When Thousands of Garden Seeds Isn’t Enough

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first breakfast ready to go ready to go teddy he's upset mom's in there why don't you go with us teddy that plant milking time Oh got your shoes my man those are your mom's shoes while walking around enough no let's find your shoes town shoes look at that he came without a leash can we get him off the porch they're your shoes my man I think you shouldn't even put a leash because this wouldn't be out here let's try it go stay out with us mom's mom's herb garden looked good from yesterday her new garden looking good I don't know if she's got spring fever or this is just a new healthier thriving woman I'm thinking it's the latter actually we've kept the road chickens in this sense is working you want a container you want to see the chickens come on Teddy no he wants to play with the cat can I let out your birds okay you want to do it Lilly has left them out I don't think we need two feeders Lilly do we need two feeders that's a lot for one two three four five chickens sit give me five big five eggs babe that's good so you may have noticed somebody missing here Donald one too many attacks on the chickens and a sad day we had to say goodbye to Donald he's good guard goose but when the guard goose attacks the chickens it just doesn't work out so we were gonna miss Donald we liked him I think we've known him and had him for five years his job though was to guard chickens and mainly he was gonna guard the sea monsters when they go out in the field and they're not out in the field it's a seasonal thing and so we stationed him up close to the house when he was on do out there and we figured the ones close to the house don't need like the hot protection because it's so close to the house and gets a lot of activity there's not a lot of threats they're gonna check the chicks with me mr. Brown oh yeah look they're eatin look at that their start looks they've like doubled in size already can you set it in the man good deal any casualties everybody's making it we're but under the brooder sometimes they like to die warm nobody under there mr. Brown will you check the other one okay lift it up right there it's fine so they alive and well cool hey they're out of water will you get him son yeah okay here bring it up here and I'll turn it on for you carry it upside down you know look at them going nuts over the fresh food can barely even see the feeders wait how many people were gonna get in there you guys got to be very careful okay guys thank you Jonah yeah for sure [Music] look at that they thirst you're what we didn't pick up my icing that ordered the pig shop that's true man add it to the long spring list the animals fed and if we have time we'll get that stuff up when SDS luchador [Music] where were you you didn't come where shall we shut this for when we bring the cows down they don't go in there what's going on Jana I feel a little less of skim milk to the big pigs because we're about out and you see one we're gonna lose that a little yeah let's give them less milk it's okay man it's not a problem just rationing okay yes so that these lastest it's Wednesday Thursday Friday so it only needs the last two more days so yeah he did right did right here Ashton that much and then we can split that at twice and then we'll be in skim milk again Friday good for you hey is it gonna rain today if not we need to turn on our water kind of hustling today because I've got a chiropractor appointment leaving the homestead is hard hey Rebecca is I wasn't gonna ask you oh is it gonna rain today okay I want water then sure by the way I got a notification that McMurray sent our turkeys so they're coming dirty Dan turkey time where are we gonna keep them we got started in the brooder downstairs next to the chickens yeah guys we need to get some lights get real warm aren't they extra sensitive turkeys yeah okay or did you want to keep them in the house again yeah there won't be crazy turkey people no I mean first week but after that I'm done I'd rather not because they made us up to British stations and new home that's stressful yeah should we and a wheaty yeah supposed to warm us up a lot I don't know near chickens some people say they raise them with chickens so we're just gonna put them next to the chicken Debbie neighbors the Berk Oh dropped an egg okay well I'm glad he's seeing mom and not just broken egg we got to clean that up no that's a bonus for the pigs how you gonna get him to stay on your bike yes that's high what no what in the hey we need more fluid in this spray I hate to keep adding the tasks on you but we need some seeds in that spray bottle or you just want to tell me where it is okay you get that look she gave me that look like I can't believe you asked me to do another thing I'm asking a lot of her today this is why I asked her because if she doesn't tell me where this stuff is or I don't listen oh boy you said above the bar right these okay she had said above the dryer this is the dryer I don't know where you get me a stool thieves Oh miserable okay now that I look at it that should be spring that's not like empty empty it is spring why wouldn't that spray fit I am just gonna go ahead and fill it up just for kicks and giggles since I've already started an emotion food scraps for the pigs beauty bless her heart but you had asked her to do the member text just working on that now and and and edit today's vlog right you went to your bike in the back okay we're missing one key ingredient Jonah oh look at him he's getting the pig poured up are you gonna ride your bike - we gotta wear a helmet bro now why is this shirt why didn't you bring your pedal body you want to get it okay look at that Cayenne big brother got you the the bike and the helmet well Teddy escaped Lily's gonna catch him up she got him don't stand here too long come here Josiah he's gonna stand here them knocking it over oh they're right there don't come after me oh you have a bucket but it's over here guys right there Rebecca and I were talking last night these guys are getting there they're like six seven month old gals I should say to harvest so I'm thinking fourth of July special meal fourth of July barbecue meal for us huh they're white as long as from here to here we'll measure them tomorrow see how much they weigh and we're probably looking at a June harvest next up let's get their feet in there and then let's get the pig Sean there I think we'll roll it through open it up right here all right just eyes gonna feed them feed them on the ground for tilling just high if you will please feed them further away and then while you're feeding them I'm gonna get the pig Sean excuse me moi Senor Brown yeah mr. Brown tried to pet them when they're eating they're not having it let's check out their mineral program so we have some kelp out maybe a little bit of it that is rich in minerals another thing another thing I think often forgetting overlook is charcoal we have burnt wood charcoal is just straight-up minerals it smells kind of nice and they will eat nibble on this if they want to and need to it looks like they have a little bit I'm pretty sure that they've been getting on that because tilled around where it is yeah it's spilling there and they've made a little while out of it hopefully I don't get wise to that and start doing that [Music] we're at the top of the hill on access right have you guys ever rode on the access road okay it's okay does it matter let's have some fun now go they got one on the oh man here worried papa hey Gideon were you in control okay good alright one adventure to the next I see at least you got your helmet on daddy don't leave us stay I think he sees the house three far away though come on dad you've been doing so good there you go yeah alright I'm glad you spread it on that patty with my favorite things to do so the bird man's getting turkeys oh my word Teddy's way down there where's this lace Jonah can't catch him don't worry about it just let him go home come on back we playing it cool he's coming look just calm Jonah he's coming with you as long as Jonah's chasing and now that Jonah comes back up he's coming but anyway in the end news you know what are we gonna do about the how we gonna have a hard guard goose when our Cornish cross got the fill they have to have a guard goose or they'll get eaten they'll just be out in the middle of that field island miles Hawks look Teddy's coming back okay yeah check the sheep's if any water I'll come over there come on kids how'd you get him back grab his leash hey don't let them just drag his leash okay good did you say they're okay on water guys I can't hear hey guys can you be quiet for a second I gotta hear Jonah are they good on water we're back the grade goes straight to there's your best buddy thank you my man for switching my cows hey will you change out my specs please let that milk filter and this thing hey how the members they're great good and let me ask you a question come Chara's we were thinking about maybe so you were thinking about maybe trying again on carrots yes today yes Wow yeah I read about more carrot packs to replant and so because our carrots in Germany no they were really old seeds and I think that my problem okay so because I know the seeds went in the ground the other thing that I didn't do that I will do today is again put a grove on over it right away that's good but what about the rain isn't gonna rain this afternoon it's gonna rain this evening okay so my plan will be well plant it and we'll put the agribon on it okay and then the rain will come and terminate that very what are you busy in here on members and the editing this morning so let's shoot for this afternoon maybe the boys can move the the sheep too easy move do you think you and Joe Joe so I can move the the cow and the Sheep just this afternoon I mean I might be able to help you some but this depends mom and I our implant carrots yeah okay we got our Pig shot this morning we're winning let's roll it up for storage I just realized something turkeys started those chicks are coming hike this weekend ticks Colts turkey bolts they're coming this weekend there's a Keats and I think again is a cheat I think turkeys are pulled pulse this weekend we gotta get some turkey starter feed can't keep you out of your greenhouse too long yeah okay okay good what's that this is their lemon gem smell they smell nice that's nothing it's so it's my favorite marigold I just love it it's just like amazing hey they went the wrong way didn't we shut that gate this morning for that very reason [Music] alright shut that gate how'd that get open though come on come on guys let's make sure they get across the road to the lane so far so good no yeah yeah that's right thank you buddy we just slammed the farm-fresh breakfast what's this of course Teddy will eat a big but will teddy eat a strawberry [Music] that's like it's fruit back it's like an apple but what here's the test will they eat kale oh I'm sure I'm sure they eat a waffle but we could try it thank you here you try okay there you go [Music] but what about tomatoes and onions find out on the road again it's been a while let's see last time you came with a month ago it's my normal life but what we're gonna do like any good homesteader if you got to go to town you're gonna knock out two three seven birds with one stone going to the chiropractor yes and I'm gonna go pick up chicks our turkey starter I found some locally yes until we can order bulk and Lana now how much bulk we'll need we're running were raising 24 turkeys boy I think it was like 25 it's not that because we want 12 so I think we want to give away some gifts and we want to have a margin of error correct and we're gonna check out that garden store and for the feed and see what else they have well I need to get some tomato starts we're gonna look at forgot to start Sun gold Tomatoes what's the special of sangil's loveliness they're just a variety but they're delicious and I was like looking through something the other day and I was like son gold and so I could if they don't have darts if they don't have starts then I'm going to get seeds and I'll just start seeds and it'll just be till we get some but they'll grow till October so we're not like it's no we don't live in Alaska just got done with the chiropractor I felt good there's always feels good it's always relaxing can't say it takes away the back tension but the back tension is definitely from something else not enough out of alignment all right anyway let's go into the store and get us our turkey start look around a little bit hey you want to try this biochar I'm going to try bag or to experiment maybe half your run the carrots what else you looking for Rebecca let's get with it let's have an experiment half of your carrots with biochar and half of your carrots without biochars does it help with germination and doing a little research today finding out that biochars where it's at well see top-three another garden store do they have your Tomatoes they have tomatoes out okay I just love me some Tomatoes you crazy plan lady oh I'm getting seeds to what your green sauce is full okay so I want it I want to get some I tried some yellow squash seeds I tried to join them I had some yellow squash seeds I tried to germinate them okay they were old seats cuz I haven't grown yellow squash in a really long time but I want to try again try to yellow squash that's be honest right I'm only four girls I just want one planet okay we're just gonna I got some sunflowers too back okay so that I have it they have your special son go to mate what's so special about a son gold for me mmm come here and you're gonna get the whole tray yeah oh really I'm just controlling yourself like three or four they have zucchini but no yellow squash they've gotten in mom nobody likes yellow squash don't you know that zucchini is the new yellow squash plan yeah I could just buy one see engines buy one seat yeah about hundred you know no they don't there's not that many okay I got your yellow squash okay they left to get anyone enjoy that for watering his garden what's woody died well maybe the pig oh hell like he'll like that very there's the dish maybe I think I'd like to take the pig is much bigger right Gideon's been watering the garden he it's his garden now the instant chicken garden so that'll make it more fun for him I think you getting a jalapeno yeah I want one huh what are you gonna do with it you're gonna grow it I know but how you gonna eat it well we put it in some things okay um sauerkraut okay the taco sauerkraut there's a little bit in there nice said what plant will do is just fine well back then might rain on a sunny 320 it's a 30 minute ride home and the storm is looming but is it really going to take us that long to plant carrots I think we can do it we'll see uh-oh Beck we didn't beat the rain I got distracted in it so projects like well planting carrots have to be put on hold we're we're back there's Jonah and the cows are out I guess he's trying to get him then they're not cooperating but it's raining in our holler um deal okay let's help these guys they've moved the sheep I'm gonna let this laying down and you can bring it right here you go girl Gideon I got something for you there's a pig do you know what that's for yeah it's for watering your garden is that more fun than a regular watering can okay leave it right there look at this guy you be working out hard the rain yeah he's been working out who's got the bigger spike we've been working harder in the rain are you soaked I'm soaked oh so what's it worth it for home grown food I'll go out in the rain do chores it beats Conover sir sir way to think okay we're gonna play checkers come on man giving you a belly rub I was trying to move you right set it up is what it's all about this is what way it's worth it work it in the rain look our pork guys our pork soon to be count soon to be potatoes the wild hare it's worth it yet you joining us you got you a little puzzle with little treats under it you scat he's got his gavage scabbit it's got a chore it snap it up but can we get duck neck he figured it out what'd he get he already ate it I can't tell what it was she put a little bit of our food in there our pork larb did you get potatoes there we know a Cal U game some kale all right it's to make him eat slower and have the foraging that he needs advises sometime so yeah and it makes them eat slow we can have more peaceful supper without him trying to get up on our table [Music]
Channel: Justin Rhodes
Views: 130,575
Rating: 4.9300475 out of 5
Id: 936qwEpHeFQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 56sec (1616 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 30 2020
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