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Granite has added the new infected brood mother and it's my goal today to stab her eyes out and hang them on my wall from what so many comments have told me this is the hardest fight I will ever inquire upon so I better bring some healing items and larva lumps payback larva really I should also probably make a Black Ox Burger which I need a pupa hide for you know what I can go grab one of those while there's random larvas are trying to destroy my base ineffectively I just made one Pupa hide and I think they're hidden somewhere over here I don't know the five goldfish really don't do me any favors as far as remembering goes but I swear there's some just hanging out actually I need to kill you while I'm here buddy did they give you less HP they change something why am I applying 900 stacks of like debuff to this guy at once whoa what did 1.2.2 do did it make me stronger on accident I mean I'll take that I'll take that very much oh it's right there all right I don't have anything it worked out a lot better than I thought it would actually come on down you others I might want to make a couple of these now the only thing I know about the infected brood mother is that she's in the haze area and that she's an infected brood mother one of those is in the name actually you know what they're both in the name what am I saying oh hey cool another Black Ox Beetle that I can poison twice now that's why I'm curious about this actually is that three things of poison on him right now how fast are you dying like that buddy ow well with the bleeds going on and the poisons going in you've lost about three bars so far still losing a little bit more dude did my dagger just get like s-tier what else did they change that I don't know about oh wait I have poison coding and Venom coating and the dust cloud effect what's giving me venom coating mask of the mother demon oh they changed how the mask works oh and I'm so thankful I rebuilt all my stairs I don't really need you guys anymore so I'll just break it down it's like a Lucio alt almost all right repair my dagger cook up a Black Ox burger or two and maybe some whasper rolls for poison resist systems actually wait isn't there a smoothie that does that for me yeah wasp a dope let's just make up a couple of those and you know maybe a liquid rage three of those a couple of green machines you can never be too prepared for the horrors that exist in this world are they friends what's going on now I'm sure I'll probably need some weird new recipe to create this food for my infected brood mother but let's go check out the arena and see if I can find what it is oh I'm running through stink bug world oh God I didn't mean to do this my fault guys hey everyone go back to bed if I was the infected brood mother Zone where would I be I'm assuming not in the infected hedge lab is it well yeah it's definitely right here incoming hello you little infected losers you're dead now hey this is where I used to farm all my quartzite back in the day what an ominous looking hole hello this looks sweet that's definitely explosive Spore up there what do I need moldy hoagie that was my nickname in high school and I'll go find the recipe for that I guess considering that this is a new infected boss and that the last new item I needed was in the undershed lab I'm gonna take a wild stab at where this one is oh yeah looky I think she's got a whole new little slot in here too I can't wait to see the art on that card actually also I have a killing orb weaver Quest so I'm just gonna immediately hit this guy a few times you don't mind right buddy thanks glad we had that talk now that I think about it can I even use my Widow dagger against a brood mother going on over spoilers if you haven't seen the ending of this game but I mean if you've been watching my videos this long I'll have you not like oh I slipped anyways hi smector's lab you got a thing in here by chance I'm not a hundred percent confident in that but there was a hidden thing in here before Oh wait hang on Multi note God I'm so smart moldy Hoagie recipe at least achieved I can't lie to you guys I'm extremely excited to go fight something difficult again now the only thing that I'm a little bit worried about if I put on my Sticky Fingers here is that when fighting an infected spider like this little guy hey I'm realizing it is taking a while to stack my Venom although he died much faster but B they usually have a little attack that does something stupid I'm not gonna see it whatever but that that explosion I can't block those things so what am I gonna do against a brood mother that does explosions like that also why am I so close to death did they change the durability of how all my armor works that's fine get on up here deposit all my junk and sleep in my pillow bed I'm still under it the alarmists have been trying to fight me this entire time still it's been 17 minutes guys give it up oh well throwing meals in there I guess I guess I need to do a full repair on my armor and how do I make the moldy Hoagie I need a wasp queen head I need the head of every boss actually and some toenails gross do I have a BBQ medley hanging around somewhere no so I still need to go kill some mosquitoes anyways all right whatever I won't do well on it hey buddy go ahead and get a blood sack in you once I see your red stomach I'm ready thanks you got one too yeah there we go you're both ready to be murderized hooray for you give me it give me it one more please then am I done yet base defended thanks stupid annoying larva oh you already have a full bloody stomach all right Mr mosquito get debuffed for well everything you know perfect period This Guy's sweet give him a little smack can you go ahead and fill up all my blood please I'll make another heel boss out of you also I want to see something do I just take more damage now I don't know it feels like I take more damage now unsure on what change but whatever as long as stuff still dies the same I guess it doesn't really affect me at all huh I've got my rare Speedy trinket on so hopefully I can get out of here extremely quick and I poisoned by that wolf spider man I don't think I did anything to deserve that all right BBQ medley might as well craft two of them and time skip my way to Victory please give me both of you eat this black oxburger and just get healed up might as well time to go pay a little visit to a gigantic wasp queen I didn't expect I'd have to kill a boss to kill a new boss but let's face it this game likes when I kill stuff I think down we go do not lose any health I'm probably gonna want all of it and I just got hit by a ladybird to lose some health all right there's my big weenie meaning the little wasp pole is right here and they'll answer coming into this thing I feel like the world's evolving around me or something no wasp get mad at me wasps immediately got mad at me all right well I tried come on buddy oh is he trying to leave oh sweet free wasp kill look at all the poison and stuff that's going into his veins stupid little jerk give me your body oh there's also two more mutations now how am I gonna find those whatever put on kudegran Trapper peeper oh wasp queen come on out friend you're looking pretty menacing today now I forgot to bring arrows huh that's fine I'll just wait patiently go ahead and drop down to my level thank you oh the dust of God still exists around you huh you got two free wasp queen chunks out of you though too that was quick yeah what'd you just shoot me with get back here quit no no figure eights can you drop to the ground so I can bleed and poison you oh man you listen I didn't think that would actually work that well oh you summoned a minion it's not really nice now is it can I oh my God I just lost like half my HP from one thing why does stuff hurt me more now what change that I don't know about maybe it's the fact I'm wearing these aphid slippers that have no defense and other games not letting me get away with that anymore that's just if I had to take a guess though this is a weird butt technique that got the one she threw her butt and bounced me away let's kill these little baby wasps they're nothing to me now dude this feels like a whole new fight now that I randomly just lose half my HP every once in a while hard to tell if that's a bug or a feature get down here wasp queen I wish I wouldn't have forgot to bring those arrows just keep summoning these little drones out come on you've only got like 20 more bars of your purple HP let's get on with it a little bit more of this a little bit more of that should be a decent amount of dot damage on you just go ahead and drink one of my waspadotes I guess to get a bunch of HP back and clear that poison are we ready to be done you have three purple health bars left you have one purple health bar left all right you know what just go ahead and let yourself die come on poison bleeding all that coursing through you don't summon anyone else it's just sad you know I gotta to put on dissection expert give me your face wow that was a lot of trouble for one tiny ingredient that I needed uh well what are you gonna do at least I know I need to swap my armor out now what is he he's sleeping he's sleepwalking oh Mr Wolf spider we can get you to a doctor for that buddy we can clear that right up trust me it's 2023 we've got cures for everything now except for the stuff that makes big Pharma a lot of money those well still working on them for some reason all the ox Beetle just knocked me into the pit this is what I got for dissing big Pharma excuse me or bravers I need to kill you for a quest I have I trust you guys don't mind right I'm gonna assume you don't ow where'd you freaking ladybirds come from oh my buddy's trapped there you go friend be free now again not really too certain if poison or Venom works on The Brood mother so let's craft up this moldy Hoagie and do a little preparation where is my toenail shimitar well I I thought it was level nine but it doesn't appear to be so looks like I can craft nine Supreme wet Stones though wow thanks Black Box horns but we'll wait for that and then now I'll take my assassin Greaves instead of my aphid slippers now I have a better bleed chance and critical hits can stun also just gonna make a bunch of green machines and another waspido there we go that feels good for my mutations in case my dagger actually works assassin Perry Master coup de gras Trapper peeper and for some reason people recommended The manteria Stranger is also apparently something I can get if I use Rascal Rogue so I'll have that too while I wait for all all of these to finish cooking I feel like it's a great time to remind you also that we have Channel memberships yay here's a whole catalog of extra videos that are specifically for members eyes and even a members only Discord that you can join now do you think if I Mark The Brood mother and apparently it's a feature where I can rub one for luck that sounds a lot worse now that I've said it out loud but there's more damage and a better chance at rare resources from them I wonder if that'll work for the infected one I mean they both have brood mother in their name right also cooked meat heals you so I'm just bringing some of it along never know when this might come in handy especially if this fight is as hard as everyone says it is are we doing oh my little moldy Hoagie is done along with all of my resources sweet can I scan the hoagie no man I was hoping to get some free real science all right upgrade into the mighty shimitar dude am I really one Mighty glob short are you kidding me starting to feel like a big waste for being honest whatever here I come infected brood mother the most anticipating part of every new grounded boss is usually the run across the yard that I have to do to get there can I just invent a car or something maybe just I need to make a better zipline system let's see if my five goldfish duct taped together from my memory is working we're right down here I gotta say all the little Haze fungusy stuff Illuminating the area is pretty sweet why is there a random bug in here all right mutation a on actually wait I think they said mutation B to start with and here we go brood mother if you would please is that oh God that's her okay um get peeved wait a card says she's resistant to Salty and spicy but weak to Fresh that means my dagger should work fine hello okay you're moving around extremely creepily that's that's concerning what's your first attack oh that's pretty easy whoa you've got like no HP I've discovered an infected chunk though and she gave me venom okay hang on if I put on my Sticky Fingers I can pick up oh well I got another infected chunk out of it all right go to mutation a now I stole my two items so far pretty easy this is just the brood mother I don't know what happened to her health bar either but it's she's already halfway dead maybe this was a boss Edition that was meant to be for the end game total oh I forgot I was summoning a mant out all right Miss prude mother uh let's just clean this up huh and she's dead give me the body parts give me the game game or the body parts am I bugged what's going on here what oh god what faces and she has a lot more HP and she hit me with a scream reduces the amount of tech damage for 30 seconds and healing's reduced now well all right that's okay explosive bombs just dropped and she does the jump back oh God now the fight really has begun huh that's fine that's fine I am poisoning and venomizing her so that's a little side step now what is this egg what is this I'm breaking it extreme sport oh shouldn't have broke it that hurt and she screamed at me again heat heal so I don't think she summons kids I think she just summons those little fungal drops also my attack damage being weaker is the worst thing ever I'm doing like nothing and she summoned out another egg thing again and she screamed again I've got a triple healing is reduced from all sources wow that can't be good what is this man this is insane people were not lying when they said this is actually the hardest fight her health pool has to be crazy too come on Miss infected broodmother all right little step back I see you let's go ahead and drink my attack bonus potion now just because I have it you know what drink my health stamina back potion too hopefully these will help me do more damage oh yeah I've even the score a little bit now quit screaming at me that one's my least favorite move I also don't know these new moves you're using in it now don't bite me that's not nice how many of these can I perfect Parry oh cool hello man let's get her buddy power of friendship she screamed again crap I couldn't see it because my screen is just filled with fog our health is still doing good and I perfect Parry that and I have another man friend now life is well how are we doing I think my man's still alive in here fighting we got it buddy you and me we can beat her together it's good okay she just keeps doing that stupid screen though look at how little attack damage I do when that happens look at the amount of Health I have left dear God let me heal and I got venomized you know what lost but out you're in I can't tell when she's really attacking me versus when she's doing a silly little step back move at least oh dear God I'm almost dead now wow this whole healing is reduced from all sorts of Sting it's pretty tough huh okay so you attack me after that side step you know what screw you oh she's dead she's dead life is good we killed her we killed her and she's dead no no am I playing Dark Souls 3 health bars right now you've gotta be kidding me I've got a times a damage resist times eight healing received okay well here we go what is this as much health as The Wasp that's fine this is a pretty normal attack pattern we're good there that's a jumping one okay she's back to being a lot faster that was a pretty sweet move she just did and she hit me with it again I have time sign healing and times eight damage reduced okay and now I'm venomized and I think I just lost my attack speeds more potions go in ah she shoots infected balls at me right now look at how fast that attack is too what dude what is that and what Universe do I block all of those at times 15 healing reduction I'm pretty much just relying on perfect parries that I sometimes hit at random man help man do something she's taking away my ability to heal and not take as much damage dude my dagger's almost at half their ability too that's how much HP she has where did she just drop from alright quick step back to use my healing items and she hit me with that stupid move again she's almost half HP I mean I am too so I don't know if that's really much hope for me but still dude I've gotta find a way to block that scream somehow these moves easy enough good parries life is fine oh I've taken a lot of damage all of a sudden and I'm wow am I really out of all my potion healings what is that how did I Parry all those two for the most part all right so uh this is by far the craziest and most difficult fight that I've participated in I don't know where the super sped up brood mother is coming from but I don't like it wow uh huh so it looks like if I actually want to kill the infected brood mother I still need to do a little bit more preparing note to self bring more healing items
Channel: ImCade
Views: 574,533
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cade, imcade, iamcade, indie, pc, funny, gameplay, grounded imcade, grounded infected broodmother, infected broodmother, how to infected broodmother, best infected broodmother, grounded 1.2, grounded 1.2.2
Id: hVmzPXEli2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 51sec (951 seconds)
Published: Wed May 10 2023
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