When you can throw 1000 SPEARS a second in Grounded

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I've had a lot of unique ideas and grounded but none quite as fun as what I'm about to try aren't you excited Jerry run those little legs buddy there's about 80 000 different ways to kill things and grounded but obviously one of the most fun ones is just chucking your weapon what are you gonna do buddy huh no don't run for me give me my ex back it's in his body stop slow down throw another weapon at him the weapons and you stop so in the spirit of throwing weapons today well I'm throwing a lot of weapons and because of that I need a lot of dust mite first Hello friends I know you guys have a fresh weakness is it fast that he used a staff to kill you I don't really see a difference in that case back to poisoning stupid dust mites I'm hoping to get at least 30 dust mite fuzz and wow we're not even halfway there I'm gonna have to go to the undershadow aren't I I hate crawling in dirty places messes up my beautifully moisturized skin and it's gross what more reasons do I need hello again inconspicuous wood block really enough was my nickname in high school I know there's a new grounded update that's going to be coming out soon maybe we'll finally have the answer on why that's there hello undershed face huggers armor resource block thanks buddy I was looking for more of those guys expect some little two-step right now a little break dance action all right get it buddy you got it yeah start twerking oh which way which way is it going which way is it going oh silly wolf spider bathing I can also only imagine how scary it is to be a dust mite in my tiny dark little plastic cave torch comes rushing at me at my Mach 9 Pace hey buddies you're dead thanks moving on with my life come on just drop two I'm at 28 dust mite fuzz please no why why'd you only drop one you're a jerk and I condemn you now oh my God what a jump scare come here stop stop stop but it's not nice dude I haven't found one of these guys in so long and he's using the Forbidden green shield bugging technique what I'm jumping around all right well you're dead so you know what give me your fangs use that to upgrade my weapons later maybe I should kill more wolf spiders hello three Black Ox beetles no no one chart what did I just say about charging at me and your parried idiot you think an elite Pro Gamer like myself wouldn't be able to Parry your slow telegraphed attacks you'd be right one of you actually got a hit on on me wait this whole time larva have been trying to inflict payback on me I didn't even realize we had a stupid little larva this is fine though I can find my one dust mite fuzz a bit later because now I need a bunch of rust I want to give myself tetanus and it's really just a Surefire method hello Rusty screws and things mathematically I don't know how much rust I need but I'm just gonna break every one of these and hope for the best and then if I don't have enough I can just cry wait an hour and a half and then do it all again to be surprised at how often that's the course of action is it weird that I want to take a bite out of this rust maybe I've been playing this game for too long how much rest do I have 56 I'll break these final little pieces and that'll probably be enough what are you doing stop that hammer to your face try it again no I missed again you jerk leave me uh loan you're still alive throw it isn't that just fun all right 65 that's probably enough time to head back to base I heard nine things get mad at me so I will just not turn around whilst I run I think it's a great time to remind you that we do have Channel memberships we started doing membership only live streams we've got a grounded wow series q and A's coming up and a whole bunch of fun of their little things oh yeah Bishop Discord just give it some thought while I run up these stairs throw everything in and we're looking good now I can make a lot of Rusty Spears tell you what craft many that makes my life easier nine of them perfect though all my Spears in here please I can also make a whole bunch of pebblet Spears 20 of them feels right to me now I can only make one Stinger spear because I haven't killed any bees in so long but you know I think I can fix that also I'm making as much silk rope as I can and let's make some liquid rage thanks to those spider fangs it's a little bit easier the larvae are attacking these things if I break them do they stop the answer appears to be no no but how I wish it wasn't all right game would it bees week two it's been a minute chopping fresh and slashing well my dagger will work out perfectly a new day filled with hope and opportunity the opportunity to go kill a bunch of fuzzballs and smile while doing it hello you inferior species Let's Dance hands just start jumping and slashing that's all I need to do parried I don't care if you use your little bee fuzz crap on me it's not going to affect me long enough to matter who needs some you've been poisoned come on come on smack smack smack oh there's poison in your veins you just don't know it yet don't worry you'll feel it in about three seconds and dead no there it is I'm gonna work on my timings better next the secret is you just have to start shooting them for some reason they hate it whenever you shoot them with an arrow I'm not sure why that would bother them so much though come on it's like an arena versus a bunch of Honey giving friends except I'm murdering them I'm like Griffith but in the murdering friends way come on bees they usually take like three hits all your friends are dying around you do something about it I get it's a little difficult if we're being honest but still is it no why did his body slip off the blade like that man what is this guy doing can I hit him through here he takes five b fuzz for one of these Spears and I have 19. can we at least get to 25 25 would be nice so far we're at 22. that's let's get these numbers up team oh there's so many bees down there I can go antagonize coming down hey friends have you heard the news I just attached everyone up top I don't know who I'm hitting which ones I've hit or who still needs to die I'm pretty much past blocking their attacks either too at this point it's just swinging one of us will drop and that's all that matters come on no oh I'm riding on his face oh that didn't come out right but you know what I mean it's probably about as close to riding a bee you'll ever be able to get in grounded although I wish it wasn't 33b fuzz anyone else want some if not that's a good enough number I'm going home a few moments later a 57 minute zip line later and I'm ready to make up five seven Stinger Spears oh yeah this is looking good give me every spear in here and sort them wait I can stack Spears so if I throw one does it oh so I can alternate between the three I never knew give me the broodmother BLT and I'll try out moth leggings I don't know if throwing Spears counts as ranged attacks but if they do where in business there is there any armor that makes spear throwing better so far looking like the answer is no in that case give me the fire ant Helm for corrosion in case I happen to get it on this Spear and then everything else looks great as far as mutations go javelinir of course a little poison resistance a little crit chance crits do more damage and I don't know Perry Master also why am I so hurt need some food real quick I can just upgrade these guys a little bit I guess man I've got to make a zip line that just takes me to where the brood mother is huh the fun part is I get to fly over my pet friends hello buddy down there don't worry one of these days don't let me just pick you up and carry you home today however not that day see how good well okay well Spears are just good in general I kind of forget about that but is it gonna be enough to like fully Kill The Brood mother oh and I forgot she has all her little cronies I made a bit off a little bit more than I could shoot are you quite ready for me to come kill you yeah I don't know why I just did my rce impression yeah I really also brought no healing aside from my two smoothies whoops did not think this through whatever the fight begins get spear hit spear hit spear hit actually these are doing a decent amount of damage just keep chucking them just keep chucking them this is good oh I'm out of stamina it's fine as long as we perfect Perry or everything works get my stamina back throw some more Spears ah I just got bit yeah it's all falling apart get that no the little spiderlings I'm making the executive decision that I can stab the cronies mainly because they're annoying Go My Level One Spears all right my level one Spears are out now my level twos we're doing good wow I'm taking like a bar of Health off every time I do this probably because of all my crits that I have but still okay hello orb weaver Juniors back back foul Beast did I just one shot Nord Weaver because of that get no I don't want to punch spear throw spear throw this is good is it just me or is the broodmother a lot slower for some reason that's fine the rusty Spears are actually doing work I'm officially out of all my weapons quick Gathering Montage get them all they're just all over the place ah I didn't see your jump get she's got so many little babies stop it stop trying to attack me it's not nice would I ever attack you no through 48 Spears at your face get these stupid orb weavers out of here back spear throw and I okay I'm out of statement again we're good everything's fine spear throw beard no I missed Spirit though yes and I've got a bunch of Spears at my feet this is good we're good no stop that stop no attacking me back go Stinger Spears keep throwing them keep throwing them yes oh man this tactic's fun everyone should go do this give me all my Spears back why was that so much damage these are all level ones was it because of javelinir free steal a different damage when thrown and I'm able to counter poke enemy attacks does that mean every time she went to attack me and I threw a spear she took damage back is this the best offensive weapon in grounded then uh did I pick up all my Spears we good we're good I gotta tell ya I think this might be my new favorite way to fight things in this game plus it's a little skillful how did I miss this guy four times there we go stupid spiderling the grounded devs my Spears stuck in the Frisbee you know what let that serve as a reminder yeah if you need me I'll just be chucking some more Spears at things hooray for violence
Channel: ImCade
Views: 301,945
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cade, imcade, iamcade, indie, pc, funny, gameplay, grounded, grounded custom map, imcade grounded, grounded custom maps, grounded obstacle course, grounded mods, modding grounded, grounded new update, grounded new bugs, grounded best, grounded upper yard, grounded gameplay, Only 0.01% of people can do this, 99% of players FAIL this challenge, When you can throw 1000 SPEARS a second
Id: 1o9EFsDlD_Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 33sec (573 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 04 2023
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