I Gain GOD POWERS to Fight the Impossible! - (TABS) Totally Accurate Battle Simulator

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alright here's the plan every single one of these level designers thinks they can make an impossible level there's a funny thing about that when you have the power of God nothing is impossible except for maybe this level and sometimes you're not even needed well regardless God shall prevail sounds good all right let's go you know let's get honest here for a second you can't call something the impossible campaign and not expect me to want to destroy it I mean take a look at these level names impossible impossible battle to try me impossible battle 3 now those things aren't bad machetes oh you cheater how are you on this level exclamation mark question mark exclamation mark question mark you cheater lol all in caps ok now I am sure you can't do anything or how about this one Wow nice cheating and you are so bad at tabs yeah we're gonna beat this level okay what about looking at here what on earth am I looking at here wait are we the red team how is this supposed to be impossible look at these massive units look at all these minute sores and we're fighting a bunch of hobbits and a handful of like ninja grandmasters why is this impossible it also what do you mean it can't but Larry on the battlefield I have the feeling that there's more than meets the eye to this level let's start the fight in grow the Minotaur's we are team red at vs. team blue and these guys are giving us a bit of an issues I'm just gonna come over and be like what if I've got oh oh oh my god how do the Cape no no that no that's allowed oh oh I see how it was impossible those blue guys were the short work to all my years but instead you've got the power of God on your side this level is not impossible this levels barely even remotely hard so now we actually have a real battle we get to put Larry on the battlefield Larry how you doing buddy I'm sorry I couldn't get you in the last battle but somebody interrupted us all right Larry buddy what are we looking at today we seem to have a whole bunch of dragon units a handful of samurai some ninjas some samurai giant's watches Oh Monkey King there's a lot going on here guys let's see if we can give Larry a hand shall we Larry I just want you to know God is on your side that Larry is the single most powerful unit in the game strictly because we're here welcome to try me impossible battle number three a whole boatload of minute sores and I can't choose Larry so instead we're going to choose Manny the mammoth don't worry Manny you're not gonna have to face all these minotaurs on your own a beautiful line of minotaurs a beautiful line of ballistas somebody's Minotaur seemed like they just kind of don't care some of them seem a little bit horrified some of them kind of look like they wanna make out ladies and gentlemen we have many the mammoths followed by our guard powers versus all these mentors in three two one go good nice who's alive how is a single minute source all life all right I don't know what's happening we're just kind of following along with Manny here as he goes and chases out for something Manny seems to be going in this direction so let's go take a look guys I don't know what man he's chasing oh oh hello what are you three doing up here sitting down relax and relax and just kind of villains you get some Blissett bolt and you get some ballistic bolts and then this guy over here in the back you get some Melissa bolts I can see why this fights impossible oh this guy sorry there we go see God powers it was the only way how on earth could a normal unit actually reach those three guys this level is called how are you on this level impossible that's all four and I still can't choose Larry what I can do is Minnie Minnie the Minotaur take a look at Minnie's Ahmed's rollers and gentlemen Minnie is the female Minotaur don't ask questions female Minotaur and Minnie's gonna be fighting you what happened to your eye you have a lazy eye there buddy all right Hey look at me or you looked in the sky so how do we defeat all of these Giants let's start the fight by removing the Giants from the coach oh god oh god Minnie decided gonna call that we need to save Minnie Bronto see when you just don't care you want to make sure everyone dies this is what you do two bulls who on earth is still alive what's Minnie chasing right now Minnie see boys and girls these levels not impossible this level is called you cheater lul impossible five Hey our boy Larry in the back don't worry Larry oh and it's a I can't actually can't change anything if I was fight it's one ice giant versus all these units how on earth is anyone supposed to be this they can't sell more units all they have is one ice giant and all of these units as enemies this is basically impossible but not for a god this had better work there's still a handful of people alive okay alright pause pause pause pause pause pause pause yeah I did was right right guys it's funny I always start with different spells what always I'm coming back to the ballista because it's just so freakishly powerful and here we are moving around the enemies pausing time like a god just having a little fun and this poor guy and this poor guy and this poor guy and this poor guy bullosa bolts oh okay now I am sure you can't do anything so hold on hold on hold on there's a blue guy here and I can't summon any thing guys how what is this did this guy build for me an actually impossible fight I have one point I can only summon a bard this fight is physically impossible now that we've put that impossible map behind us that actually physically impossible because the dude's a cheater we're gonna help Larry against his new nemesis that should do the trick oh this poor guy oh those poor units I'm so mean okay this time we're gonna give these guys a fighting chance I'm just gonna do something like this actually let them have a possibility of getting close enough to fight Larry Larry it's all you buddy it's all you got baby for you Larry don't let me down now but come on this is taking a while let's put this guy of his misery okay alright you want to go off the edge is that where you're going here have a little bit of fun off the heads worried go you know not a thought Larry can you solo nice giant do you want to find out Larry alright just make this ice giant fight possible come over here to this here musketeer and over here to this here musketeer like that and now there's just Larry versus the ice giant I don't have a little bit I'm gonna slow down so that it get confused I'm trying to help Larry but Larry can't seem to confuse his eyes shines I'm gonna make him nice and frozen frozen eyes shine know what I thought all on the flip side his arrows I was gonna say these arrows are probably gonna kill him sorry dude whoa this one's called the finale don't worry Larry I've got your back always fire work girls are way too much fun [Applause] guys if you have not used the god power mod no no no no no you can go you killed Larry nobody and I mean nobody kills Larry goodbye oh it's almost like a nuclear explosion went off in there oh my goodness what is it about all these impossible levels I give you these giant armies and then expect you to defeat an even more powerful army but these silly manis and spear throws don't understand one thing these girls have the power of God on their side let's give the boulder people a bunch of folders how about some bone spells into these piles how about a whole bunch of potions over into all these people these guys can some arrows shots ballistas for the mammoths because nothing makes me more happy and see mammoths go flying and maybe in the back over here we will do some Zeus lightning bolts just in case ladies behold the power of God we just wiped out pretty much the entire RV and now our lovely ladies can get to work and do their job yeah that was a little whoa what do we have here seems like we have no army on our side and they have an army on their side Oh Larry don't worry Larry I've got your back you know Larry usually will do the god powers I don't make them very realistic so why don't we have the power of Zeus come down from the heavens and smite the usurpers is that something you would like to see mr. Larry the only problem this strategy is I'm not sure if I'm even gonna hit something yo if that is not enough to kill this army I don't know what is okay Larry this is the voice of God I just want you to know I'm on your side ah not enough we didn't hit everything guys so what we're going to do is oh yo yo what hold on hold on where did these guys come from they're on my side the whole time does that mean the blue side has a secret army somewhere talk about secret reinforcements Larry that I didn't do that I know I'm supposed to be your God and all that jazz but those guys are me someone else is helping you what do we have here heathens trying to kill my clergy become my children for oh my god hold on boys okay guys I came here to save all my priests but lurking in the trees bunch of Zeus and a random tree giant yo I did not expect this at all do I even like need to help you know what for the sake of fun I'm not even gonna do anything I'm this girl let the Zeus's duel award like I thought this was supposed to be in Basel now this tree giant has a bajillion Heelers on him there's nothing gonna kill that tree giant um can somebody explain to me how I'm supposed to use my god powers to help when I'm not needed this is more like it take a look at this army right here this is phenomenal and I cannot sum up ocean so so I will summon my clergy and again this time this time I will protect my clergy from the evil attackers here's what we're going to do we're going to do a bunch of firework house just like this and aim them in towards all the shield guys cuz we're jerks like that hit up the ballistas with some whole watches hit up this ballista was some who watches we're gonna give Zeus a little ride into the sky like that though that many arrows that might kill Zeus these guys are gonna get musket right and then how about some davinci balls right into the pile of people right there I was good the power of God to protect the priesthood in three two one go word was the best these archers there's not their Artemis's this challenge said impossible why are their Artemis's it's supposed to be my job to win okay okay wait hold on I have zero points so you mean stop making this summon any number of these things how is this fair I mean do you think the power of God is not needed because all of these Jarls are gonna make short work of this impossible map God powers using my god powers no this time I just summoned 3000 euros and these guys are going to do all the work yep just me God over here not doing a whole lot and the girls are coming in on the frost archers and this is all she wrote because I'm not even needed for one second one second I refuse refuse to go out this way oh no but mister God sir won't this be friendly fire won't you make poison and potions on your own teammates yes there's a will the impossible dynasty level let's just make one little monkey king let's shoot some arrows over there at all those little monks come here that amongst sorry you mr. monk nope this guy right here and there's a whole bunch of nearly dead things over here and that's not possible wait wait I all I got is ho watches that's all I could do how is anybody ever supposed to beat this level alright we have one oh there's not just watches what do you ladies do it over there sneaky sneaky sneaky and there's cheerleaders I love whoever designed this level why don't you guys watch us go no no no no no no horse guy get away from the who watches we have a machine gun holy God is completely not needed again as the machine gun watch this rig death from above it completely slaughter the blue rags where we shooting oh oh look up here don't worry God is here to help God is here to assist you and that's everything okay
Channel: Kro
Views: 2,753,623
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tabs, totally accurate battle simulator, family friendly, kid friendly, Kro, game, gaming, funny games, TABS Update, TABS Mod, TABS Mods, TABS modding, TABS map mod, Totally accurate battle simulator mod, totally accurate battle simulator mods, totally accurate battle simulator modding, battle simulator, funny simulator, physics simulator, funny physics simulator, TABS God Powers, TABS God Mod
Id: nrfbtv255k0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 24sec (924 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 05 2019
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