LONE WOLF - Motivational Speech For Those Who Walk Alone

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[Music] normality is a paved Road it's comfortable to walk but no flowers grow Vincent Van go what is normality well according to the dictionary normal is the usual average or typical state or condition [Music] common normal is also a decision there's a quote by Robin Sharma and I've looked to this for years it states uh if you want what the 5% have you need to be willing to do what only the 5% are willing to do what they obtain is not definitionally speaking normal it's uncommon and what they do to arrive at that outcome is also uncommon they play by a different set of rules and in doing so end up with an entirely different outcome than most to put it simply we arrive at normal when our effort level is normal you put in normal hours or give average effort at work most likely your results career progress compensation will be normal you pay moderate attention to your Fitness your health well your level of physical fitness will be normal you dedicate typical levels of effort to your relationships your relationships will be normal not terrible but not remarkable right I'm sure you get the the idea here the pattern generally over time what we get starts to reflect what we gave and here's where the self assessment comes in the awareness you have to ask yourself in pursuit of something greater whether your actions are aligning with your goals and objectives there's nothing so feudal as telling yourself you're going to achieve miraculous Larger than Life outcomes and then putting in average typical normal effort if normal goes in normal comes out and as I was thinking about this recently you know as it pertains to my life uh had a little Epiphany when right so Fitness is a big area of focus for me I run or do some type of strength training 6 days a week as far as I can tell that level of effort is beyond normal right I go above and beyond uh in that area of my life but even though I'm aligned on my mission to be the 5% there I realized there was a gap I realized my diet was very normal completely unextraordinary it's just easy to convince yourself to eat whatever you want after a really long run right why not pizza after all it's the normal thing to do but I had to remind myself that what I wanted in that area of my life holistically is not normal therefore the inputs cannot be normal it was time to start standing up to those things that are very easy to say yes to to rationalize and that's the idea here I pick my 5% categories where I truly want to Excel and make sure there is nothing normal about their development you want top tier results you have to give top tier effort make the sacrifices map out the path you know I've come to see this differently over the years it's not an indictment against you as a person for choosing normal but know that it is indicative of a choice and the output eventually comes to a line with the input all the actions or lack thereof stack up to resemble something it's up to you to decide what that is and so the next question perhaps somewhat of an obvious one is when it comes to the things that matter most to you why stay confined mind to normal it's the above and beyond the peak experiences the times we overcame fought and won took the risk and came out on top that's when we are at our best that's when we get the most from life so is normal the end of the world no it's just that as abnormal is the beginning of [Music] one the will to do anything comes from within yourself you define your goals you map out the journey in my mind comparing yourself to your competitors or or anyone else should never contribute to how you define yourself what it should be used as is a tool to drive Improvement to push yourself to make the most of every little opportunity that comes your [Music] way I heard a quote from Mark cubin and he said to work like someone is working 24 hours a day to take it all away from you and I was giving this some thought obviously it's a powerful message and I started to apply it to my own situation and the first thing that came to mind was running it's something I do every day right a lot of the most important decisions I've made and ideas I've come up with have occurred while running so I started to think about when I'm at my best right when I'm working out and truly pushing myself obviously I set goals right I Look to stretch my limits my boundaries and I can do that on my own I really don't need anyone or anything but when I truly Excel is when I feel those footsteps behind me when I know that if I don't speed up someone will run by and leave me behind as they go on for a faster time and this thought drives me insane look I know what just to run around the Charles River right I'm downtown Boston I'm not at the Olympics I get why it would seem a little crazy but to me it's the same thing as a race starting a business excelling at work it's instilling the mentality that I will do whatever it takes to stay ahead regardless of how it's perceived just like I do everything in my power to be that same way in all aspects of life there are always footsteps behind me that's how I push to stay at the top of my game if you're not obsessed with getting better at doing more than everyone else you will be left [Music] behind the sound of footsteps is a reminder that you haven't even scratched the surf of what you can do that you can completely transform how you think of winning and that's how you will get what you want listen every morning when you wake up you need to know that there are footsteps behind you that a million people want what you want they're waking up every day intent on doing what you do and are willing to put in the work the best do that and then some right they step up they're willing to go further be crazy put everything out there for their goals it doesn't matter how ridiculous it looks success is doing what it takes and I know that's vague I know there isn't you know an answer written out in 10 steps but you will find your way you will stumble you will fall but if you truly have that tenacity to outrun to outwork every everyone else the only thing left to do is win surprise yourself surprise everyone around you they will be there I promise only a step behind [Music] [Music] the miracle isn't that I finished the miracle is that I had the courage to start John Bingham we all share commonality the runner on the starting blocks the one at work the one studying the one trying to create the best life Poss possible for their family see we are all at a beginning looking up at an idea nothing given nothing to adjust or react to no just an idea and ideas when we are at the bottom looking up they're deceptive in nature their size their weight their breadth they like to present themselves as much more than they actually are and so to turn ideas into things one need see themselves not as some descendant of Mount Olympus tasked with lifting that 2,000 ton Boulder before them but as one armed with an understanding the awareness that the 2,000 ton Boulder before them can be broken down piece by piece that it is nothing more than a facade and while it may stop most in their tracks you are simply not most not because the world treats you differently but because you see the world differently by knowing you are bigger than the sum of its parts you have defamed this wolf you have put yourself in position to do that which makes the world tremble that which causes even the most confident to doubt you have put yourself in position to begin see there is a time to look at the top of the mountain breaking through the clouds powerful and Majestic and then there is a time to look at your feet and right now is the ladder you're not concerned with the big things no not right now your job is to move forward into this Haze to not see but adapt to not know but trust things will materialize and you know that but at the same time you can't control the future your battle is right now and it's with the space immediately in front of you it's with the thoughts attempting to deceive you it's with the things the outside world will tell you but Forward Motion is the antidote to all of that and so forward you must [Music] go the beginning is always the hardest because our thoughts are a mightier foe than life's obstacles thoughts take on lives of their own they become monsters demons dead ends obstacles on the other hand just ask that we adjust there is no obstacle that can't be addressed by stepping into it and so while the Temptation is to sit thinking speculating about how challenging the road ahead this is where you think less and move more harness the world as it comes because the truth is nothing is as big as it appears to be life is incredibly solvable every problem has a solution every bad chapter ends every setback is a chance to be more than you've ever been but how would you know that if you bowed down to the mountains in your head how would you know that if you never began so let today be the dotted line you sign with your future self a promise to be aware that the Mountaintop peers over you but to not be distracted by its shadow to take the climb one rock one step one second at a time let it be an acknowledgement that nothing life throws at you can't be broken down and conquered so long as you don't get in your own way gone are the days of being held captive behind steel bars of self-doubt and fear that road ahead is not the problem it never was refusing to give yourself permission to travel down it was the problem so without constraints meet life head on let the trials and tribulations emerge because they will but know that you will rise to meet them let the unknown highlight all that you don't know you can't see fine the one thing you are sure of is that you will one by one transform the Unseen into strength and when those thoughts emerge telling you that you've gone too far that you're in over your head that this isn't meant for you know them not as truth but as the only obstacle that can derail and distract you you don't have time for make believe monsters no not today so onward you go to map the unknown to tame the Untamed to live your life the way it was meant to be live [Music] [Music] every run Tells A Tale all those streets sidewalks and paths paint a picture each footstep enshrines forever a moment in time that comes together to comprise the now for my time in Cape Cod Massachusetts it was asking why not why not find out if I could be a little faster than yesterday my first dance with the clock waking up early running up snake Pond Road sun shining in my face inhaling that crisp morning air it was running along the canal where the distance was precisely mapped out in paint on the ground below tattooing a path that seemed to go for as long as I wanted to push forward it taught me that we could do amazing things when we decided to that we have more more in us than we could ever imagine in a sense Cape Cod was my eyes opening up to the idea that what life gives us is directly correlated to what we ask of ourselves so ask for a lot in Boston it was exploration it was pushing myself harder and further but also stretching my world view wider a time for transformation it was beginning to see the mundane the common place for the wolves in sheep's clothing that they are I began exploring City street like I simultaneously began exploring life's possibility I saw how taking new routes often came with two distinct components one an unsettling nervous feeling in my stom stomach and two an eventual gratitude for finding the courage to go there the world will never tell you to go where you have not yet gone it will never assign you a map and hand you Keys a plane or a bus ticket that desire must be cultivated internally Boston was me realizing the unknown wasn't a border keeping me in it was a hand extended in r Oak Virginia it was in a sense a rebirth moving away post College everything was new was foreign but everything was exciting I had to learn who I was in new surroundings with new people my Nike running shoes took me through Woods down side streets Into the Heart of downtown I ran and I ran and I ran because with all that change it was one of the few constant in my life it brought me to the realization that with so many moving pieces so many things shuffling in and out there are parts of me that are non-negotiable that in life it's okay and even necessary to change but one should never lose themselves in that process they call Rowan Oak the Star City of the south for the giant glowing star that lights up on the mountain overlooking the city perhaps a reminder to never lose that North Star in our own lives in South Florida it was about connecting the dot had been relentlessly doing now it was seeing seeing myself as that person as someone ready for more worthy of a spot at the table capable of creating Monumental change those soft sand runs reinforce the notion that I get stronger when the world moves under my feet those hundreds of thousands of footsteps under the hot sun reiterated that I'm willing to do what is often deemed unnecessary or even over the top and lastly living in the luxury of no winter remind me to appreciate the the perks the advantages and the victories we collect along the way but to never take them for granted to be ready because life's Winters don't always wait until after fall to show up at your doorstep see every step we take is a lesson every Street sidewalk and path is part of a story and sometimes we don't understand end until we look back at the chapters we don't get it until we have the luxury of hindsight I didn't know that I'd look back on snake Pond Road as sacred ground as a Launchpad to everything that would come next no in the moment it was nothing more than a temporary escape from a world that felt bigger than me I didn't know I'd see the city of Boston is the place that taught me to question the normaly of everyday life to show me that one could be moving awfully fast and still going nowhere at all no in the moment it was merely a decision to dip my toe in the water to entertain the Curiosity and sense of adventure that always seemed a few feet ahead I had no idea Rowan Oak Virginia would be where I learned that as Emerson said to be yourself in a world constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment that there are non-negotiables and Shining down above all the noise and intricacies of everyday life exist the path and the resources to become who you were meant to be knowing the moment I was simply stepping off my branch and Landing somewhere new I didn't didn't know South Florida would be my consistent reminder to level up to hold tightly that intersection of love and value to find gratitude for what I have and maintain faith in bringing about what has not yet materialized no at the time I was taking my life my business and my running shoes to warmer weather you may not see it now but your path the one that led you to today is the the right path you are exactly where you need to be for the beginning of your next adventure but here's the thing you you must keep lacing up your shoes keep getting up in the morning and chasing those sunrises keep dreaming growing keep your eyes ears and heart open because the world has so much to give you but you have to allow your feet to carry you there you have to give yourself permission to take it all in the normaly of right now down the road will end up being anything but normal these steps are the steps that make you who you are so own them believe in them and most importantly keep taking them [Music] in a way the world is a mirror that reflects how you feel and if life is consistently mirroring back images that aren't ideal perhaps it's time to Chip Away not at the world but at yourself it's time to work and sometimes that's roll up your sleeves and be better work let's get up a little bit earlier work let H the gym or study or give more work but sometimes it's acknowledging that if in this chapter of your life you find everything around you intimidating or too distant or Out Of Reach it's not because the world is too big but rather you've let your own image get too small it's the identity that needs the maintenance we do things because we see ourselves as doers of those things right soccer players play soccer writers write painters paint no one who's ever identified or introduced himself as a runner has ever broken a world deadlift record no Runners do Runner things bodybuilders do bodybuilder things people who view themselves as small do small things and people who see themselves as capable or strong daring adventurous Larger than Life well you get the point we're out there overanalyzing all these details trying to decipher code without realizing that we've already won or lost you gave yourself permission to run 50 yards and then became Sherlock Holmes trying to figure out why the world wouldn't let you reach yard 51 we go as far as we allow ourselves to go we do as much as we allow ourselves to do we become who we allow ourselves to be and I'm not saying the other variables don't matter of course they do I'm saying over time those variables become blocks for us to build ourselves up or build walls around ourselves that keep us down in one [Music] place if the world feels Bland give yourself permission to seek out the beauty be someone who finds joy in life if the world feels lonely give yourself permission to connect with others be someone who brings people together if the world feels chaotic and confusing give yourself permission to break it down be someone who turns big things into small manageable things if the world feels sad and disheartening give yourself permission to uncover what makes you smile be someone who in the darkness of night can find that light switch cuz for every reason to be sad there's one to be happy for every reason to be weak there's one to be strong so on and so forth of course it's not the easiest to remember when we look out and don't like what we see but knowing that the solution is internal knowing that you decide who you are where you're going and where you stop as much as humanly possible it puts fate in your hands which is right where should be there's power and simplification not because you can't handle the complex but because too much noise drowns out the meaning it gets in the way of the things that actually make the difference our blessing and curse is the finitude of our time so by default that makes the word know a gatekeeper to the contentment we feel in our lives what are you keeping out what are you saving space for clarity is not a luxury but a necessity and when one has limited capacity they must both cherish and protect it so why does this matter it matters because when you simplify things the path is never as intimidating the problem is never unsolvable the opportunity is never too far away it matters because we dress the solutions up in irrelevant detail and then call them the problem we don't see things as what they are we see them as Stories We Tell ourselves we see too much and it just so happens that the biggest leaps forward one can take in life are the result of uh not secret formulas or hidden answers but in freeing ourselves of that excess saying no to the wrong things so that we can say yes to the right things underneath the stacks and accumulation of nothing is something there's something to the notion that the RO to recovery is always a single decision away that it's already there but you just haven't been able to acknowledge to choose it when life becomes convoluted there's this tendency to think I am the problem I am broken I am incapable of X or Y or Z and it's like no you've just let so much in that what was once obvious is now buried you're looking at the giant ocean before you forgetting that a very tiny boat can Traverse it Basics let's ask the question where is it I most want to go and what would one step in that direction look like sometimes we have to go knowing that Mile 10 will have its monsters and mile 50 will have its setback but to not take step one in anticipation of those future problems of something way down the road is letting that excess in Simplicity is the goal Simplicity ask yourself can you start right beginning grants you one of the greatest weapons to possess an ability to adjust the ability to adapt the ability to utilize than now and this is not to dismiss the pain and difficulty associated with our most challenging times it's to remind you that during those times you feel lost or closed in you don't need to reinvent the world to your left and right it's not bigger than you so much of the time it's about composing yourself enough to reach out for the light switch that will illuminate the path just enough for you to look up and walk right out the front door we are in some ways helpless to what occurs around us there are things that are beyond our control but the gift we possess our power if you will is the ability to determine what we let in how we internalize the externalities we are responsible for being The Gatekeepers of our minds Protectors of our world there's a little saying that I aim to live by it's incredibly simple basically the idea is if something is not a net positive on your life start working to eliminate it if there's a person that is draining creating more negative than positive then they don't deserve to be in your world stop letting them in if there's some place you're going that doesn't align with what you value start working to eliminate that destination from your day today stop letting it in if you find yourself constantly thinking about worst case scenarios it's always well what if this goes wrong or that goes wrong if you find yourself missing the opportunity and instead spotlighting the problem start working to identify and isolate those thoughts so that they can be eliminated stop letting that stuff in the great part about having so much control over our lives and our perspectives is that we get to choose what gets our time and attention the tough part though and it is tough is that it means we also have to ask ourselves questions that perhaps we don't want to ask we have to be honest with ourselves like truly honest and the reality is sometimes it hurts to do that to ask how am I contributing to this pain this struggle what am I letting in that needs to be kept outside the gate from now on and what we often find is that the answers are there the opportunity is there sometimes even in plain view but our attention is often and diverted from it and instead allocated to the things that don't even serve us or align with who we are we've habitualized finding the problems and not the solutions and I can list examples of this uh over the course of my life all day right epiphanies where I realized I needed to defend the thoughts that enter my mind and better cultivate a world where I can succeed where I can be happy [Music] money for example the switch from seeing it as a scarce resource something that everyone's fighting over how to outmaneuver the guy to the right of me how to get my hands on this elusive object nope block that mentality at the gate and let in instead the idea that money is merely an exchange of value how can I be more valuable to more people where value goes wealth follows or as I've talked about before the injuries I deal with so frequently right keeping the poor me or I can't deal with this or whining I'm willing to put in the work why won't life let me succeed keep all that outside the gate and let in here is an opportunity to get better in other areas I can't lift maybe I'll take a month or two to crush cardio to eat better to build mental acuity find a way or maybe it's that person who made their way into my life that over time became a net negative that we've gotten to the point where our co-existence takes away more than it has they no longer belong inside the gate in my world right only let in people who do make your life better and we have control over all of this it's about accountability it's about personally understanding the authority you have over what comes in and what stays out very few things in life are just because things exist in our day-to-day because we have somewhere along the line allowed them to be there so take some time to see yourself as the gatekeeper of Your World audit what you're letting in and what you're keeping out to do so will set you up for a life on your terms A Life That's not wasted or even merely endured but one that's lived to the [Music] fullest there's a saying that in order to become something new you have to leave something behind you have to detach in some capacity remove yourself from the Physical [Music] Realm because the obstacles that we Face are not physical 99% of our problems are not physical they're mental and you know as you sort of drive that metaphorical ship into the Horizon the biggest DET turn is never going to be the anchor or the headwind or the bow line no it's going to be the story line it's going to be The Narrative of the person navigating that ship and it's interesting because our first inclination when we feel stuck it's always to point out attribute our problems to the world in this predetermined position position within it maybe that's the issue we take our power we put it into the universe cross our fingers and hope things work out but that will always be a losing proposition it will always come crumbling down because it's not the world that keeps you from showing up you're not physically incapable of taking that first step or growing or or evolving developing becoming something new no that demon lives in your head that's the mental Goliath we struggle with right because there's there's cognitive dissonance between who we know ourselves to be and who we want ourselves to be that's the sea we have to cross the terrain we have to navigate it's not the physicality of taking the steps anyone can do that it's believ that you are worthy of the journey and you have to ask yourself is it that you can't become something new or is it that you can't won't refuse to detach from who you used to be you're still tucked away in that container that box you've been building for years and years and years that you've placed yourself in because I can promise you one of the most Li ating things to understand is yesterday is not a life sentence yesterday is not forever yesterday is not defining it's simply a stepping stone and every morning when you open your eyes Sun comes through the window illuminates life around you that's never your cue to put on a fake smile play the same role you've been playing day after day after day no it's an invitation to do do anything you want to do to begin again to start fresh it's an opportunity to detach from that character detach from the people and the things that don't push you towards what you want detach from the negative selft talk and when all that's gone everything is removed and it's only you and your self belief a will to move forward I promise you that pendulum shifts life becomes simple and how beautiful Simplicity is it's shining a spotlight on what matters it's Clarity it's taking control it's picking up the clay and molding what you want to mold it's opening the door and deciding to walk through everything else is variable everything else is noise everything else is detail and distraction because what you want it's there and it's waiting for you to Simply remove yourself from who you used to be to step into right now and believe that you are worthy of everything else to come [Music] hope that bridge that connects the present to a more Ideal World the idea that no obstacle is too big to overcome no situation to dire to emerge Victorious and that you are never conf find to how things are FDR has said we have always held to hope the belief the conviction that there is a better life a better world Beyond the Horizon why does this matter well to put it simply before one can leave the situation they are in they have to believe there is another path worth taking it's not always seeing but trusting it's a tale of two components one the belief that something better is out there and two the belief that you are strong enough to bridge that Gap to create that world so let's start with number one there was a study done by Kurt RoR in the 1950s and he used rats and it was kind of a a gruesome experiment but definitely worth talking about because the takeaway is incredible right and I kind of cherry-picked the relevant Parts uh of the experiment basically he wanted to delve into the role that Hope plays in our lives and what he would do is he would drop rats into a jar of water and observe see how long they' swim before they drown and for the most part these rats would swim for a minute or two and then ultimately give up right there was this innate feeling of hopelessness but then he made a change and and when they were close to Drowning he'd reach in he'd pick them up he'd hold them for a little while and then he'd place them back in the water and the results between the two groups were night and day the the the rats saw in the second group that it wasn't over I when they were placed back in the water they had a reason to continue swimming and they did some of them did for hours the only difference being that they had hope they saw there was more and I don't think that's too different from us the situation may be different but the rules generally uh apply right so much of conceding or giving up in life accepting an existence that falls short of our ideals it's when we don't believe in something more we stop swimming we don't give ourselves a chance right so instead instead of creating Bridges to walk on we make walls that lock Us in Hope is knowing all pain all discomfort is temporary and the second component is belief in yourself belief in yourself to Traverse that space between current and the ideal it's self-empowerment you can be the Difference Maker in your life and others and it's funny the other day after reading about the RoR experiment I was sitting in a friend's house with my laptop kind of trying to figure out what to make of it right because the idea of hope I knew was powerful and then I wanted to share that story I wanted to write something that would highlight its value but it seemed kind of Unfinished or or simply part of an explanation I'm sitting there thinking about it um and I hear this loud bang over and over again and I I get up and I run to the back of the house right to make sure everything's fine see what's going on and my friend standing there with goggles on this this grin on his face and a sledgehammer and uh a huge hole in the wall in front of him and I'm like dude what are you doing you you just knocked your wall down he goes yeah I wanted to make uh another closet his family's growing he needs more space and he just took it upon himself to to make that happen and I just looked at him and walked back out started walking in the living room and it hit me this is a component of Hope seeing what's not there and doing something about it right if this swimming experiment is step one this has to be step two in real time step one believing seeing something more step two taking action to change it now buying into the fact that you have the power to change your own world and it's funny cuz any house or room I've ever ever lived in my thoughts always you know you look around and this is this is it right this is the situation this what's being given to me how do I make the most of it how do I play Within These parameters not okay this is fine but it could be better you know by Smashing down the wall in the back over there creating something new and you know obviously the message here isn't about Home Maintenance right this is about taking a sledgehammer to the places in your life in which you are not content so that you can build in its place something that matters you look around to your left to your right and you're unhappy that's not the end of the story that's the beginning of the story that's where the wheels hit the road in other words it's looking at life with the lens with the the freedom of knowing things don't have to be what they are they don't have to stay the same until the universe changes them no they can be what you make them and what life teaches us again and again is is that walls can be stepped over NOS can become yeses imposses can become commonplace but first there must be hope there must be an understanding that your world is a 10,000 ft view of all the little stories you tell yourself and the narratives you believe see every day when you wake up and take your first steps breathe your first breaths know that nothing simply is no it is simply Chosen and can be remade that's what makes life such a beautiful thing it's flexibility it's promised to provide what has been relentlessly sought out so remember it's when you can't find your answer when the odds look Grim when the rest of the world tells you no know that you most need hope hope the power the strength to look within yourself and remember that one life can change and two you can change it armed with this understanding nothing is impossible when others fail to see the answer the light in themselves in the situation you become the reminder that light is internally manufactured we aren't given answers so that we may believe them we are given the opportunity to believe and thus we create that ending we hope to pursue and without this life is nothing more than a permanent status quo it's holding our hands to the sky and receiving what life chooses to provide but that's not why you're here it's not why you woke up today not to accept but to create to find Hope in the tragedy and the hardship and to find within yourself the strength to move forward with whatever you decide comes next [Music] [Music] what is failure perhaps when the plan falls apart maybe when the project results are underwhelming no not quite when your heart breaks momentum stops when your world is shaken at its foundation no to put it simply failure is not going failure is the plan never falling apart because you were too scared to make one failur is never being underwhelmed by the results of that project because you couldn't find the courage to start failure is no heartbreak no setbacks no challenge to your world view because you stood still I see life's disappointing occurrences as a sort of transaction some temporary discomfort in exchange for the very wisdom you were looking for placed in the palm of your hand you endure the pain to get the answers you accept chaos today and exchange for the map that enables you to navigate the terrain how can something be a failure if it places you right where you need to be how can something be a failure if it brings you closer to the life you dream of maybe we don't look at life as failure versus success but rather as being stagnant versus being in motion immobile versus mobile maybe it's that simple if you are moving regardless of how fast you're giving yourself a chance to overcome to collect wisdom and pick up armor you're giving yourself a chance to be more tomorrow than you are today and that means we stop accepting the notion that we are standing still for our benefit justifying that we're only stationary because we're waiting for the right moment we're here because we need this to be perfect no there are a million different ways to get what you want out of life a million different paths to get you there none of them require standing still I already cringe at the amount of time I've wasted waiting for the right time how I would sit on releasing this or starting that oh it's because I'm a perfectionist only to learn that perfectionism is really just fear in Disguise you can sit there and wait and refine and refine and refine but I'll tell you what the one who moves who creates shares collects feedback adjusts and repeat will have achieved that level of quote unquote perfection before you feel prepared to acknowledge and share your prototype it was simply by going that Evolution took place and took me a long time to grasp this to understand it and a part of me didn't want to believe it as I found it inherently uncomfortable but life rewards the Bold it always has and always will calling for a sort of calculated recklessness great things are achieved by doers who can put their egos aside and let the world humble them on their way to the next attempt in Ron chau's biography on Washington one of the common themes which I believe made Washington one of the most influential people in the history of mankind was his ability to think analyze seek out the opinions of people around him and then once decided that was that he was all in the rubber had met the road this was now the way and I find power in that as overthinking is so often our undoing right weighing out out worst case scenarios contingency plans this versus that when progress requires that we sure spend a little bit of time deciding which general direction we go but most importantly that we start and I think we've all been guilty of this overanalyzing over planning but just like a say can't predict the winds we can't predict all life's variables again it's deciding on a general direction and then trusting ourselves to navigate life's obstacles as they arrive it's finding Trends and patterns along the way and doing our best to utilize them as we move forward there will be points where the road ahead seems overwhelming the obstacle feel too abundant to make sense of where the mind compels you to stay where you are and stare out in awe it will suggest that what's behind you is safer that the world you know contains fewer monsters than the worlds you don't it might even convince you that whatever Ambitions you had weren't really that important that you could easily live without them and the longer you stand there the the longer you listen to that voice the louder it gets you dismiss it with every step forward your momentum is a dagger through the heart of any doubt that once tried to occupy the precious real estate behind your eyes you don't have to outthink it outsmart it you just have to move forward and what you find mind is that the mountains you once peered up at weren't all that they seen a culmination of little Hills that can be climbed manageable rocks that in actuality can be used to propel yourself up the mountain side there was never a perfect path up no magic transport to the summit you might even think to yourself what a shame that so many are still on the sidelines waiting to devise their perfect approach making plans and drawing Maps but that's not how any of this works to win you go to make progress you move knowing full well that you'll find your dead ends you'll spend time and exhaust energy going down certain paths that don't ultimately lead you where you wanted to go but what a gift the ability to reverse course and take the right at the fork instead of the erroneous left you previously took your errors are not permanent your errors are correctable stagnation is what's permanent wishing is permanent someday is permanent but right now that's pure value so next time you find yourself looking out as we all do remind yourself that there are many ways to transform your reality for the better many paths to the Mountaintop but there is only one way to assure you never get there and that is standing still so trust yourself to figure life out as it comes to take the pain and extract from it wisdom to find the strength beyond the uncertainty life is giving you everything that is required not some things or a few things everything all it asks of you is that you dismantle the delusion of perfection and begin
Channel: Eddie Pinero
Views: 25,151
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: live inspired, motivation, your world within, Eddie Pinero, inspiration, running motivation, motivational speech, motivational video, Mindset, Inspiration, Morning Motivation, Success, Business, Philosophy, Dreams, Goals, Best
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 27sec (3627 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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