Vayne but I have Infinite Stacking Attack and Movement Speed | 2v2 Arena

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all righty today we are playing some Vin and Arena starting with some silver augments what is this Teo passive moving for 1.5 seconds from invisible and exit invisibility gain 20 SC up to 80% attack speed for how long I'm G try this it's kind of weird but let's see maybe it'll work maybe the attack speed will be nice nice I've got a Rado with first a kits cool uh so that's how long we're invisible for all right very nice doesn't do that much damage early so I thought it'd be best to focus the B nice you won the first round not sure how useful this uh Teo passive is I thought I would try all this game attack speed is good on D but just how consistently can we even like practice and make it uh useful that was a close one we have 1.5 attack speed with the Teo passive against M Mir next what if I just like stay invisible the entire round can I just go in ible like until the fire that's in they can't Auto me just have to wait 1.5 seconds for this attack speed it's 40% now it's pretty big I'm going to go for some mirror first for sure okay put in the wall Pi the gate and uh that does not get us see the uh hell faster I need this plant to respawn damn that's not good noks all right IEM time these I don't think are very good fulmination is all right but we could get something better probably a mage blade reduce cool down of your this will reduce the cool down of my Q wonder how much passive damage it yes it does okay honestly I don't know too much about Ral kid just like what the abilities do what even his Ral is passive oh my God need on that's nasty or 60 true damage oh that took 21 seconds off my Q iy have such a big Shield who shed him all right we're against a Sona and Karina next go we go BL King here that is a heart still on the Karina so maybe blade is really good oh she'll be cing true damage on her so scary my gosh look at my que has like no Co on no cool downs I'm just always in this if I just stood in this forever damn I'm tumbling everywhere oh wow all the rounds are finished oh hell yeah SC up your weapons I on if I do more range on B will be very nice I have 650 range Now isn't that Caitlin's range [Music] like Perma [Music] indes Try autoing Me if You Dare let's get back to the fight all we against Senate with here oh s scope your weapons kind of scary I Vol again oh my God that was the close one but we got the condemn into the wall there taking 90 seconds off my queue that is pretty crazy all right we have GSU now so we are going to have way more on it damage we're against alisar Malai Z I should be able to just shred them like the best Champion into alar what the he knocked me out of that yo I took him over here that's too funny wow okay winner should I get here I think I just get tankier it was P nice and all but I think I just want to not get one shot by anything stay live as long as possible and frog RW as much as possible God is the goal okay we're against can set this kan's going to do a lot of damage I think they both are get to kite them perfectly it's this about to on WI oh that reaches there uhoh [Music] damn I need some anti- heal maybe also maybe could have played the better got separated there for a while tough fight we'll get him next time Thorn mail should get a Terminus like wien I'll be Wen I they can't one shot me Oriana she'll be pretty hard to reach t a weird that build Thor Mill gale force is Thorn Mill damage I think he's going to crit what the heck get my back think they took two no took two I need my back really badly there okay well we still got like Omega bursted by them oh no way prismatics top dancer I think we have to take that more attack speed and movement speed on Vin holy crap fast as freak okay this is going to be fun oh wait no this is not to be fun we're against see m is just going to press r i don't have like a qss or anything and they have spatula in Blade wals no this is going to be so difficult wait no this is going well oh my God we got the we got the mes and then the scopio weapons coming in clutch they just didn't even get the play we just all played them holy crap I think we win it like that coming into the round we if we lost that we would have been out we just played it like absolutely perfectly to win I guess oh we got Mega Hy R 30% attack speed we have to take that oh nice we 50 HP now we gained health for winning that so now we can survive if we lose one round I got to go Terminus like all the armor they have [Music] Shadows I have to get away from that ye about to Q me a [ __ ] I could play it perfectly there I just had to keep running and not get hooked no s we have more Health Terminus here and can I sell this for anything no then we just get stash shards maybe I'll get more health or like Ed maybe Health tenacity they don't have hard CC then we'll juice up we need a clutch Kem another fight oh jeez their R buttons are going to hurt I'm getting so many Autos off he got a stun the [ __ ] Pike man no way oh my God man no way okay that's so [ __ ] tragic that I lose like that well you got fourth I guess put up a great fight but I think that was unlucky he made this guy [ __ ] himself and type [ __ ] ban players in all chat I my bad bro I picked V have some fun in the Reena my bad bro don't really play the CH you know that often to be called a ve player but guess we had the schms out there 61k damage got top four I felt like we could have gone further but I H oh well GG's if y'all enjoyed body that like button subscribe if you're new for daily content and leave a comment down below what you want to see me play next thanks for watching yo what up guys this game I'm playing some mazir and looks like we're going to start off with phenomenal evil infinite scaling AP on abilities let's freaking go you have a on as our teammate all right we're against Yanni LeAndre world is in be tanky will beow her over there just going to keep Auto attacking my is like not even taking damage going to go for the Y here uh when this spawns I can go grab this plant over here a couple of these and a couple of these and then she's stuck in the fire maybe ah well I am getting so much AP I'm getting like one AP every single time I auto attack oh I go down why oning how much should we get from phenomenal EV there 27 AP nice so the more we Auto the more AP we get so we're going to want Berserker gaves on all we're against a lux or and Lux has skilled sniper which means she'll be able to just like if you if she hits a long range max range like snare or E it just goes off cool down again anything over 700 range inability go off Co down with that augment it's pretty op sound's going to be healing a lot they pretty much be like trying to go for me they're not going to focus high on especially because of his passive so I'm probably going to be getting do focused play it front to back in Dodge skill shots the Lux isn't buying boots saving money I guess she in the bush go for my I just Farm AP off of his Z I keep alling him the combo break already Al is doing a lot out of CC s still be tanking going of all in the lcks got to dodge her e there nice oh nice he e pass me he plant spawning just going to bring all my soldiers over here and auto it oh my God I can't click it I ined I'm afraid I ined it the or is too damn thick wa I think s might be to Res me he's still like full HP he's reging so much health nice I'm up yay thanks rope 55 AP total gained from phenomenal evil uh ever Frost is kind of good I can like root them in place get a lot of good [Music] stats I can try and get moon play that one's the most broken one I think I'll just do this so I can keep my rolls in case we get some Prismatic augments ourne is pretty fun on his Z you can ult them and then ever Frost them or you can like ever Frost them and then like get a easy but cc is really good for a z auto attacks I really like the stasis gives as well 20 haste 500 health 600 mana and 100 AP along with the active it's pretty good that be good peel I just like hop in this be nice that there is so fishy hey come my soldiers you away I was hoping I could drift over to that plant nice I get my back off this all right nice she's stuck in the fire congratulations a welled look like this or is in a 1 V2 and they've already used the red I Le is a pretty tough do a face sure is your all right let's get that a too now have a lot of attack speed no keep stacking up phenomenal it's already at 808 might get a rabit on next my solders are going to chunk super hard oh crap this guy's cloak if star KN I might not do any damage to him he just has so much Mr it's also does reduce all damage you take from non Basic attack sources by percentage dealing with your M resist up to a cap of 50% oh this item is broken it's my ultimate counter oh I have more AP than phenomenal evil swne I'm out farming him it's pretty good phomen evil you can on the RO it going to go n and then collect all the plants you got cons controll a little bit I'm dead they have way too much to say you I'll pick up a m needed to like kite the SW I guess I just did not have enough DPS to kill them through this suain Le of Tanks ooh that's a nice Lu re oh my God 300 item haste I have to get that so now my ever Frost is a 5sec cool down hey yo I can also get a l Bane zonas down of up okay against begar should here for the first time begar has no cool down on his W what watch out for that he can use it like maybe twice if we get uh stunned let's put up soldiers here oh crap hit oh stop can be so annoying oh my God I trolled it dude the Jin did, 1500 to me oh my God I need this to play these fights a little bit slower just like let them walk into us first walk into the soldiers s like too far away also Nerf gin please ner Jin what the fuck, 1500 damage dang this or is getting cooked in the fire but what was that flash getu energies is also good this game we go all in on like items like liban because we have Apex inventor all right we'll try it out we'll try out the lb here have a good bit of AP oh we get some stats next phase oh boy oh no we're against the Vier we beat them last time yeah they can just like but and click kill me I need to stand by uh this gate forit me oh that's a pike map oh crap okay I got my off at I can Hy him oh nice pight there we go play that one perfectly what on this or is always like the last one of line he's just so tanky 6,700 health let's see I'll either movement speed or defensive here um T CH it's like take movement speed like the mve speed St shards are just so op we will not be for and my leg has zero second cool down the power of the sun lives maybe finish off this Inu I got my e off for the shield that'll be pretty nice okay we got water in the plants there it's really useful nice we got him we scaled we scaling oh my gosh 70 ability power Don't Mind If I Do elimin we got to get a rob it all next we are so Juiced with ap right now already at 513 just these three items we're against the Y the next have we faced him yet I don't remember but yeah yeah I think I remember facing this lre I she was really tanky okay we dodg the yage and theage perfectly played oh my gosh unable I am just him on this Champion man you just can't mess with me on this jump I think rip to the treny and vagar team oh s is bming he's dancing on him oh he's not going AO those he's going to try and like get his Al back clutch all right I get a prismatic item but I mean we just have to get Rabin on right now this is a Rabin on Dingle now we're at 800 AP I have 95 haste too what the heck that is so good L pain is like not even a second cool down look alive Fighters the next round's almost here oh The Bu round I want to I want to test out my new rabbit on though there two fights I to watch oh just if fight is just like tanks oh my gosh all right this fight is over actually some pretty insane damage all righty what do you know no one's hiting this one yet oh it's a g map look at this gin damage I wonder if there's anyone out there that likes this map man I hate it so much thein Hazard Moscow I just like Nerf it heavily where it like doesn't decide the round 600 damage we got to get M for that team huh 90 HP still oh yeah more boom speed Bo speed is broken I'm going to sell this and get the mor cuz we're against that s hro we have the Mel at the perfect time falls over c as the fighters exchange legal tender for objects of indetermined worth wants to kill me 146 AP on the phenomenal evil I need to dodge Swain e all right oh my gosh your healing is so annoying oh I'm dead dude like what the hell is just Auto attacking he's full crit and he's healing so much from his Autos what the hell I someone l I am to the glory of sh okay well then well then uh should I get boots here boots for zeph maybe there's just a lot more tox speed movement speed I can do something fun like gwu TI hurry up Fighters please that a ruler must choose his oh hold on oh I [Music] exploded round oh no we cro oh they clicked on me and just flat outplayed me guys what can I say they're just they're just better GG's third place not bad comps we win against we're all pretty annoying GG's though guys if you enjoyed the azir gameplay don't forget to B that like button subscribe if you're new and leave a comment down below what you want to see next thanks for watching peace
Channel: Body Those Fools 2
Views: 11,131
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: body, body those fools, league of legends, new items, challenger, challenger gameplay, one shot, new build, body those fools 2, new champ, new champion, 2v2v2v2, new game mode, 2v2, league of legends arena, augments, master of duality, lightning strikes, 1000ap, season14, arena, 2v2 arena, arena 3.0, prismatic items, prismatic, vayne, vayne build, vayne guide, vayne skins
Id: n6Oy0RwjUhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 12sec (2352 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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