When You Finally Understand This TROLL Level, Your Mind Will Be Blown...

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hello my friends and welcome back to another episode of the trolled series a series where we are continually showing it can be a lot of fun to look like an idiot the level that's gonna be making me look like an idiot today is called Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess bye cheery now I know it hasn't been too long since I last played one of cheeriest role levels but cheery is seriously making some of the best troll levels within Mario maker 2 and I have heard that this level is absolutely mind-blowing so I've really excited to give this one a chance Jiri has made where I consider the best Mario 3d World style troll level in Mario maker too let's fire up Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess and see if maybe he has created the best link troll level to date as always gang if you want to experience these trolls firsthand before watching me fall for them the level cuts gonna be right beside me it will also be in the description below let's go ahead and fire up Twilight Princess I'm very very excited to play it wait wait wait wait that wasn't part of the deal wait this troll level has a clear condition I'm trying to think have I played a troll level it has a clear condition so let me just explain really quickly for those that don't own Mario maker to are not sure what I'm referring to as a clear condition as you can see there's a red flag above Lynx head and we cannot take damage if we take any damage during this level we cannot end up beating the level but the bigger thing about having a clear condition in a level is that there can be no check points and I don't know if I've ever played a troll level that doesn't have any check points this should go this should go well so up top it says courage okay okay clear the way wait a second wait a second wait just a hot minute how am i wait what two seconds into the level I'm stuck as you can see we took damage and then we turned back to Mario and the red flag above our head goes away meaning no matter how we do the rest of the level we can't beat it so let's try this again how how am I supposed to do this oh I think we're just supposed to blow it up which now now that I see it it does make total sense we're just supposed to blow it up okay so we've made a little bit of progress now why is it telling us to go back to the left okay okay okay I'm getting it I'm getting it I'm understanding have I mentioned how much I love the new update and Mario make youtube maybe a couple times so I think we want to throw a bomb there there we go yes progress city baby it's a beautiful city that progress hey I have to say that cuz we can't say that with checkpoint City this time but I absolutely love all the good stuff that this has brought on being able to play as link has basically breathe so much new energy into this game I'm so so still loving it okay so what should we do should we blow it up or should we press the peace which surely we're not supposed to blow it up surely and don't call me Shirley I'm hitting the p-switch okay this is this has got to be right yo did we do it right bro bro I think we did it right let's go okay so we we defeated the Triforce of courage let's go now we're on to the Triforce of power this is Ganon's domain it's telling us to tap hurt sprint do I trust it I'm gonna trust you cherry I trust you hey it worked it worked something feels weird that that worked so easily okay what does the same what does that say [Laughter] that was amazing I can't decipher what this is telling us to do here okie dokie maybe what is it it either I literally think we can just clear the jump I think we can jump far enough and not have to worry about it okay all right all right all right okay so again I think we can just run Wow we barely made it but we did make the jump now it looks like we need to fall down here come on Jeffy well excuse me cherry for not realizing I needed to go faster we'll run and jump see Daisy all right now we want to go fast here okay now what do I want to do logic would tell us to shield got to be kidding me cheeri just hit us with the small brain trolls man the mind is a beautiful and curious thing so right there is the troll that we see later on in this level and you know your brain automatically thinks cheery did this once to us there's no way he's gonna do it again to us but Oh contraire my friends he did it to us again all right let's try this again at least I think it's the same thing maybe I'm wrong maybe it's not the same dank Levitt I think it is I think it is I think that's exactly what you have to do and it kind of it off screens of the ball the it off screens the spike ball can we go yet again run and jump let's see if my let's see if my idea works again this time it's not gonna work how do I want to do that I'm very okay I'm very confused how this should work how do I want to do this like he's just telling us something is this giving us a clue up top with the claw and the spike ball I feel like it's trying to tell us something what is trying to tell me I haven't figured out yet but it's trying to tell me something that's not it now fuzz in it that wasn't it [Music] I don't understand how cheery does it in Cherry's last level I got stuck in a section for so long literally I was stuck in this one section in series 3d Mario or a level 4 like I don't even know it was like a half-hour and finally it just hit me I'm hoping that will be the case with this one but I don't understand how I'm supposed to get through that part whoa wait a second let's just see let's let's take this time to investigate see what now I'm even more confused somehow it dropped a star instead of the muncher what did i do differently there [Music] we're brain it hurts oh look what do I have to do I can't see it I'd guarantee as always the answer is so simple and I'm just not seeing it but I mean that's that's par for the course when it comes to my brain dang it okay wait a second let's see what happened if we get another star here I'm gonna be really confused that's weird that is weird why does that work what did i do differently that that works dude okay well we at least get to see what's next so this is wisdom well I have to go down here all right then this gives us a star somehow then we can run right through it then it makes the bomb drop then we can go through here and then we can go through here nothing makes sense anymore nothing makes sense we self to go through the wisdom Parton y'all know wisdom is not a strong suit of mine let's go through the door hey we got it listen it's all over right it's all over but uh let's just keep keep investigating at least play a different part of the level something is not right there's some major poppycock afoot here major major poppycock what if we try and do it without getting the master sword maybe we're not supposed to have a master sword are you kidding me right now are you kidding me right now cheeri are you kidding me right now dude but you're not supposed to [Music] what you're not supposed to have the master sword you're not supposed to have the Master Sword are you even kidding me are you kidding me dude I am speechless I am without speech I have no speech this is unbelievable we beat the level we beat the level dude [Laughter] I have no words unreal deed unreal it oh man if I had just thought about it sooner they all the clues were right there when I got to that part as mario and i got the star that should have been a red flag but was it no no my friends I spent about another 20 minutes trying to figure out how to get past that point as link and you didn't mean to in reality when you gather the courage of power and wisdom this is one of the shortest roll levels you will ever play but it doesn't take away from the impact it has when you finally figure out what you're doing once again cheery blowing my mind yet again now you guys might want to sit down for this yes you are getting a second troll level in one episode the old two for one that's never been done in troll episode history we're making history today friends and the second level we're gonna take a look at it's called I can't think of a level name by cheesy chase as always the level code is gonna be right beside me it will also be in the description below let's go ahead and fire this one up here we go with I can't think of a level name let's see what's going on here good start great start alright alright alright I'm what's up here anything yes there's something up there a pal vlog that leads to your death great great great ok unbelievable unbelievable chase there is a lot going on in a very short amount of time in this level what if we can okay nice thanks nice we can grab the the powerup okay look at right above me it's kind of mesmerizing it's kind of mesmerizing how that looks it's kinda it's kind of nice honestly so we learned last time we just want to go in the pipe without collecting the mushroom and then we can climb up there perfect look at us would you just look at us go now we have some some options here we have a pipe looks like there's a hidden pipe behind it there's no way Nintendo deleted the oh they've got to say Nintendo deleted the overlaid pipes right there's no way that there can be an overlaid pipe but let's check it out so we know the blue pipe is not the answer let's go up here no okay you can't go on that pipe either hmm let's see where it's supposed to go we can make that jump what it's something throwing me off with that that's not a platform is it it is not a fiver maybe the only troll player that can avoid a troll yet then somehow go back and fall for the troll I just avoided it's a gift it's a gift okay so we have a couple options we can go through the pipe maybe go through the pipe or we can go through the door let's check the door through the door okay we're not dead yet whoa that was crazy we survived but where did that donut come from it just appeared out of nowhere dude what the heck is up with that okay so this feels like it's the right way I think the clown car was wrong maybe okay we're doing good so far not convinced though what is wrong with me you you actually don't need to answer that question I know what's wrong with me baby I don't know what's wrong with me feels like it's right all of you I wasn't even looking the donut block is there the whole time it's just really hard to see that's so cool just feels weird about that the Bonefish right there it just feels outta place I don't know I don't I don't trust it let's go through the door crazy how did the swamp move like that that was such a weird movement pattern all right well here we go again now we know as soon as we go through this door go to the right that's so crazy how that works all right so I don't think this fish I think this yeah I was gonna say it's not on the track interesting okay so that last room was more of a setup for this room I like it now the arrows are showing the key but I feel like if we get the key it'll somehow affect us getting the checkpoint so I'm grabbing the checkpoint City baby I want checkpoint City because it's a beautiful city that checkpoint City anyway hey well I really hope we didn't end up needing that key because then we might be in trouble if we need the key and I didn't get the key something else I just noticed is that there are some red coins that we need to get eventually wherever those might be okay so what is this okay back to the fight here's what we learned last time we just want to run and jump I love those I love those trolls where the platform's just literally disappears out from under you so there's a Master Sword there's no way anything good is in here some of you guys might think I'm doing this on purpose I'm really not I'm really not my brain is just wired differently dude Oh am i stuck I think I'm stuck guys I'm stuck it's not shooting another cheep-cheep it's not shooting another cheap cheap yet again I can find ways to softlock levels that no one else can it's a gift so we know again jump jump don't go up there that's just plain plain dummy dummy that's plain big dumb plays to just jump in that crack so we got the master sword that works okay okay that works okay we're good we're good let's go through the door the door is a lie so we want to go up this way now this looks like an interesting setup with the meet old I'm just kidding dude I saw the change home as I was coming down and there was nothing I could do that's a great I've not seen that before chase bringing new stuff to the table I like it man as you can tell what magic couplet goes to spew its PlayStation symbols you can see the Chain Chomp behind magikoopas head but you can't see it otherwise such a cool idea so I just want to sprint here yeah okay all right all right we're good making progress city baby let's go okay checkpoint two Christmas is over but it's still Christmas I feel like we didn't want checkpoint two though I feel like the celebration of streamers and confetti going on right now is all a lie I feel like this is not something we wanted this setup looks familiar now he just wants us to think that's the ending but I'm in a second or a second I thought it might be right but nope nope that's not the end that's not the end so back to the store we need to drop down here and go to the kumquat pipe kumquat is always the answer my friends in life look to the kumquat we're definitely not going up there is made a clutch jump only to make the most unclutch play ever yes yes yes yes yes yes yes let's go oh wait please um wait we had a key okay hold up hold the phone that was the end that was the end hey are you kidding me are you kidding me are you kidding me right now what is going on chase that was hands down the best CP 2 2 CP 1 troll I have ever experienced in my time playing Mario maker that was magical I am still in awe over that CP 2 2 CP 1 part I honestly kind of want to experience it again it was that good it was that good man so I think I'm supposed to to die there I think we're supposed to die there and then if I'm thinking correctly everything is gonna look the same however it's not the same we want to now go for the gold flag here yes yes yes that was right now I don't know what changes I don't know the dynamics of how troll creators do that I've played situations like that in other troll levels and I don't really understand what I did differently to change where that pipe takes us but that was so so good chase excellent job man excellent excellent job oh my goodness well my friends that's gonna wrap up another episode of the trolled series where the levels are the stars and I look like an idiot I highly encourage you to check out both of the troll levels that were featured in this special episode series level was absolutely mind-blowing when you realized the secret and the key to beating it and then chase seriously I have not seen a better checkpoint two to checkpoint one before that blew my mind and it was so flippin hilarious thank you both so much for the great levels I look forward to playing even more of your levels as we progress in the future and more and more Mario maker 2 updates are passed down the line we're gonna go ahead and wrap things up thank you guys so much for watching I hope you have a great rest of your day and until next time take care [Music]
Channel: DGR
Views: 581,569
Rating: 4.8700399 out of 5
Keywords: super mario maker 2, mario maker 2, mario maker 2 troll, mario maker troll, dgr, dgr mario maker 2, dgr troll, trolled, dgr trolled, ryu, ryukahr, ryukahr mario maker, mario maker ryu, mario maker ryukahr, carlsagan troll, troll carlsagan, carlsagan42, carlsagan mario maker, mario maker carlsagan, mayro, mayro troll, troll mayro, mayro smm, carlsagan troll level, worst troll level, best troll level, best troll level ever
Id: C1gayivCKXI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 56sec (1616 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 28 2019
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