When You Find A Dusty Old Book And Read It...

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hey this is city smash kind of like solar smash but with cities and kind of like soul smash there's really no point to the game there's no goal we're not trying to reach an objective but i personally have a goal down here at the bottom of the screen there are a whole boatload of different ways to do damage to the city including what kind of looks like cthulhu so we're gonna draw them all and then vote amongst ourselves on which one was our favorite so starting from left to right we're gonna go with this one right here which kind of looks like a black hole and i think we're gonna summon the black hole right here to stop grandma from reaching the bakery as grandma literally drives past everything as the black hole forms oh grandma was lucky to dodge that one is there a black hole in there it's kind of hard to tell obviously now is a giant pile of disgusting rubble i also love how this vehicle is trying so desperately to drive through the rubble to no avail it that black hole was okay but i think we're gonna put one up here in the sky to see it in more glory [Music] i need to pick my job off the floor oh we have different options over here how about the bridge oh look the bulldogs are on their way to soccer practice i'm sorry now we're going to have a little bit of fun really the mistletoe didn't go through a bunch of wires here okay are those wires made out of titanium fine fine right down the middle [Laughter] yo trucker jim was packing some heat in that truck just for an explosion ah the bustling nightlife of san fran wait a second are those flying cars are those cars flying through the buildings oh we've done the black hole we've done this one and now it's time for it looks like a nuke oh this is gonna be bad nuke in three two one click i like how the flying cars are completely ignoring the fact that the buildings all around them moms and dads and brothers and everyone's dead everyone's gone hold on maybe i can shoot a flying car out of the sky come on oh oh oh well the flying guard the beat is right oh it's time to destroy some flying cars like hey pay attention to the fact that you have nuclear explosion all around you there's nuclear radiation per meter in your vehicle all these flying cars should be dead and gone i gotta say this game is like something out of my nightmares i could have swore i've had dreams and nightmares of cities being destroyed by things like lightning bolts and again the climbing cars just keep going why won't anybody use their brakes are there no brakes in the future and the thing all of this caused by a single oh no that tanker truck's gonna do a thing yep yep i knew it ah it's backing what a nitroglycerin what's going on over here oh i can make it snow i can make the background into the mountains all right oh it's ufo time you know what we all the time we've only doing one click how about we do one two three i'm gonna summon three oh i only get one i wanted three okay maybe only one was needed oh that tower looks like leaning tower of peace needs a little bit of a push a little bit of motivation how about another ufo coming in and going independence state that middle tower still up the middle tower is still up what are you oh no never mind it is definitely the leaning tower of pisa now well in that case what if we just do uh earthquake is this an earthquake yeah this earthquake um it's going down now goodbye okay i gotta be honest this game is very therapeutic it's making me feel very very good time for some tornadoes one tornado two i do more than one why can't i do more than one not that more than one is even needed this f5 tornado is doing damage and now we all fall back down oh my god that was so cool this game needs to let me throw more than one power at the screen at a time starting with the volcano power please tell me that a volcano whoa my god it's sprouting up back there lava flows volcano exploding and then it rains fiery meat falls from the sky tamale that's not nearly as destructive as i was hoping it's like a sign for a bit of a bit of a flash flood yo that is so cool okay okay okay yep flash flood you win don't piss off mother nature oh my god uh charlie for bravo come here charlie for brothel you're clear for runway over uh yeah charlie bravo the bridge is still up one more pass please one more pass over uh you could come in from the left now go to there but ah never mind the tower is down all right guys i need to be honest most of these powers have been pretty tame i need something a little bit more meat something a little more interesting than a flash flood and a meteor and an airplane dropping bombs speedable meteor oh this is one of those aimed ones i'm gonna go right here at the casino because we all know the casino needs some good luck holy crap my god these buildings are following the dominoes yeah one more time right over here [Laughter] oh look that one little building managed to survive it's the luckiest of them all and it is is that a strip club so far i need to say my favorite has to be the black hole out of all of these powers what are your guys favorite comment down below and let's continue on taking a look at the timed bomb i'm going to click it right here on the tallest building and hold on no look the flashing dots i'm putting flashing dots all over these buildings [Laughter] don't mind me as i add about 100 flashing dots to all of these buildings this is going to be fine what's the worst that could happen this is going to be perfectly fine oh look at how the lights twinkle like the stars in the sky it almost feels like christmas it almost feels like happiness can i put a bomb on little jim's car come here little gem oh again now quickly this screen is going to shake for a half hour the buildings have already collapsed and yet they still continue to explode by the time we're done there's give me nothing but dust left when you were a kid did you ever ask mom and dad how sam was made this is how sand is made one eternity later i've been watching this for almost 20 minutes and it's still going gonna be honest that one was very very cool let's move on to oh it's thriller time you guys remember cthulhu from uh solo smash now he is here in city small [Music] oh my god oh my god praise be our lord cthulhu yeah yeah i know that's godzilla but what is this this magnet power dude [Laughter] i think of all the rubble oh i can i can pick up all the rubble and let it rain from the sky fantastic i grabbed like full buildings too oh you can it's like a black hole or in the palm of your hand it's so powerful it's so wonderful it's so pretty the time has come to summon godzilla aka grandma all right grandma come on in and say hello to all the children now be nice grandma grandma's doesn't look good grandma are you off your meds again okay whatever you're taking grandma i want some that power looks amazing bye grandma i'll see you on thursday for bingo she's such a nice lady um what's this power right here is this like a a a row wind no it's a portal it's a portal to another dimension it's it's it's just spinning you're gonna do anything this is anything gonna happen hold on what's happening wait wait i don't understand hold on reset reset one one more time okay okay that portal thing that portal thing does this mean like is it like literally portal i put one there and i put what oh things are going into one portal and coming out the other portal then i grab the magnet and i just drag stuff over here to the orange portal that is amazing one more time one more time what was that called i put the purple into the purple portal and then out of the orange portal fantastic okay the portal power is legit it is time for cluster bombs let's just drop one of these here and drop one of these over here a couple things of cluster bombs beautiful pretty pretty simple pretty pretty basic pretty boring ultimately like it's okay but what's this one is it the fourth of july bomb bear yeah the fireworks congratulations it's the 4th of july hey time to celebrate everybody we need to celebrate that today is the 4th of july and we're going to fire off some fireworks here and um have a have a lovely day here in city smash congratulations one more power ladies and gentlemen and then we are going to vote on our favorite power click this one it looks like wind is it just gonna be a blustery day oh oh oh my god we like hurricane winds but these buildings are meant to withstand hurricanes i'm going to blow buildings over some of them survived like how this one's like half gone nope nope never mind these cars are deciding to take a damn kamikaze stop goodbye little building ladies and gentlemen we have tried every single power i want you to go down below in the comment section and comment your favorite power and now i will demonstrate for you my favorite power we're going to do cthulhu versus godzilla in a battle of the behemoth monster after monster go through destroying all the buildings in comes grandma looking hungry is always off of her meds and she destroys grandma brush your teeth your breath is gross oh man i love this game
Channel: Kro
Views: 1,297,080
Rating: 4.8267384 out of 5
Keywords: ways the world could end, god games, city smash, city smash game, city smash gameplay, nuclear bomb, nuclear bomb simulation, nuclear bomb simulator game, what if a nuclear bomb hit, what if a nuclear war happened, nuclear strike, nuclear bomb radius, nuclear bomb radius effects, city destruction, city destruction game, f-10 tornado, natural disasters, magnets, giant magnets, cat 10 hurricane, hurricane season, God Powers, Kro
Id: 8qoV8P9o9mo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 24 2020
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