When You See These Things - Part 2

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uh we're looking at a message titled when you see these things Jesus said that by the way when you see these things and you can fill in the blank he said it numerous portions in the New Testament when you see these things come to pass when you see these things know this when you see these things look up pretty remarkable stuff so we're going to be reading right now a collection of Bible verses that relate to Bible passages that relate to you and I as Believers being ready why because when we look around at the world there's so much thing there's so many things happening that it's impossible to cover them all in light of what I'll call stage setting I'm not saying that this prophecy is being fulfilled right now over there and this one's being fulfilled down there and this I'm not going to say that but I will say this the stage is getting set up and the show is going to start any day now so I'll read the odd numbered verses if you'll join nice and loud on the even numbered verses and this again is a collection of passages from the New Testament arranged for our title today therefore you also be ready for the son of man is coming at an hour you do not expect but of that day and hour no one knows not even the angels of heaven but my father only watch Stand Fast in the faith be brave be strong foreign take heed watch and pray for you do not know when the time is it is like a man going to a far country who left his house and gave authority to his servants and to each his own work and commanded the doorkeeper to watch foreign therefore you also be ready for the son of man is coming at an hour you do not expect Watch and Pray lest you enter into temptation the spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is weak [Applause] but take heed to yourselves lest your hearts be weighed down with carousing carousing is just living to party drunkenness and cares of this life and that day come on you unexpectedly watch therefore and pray always I love this that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass and to stand before the son of man foreign therefore if you will not watch I will come upon you as a thief and you will not know what hour I will come upon you let us be glad and rejoice and give him glory for the marriage of the Lamb has come and his wife has made herself ready for in my father's house are many mansions if it were not so I would have told you I go to prepare a place for you all right what I say to you I say to all watch Lord we pray that your Bible would be as it were lifted up off of the pages of this paper of this ink and be embossed in our hearts and our minds that because of being in your word today and covering so many passages of scripture and living at a time like this that Lord something so Supernatural would transpire in our lives God we've come here to encounter you and we ask you Lord to have free reign full control Take the Wheel and govern Our Lives until we see you face to face we pray in Jesus name and all God's people said amen Church you may be seated you may be seated you know as we come to the end of a of a new year or the end of this year and on the on the heels of a new year I've often mentioned before that it's a time like this where people are so curious about the future at one year's ending they get all curious about what's coming and this has happened by the way forever since I was a little kid going through the checkout stand you'd see all these crazy predictions and these magazines uh they all had this one thing in common though all of them doesn't matter what what profit who was one of the anybody remember Gene Dixon remember Gene Dixon is that the right one she would she had this prophecy for this and this well whoever they were because there's a whole bunch of them uh they'd all agree on one prophecy Elvis is coming back this year [Applause] and everybody like oh it's awesome guys ready for Elf elf and um never he never came um but it's funny because people they wanna delve into the future and they want to guess about it but the moment you bring them a Bible prophecy verse that talks about the future they get all offended about it and uh they want to look into the future because they want to have a sense of control if I know that this is coming but the funny thing is what are you going to base your belief on that well this person said and that person said you're going to believe them instead of what the Bible says and people are quite fine to do that and yet I just want to remind all of you that the Bible in its prophecies not one of them have ever been wrong and the Bible has thousands of prophecies you think about that for a moment just the coming of Jesus in his first coming to Israel born in Bethlehem over 300 prophecies were written in advance regarding his physical coming to Israel that were written down hundreds and some of them thousands of years in advance incredible awesome the Bible people like Lee Strobel remember Lee Strobel anybody Lee Strobel great author you can read his books apologetics great guy he used to be a reporter for the Chicago Sun uh he embarked in his campaign to disprove the Bible and I'm always encouraging people go and disprove the Bible get out there give it all you got in fact don't do it halfway because then you won't finish the course you got to go all out if you're going to try to disprove the Bible you've got to throw yourself at it hook line and sinker why so Pastor why are you telling people that because they'll wind up like Lee Strobel getting converted and becoming a follower of Christ what about Josh McDowell remember Josh McDowell Josh McDowell set out to prove that God didn't exist and he wound up meeting God and became one of the great authors of the 20th century when he wrote for example the book many books but one of them is evidence that demands a verdict you must read this book by an atheist who tried to disprove the existence of God and then what about my favorite guy the my favorite atheist ever was C.S Lewis C.S Lewis embarked to discredit the Bible and God and wound up getting converted and became one of the Great the great uh Defenders of the faith the great C.S Lewis uh I just got to throw this in because it's fun whenever you get a chance to throw Voltaire the philosopher the mathematician though everything that he thought he was under the bus you got to take it remember Voltaire Voltaire mocked the Bible mocked Christianity Voltaire said I tell you this in 40 years the Bible will be extinct and the place where he said it the Gutenberg Press began to crank out Bibles in Mass publication and God had to look over a cloud and go that's awesome that's great God keeps his word church he's very faithful to do that but um one of the things that you're going to have to choose to do is you have to choose who to listen to and I am not asking you to listen to me that's for sure but uh put up on the screen for uh the the the guy that always steals steals the show every at the end of every year Nostradamus have you heard of Nostradamus so Nostradamus predictions for 2023. he said I didn't know if he I didn't know he prophesied for 2023. nobody did it's just that the people who follow and make this stuff up but people are willing to believe it by the way I think I'll be wrong about this but I'm close 71 percent of nostradamus's prophecies are correct but have you read the ones that are correct when he says what he says and then somebody says this is the Fulfillment of what he meant it's like how do you get that from that it's insane and you'll see how insane it is in a moment but according to these people World War III is going to begin I I kind of think we're already in it anyway that's another story Mars Landing Celestial fire and much more well this is interesting because I'm going to give you a couple of these things number one let's look at his prediction regarding World War Nostradamus wrote and I quote here it is here's the prophecy seven months of the Great War people dead of evil died of Evil Dead of evil that's it evil doing seven months the Great War people dead of evil doing what does that mean what in the world does that mean oh they're going to tell us what it means this has been predicted as the conflict in Ukraine caused by Russia's Invasion which can grow even bigger resulting in World War III I'm not joking people I'm telling you this is this is right from the nostradami ites or they said or or it could refer to the ongoing conflict in Southeast Asia between China and Taiwan which threatens to drag the United States into a terrifying nuclear war so which one is it I submit this to you if the Bible was that vague we wouldn't be sitting here right now this is insane but people want to believe this over the Bible next slide Mars Landing Nostradamus wrote quote light on Mars falling that's a close quote that's it what does that mean oh they're going to tell us as we look out into our galaxy The French Mystic cryptically refers to these words that could be explained as the planet Mars appearing to move backward in the sky say believers or it could suggest that Humanity could be on the verge of a major breakthrough when it comes to colonizing the red planet Elon Musk has made no secret of his desire to send humans to Mars and has suggested that humans will Land There by 2029 so maybe the billionaire has something up his sleeve they get all that stuff out from just the stewards Can I submit to you today that the Bible is so accurate regarding its prophecies that people look at the accuracy of the Bible you got to remember 100 of what's been prophesied that's been fulfilled has been fulfilled 100 according to the prophecy what does that mean to me what does it mean to you that whatever is left in the Bible will be 100 fulfilled exactly as God said that to me is awesome because it really slaps doubt in the face and causes you to have to sit up and take notice three things I want to give you before we dive into this part two of our study the Bible defends itself against the claims of man now people always have a hard time with this oh don't argue to me about The Bible and existence of God if you're going to use the Bible well why not in fact if you really think about it you want to disprove the existence of God and you don't believe the Bible is true but I'm going to argue with you with you from the Bible so you would think that if your premise is true you'd be happy to have me argue my case from the Bible because you don't think the Bible is true so you could easily destroy my argument does that make sense did I is it too early for that okay did you get so here's the deal if I use the word of God I should be very fragile and vulnerable if your argument's true that God doesn't exist or the Bible's wrong the reality is that the Bible defends against those kinds of claims second Timothy 3 16 says all scripture is given by inspiration of God the Bible says it of itself thus Bible was breathed out by God that's huge claim either man wrote it or God wrote it which one is it the second thing is this the Bible authenticates itself against the spirit of error I love that second Peter chapter 1 verse 19. look at this listen carefully and so we have the prophetic word confirmed which you do well to take heed as a light that shines in a dark place until the day Dawns and The Morning Star rises in your hearts knowing this first now as I read this think about that Nostradamus stuff knowing this verse that no prophecy of scripture is of any private interpretation you can't turn in your Bible and say you know what this means to me you can't do that I mean you can do that but you'll be called a heretic or a cultist that makes stuff up like that the Bible doesn't allow for that for prophecy look at this verse 21 for prophecy never came by the will of man but by but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by this Holy Spirit the word moved can also be translated possessed I like that how did God communicate to us he possessed a human being called the prophets for example wrote it down and then time would be its test and if Nostradamus has got a 71 chance of being right does anybody know what the Bible says about a Biblical Prophet if they're wrong once stoned not not dope not pot not drunk not Stone I'm talking with rocks not drugs that profits to be stoned why does God why you say man kind of edgy isn't he what's the deal on that because your Soul's at stake if somebody teaches you falsely and Lead You In the wrong thinking down the wrong path you wind up where you don't even have a thought of going to nor would Satan never want you to know this but it's called hell you follow a lie from the father of all lies right into hell and how does God or how does this devil do that he wraps it in religiosity and deceased people with false prophecies we want to be very careful about that and then finally this the Bible quantifies itself against the property of time this is one of the most fun things ever time the property of time the Bible tells us that God governs time he moves time he's the governor of it Isaiah chapter 9 write it down and you're not going to see it on the screens Isaiah chapter 9 verse 6 tells us regarding the Messiah that he's the father of time God manages time that very thing that is fleeting from you always fleeting from you God governs it the Bible tells us listen in John 13 19 listen to this Jesus is speaking and he says now I tell you before it comes that when it does come to pass follow me now you may believe that I am and look in your Bibles it has the word he in it in your Bible I should have actually changed it on there in the original Greek language of the scriptures the word he is not in the Bible the translators put he that's why if you look in your Bible it's it's italicized isn't it why because it's not there in the original language are you ready for this this is Jesus speaking now I tell you before it comes that when it does come to pass you may believe that I am who I am it's the Greek words me what is that well you you know the Hebrew words when Moses is looking at the burning bush and he speaks about Mount Sinai to the burning bush the voice comes out of the Burning Bush when he says who do I tell the children of Israel sent me you tell them I am that I am sent you in the Hebrew it's translated in the Greek I am who I am what does that mean Jesus is speaking claiming to be the one at the burning bush who is the self-contained Eternal existing God you say well that's a big statement well I want you to take notes write this down because we're gonna I'm gonna give you several passages to back all that up Isaiah chapter 42 verse 9. behold the former things have come to pass and new things I declare before they spring forth I tell you of them the god of the Bible knows the future Isaiah 45 21. tell and bring forth your case yes let them take counsel together who has declared it from ancient time listen to him who has told it from that time have not I the lord and there is no other God beside me a just God and savior did you think Jesus was your savior he is Jesus is God there is none besides me look to me and be saved all you ends of the Earth that's a three thousand year old prophecy Church one thousand years or 750 years before Christ was born how about this Isaiah 46 verse 9 and 10. remember the former things of old for I am God and there is no other I am God there's none like me declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times that are not yet done saying my counsel shall stand I will do all my pleasure this is the god of the Bible he writes the future down in advance it's called Bible prophecy and it's not vague it's very exact it's very direct Revelation Chapter 19 Verse 10. you guys all right Revelation 19 10 for the spirit of Jesus or the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of Prophecy that's huge and then Luke 21 28 Jesus said now when you see these things begin to happen look up I love this three things look up lift up your heads how come because your Redemption draws near let's let's leave that on the screen that's awesome so watch this it's always fun when you're studying the Bible to do this uh to do this when you're studying scripture because your Redemption draws near I need to lift up my head you see that watch how I'm reading this I need to look up when I see these things begin to happen see I read that backwards well you study the Bible you read it forward you read it backwards sometimes you read it in between you saturate yourself with it Jesus said when you when these things he's expecting you to know the things the Bible talks about certain things that will trigger the responsibility for every True Believer to be looking up to be lifting up their head it doesn't mean you walk around like this what are you doing I'm a Christian I'm looking for Jesus doesn't mean that it means that your eyeballs are in the front of your face spiritually speaking have your spiritual eyes looking up if your head do I know look around that's what that verse means what's happening in the world right now look at what's taking place does the Bible speak to these things and the answer is yes we saw last time that regarding this challenge by Jesus when you see these things we saw that regarding a one world global government and faith and if you were not here you can look and study it online we talked about that the Bible says right before Christ returns there's going to be talk about a global government and a one world faith and we gave you some images and some links to that number two regarding a one world global economy that whatever goes on in the world the Bible says there's going to be what comes out of it a one world global economy and that economy will be conducted by a currency which was our third lesson last time together that the last days are going to be marked by a one digitized We Now understand Global Currency it's numeric remember we ended last week with the number six six six yeah I mean even listen even non-believers have heard about the number 666 some people I don't I don't like that on my license plate Doug just calm down it's okay but the number 666 is the Declaration of man declaring himself to be God and we know him as the Antichrist but he's going to implement a currency and that currency is going to be one that the Bible says if you don't have his number on your account you will not be able to sell anything and you won't be able to buy anything and the Bible says a great amount of people will die because of that and then here we go we pick it up where we left off number four is when you see these things regarding confusion and misinformation we had to cut this short last time together I was shocked to find out maybe not it's just shocking I guess to hear for the first time is that did you know that most people are under the age of 40 you know that they get their news from Twitter and this order Twitter YouTube and Facebook the fourth thing you know what the fourth thing was the fourth thing was how many of you had an Apple phone raise your hand Apple phone I don't know the other devices Android whatever that stuff is I don't know so the the worst thing ever do you have Apple news on your Apple phone that is the most corrupt bias insane news ever and young people go like this oh wow uh what a guy just gave birth to a baby and in Manitoba unbelievable stuff on Apple news if you have Apple news I think it's built into your phone I don't even think you can get rid of it can you can you kill it can you get it out of there so some of you smart guys are going you can you can get it out it's unbelievable stuff but here's the deal give me a give me a 15 second thing on that news what was it that's the news okay I got it and people believe it deception and misinformation confusion Jesus said in Matthew 24 verses 4 and 5 which is remarkable when the disciples asked when the disciples asked him give us a sign about the end of the world okay take heed that nobody deceives you deception will permeate the last days for many will come in my name saying I am the Christ and will deceive many that's a reference to false religions and false Messiahs and now you can pick and choose remarkable First Timothy chapter 4 verse 1 very familiar verse if you attend this church now the spirit that's the Holy Spirit expressly says he's not messing around that in the latter times some will depart from the faith Ministry people we've never seen it like this before keep it keep the verse up there we've never seen life like this as it is now people departing from the faith people that you thought would be with us all the way through to the end are given up husbands and wives are giving up on family on on one another and it makes no sense they got married last week or they've been married 70 years they're saying I don't want a divorce I wanna or I don't believe anymore never seen it like this before you see we'll pass this because you're older and you hear more and it's no no no no no no no because I listen I have Pastor friends all over the U.S and they're going through they're watching the same thing happen doesn't matter how big or small the church is something's up people something's up to have this almost this invisible little lever that you entertain that if things really get tough you'll just pull that lever and bail out some depart from the faith apostasy why giving heed to deceiving spirits listen the deceiving spirit's not going to come up and go I'm here to deserve the same follow me follow beautifully can we remember that Eve was no dummy that she was perfect and when Satan spoke to her it sounded and felt so good she had to have it it was so appealing that she had to choose what Satan was offering because it sounded better than what God can give and she went for it in these last days you're going to see increased attacks against your life just know this it's going to be coming from deceiving Spirits invisible entities that will lie to you in your head look it's one thing to see this television program this movie this article this book lying to you but one of the most dangerous things is to get a thought in your head and you ponder that thought and Satan works this way go ahead and leave it on the screen deceiving spirits you know what it's my 25th High School anniversary or reunion oh maybe I should go wait wait how was your high school experience well I just want to see what's going on well you think that's wise who's going to be there oh I don't know maybe maybe Karen's going to be there or maybe maybe Mike will be there who's that oh just friends haven't talked to you in 25 years and last time I talked to them I'd just like not good but where did that come from deceiving spirits and you start to get curious well I wonder what they look like now you know that's a big Whopper right that's a big one I used to work with this person or that thing and it starts subtly like that oh it's just a little it's just a little search what's that gonna matter Is it wise watch out and doctrines of demons demons propagating misinformation and confusion to the masses starting with you starting with me think of it remember everything that we're reading regarding scripture has already been tested and tried and attacked and here we are reading two thousand years old this statement that fits like tomorrow's news yeah amazing speaking lies in hypocrisy that's always amazing don't do this as I do it I can do it but you can't do it I can go to The French Laundry and have dinner but you can't you wear a mask I don't have to right I use Bible verses you're not allowed to having their own conscience seared with a hot iron that word simply means that they can't feel anything anymore it's a perfect perfect definition of a narcissist they can't feel anymore somebody could be bleeding out in front of them or crying or have a broken heart and they're they're like this what's for dinner have you ever seen people like this there's no sympathy there's no empathy there's no love there's no heart their conscience is gone and we live in a world according to Jesus and we can agree remarkable number five when you see these things regarding the affection of man's heart his affections the Bible tells us that in the last days in fact I'll give you the the verse right now watch this at second Timothy 3 verses one through five this is amazing again for those of you who are new you're new to the Bible or maybe you're just uh you're you're hearing this for the first time again this is a 2000 year old statement but know this that in the last days perilous times will come for men will be lovers of themselves watch this lovers of money now technically you could without doing any damage keep reading it this way look to the screen that's the scriptures but watch how I read this lovers of themselves lovers of money they love to boast they love it they love to be proud they love the blaspheme they love to be disobedient to their parents they love being unthankful Unholy unloving unforgiving they love to slander other people that's called the internet social media without self-control brutal despisers of good they love to break an agreement they love to be traitors they love being stubborn or Headstrong they love being haughty that's a great word isn't it hottie what is Hottie hottiest I'm so last time I checked I was so much better than you self-absorbed right they love listen lovers of pleasure that's the punch line rather than lovers of God and having a form of godliness but denying its power you know what that means that means you'll find him in church people like that in the last days pretty scary right think about it lovers listen whenever you're a lover of yourself you're deifying yourself and that's one of the scourges of the last days one of the things that you and I are living through right now is actual Bible prophecy regarding this portion of scripture and I say this for accuracy I have nobody's nobody's life in my mind right now I had no one told me that you were going to be here but isn't it interesting today we are being told what we are to approve of and what we are to like and we are being told what to love and if you don't you're gonna pay a price for example I'm being told you're being told that we must love this or we must love that we must submit to this narrative or we must submit to that narrative are you hearing me we must approve of this lifestyle or this course of decision making you must join the team if you don't you're going to be fired literally social belief systems that once was a personal issue now threaten your very existence how did this happen you guys I am so old that when I used to the last application I filled out was in 1980 and back in those days in this state you couldn't ask anybody regarding their gender their ethnicity religion it was against the law did you know that nowadays nowadays apparent excuse me apparently your qualifications don't matter but if you meet this standard we are this way this is what our rules are regarding this company it used to be where you got a job because you had the skills to do the job now it's more important to the company that you acquiesce to their social agenda where does this come from demonic influence in the lives of mankind it's biblical people not everybody's taking stupid pills around the world it's demonic it's like it's in the air it's satanic persuasion and the Bible says that the world is under the sway of the wicked one he said I don't believe that he's got you right where he wants you exactly where he's got he's already already has you [Music] it's remarkable but if you say today you know what I'm My Own thinker I've got my own opinion and it doesn't affect any way I how I do this job it's unacceptable look today did you see the breaking news today what uh apple is they picked up the phone I guess and they called Elon Musk and they said you either submit to our Paul our social media policies or we're going to pull Twitter from Apple phones and did you see what Elon Musk said because he's already he already planned on this he said I'm going to make my own phone that's pretty cool that's pretty that's pretty Elon Musk of them number six everybody when you see these things Jesus challenges us regarding wars and rumors of wars wars and rumors of wars isn't it amazing the Bible says you see well there's always wars and rumors of wars yes but in the context of Matthew 24 Jesus is talking about on a global scale think of it now for a moment for those of you who are Skeptics we have an itinerant preacher who was raised as a carpenter by his stepdad in a little Country Town up north called Nazareth a lot of scandalous talk about his coming into the world and his mother and all that stuff but we've moved on from that it's been some 30 years and now he comes on the scene and he says hey you asked me a question about what's it going to be like at the end of the world well one of the things will be that there's going to be a global conversation taking place it's going to be rumored about constantly about wars oh and there will be Wars I want to remind you that just think if you I'll I'm going to be off on this but World War one ended when was that 1913 or 14. 17 1917. World War one then they thought that was the war to end all wars that was so horrific but there'll never be a war again and Europe was back at it in the late 30s and 40s and then now we're on the brink where a lot of people are saying that at this stage of time in human history that the third world war has already started it's just different nowadays it's not about blowing stuff up it's about taking things over in The Invisible cyber world and all the things that are going on with that well one thing is sure and certain Jesus said when you hear of wars and rumors of War see that you're not troubled that word means expect it for all these things must come to pass but the end that is the end of the world is not yet and I want to show you a list right now I think we have this list I want you to just look at this these are the conversations in news now today China versus Taiwan unless something happens ladies and gentlemen which I I guess it's not going who knows China could swallow up Taiwan and the world would just keep going America would do nothing America I don't think can China versus the United States that's always on the table and and increasing Believe It or Not Venezuela versus the United States says are you kidding me there have been some serious Weaponry that Iran and Russia has have moved into Venezuela pointed at us right now they're there North Korea versus Japan this is so sad for Japan because when Japan tried to take over the world and we beat them up we said no no armies and navies for you will be your protector sign here and you can't do this anymore because we can't trust you guys so we'll be your protector big old big brother America we're going to take care of you and so now North Korea wants to beat up Japan and Japan's like reaching in its Pockets ain't got nothing to defend itself with look into America and North Korea versus United States what's his name's been launching uh test icbms again Iran versus the United States this has been going on for a very long time Russia versus the United States Russia versus Israel that's a constant dynamic because Russia is in an interesting way because it uses it uses land that's North of Israel like Syria and he used it possibly areas of Lebanon via Hezbollah we'll see that in a second but if you know the Ezekiel chapter 38 the Bible speaks exactly as to what eventually will happen regarding Russia and Israel now when I say Lebanon versus Israel this is not Lebanon the nation that you would know this is Hezbollah who was take who has commandeered Lebanon and they are sworn enemies of Israel to wipe it off the face of the Earth Iran versus Israel Iran versus Saudi Arabia did you know that these two are constantly pointing weapons at each other to annihilate each other did you know that they can't stand each other they are the two different houses of Islam they're both Islamic but one is of the descendancy of Muhammad and the other one is a descendancy from a relative and they'll kill each other if they get the chance and this one I'm surprised hasn't happened yet I'm not sure if you've watched the news regarding India and Pakistan but it's always on the verge you say Jack why do you point these things out Jesus said there'll be days like this Jesus said there'll be days like this there'll be days like this my Jesus said it inspired a song I'm kidding no I'm just kidding uh do we have a slide guys for this or that's there you go look at this here's here's one thing right now in the news happening now Syrian Kurds suspend anti-isis operations to brace for Turkish Invasion this is a big deal it's been announced to Turkey that turkey is about to invade Syria here's the tough part is that most likely it's going to involve the United States say what um you remember we just got done fighting Decades of War you said well why why is this even being discussed why would we help in this situation now remember all of this flies under the banner of wars and rumors of wars um who's the author of the book I have the book I just can't think of his name sensu is that am I saying it right The Art of War sensu is that right do you know when your economy is in bad condition do you know what you do when your economy stinks you read the book you start a war why did Hitler stir up Europe and start a war because their economy was in the tank whenever your economy stinks start a war it does wonders for your economy why would we get involved in this because our economy is in the tank pretty weird isn't it pretty strange so as a skeptic you've got to be thinking do I believe in the Bible or Not Jesus said there'd be wars and rumors of wars before the end number seven regarding a world in Rebellion to Christ that would be increasing and I'm going to give you three passages of scripture that you're going to want to remember and write them down in your Bibles especially in your margins of your Bibles first John chapter 2 verse 18 first John 2 18. little children it is the last hour a guy loved John he's not even talking about last days John looked at his Sundial on his wrist and said man we're done it's like the last hour I love that it is the last hour and as you have heard that the Antichrist is coming even now many antichrists have come by which we know that it is the last hour two thousand years ago John had his eyes open as it were in his head looking up next verse check this out first John 2 22. who was a liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ he is Antichrist who denies the father and the son listen that's a reference to the Trinity if you think about it If you deny the deity of Jesus Christ the Bible says that's because you have a spirit of antichrist governing your life well I believe in Jesus but I don't believe that he's who he says he was or who the Bible says he was that thinking comes from the spirit the atmosphere of antichrist remarkable isn't it look at second John second John 7 says but many deceivers have gone out into the world who do not confess Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh this is a deceiver and an antichrist friends many of your Cults that you encounter with friends or at your doorstep hold to this view remarkable I just find it fascinating always fascinating that once somebody denies Jesus Christ they become a denier of all things God it's remarkable number eight mark it down number eight regarding what is next on the world scene what's next on the world scene people want to know that's what your news fans are saying in the grocery stores what's next makes me uh I don't know I I don't think normal I if if I if I were a computer hacker this is how I'd spend my time you know people always look for directions at PF Chang's fortune cookie [Applause] and it's funny because after you're done eating it's like are you gonna eat are you gonna eat your cookie everybody what are you gonna do with your cookie yeah I can throw it out are you oh you like them no they're horrible I want to see what's inside have you noticed that are you like that you by the way have you noticed fortune cookies are amazing you're so awesome you open it up you're gonna meet somebody really interesting tomorrow it's always just this stuff wouldn't you like if I was a hacker I'd like to heck into the machine that makes those things and put Bible verses in there can you imagine and then I'd ship them all to China can you imagine they open up all these cookies billion cookies every you start seeing people getting saved all across China because they're reading a fortune cookie what was in that cookie for God so loved the world that he gave us only begotten the son that whosoever could be me would believe in him would not perish but have everlasting life give me that cookie right amazing everybody wants to know what does the New Year hold well I don't know we speculate but I have this little list first of all the imminent and sudden appearing of Jesus Christ that's what I'm rooting for or a rush toward worldwide economic solution because the world is in trouble and it's increasingly in debt or an imminent return and sudden appearing of Jesus Christ or an aggressive attempt to reinstate some form of global fear tactic like what's happening right now in China right now as I speak the poor Chinese people in Shanghai in uh other places the brutality that's taking place right now there's they're stirring up the next wave to get you messed up and vaxed up in something new and they're starting it now because the first pass didn't work wow or the imminent and sudden appearing of Jesus Christ and that doesn't happen then you can maybe look forward to an obscure but yet fulfilled destruction of Damascus say what and then there's something right out of the blue listen a lot of biblical scholars in Isaiah chapter 17 they have a hard time placing this particular Prophecy in the Bible because the Bible says that regarding Damascus in conjunction with Jeremiah that Damascus it says in the walls of Damascus there's going to be a fire that begins and it is going to consume Damascus and it's going to be so bad it says that Damascus will never be inhabited Again by a human being and when that happens it says Israel will suffer from it Israel and Damascus so close together that City to the Border isn't that an interesting that's Isaiah 17 and Scholars don't know is that possibly the trigger to the Ezekiel 38 battle but one thing we know for sure right now Damascus is very well populated but the Bible says there's coming a day when it's going to be uninhabitable somebody could [Music] over something and so and stuff a nuke something who knows wow or the imminent and sudden appearing of Jesus Christ or a russian-led Islamic coalition to destroy Israel Ezekiel 38. or the imminent or sudden appearing of Jesus Christ or an increased Global destabilization of laws and rules in order the world's losing control of itself this one you know laws rules and Order so I just bailed out yesterday on a on a trip Lisa and I we need a trip and so I planned this trip and I had to cancel because this U.S state Department said if you go to that country you cannot go in these cities they are unsafe they're kidnapping Americans so man I want my money back had to cancel a trip because of violence of people stealing other people interesting weird the Jesus said because in the last days because the love of many will grow cold he said violence will escalate Jesus said that in Matthew 24 Church you guys awake is that not happening there used to be a day when you could go Downtown L.A or Oliveira Street walk around in the middle of the night I remember being in New York City walking through Central Park at two o'clock in the morning we landed and had a layover what do you do we've got like eight hours what do we do come on guys let's go let's get out of here and we'll walk through Central Park it was perfectly fine no you don't do that now it's crazy or the imminent and sudden appearing of Jesus Christ or an utter collapse of Europe as we know it today you guys Europe is hanging on a thread like this Europe is Godless leaderless and that's in trouble or the imminent and sudden appearing of Jesus Christ you say what do you keep saying that for because he could come at any moment before any of these things happen so very quickly we end with these last two regarding the preparing of his church I believe God's preparing this church I believe God's people are going to be doing their jobs getting married going to school doing what you're supposed to do occupy till he comes live your life but at the exact same time you got your head as it were spiritually up you're looking for him all the while you're doing the hardest thing of all and that is disciplined in your life to stay the course you got to be ready to meet him today but plan for the next 100 years you think about that but we need to do this for sure Jude chapter 1 verse 20 starts there by saying but you beloved this is it but you beloved building yourselves up on your Most Holy Faith praying in the Holy Spirit keep yourselves in the love of God that's a great marching order keep yourselves in the love of God looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life what a great statement and then finally number 10 when you see these things regarding living out our lives until he comes you and I are going to choose how are we going to how we're going to live out the rest of our days and I want to give you this verse and then a commissioning and who is he who will harm you if you become followers of what is good but even if you should suffer for righteousness sake you are blessed and do not be afraid of their threats nor be troubled but sanctify the Lord God in your hearts always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you and you do that with meekness and with fear or with honor and respect as you share Christ with others so Church honestly stand I'm going to give you some marching orders these are things that we need to have in our lives active from this moment on I just wrote down to my notes to myself I just called them countermeasures whatever the enemy is throwing at you you're home your life your business your health God in his word gives us countermeasures number one having the right attitude have the right attitude about what's going on listen if you're going to follow Jesus it's going to be tough can somebody say an end to this it's going to be tough this is so tough of a Time we have to fight and get our minds and our attitudes right in line with scripture because our emotions are so strong and we are so opinionated with our emotions watch out measure counter measure number one having the right attitude number two counter measure keep yourself ready keep yourself ready watch out for things that would cause you to get sloppy about your life spiritually speaking well I've been going to church for six months now I'm going to take the next six months off don't do that this church stinks then go to a church that doesn't stink but don't stop keep yourself ready third countermeasure avoid compromising situations well you know no no no I was just curious stop it I just want to see what it'd be like oh get over here counter measure number four resist complacency and spiritual laziness [Applause] this is dangerous for all of us complacency and spiritual laziness it's like ah again number five exercise extreme judgment regarding information simply put don't believe it well what if you're saying it don't believe it you're supposed to do an acts 17 11 on people test test everything you hear against the scripture well you hear this guy said I don't want to hear it or if I have to hear it I want to judge it through the Bible and then finally this Galvanize yourself with the Bible I like the word galvanize I like that why do you Galvanize something to keep it from rusting Galvanize this stuff galvanized it's not pretty have you noticed that so look at that thing is so shiny over there it's not galvanized that's the way I understand it anyway that's so so glittery and shiny that's great but you know what for the Long Haul I'll take the one that's galvanized it means it has been treated in such a way that it's impervious to the environment around it it can snow rain hail heat it's just there and to me that's a picture of the Christian we've been galvanized the world looks at us and throws Heat at us it throws cold it throws Hail and mud at us and we're like this it's I mean it hits us but it doesn't stick and how does that happen we are galvanized with the word of God know the word and be safe thank you Lord for sending us Jesus The Living Word of God who died on the cross for our sins rose again from the dead and Lord so beautifully the very testimony of Jesus is that Spirit of Prophecy whereby we can know that the word of God is true and steadfast immovable and Lord we can have confidence in whatever your Bible tells us we can grab a verse we can grab a promise and lay hold of it so father I pray God for this service as these people depart from this place Lord God may they go with a sense of alertness to the world around them Zeal for what is right and knowledge [Music] of the word of God that they might walk in this world as it were as lights and Shining Armor so father we praise you and thank you for Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior and all God's people said amen God bless you we'll see you Wednesday night [Applause]
Channel: Real Life with Jack Hibbs
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Keywords: amir tsarfati, calvary chapel chino hills, hibbs jack, jack hibbs, jack hibbs calvary chapel chino hills, jack hibbs latest, jack hibbs latest message, jack hibbs latest message 2022, jack hibbs latest sermon, jack hibbs live, jack hibbs sermons, jack hibbs when you see these things, jack hibbs when you see these things part 2, pastor jack hibbs, pastor jack hibbs latest sermon, real life with jack hibbs, when you see these things, when you see these things part 2
Id: sYFY__OqDeI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 38sec (3578 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 28 2022
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