1 in a Million Best In Slot Three Prismatic Yasuo Augment Combination | 2v2 Arena

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yo what up guys for today's video I am playing yaso joined by zag on the Nautilus hey we're start off with some Prismatic augments I want to go with scope's weapons because that'll make my Auto Range a lot longer and that is a lot of fun now we have a longer sword get Guardians Hammer see I got J G oh he's going to go like full AP just Al him and then he alss y I got Jewel G I'm going fullly nice I think we just like one shot someone with uh our yeah level six does your scop scopus make your Q longer uh no but my auto range is like the same as my Q now that's nice what are we against Draven I got 425 range got him oh never mind all I just destroy this guy go for top plamp okay flash that the Draven Autos nice nice so see him I got hook in five three two one he's going to take the thing I hit him and he can just still take that like he should be able to like ignore CC like that oh now this guy there we go oh I killed him with my e which means he got bodied I did 48 extra damage with Je Gauntlet wow oh that's a big gin he tall does he have Goliath I'm he go he does indeed have Goliath they have anybody that can avoid our combo Gallo volar might be hard but we might be able to kill them definitely beat them like the later it goes really will be hard maybe I can space them with my extra Auto range right we're against Blitz Ash I can maybe just like when while the blitz hook or ASW lethal Tempo I have like 60 I think I don't remember I like almost like oh sh I have 50 55 I'm used to 20 I don't think anybody has lower than 50 on PB for some reason it just have to live in like yeah I got to wait for I just a him a lot you go for top left oh you got one let's just wait I have my wind wall up again I'm going try and hook Ash but maybe just wait till like map gets smaller if we fight him here they're just going to go run for the plants again yeah there they go Top plant now we fight if you just like let Blitz hook you or something or you hook him oh I got a crit taking this plan the wall over the wall yeah is long night Harvester I he Dark Soul tals and get on hit be kind of tanky it would be decent that sounds like fun should I reroll or do you think night Harvester is good take um yeah heart would be good cuz you're trying to one shot them and that'll help you one shot them there's an Nivia she's going to wall your hook uh Niva is going do crit yeah that's interesting it's not going to work on their abilities gra has goce weapons they both got sorted Divine what do heck oh we have the alt combo now it's over I'm going to take the hex and appear over there just go in okay where do you want to go for first wherever you knock out yeah now we kill her perfect how much damage I do 330 not bad wait no it's a th JK thousand now that's pretty good oh you know what you could do you could get a Terminus and then that would give you more armor and then pen and yeah definitely get that would work with it there's no I don't think there's any like super tanks in this Lobby where I would need more Dums I not just a Gallo volly bear is the only t one he's do FL so nice yeah there's a Sani but I can just go like work for her oh my God the gin one time rapid fire Canon one super long Auto you I'll get like six item yeah get it at the end um dude should I get a Lich man or should I get a crit item right CR item get right ruin they go boom whoever we gar Jin can we just like go for the Garin yeah and I can just winin oh yeah he's he's Full Burst yeah oh my God and His all could CR it that's scary oh yeah J's way tanker than his gar too it's like Vos coning all right perfect I love this y i liveed good job that Garen was so close to getting his all on me I don't think he would have killed me but then Jin would have killed me this a pretty strong combo thought yes do yeah y not let's be slow cooker G has souls full AP I think we'll be okay as long as you don't get one shot by IO he might be a to one shot him I think we just I'll just Al him and then we Al him get bear after Bruiser tank goie you just get Mr later if they're one shotting you yeah you like Jo probably oh my God S one oo I get top dancer okay Giant Slayer I could be tiny so it's easier to hit the hook that would be funny I'm going to roll earthquake was of Ages is that good the level cap not really okay I don't like that one oh I got cage the Closs I'm somewhat tanky now I have so much movement speed now and attack speed it's going to be fine s dar why he soy oh you about to dunk me I got see I couldn't get the plant dude they're both like tank oh my God I went right by him I did no damage to them I don't think we're going to be able to kill them I can get a plant honestly it's one no I got grabbed during my knockup I'm getting what I just keep getting Shields holy [ __ ] okay oh my God we won we no he's getting healed okay dude how did we win that how much did courage CL it just blocked 10K damage you weren't dying over there that was perfect oh my God I'm not even going like an HP build really holy cow should I buy here I I I I suppose do you have 100% crit already nah oh yeah get I go I and just get like defense yeah got death I might like a Bor cuz that hedary team is really hard to kill oh like Terminus I'll do Terminus next I give me some armor for more true damage he walked up is so lame oh he's got the explosion thing this map is just so buggy and trash man oh just don't have enough HP I hook him and he's standing by this these just block a hook even if they're standing on top of it it's so stupid that is dumb count as invisible walls like those next the base yeah mag oh I gave you a shield with right of Ruin too wish I could buy components in this a bunch Mone aash speed I get more Health actually get tank here oh this is hard he's a thorn Mill we go for G yeah they keep going in the bush I can't reach there we go no oh man he got the entire Top plant bear deletes me always get away with one HP ow scammed things for too [Music] op I will get Terminus now I can need go Bor tournament would be complete I do Terminus Jack or Jack Terminus you just need HP yeah I need jacku and maybe I can sell boost for Bor that would be so ideal if I can get there get another Aug after this fight oh we're against himr brand again didn't we just play against them yeah think there's only like four or five teams left we got a nuke brand he has a see like what is that that was just about to hit it D I got one shot I think he fine though oh my God I just died while I'm they have the double detonation orbs so they just do so much damage I got one shot by brand abilities I got one shot during that stun I can't believe that looks just so glitchy on that map yeah my Dark Soul T is holding off yeah I mean most of these team there all the team we're losing to are AP we don't have Mr vers so it's so hard to do anything oh no way we're getting another Prismatic wow that's crazy I'll get Symphony of or conen lethal Tempo I like all three ideal like prismatics for yasu I got orbital laser Mystic Punch or center of the universe the stars that go around me I feel like I would do my punch or uh the Stars what about the orbital laser I could like CC them in it uh I I think that one just sucks they scale oh they scale with ap okay I'm going to Q Blitz and then alt as I can't move what the hell well he's knocking me up forever there we go you have Mystic punch oh oh no he just had Eureka that's why he has so much haste bro I thought I was going to get like knockout chain over and over I die the HR team losing them I think the HR team lost cuz garen's alive we shouldn't have to fight that team again for a while this is even happening and people just keep getting resed and die yeah ooh 36 Mr guess I'll take it oh of course we're against the himer okay and O 20% crit chance perfect I don't know what to do playing Elixir for this round my God my attack speed is insane that's so cool maybe I won't queue in I'll just Al but the second I get hit by one ability I just instantly burn to death he's got spell and jeweled gauntlet that guy is they both are they got the most broken stuff like how do you even get all that what what can insane triple Prismatic Lobby here took the gate out I took the gate out yes okay I think I figured it out I aled himer queed brand and then flashed away so they couldn't use anything can't deal the damage if you can't hit us oh we can beat that Jin yeah he faster one shot him damn himer still got 5 HP I think I'm going to get an hourglass last so I could survive I don't know against hourglass are void staff they don't really have magic resist what about dance Jack show here I do Jack I don't know actually you also get any bonus for going over 100% crit he gets more ad I got 600 AP All right we one shot the Gar so he can't one shot me J yeah they both are has range and he's insanely fast we got to get rid this gar first oh oh no dude that's so stupid so lame insta blade Walts one shot both of us oh well we got top four that's some insane like triple Prismatic so that was I'm happy with that what the [ __ ] blade Walt's literally one shot yeah that combo man he avoided the old oh GG's guys hope you enjoyed the triple Prismatic yaso we had the extra range the infinite scaling attack speed and movement speed and lethal Tempo conquer his best keystones that was a lot of fun for me and I hope you guys enjoyed if you did body that like button subscribe if you're new and thanks for watching peace yo what up guys today I'm playing Tom kench I'm gonna go full AP by heart steel and I'm want try and get Goliath so that our Q range extends to 2,000 range we can just hit them with Q across the map but it's very dependent on us getting Goliath here for prismatic augment okay I think I go Contract Killer be our duo with the homies wag my what' you get Contract Killer oh okay I got one that gives 15% more ad so I might just go up full damage I'm running for Top plant she's chasing me she flashed to get one plant Auto hit it who we killing I think we just kill Ash can I not Q flash on this CH I don't think so oh there we go well you might be able to go res me before the Zone gets low yeah I'll try that is that an attack or hey helps me out oh you hit him nice y oh I could save my silence for when he's uh going to charge his punch nice want to knock him up oh he flashed it that's bad I silence good damage I think you got him you got yeah I can't believe AP om Vamp spins 10 I'm probably going to go damage it may be bad but it'll be funny yeah you're full damage you must go CR gar what I it's going to be annoying but she doesn't have all yet oh she missed get her a elar hit me out I made it though well now I'm over here wait coming back a plant I got two I suppos like blocking the que she silence let's get out oh I got all three he's he's done hey survive with like one HP oh look at me I'm glitching out Nevers a river mer she's good in this now maybe if you're lethality and you one shot h gambler's blade or sword of the Divine crit or dusk blade ERS blade is only going to turn on auto a lot okay sword is divine going to work I think it does crit chance grants random Critical Strike damage each attack is that good or bad yeah yellow try try this one I think it can combo with a my Infinity Edge if I get one gives 40% crit chance too I have like a z on my Kuno thought that was uan we're going to pop this guy yeah he's about explode I'm stuck that's [ __ ] I can't even move from the grubs oh he's going to get the res first too that is a scam I would have flashed but I thought I could walk through wait you got her oh my god well played I CH this op I can't believe she didn't just play for the revive she's so yeah she e it tried to go for the One V one still fighting nasses dead oh ivern's so annoying in this yeah A's going to chase us around just like knock us up just like another champion he has like infinite Shield too carry let's go I got the heart steel I have a lot of gold from Contract Killer yeah I can buy Prismatic oh I need 50 more not Infinity I already have 60% crit oh I'm actually just going to delete them I need some way to survive S belth I think we got to explode belth yeah I'm going to eat her oh that wait why did that ghost so far oh no I'm going stay over here nice I got her oh she stuned me I'm getting clant you can distractor should I flash n oh Bel that's in zone I'm a lawn mower nice yeah oh we're getting all that contract killer money oh they all res Ash just seems terrible in this yeah unless you have I don't know one of them had an augment that she hit us with like a w and it shot a shock wave Nas is just danced more money oh I can get Prismatic are there any other good crit item though should I just get something more reliable Maybe later on I could get one now I'll buy Prismatic yellow ooh the heemo maner I could get the healing you could like blood thst through that or the demon king's crown that increases on wind oh we're winning a lot you should get that one yeah do it doesn't increase crit though but it oh it does it for past wins too okay that's busted oh I'm getting 550 Health from it oh you're Juiced up I couldn't even move that's awesome okay I one wait she died yeah oh you might die before how about oh my God you actually killed him I thought you were going to die to the Gin bullet again okay Brier no uder one shot me is he lethality he is he's Kraken Slayer collector he's got gamblers blade I can't believe we're winning all these rounds that's insane I am your the only real Sin is to Mountain Soul oh I have the serve Beyond Death uh I got that one too but I went in health you should take that yeah that way I can get off my ALT still kale nasis should I just like try and Flash on Kale nasis is tank only problem they she ult your old as you silence her not if she's silenced right away for a she has the thing that gets her away oh this guy's getting shredded she still has all asses oh no I'm W off hey she melted me I think I got him oh she again wait he saved me he's got you still got this she so fast yeah uhoh how cringy he go they have so much CC yeah wow what a scam oh I didn't know she had the repulse thing I flashed on her bursted her and then it just hit me away yeah that's so hard to get on her and the nasis Wither I can't anything after you ate me feels weird my sound went down to [Music] 1% oh we got a buy we need the kale team to lose we can beat them but they're so difficult like too much movement speed they have a wall nasis wither yeah the repulse the kale Al twice in one round she died I don't think they can kill the nases so D Al the bel's getting strong oh my God he's not going to rest a they're giving him free res okay that's good well they're going to be a really low Health if they lose this mhm nice did we beat the Bel we did right yeah s has elimin oh that's my first death what do I get ldr yeah they have armor or could get atmas get 700 HP top off my crit n I'll get ldr El start alloi will they at the grubs oh she's contracted maybe you go in first so Alistar hits you away and then I go in assassinator oh [ __ ] I have to walk out of it that's fine she missed e that was Poke allar is actually squishy am Riv I'm hit she ain't dying did she silence bro there's so many tentacles oh I dead why is she not taking damage bro she just healing that so late she has no armor but I do zero damage with a Max damage build I could go magic Missile I get 60 ability H from my Q oh I should have took vanish I could have just go invisible one shot that be D go ability haste missile sucks on Tom kench I I don't know why I tickled her now I don't have flash me neither oh [ __ ] oh he's Shield oh my God Shield they don't take damage I got him I think we lost we lost yeah it a good try hey we had a good early true but anything damage just falls off late I could get Goliath
Channel: Body Those Fools 2
Views: 21,885
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: body, body those fools, league of legends, new items, challenger, challenger gameplay, one shot, new build, body those fools 2, new champ, new champion, 2v2v2v2, new game mode, 2v2, league of legends arena, augments, master of duality, lightning strikes, 1000ap, season14, arena, 2v2 arena, arena 3.0, zwag, prismatic items, prismatic, yasuo, yasuo arena, yasuo guide, yasuo build, yasuo skins, yasuo probuilds
Id: Y9cMAKu_Wj4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 43sec (2203 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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