When You See These Things - Part 1

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so church family today we are not we cannot it's not possible for us to be in the Book of Romans it would be wrong and you'll see why today there's too much happening in the world right now that I got to tell you I've got my pulse on so many sources and I'm overwhelmed in one week I decided from going from uh Romans to having to do this just because of the volume of things that are happening in the world around us that you as a Believer must know because it all leads into you and I walking more boldly and more educated and more ready to not only share Christ but to meet the Lord Jesus and so we're looking today at a study that is titled when you see these things over and over again Jesus Christ himself said when you see these things and then he began to fill in the blanks many of you might remember those days when we were watching listen now either ABC CBS or NBC that's all the choices you had when all of a sudden on the screen remember to get kind of staticky or go blank and then popping up on the screen would be this we interrupt this broadcast to bring you this special report anybody remember that raise your hand encourage me please that I'm not the only okay there you are and so um let me tell you something everybody especially especially those of you who are young you'll have a hard time imagining this that didn't happen very often did at church when you saw your program interrupted and it said we interrupt this program or this broadcasting bring you this special report something big was going to be announced and it's it you stop dead in your tracks at least that's the home we were brought up in is what's this something's big and some of those things by the way I'm going to mention them to you in a moment and for me for you they have forever almost as it were in time and Memorial put a stamp in our brain where we can remember what we were wearing where we were at the weather so many things for example now granted this goes back in time but I remember my mom coming to my school crying she had a red blouse or shirt on and I just remember being greeted by my mom because back in those days I don't know how it is now but the parents went and picked up the kids from school and my mom was crying and That Shook Me and what I heard from my mom was that they've just killed the president they've just killed the president the president's been killed and that was November 22nd 1963 Dallas Texas do you remember that JFK was shot dead what about this day we'll see if you get it July 20th 1969 I stood in the front yard with my dad and my brother and my dad had us look up and he said you see that he pointed to the Moon he said there's a man stepping out under the moon right now and when you're as young as I was I didn't care but I grew up to care I grew up to learn how big of a deal that was what about this for some of us locally I'll never forget it it was like yesterday February 9th literally 6 a.m and one second six a.m in the morning and one second that's right Sylmar February 9 1971 SoCal was struck with a major earthquake in parts of Los Angeles fell down and we were shaken so much it was incredible they closed school down for four weeks in Orange County because of the tremors and you'll never forget that day I remember running down the hallway to my parents bedroom and the hallway was moving and I remember literally crashing into one of the walls because the hallway was going like this it's hard to run down a hallway when it's when it's moving like that it's absolutely remarkable this was a day that I can remember where I was standing what I was wearing what I was doing January 28 1986 right in the middle of the week exactly the Challenger shuttle blew up and our astronauts were lost none of us will forget that incredibly beautiful it seemed as though the entire United States had perfectly clear weather on this particular day it was a Tuesday and I remember waking up and uh for some reason I had that day off and I had my coffee and I turned on the TV and that was Tuesday September 11 2001. and I I stood there and I watched my nation change in a moment's Time Forever and the days and the months and the years that followed Jesus said when you see these things and this week remarkably I was interviewed by a certain Media Group in New York City and they asked me this question what or why does it seem that there is so much evil going on in our nation and in our world in these days can you believe that a secular organization asking a question of a pastor why is there so much evil and what are the worlds happening that's an indicator of the days and the age in which you and I live in church and if you're sensing that something is stirring below the surface as it were I wanted to I wanted to say sensing that something's wrong I don't want to say that as a Believer I don't think that's right if we think what's wrong what's wrong what's happening listen everything is falling right into place according to God's calendar and the only way that you and I are going to understand it is if we understand God's word the world doesn't know that they're starting to freak and if you are not a Christian you'd be doing what other Christians are doing today either trying to figure it out or get drunk the Bible says Jesus said that the days will be coming upon this Earth that it will be so chaotic that men's Hearts will fail them men will have heart attacks when they see the things coming upon the Earth in John 14 29 Jesus said and now I have told you before it comes that when it does come to pass you may believe so church family you're here today on this Sunday morning and you're you're being refueled think of it for a moment you're a fighter jet coming up in midair and you're going to be refueled by a kc-135 or whatever you're going to be getting fuel so that you can peel off and go back into the world this week and have everything that you need to tell the world why they ought to put their hope in Jesus the Bible says these days that you and I are experiencing are days that should lead you and I to believe because Jesus said they would come in advance that's awesome the Bible has an Urgent Message to every Christian of every generation it never changes for the last two thousand years and that is that we are to be faithful we are to be watching and we are to be ready for Christ's return so I am not kidding when I told you there's just too much going on these are some things that were selected and we could pick any one of these items and we can tie them to Bible prophecy no I'm not saying that these issues on the list right now are Bible prophecies fulfilled you hear me everybody I'm not saying that these are Bible prophecies being fulfilled I'm saying that every one of these topics the Bible speaks to regarding the last days did you did you get that here's page two we're talking we're talking a week and a half here mostly a week look at this things taking place in our world around us today remarkable so church family can have you stand up if you would we're going to do something rare but we've done it before in the past and that is we are going to read from a montage of scriptures that have been collected or compiled are you guys okay you're already quiet don't be quiet on me I'm all pumped up about today okay my I have asked the Lord in prayer can you come during first service Lord how about that pick us up pick us up so I'm gonna read the odd numbered verses if you'll join together in the even numbered verses again this is a montage of scriptures compiled together regarding our theme when you see these things so the scriptures tell us here speak to us here therefore you also be ready for the son of man is coming at an hour you do not expect but of that day an hour no no one knows not even the angels of heaven but my father only foreign watch Stand Fast in the faith be brave be strong therefore let us not sleep as others do but let us watch and be sober is relax outside watch therefore for you do not know when the master of the house is coming in the evening at midnight at the croin of the rooster or in the morning lest coming suddenly he find you sleeping country Jesus therefore you also be ready for the son of man has come in at an hour you do not expect watch therefore for you know neither the day nor the hour [Applause] for now our Salvation is nearer than when we first believed but take heed to yourselves lest your hearts be weighed down with carousing drunkenness and cares of this life and that day come on you unexpectedly watch therefore and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass and stand before the son of man [Applause] looking for the Blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ [Applause] that was a you guys do 14. we'll fix that at second service verse four sir wait wait on a count of three do fourteen one two three go [Applause] let not your heart be troubled you believe in God believe also in me my house [Applause] [Applause] and if I go and prepare a place for you I will come again and receive you to myself that where I am there you may be also [Applause] father yeah father we pray that this time invested in your word would cause us today to be a transformed people change our minds we are here and we confess proudly Lord brainwash us Soul wash us Spirit wash us Lord fill us now we pray in Jesus name and all God's people said amen you may be seated you may be seated you picked up on it you saw and you heard that word watch are watching numerous times in the Greek New Testament the word appears in three different forms in English it's the word watch but in the Greek language we see in three manifestations of that word and listen now it is used number one this way to keep awake literally or figuratively to be in a state of I love this word vigilance being watchful on the alert keep the watch or to be on guard as it were as we'll hear in a moment the second usage of that word is to not only keep awake but it means to set a guard to continue the watch on the guard to be or in a place of the Guardian one who has his post Faithfully maintained to be keeping your eyes open and on the horizon that's how the Believers to be living we're to be awake and we're to be on guard looking at the Horizon for things to come and the third usage of the word watch in the Greek language is to be Sleepless wakeful he's talking spiritually now it doesn't mean you stay up all night be on the alert keep on the alert keep watching the word implies custody or to observe or most importantly to persevere to stay at it to not give up more than ever before the church in America for that the world the church needs to be at her post fully awake ready to receive the coming of the Lord Jesus and in the meantime be busy about our father's business that one definition for that word multiplied in three different ways is summed up in this always be waiting we are to be watching so that we are waiting and let me tell you something right now if you are watching and waiting for the Lord Jesus Christ uh your walk your spiritual walk will shape up real quick you know how we all need to get into shape most of us me and you and most most of us we need to get into shape but when you get into shape you feel better when you get into shape things that otherwise set you back that'll set you back and so we want to talk about in this message today being spiritually fit I'm going to run through quite a bit today so I'm going to ask you to take some notes before we do that here's some passages the Bible says in Hebrews chapter 9 verse 28 so Christ was offered once to Bear the sins of many Jesus died once friends that's all he needed to do was to die once to those who eagerly wait for him are you he will appear a second time this is serious verse apart from sin for salvation let me talk about this for a second this verse to me culminates and puts a bow on the top of the believer's life understand this Jesus Christ died on the cross once and he'll never have to die again his salvation for you is all you need number two are you we must be eagerly waiting for him to come again I don't care who says what don't give me the after service when you come up to me would this famous pastor says that this is God I don't care who says what the Bible says we are to be eagerly waiting for his return that is epic watch out for people who say oh I don't think the Lord could come back I told you before take a selfie with them and then post that you just met somebody who fulfilled Bible prophecy because this guy just told me Jesus delays his return that's exactly what the Bible warned us about in the last days to watch out for people who say I don't think the Lord can come back now watch out why is that important he will appear hey guess what the Holy Spirit the author of The Bible could have used the word he will come but he didn't use that word you want to know why because an appearing is different than a coming when Christ comes he stays the first coming and second coming is a coming but the Rapture of the church is an appearing and he's going to appear to those who are looking for him you say well what if somebody's not looking for that I'm telling you this right now a Believer is going to have in his theology in her theology the coming of the Lord Jesus could be at any time if they're even if they're backslidden they know he could come at any time it's always great to see a backslidden Christian biting their fingernails down to the quick they're panicking and terrorized about everything why because they're living outside the will of God they're a child of heaven but they're not walking with them so they're miserable they're not ready and the Bible says to the believer that when he comes you're not left behind the believer is raptured but the Bible says don't be goofing around when he comes because when he comes you don't want to be ashamed at his appearing can you imagine if Christ came today and you're not ready but you're a Believer and you'll be going up going oh shucks oh boy oh yeah yeah now only unbelievers will be left behind and he will appear apart from sin for salvation meaning the issue of Salvation has been taken care of first Thessalonians chapter 1 verse 10. for we wait for his son from heaven and again I must ask myself am I are you waiting whom he raised from the dead even Jesus who delivers us from the Wrath to come circle the word wrath the Wrath is the Vengeance of God the indignation of God and there's only one time recorded in Bible History in Bible prophecy that God's Wrath is described as his indignation poured out on Earth to all those who do not believe it's called The Seven Year tribulation period God has promised us write that down argue that search and see first Thessalonians 1 10. God has promised to deliver you from his wrath that's coming upon the Earth for the True Believer this is an exciting time in which you and I live in to say the least don't you feel like sometimes maybe it's my age I guess so or maybe it's all of the above I happen to be at this age at this time in human life by the way at the predetermined Council and foreknowledge of God you and I live at this moment you understand that you're not like a mistake I think I was born at the wrong time I often thought I used to think that a lot I I wanted to be born about 200 and 60 years ago 270 years ago I wanted to be part of the colonial revolutionary period I mean I that but then I have to settle for the fact that God helped me be born here now but then why is that Spirit Within Me because maybe he wants to do something you're here right now you're a Believer at this time for such a time as this but are we not can we not all agree that we're longing to go home to a home that we've never been to before [Applause] are you thinking more about heaven now than ever before I am by the way to think about heaven more now than ever before it doesn't mean you go sit on your couch and wait for it to come I have found out that it's energizing me more now than ever before because I could go to heaven at any time let's shake up the kingdom of hell let's cause some trouble among the forces of darkness and evil the Bible says in Corinthians to the church Paul wrote I believe it's first or second Corinthians 10 verse 6 that by our obedience to Christ we punish Disobedience wow evil should shudder and Shake when you worship God and when you Shine Your Light Philippians chapter 3 verse 20 this is all introduction so write small Philippians 3 20 says for our citizenship is in heaven from which we eagerly wait for the Savior the Lord Jesus Christ so Church are you eagerly waiting that would mean that you're watching that would mean that you're ready to meet him first Thessalonians 5 beginning at verse 1. but concerning the times and the seasons Brethren you have no need that I should write to you for you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night verse 4 but you Brethren are not in darkness so that this day should overtake you as a thief look that's enough right there I can say I can say God bless thanks for coming have a nice day if you think about it that verse right there look at that but you Brethren are not in darkness so that this day what day when he comes will not overtake you as a thief did you see that you know Jesus is going to come like a thief in the night don't put that on me if he's going to come as a thief of the night to you that's on you he's not going to come as a thief of tonight to me because I'm watching I'm ready my citizenship's in heaven I put that verse in there I was inspired because just this last week Lisa and I are passports expired so you got to get new passports and so it's funny because you have to get pictures for your passport right and um it's funny because here's this picture and if I would have compared it to the picture from 10 years ago I didn't look like the same person and then it dawned on me you know what this is my passport to get in and out of America but thank God my real citizenship is in heaven and that picture in that picture I look just like Jesus right do you have a citizenship in heaven then the Bible says that you reflect the righteousness of Christ that it's been imparted to you that's a good thing say man that new picture I got all these wrinkles and all this skin I'm growing skin my ears are twice as long as they were 10 years ago and my nose is getting bigger my ears that's don't tell me there's not a Satan and there's not a hell when your ears keep growing and your nose keeps growing something's wrong [Applause] thank God in heaven all that stuff's going to be no one's going to have big noses and long ears in heaven all the remnants of sin will be taken away so here we go when you see these things number one regarding a one world global government and I now have to add in faith mark this down Point number one regarding a one world global government and Faith you need to look at this this is what's happening in our world today first slide guys first picture this is what we see happening note the date 11 4 22. Pope calls for Global Unity ahead of grand Imam meeting in Bahrain what's going on oh this is just the beginning the pope has sent out numerous invitations for the world's religions to come together and be as one and many of the young people have adopted the song of John Lennon imagine remarkable that's their worship song Hello but notice this when kids see a world that's broken in a world that's in turmoil in in upheaval and a world that just comes out of of a global sequestering from covid think of this in a world where economics is very very perilous right now when someone comes along and says let's all be one doesn't that sound great I mean think about it in heaven we're all going to be one but what God does in heaven forever man is attempting to do on Earth but it won't work it's under satanic Origins next slide John Kerry spills the beans at un's cop 27 meeting this just happened when did this happen November 10th where it's published on the 10th this month they want to replace capitalism with a new economic system that was one headline from this vast Gathering of people who are saying we need a new world the Bible talks about in the last days the ancient Roman empire being reconstructed and re-established and the Bible says listen they'll be predominantly 10 key leaders to what John Kerry is spilling the beans about there'll be ten the Bible says predominant leaders and then out of the ten which is interesting listen it sounds strange but watch this there'll be ten but out of the 10 will arise one who is the eleventh meaning that he comes from obscurity he's not considered one among the ranks but that little one the Bible says Rises up and he will put down the three leaders of the ten and he will exalt himself above all listen that is called God and the Bible says in second Thessalonians 2 that he will literally now listen he will enter the temple in Jerusalem and declare himself to be God see Jack the I got you Jack that ain't going to happen because there's no temple in Jerusalem the seven-year tribulation period if we're starting to see indicators of it forming not happening forming then we know this Israel is not far away from having a temple rebuilt in Jerusalem and this man you know as the Antichrist next um or is that it do we have more here we go uh Shanghai Corporation organization sco our new alliances a threat to the existing World Order there's a completely new economic power base that is forming out of a world that is leaderless a world that is now steeped in debt something's got to happen something has to happen the Bible has anticipated all of these things in advance and so as we go through this I'm going to ask you guys to be gracious with me because you remember that list of all those headline news we've got so much that I'm going to help the guys because I don't want to miss one that we've selected out so guys you throw those headlines up I'll jump on them as we go but we've got notes uh to all these things but Mark this down Jesus said when you see these things begin to happen look up for your Redemption draws near okay so Church number one are we looking at a european-based call for a new Global government the answer is yes and if I would have asked this question 50 years ago in a church people would have thought I was nuts because we wouldn't have seen such things going on around us what about this one Thursday November 17th clergy holds multi-faith climate repentance you laugh because you know better but clergy hold a multi-faith this is always this always cracks me up whenever it's a multi-faith gathering and they pray ain't nobody listening because they're all playing they're all praying to Idols sticks totem poles handmade man-made Gods it's funny it's very it's sad but funny but here's what's pathetic climate repentance did I'm sure all of you came here today riding your bicycles right you didn't you should repent by the way you know the bozos that said this they like the G20 people how do you think the how do you think you think Pope arrived at the out to the Mount Sinai event to call the world to repent you think he arrived on a bicycle no he flew in on his jet we are to repent regarding the climate repent to who I'll tell you who well excuse me Al Gore will tell you who it is a deity it is a God and that God's name it's a female and that God's name is Gaia we are to repent to Gaia you think I'm making this up search it the Bible tells us in the Book of Romans write it down I don't have the verse it just popped into my head the Bible says in the Book of Romans Paul warned that men will forsake worshiping the god of Heaven and Earth and they will worship created things birds and forefooted things and man and the Earth it's happening now Church it's happening right now remarkable I want to read this quote the pyramids were lit up to welcome the world leaders to the U.N climate Summit in charmel Sheikh Egypt in what almost looked like an end of the world trade show sponsored by Coca-Cola and other big corporations the cop 27 you know they love capitalism though don't they began as all the other climate Summits with the dire warning that life on Earth would end if climate change isn't stopped remember somebody called AOC where are we all supposed to be dead by now the clock is ticking warned U.N Secretary General Antonio Gutierrez we are in the fight of our lives and we are losing greenhouse gas emissions keep growing global temperatures keep Rising I wish I could we could add that we could use that today it's cold outside we're on the highway to climate hell and with our foot still on the accelerator [Applause] that's what he said the world economic Forum statements regarding Unity and Dan Ellison up he's hard to he's hard to understand do you guys know what G20 is the the 20 most powerful influential International leaders come together to discuss the future of you okay who's going to control you that's what it's all about so why why did this guy show up and say this go ahead roll the roll the video we can speak about the multi crisis economic political social and ecological and institutional crisis but actually what we have to confront is a deep systemic and structural restructurement first of all could you understand him [Applause] and Hyman I mean I'm sorry but that that is like a villain from some show that's Klaus Schwab founder of the world economic Forum he has no business being at the G20 but here's the deal he's saying that we have a crisis and the only way to fix the crisis is for us to become a one world we have to restructure the world if Paul the Apostle would have heard that clip or John in the Book of Revelation they would have went wow that's exactly what we were talking about absolutely remarkable I want to give you some quotes that came out of that meeting and all these are people of note at the meeting every country needs a minister of the future says Mark benhoff what does that mean by the way it's not ministers what's he meaning what does he mean When anybody from the European union says something like this you got to get a little spooky here what every country needs is a minister of the future guess what my Bible says there is a minister of the future coming listen he's not he's not Jesus Christ the one that he's talking about it's the anti instead of Christ how about this economic growth doesn't mean anything unless it's inclusive growth John Green said you know that's that's a very fan listen up are you guys awake that's a very fancy fancy way of saying socialism redistribution of wealth which always leads to Poverty for all Emma Solberg said this we will never reach climate targets if we don't create social fairness in the world think of that you know what the answer is to a really good uh weather program is being a socialist David millebrand said the higher you listen the higher you build the wall the more you Manpower the struggles he's against borders this guy there should be no borders there should be no borders that's why we don't have any borders right now under this Administration because they believe what this guy's talking about you shouldn't have borders because we're trying to get to a One World Government A World Without Borders guess what the Bible says that God is the one in the Book of Daniel who has established borders and has set the boundaries of nations and all those who dwell within them Satan doesn't want a new borders you want to know why because he knows that where there's no borders there's absolute mass chaos you're going to fall for the 15 second YouTube news are you going to dig down and find out what really works and what history is all about and what the Bible says regarding the future and you'll be ready you'll be ready number two when you see these things regarding a one world global economy the Bible says in Daniel chapter 8 verse 25 speaking of the Antichrist through his cunning he shall cause deceit to prosper wow under his Rule and he shall exalt himself in his heart and he shall destroy many by prosperity he will promise peace he's the false Christ and he'll promise prosperity and by the way all of you Bible students get a load of this people ignorantly I don't mean that in a bad way unintelligently or without the right teaching will say well the seven year tribulation period you go to the first three and a half years are cool they're fine it's the it's the it's the last part are you kidding me seriously the first three and a half years is demonic influence let loose on the planet to deceive people to worship this guy called the Antichrist Mr 666. and you know what precipitates it no leader in the world to help us we need a leader I forget the guy's name some of you remember Henry Heinrich Spock Speck said we are in a leadership crisis European Union Belgium we're in a leadership crisis we need a leader if it be a demon or if it be a god we'll accept them we need a leader remarkable and the economy is key to that kind of stuff happening uh I think we have something here on that United Nations department of economic and social Affairs World economic situation and prospects for 2022. U.N warns global economic recovery is losing steam you want to know why because in Nations where they keep hanging on to the covid uh restrictions those economies are dying go look at the economies that lifted it and threw it off and started Living again which by the way Israel was Major freaked out shutdown and Israel woke up it took him a while but they woke up and threw everything off their shoulders and today Israel today right now of this hour Israel is one of the if not the strongest economy on Earth right now Israel but look at Switzerland and other countries they just kept plodding along they realized you know what we got to keep going listen economics is something that according to the Bible Satan is going to try to seek to use number three when you see these things regarding a one world Global Currency listen to this Revelation 13 I always get a kick out of this I was asked regarding this as well this week and he Antichrist was given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies and he was given authority to continue for 42 months I love your Bible I love the Bible your Bible 42 months is 1260 days did you know that in the Bible it's a Babylonian calendar your Bible from Genesis to Revelation is not 365 days that's a Greek calendar the Bible is based on from cover to cover a Babylonian calendar which is 360 days 42 months on a Babylonian calendar is 1260 days go look in your Bible how many times 1260 days pops up and it's always referring to the first and the second half of a seven year tribulation period divided in half which is three and a half years and three and a half years three and a half years is 1262 days or 42 months your Bible is that accurate then he opened his mouth and blasphemies against God to blaspheme his name his Tabernacle and those who dwell in heaven is it amazing he was granted listen to this it was granted to him to make war with the Saints and to overcome them he destroys the tribulation Saints not the church the church will not be on the earth during the tribulation period these are tribulation Saints and they have to die for their faith God has called you to live for your faith and Authority was given to him over every tribe tongue and Nation all who dwell on the earth will worship Him whose names have not been found or not whose names have not been written in the Book of Life of the lamb slain from the foundation of the world is that amazing verse 15 he was granted power to give breath to the image of the Beast this guy is going to have an image made of himself and it's going to be animated we know that as AI that the image of the Beast should both speak and cause watch this so this thing is going to be able to talk and it's an image made in honor of the Antichrist a bot a robot A.I something Watch what it can do and verse so as many as would not worship the image of the Beast uh to be killed he causes all both small and great rich and poor free enslaved to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads so this thing is going to be able to look at Humanity this AI thing that's created in the honor of the Antichrist this machine this transhuman thing is going to be able to look and it can be it can discern who's got the mark and who doesn't he can scan you do we not is it it's not China Britain and the United States do we not scan people do you know that you know your facial recognition in China we've known about China's for years England even before that the U.S we do things real sneaky we do it you just don't think we do it facial recognition and then there's a machine that says hey I got one right there the machine sets off the alarm this thing AI is going to be able to discern during the tribulation period who's got this particular Mark and who doesn't and all those by the way who have the mark have pledged their allegiance to the Antichrist you need to know that I said this on a post this last week I want to say it again in case you missed this did you ever hear me talk during the covid drama about don't take the shot because you'll be a it's the mark of the beast you never heard me once say that you want to know why because it was stupid that was a stupid stupid stupid thing oh my gosh you got the more you got the shot you get the mark there ain't no way you're gonna get the mark unless you say I I love the Antichrist he is amazing he's awesome I pledge allegiance to him uh he's my man you gotta willfully do that and if listen if you're not a Christian you're going to be faced with that reality quite possibly Christians listening to me right now all that happens after the Rapture it has to happen after the Rapture that's how evil goes so evil that's how Satan attempts to rule the Earth is because the Holy Spirit steps aside after the church is delivered into the hands of Jesus in the atmosphere of John 14. and the whole world will be duped except those who are tribulation Saints many of them most of them will be Jews who will start preaching the gospel and John said that when he saw those who came out of the Great Tribulation from the preaching of the 144 000 Jews not 104 000 uh Jehovah Witnesses sorry if you're a Jehovah Witness uh sorry for you very very sorry for you stop it just stop it now because your founder said the first 144 000 Jehovah Witnesses they're the special people really the Bible says the 144 000 are all males they speak Hebrew and they're all virgins pays to read your Bible he's going to require them to have this Mark next slide guys oh wait I guess I should finish the verse huh so verse 17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark wow you know what first of all we're getting really close right now where nobody being able to buy or sell unless we sign on to a certain social agreement with Citibank and Wells Fargo and other Banks about our social beliefs are you LBGTQ aware are you sensitive we have monitored your spending habits and we see who you support and if you want to keep banking with us [Music] there are certain things that you'll do and there's certain organizations you will not support that's already in work in China but some of you have brought to me your statements from your Banks who have given you this little admonition about supporting we understand that if you continue to bank with us you are in full support of this corporation's uh equality policies remarkable that's not far away people no one will be able to buy or sell except one who has the mark watch or the name of the Beast or the number of his name here's wisdom let him who understands calculate the number of the Beast for it is the number of a man so it's a human and he has a number it's the number 666. I find it fascinating that if you have anything this is just fun this just coincidental I'm sure if you have anything on your body right now nearby not on your body but if you have anything that has a barcode on it can you take a look at it maybe the back of your Bible notepad you have something if not look at it later since the creation of barcodes which are pretty much outdated now but barcodes you know I'm talking about barcodes did you know that the number six on every barcode in the world on the outside of the barcode I wish I had a picture of it so imagine in your mind the bar code on the far left side okay it's an elongated two strand line and that's the number six and right smack in the middle is another elongated line and that's a number six and on the far right hand side of the barcode is an elongated line and that's the number six go check that out I just want to ask you the question why is it six how come it's not seven why isn't it three six six see I'm not saying the barcodes the mark of the Antichrist I'm just telling you something I think Satan's just getting you used to what's coming I mean look up today we buy stuff now we just we just tap our card now we just tap the card on the device I have in my office in my on my in my desk I have an implantable chip and you can insert that chip in your skin and I have the scanner and you can get the number right there we use that in certain military deployments for certain covert activity and LA County does it to your pet currencies you won't be able to buy or sell remarkably without that number six six six and that number think of it this all around the world people have their government identification numbers it doesn't mean if you're it doesn't matter if you're Finnish or Russian it doesn't matter if you're Peruvian or Canadian or American you have yours it's called a social security number and when do you get a Social Security number at Birth you're not going to get not everybody's not going to get 666. we're not all going to be the same number 666 will be added to your number it'll be a prefix you know like you have 909 or 808 or 714 or 494 are you with me on your phone everybody's got different phone number but you have a different but you have the same area code right think of it that way when he comes on the scene he's just going to say hey if you love me if you think I'm the right guy then here's how you can show your Allegiance accept my number and can you imagine the marketing campaign that that's going to have wow we're so out of time no I can't no no especially no you got Seth beat you guys to death last week he went forever I loved every minute of it um he was awesome let's do number four what's next Sunday can we pick this up next Sunday you guys okay with that all right so listen we'll do number four and then we'll end right here when you see these things regarding confusion and misinformation Jesus said in the last days there's gonna be a time of confusion in Matthew 24 verse 4 and 5 Jesus said to them take heed that no one deceives you people listen up deception now is the rule of the day deception when you ask a young person literally excuse me I'd like to ask you a question yes do you go to school yes I go to XYZ College great can I ask you a question um in what country was the Vietnam War fought don't laugh don't laugh they don't know when you are not informed you're misinformed there is no void in the head if you don't have information that's correct you have misinformation foreign and Jesus said for many will come in my name saying I am the Christ I'm the Messiah and will deceive many the only way that you're not going to be deceived is if you know your Bible that your only vaccine against spiritual deception is having this injected into your spirit okay no doubt about it you don't know the Bible you're a sucker if you don't know the Bible you're a sucker for dumb let's we have a couple of things to look at here on this one because you know what maybe they're right because when I see that I want to throw up are you kidding me Los Angeles officials strongly recommending Mass again as variance B q1 BQ point one near dominance and case rates so excuse me hello everybody guess what ever since covid it's going to be something else for a politician to use to control your life if it's not this it's going to be something else and the monkey pox thing didn't go over very well because they found out where it came from and that just died out because nobody wanted to be associated with it remember that oh we got old monkey box remember that have you forgotten they live and Thrive off of controlling you I will not spend a dime in L.A County anymore I have that rule going on I give that loony bin place a penny and I'm sorry most of you live in that county they've lost their minds but just keep voting the way you do I guess wow are you kidding me no one in the world has proven that a mass can stop a virus that's science oop not supposed to say that next slide let's see how fast I can get the jail this is an epidemic you want to talk about epidemic actually it's a pandemic this is a global problem therapists say they can't meet high demand as anxiety and depression linger especially among young people you know why people are not listen people listen deception you stay home because there's a you can get sick you stay home and then stay home so you you don't get sick did well you stayed home did you get sick you got sick anyway didn't you did we not all have it some of us had it twice just stay home we'll give you money and you don't know this but we'll give you money so you get really lazy and you get real dull and you sleep in and you then you start playing with your games and listen massive parts of the Young Generation have been conquered by socialism giving people money to stay home turn them into jellyfish in the brain and in their bodies and now they're more susceptible to illness than they ever have been read the studies this last week in response to this Johns Hopkins University and hang on it's coming Harvard medical Physicians said we had it all wrong we had it all wrong that kovid would have passed through US much more quicker if we would have continued to live our lives normally like any flu season they said we had it wrong now the World Health Organization said they got it wrong the National Institute of Health said we overreacted I'm not here to be a doctor I'm here to tell you about deception fear debilitating crippling and it's changed your mind and this week you're going to go to people's homes to celebrate or maybe you're not are you vaccinated you can't have turkey unless you're vaccinated well the last study I read wait a minute you're the one serving the turkey and you're vaccinated I don't want your turkey I don't want to get something if you've been vaccinated science shows that it can be shed upon me [Applause] there's too much thinking going on in this room right now [Applause] is there another slide we have to end I'm out of control yep here we have to we have to end at this oh don't worry listen hang on Planned Parenthood edits fact sheet so no heartbeat at six weeks of fetal development listen Planned Parenthood ship is sinking and we're gonna make sure it sinks more and more Church let's stand I still have a few things to say but let's stand [Applause] so here's the deal I have to put the rest of my notes over here so I don't mess up second and third service um um right now this weekend if you know who Gina Gleason is you should all know she's the director of faith and public policy here otherwise known as real impact Gina and I have been taking biblical worldview positions on cultural issues since 1997 together and so the Lord has established a reputation and we've by God's grace been surrounded by some pretty amazing people including uh some internationally known and revered attorneys on constitutional law for example among other things incredible renowned Physicians when needed uh policy groups God has brought to us remarkable people so this last election I don't care about the parties I'm sick of them both I told you that before okay one is completely gone and the other one is almost gone because the ones that are in the almost gone party think just like the other party that's completely gone it's all messed up but guess what happened you know I don't know if you know this yet my phone started lighting up this weekend and I'm not gonna I don't want to drop names big names hey what we need to meet call me and it's like what happened and so we started getting reports and data analysis from this last election and what you're going to hear right now you are not going to hear for a while because it won't be brought up on the news telling you right now but we're going to we'll make sure it comes up on the news wait wait and in our time here's what happened Gina and her team you wonderful precious people you just did what you were given the opportunity to do legally we encouraged you to exercise your Republic freedom in this nation remember stop using the word democracy stop it there's a reason why certain people are using the word democracy you do not want a democracy we have a constitutional republic there's a big difference know the difference you guys exercised your constitutional freedoms and you brought here to this church your balance didn't you guess what happened you guys influenced and that was part of Gene and I's work that we were doing all this last year of encouraging other churches in California to do the same thing the first time we did this was way back right when the Democrats in Sacramento legalized ballot harvesting do you remember that bad law bad sick sick law but it's the law so when our people in Sacramento some of them are in certain committees said hey guess what guess what they're going to pass they're going to pass the law they're going to call it ballot harvesting and it's our it's the end of it's the end of any freedom loving person so when they told us we Gina and I instantly had the same thought well if it's the law let's use it so what we did is that we wound up and you know this we wound up not only doing ballot we don't like the word ballot harvesting it sounds like human like like like like body harvesting we changed it to ballot collection so what we did was is what you just experienced well we just found out that a whole lot of the churches took our lead on this and did the exact same thing in their communities watch wait wait wait and what happened was for the Third vote cycle 18 22 I was 18 20 22 conservative pro-life candidates one in fact one of them his district the 25th 29 of the entire eligible voter base is Republican the other balance is Democrat he overwhelmingly won Congress Mike Garcia why why watch what happened God bless this effort it swept the state and because of it four congressional seats were won which one listen which won the House of Representatives and fired Nancy Pelosi listen this is amazing this is amazing now you may like Nancy Pelosi whatever I'm talking just pro-life she's pro-death we're talking pro-life you guys here's what's coming the analysis and the phone calls and the stuff overwhelming data shows that California now has been trending for two sessions of two voting cycles and last Tuesday California is now a very light purple not blue anymore not blue anymore watch this why go go look and see what's out there churches got involved and so so all of a sudden all of a sudden what did you guys do how did you do it can you do it in this state will you do it in this other state blah blah blah the point is this guess what we gave you the American concerned citizen Christian voter a clear Clean safe vote and you guys brought in over 13 000 legal votes and it transformed our local governments God bless you church we we end with this Jesus Christ is the one who died on the cross and rose again from the dead the very same one who wrote us about these things to watch out for in the future said I've told you these things in advance that when you see them you will recognize that I am he he's the Lord God Almighty he's coming back be ready if you're not sure you need to Bow your knee of your heart right now and say Jesus forgive me of my sins I want you to take my life from me and give me the life that you want for me from this moment on I'm going to follow you and commit your life to Jesus Christ and then the end of time it's going to be real sweet to wind up being on the right side of the future follow Jesus and no other in Jesus name amen amen [Applause]
Channel: Real Life with Jack Hibbs
Views: 876,864
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jack hibbs, calvary chapel chino hills, real life with jack hibbs, real life, salvation, bible, truth, christianity, isaiah, forgiveness, pastor jack hibbs, end times, discipleship, prophecy, bible prophecy, pastor jack hibbs latest sermon, comfort, jesus christ, jack hibbs latest message, jack hibbs latest, jack hibbs live, doctrine, jack hibbs sermons, christian living, calvary chapel, jack hibbs calvary chapel chino hills, hibbs jack, worldview, pastor jack, jack hibbs latest sermon
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 21sec (3981 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 21 2022
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