now is a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of what you're capable of doing [Music] and how far that goes will be determined not by putting a stake in the ground and calling it your personal best but as Emerson has said by hitching Your Wagon to a star and pulling yourself towards its light a little bit at a time [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Eddie Pinero
Views: 120,791
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: live inspired, motivation, your world within, Eddie Pinero, inspiration, running motivation, motivational speech, motivational video, best motivational video, morning motivation, best motivational speech, motivational speeches, start your day right, morning motivational speech, listen when you wake up, morning motivational video, motivation to start your day, best speeches, listen every day, change your life, morning motivation listen when you wake up
Id: lGw5o-mrEfs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 11sec (3551 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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