When The Walking Dead Comics Suddenly Ended.

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all right folks today I'm going to take you through the sudden ending of The Walking Dead comics and the events surrounding it to all my non-comic readers I think you're going to be pretty surprised right off the bat on how this version of the story differs from the show for example Lance Hornsby is an extremely minor character in the comics whereas in the show version he is somewhat the main antagonist of the Commonwealth Arc some characters that met their end in the TV series may still be alive and vice versa I won't be taking you through the history of every change in this video as it would get a little off track but maybe after you'll be inspired to pick up the books for yourself and see how we got to this point if you're enjoying this type of content be sure to hit that like button and drop a sub if you're feeling generous it's 2019 and The Walking Dead comics are at the climax of The Common Arc you see the Commonwealth a city with a population of over 50,000 was going through a time of change as the city's Governor Pamela Milton had been overthrown and arrested for perpetuating an unfair class system designed to keep her at the top in what was seen as a revolution the story being told somehow felt rushed and too slow at the same time and by issue 190 most people were're ready to move on to the next big thing that is until the true purpose of the story arc was revealed in issue 191 Rick Grimes had spoken to the people of the Commonwealth and prevented what could have been a bloody war at Pamela's orders fearing Rick was there to take her place as Governor but instead he would Inspire the citizens of the Commonwealth to take control of their own government and appoint their leaders democratically putting an end to Pamela's unfair treatment of the lower class and for the first time since the trials began people within the city regardless of social status were working on an even playing field coming together to clean up after the chaos things felt different dare I say happy there was a wave of optimism in the air as Rick had brought the population together as one the dead could be overcome we knew that but this was the first time a conflict was solved through words and now Rick was being heard by thousands courtesy of what he learned in the whisper story arc he had become the leader he needed to be to actually start bringing the world back and for the first time in a very long time Rick actually felt safe so safe that he would forget to lock his home Hotel door Sebastian Milton the troubled son of Pamela couldn't handle their fall in public status and blamed Rick for what he and his mother caused he was terrible to everyone around him and treated the lower class as just that and it all came down to his mother never telling him no so without thinking or even letting him speak Sebastian would gun Rick Grimes down in his bed leaving him alone to bleed out and turn the next morning his son Carl would wake up with a smile on his face expecting to get breakfast with his father before starting work on cleaning up the Commonwealth but arriving at his hotel Carl immediately knew something was wrong when he saw Rick's door cracked open his worst childhood fear had been realized as without even thinking he would put his reanimated father down without hesitation just Instinct it would almost immediately be discovered Sebastian was the perpetrator of the murder and promptly was arrested by Officer Mercer sentenced to life in prison Carl vowed to always return so he could watch Sebastian rot Away In A Cell showing us the lawful nature of Rick will live on through him but also the darker side influenced by his friendship with Negan the newly inspired morale across the Commonwealth was quickly dampened as news spread but instead of Simply reverting back to the way things were in the wake of Rick's death the people of the Commonwealth would continue to carry the respect they had for him and what he did to inspire change throughout the City by assuring Pamela would never take office again and maybe begin to reshape the world into something better than it was but for others like Carl it was going to be a long journey of grieving so Rick rymes was dead personally I think it's a great ending for his character as the only way to kill someone like Rick would be to do it when his guard is completely down and the work he put in to change the ways of the Commonwealth inspired so much positive morale in him he lost sight at what kept Him alive all those years caution Robert Kirkman had always said in interviews he wouldn't survive the whole series and it appeared he was going to stay true to that you see the comics would give us previews of cover's three issues in advance as a way to get us speculating and hyped up issue 193s cover showed a single Farmhouse almost giving us the feel of a new start like we're going to be moving away from the story we've been following so far for a while the leading theory at the time Negan was going to take the Reigns of the comic's new protagonist following his Exile from Alexandria and begin a New Journey it would make sense as issue 192 marked the end of compendium 4 a collection of 48 issues from the series so if Kirkman was going to switch directions this would be the most opportune time issue 194 showed an image of a Rick Grimes as character named officer kapor resembling an oldw World sheriff and finally issue 195 showed us a shadowy figure seemingly Negan bent over mortally wounded with the tagline The Swordsman strikes at this point speculations were off the charts was Negan taking the Reigns as the series new protagonist just to be killed off a few issues later who are these new characters were me what direction is the story heading in it was clear Kirkman was gearing up for something big for the 200 issue Milestone oh what's this a tweet from Robert Kirkman 2 days before the release of issue 193 details about this issue will more than likely start to leak today it's a big issue in more ways than one # statement of the Year wow okay that's interesting I mean we kind of figured that would be the case if it's a new beginning you have been warned what do you mean what do you what do you mean and then it started The Walking Dead comic to end with issue 193 The Walking Dead ends this week with 193 The Walking Dead officially ending after final issue this ending this week 193 Kirkman had pulled the biggest fast one of all time soliciting fake promotional covers for future issues that did not exist 2 days before the issue hit shelves the ending letter from Kirkman was leaked from the issue revealing the surprise finale before its intended release it was chaos Kirkman said the comic would go on for at least 300 issues we didn't even make it to 200 this is blasphemy this is okay not really let's take a step back here Kirkman did say he wanted to run the series for 300 issues but reading his end letter he shines a lot of light around this statement I knew the end but I didn't know where it would fall I figured somewhere past issue 300 as I've said publicly but when I saw the cover to 142 it dawned on me oh [ __ ] we're already at the fair the Commonwealth is just around the corner and oh man there's no way I'm going to make it to issue 300 it was the first time I realized I just didn't have enough story worked out to get there I didn't know exactly how long we'd Fight The Whisperers or how long we be spending in the Commonwealth before Rick would bring about his own demise but I knew the whole run wouldn't be another 150 issues so Kirkman makes it clear his intentions were never to lie or anything he just overshot how much story he P end out sure he could have kept going but at that point he had been working on The Walking Dead for 15 years and he had already extended the series way past his original planned ending when the group arrived at Alexandria so it's really hard to blame him for wanting to finally put a nice bow tie on the series with a finale even if he said two years prior he had absolutely no intention of ending the comic but I digress the reason for the fake covers Kirkman believed the heart of the series lied in the shock of turning the page and seeing one of your favorite characters die so his belief there was no better way for The Walking Dead to go out than with a shocking sudden end I can see how many would dislike this approach to ending the series but it made for one hell of a surprise I'll give him that so with the history lesson out of the way what does the final issue of The Walking Dead comic look like [Music] the issue picks up at the same Farmhouse from the cover and immediately we are thrown for a huge shock as grown adult Carl Grimes slices a walker in half using michon's Katana frantically running out of the house his wife Sophia is shocked to see a walker as we're told it's been years since one has wandered into the safe Zone it's clear a lot has changed since the last issue and from what we can tell 20 to 25 years have passed since the death of Rick Grimes in that time Carl and sopia had a daughter naming her Andrea after Carl's adopted mother she was everything to Carl and her safety was his biggest priority so this kind of negligence would not fly the loose Walker makes Carl come to the conclusion Hershel green Sophia's brother must be in town as Hershel runs a traveling circus showing off live Walkers well not live but you know what I mean the Commonwealth had expanded and secured most of the east coast of America from what we can tell or at least a big chunk of it so Walkers were now an extremely rare sight also making them valuable in the eyes of the new world government to Carl this was a disrespectful practice and was not what his father died for so in the night he would Massacre the remaining walkers in the traveling circus before fleeing to resume his job as a courier with Lydia his now ex-girlfriend here we are shown the true growth the Commonwealth has seen as Carl travels as far as the middle of the country to deliver packages for Eugene who has been working for years to connect the rail line to those of the Western Alliance in hopes of connecting the East to the West for the first time since the trials began the Western Alliance isn't expanded upon past this one line but we can assume they are an establishment as large as the Commonwealth showing us truly how much the world has started to recover however Carl was still going to have to face the consequences of his actions when he returned outraged hersel would go to the local law enforcement and Carl would be forced to stand trial for destroying Hershel's property Rick ry's influence had carried on throughout the years being the inspiration for the Commonwealth success so his son's standing trial for killing what was once seen as their biggest obstacle would not fly for many like the president of the Commonwealth Maggie Green Hershel's own mother who decides this is an issue that needs to be taken to the highest form of Court traveling to Commonwealth one which we can assume is the original City from the Commonwealth Arc Carl and hersel would present their cases to the honorable Judge Hawthorne AKA Michonne who perhaps has come further than anyone else in the series with her absolute Authority Michonne Outlaws the use of walkers for entertainment throughout the Commonwealth clearing Carl of all charges herel is outraged at Carl for this as he claims being around the dead was the only way he could feel close to his long deceased father uh sure butd Hershel was another Sebastian Milton in the making so being told no was probably the best thing that could have happened to him on the courthouse steps the shadow of Rick's statue would cast down onto Carl and Sophia although the story at this point has been embellished he was proud of the Legacy Rick Left Behind Carl would return to The Farmhouse with his family with a feeling of accomplishment as he would not let anything jeopardize what his father built for him Andrea and all the generations of children to come after getting Andrea ready for bed he would read her the story of the great Rick Grimes and his fight to overcome the trials her grandfather who inspired the broken people of the Commonwealth to unify once again and that is the ending of The Walking Dead comics folks the story told is absolutely beautiful and Carl reading Rick's story to his daughter is a great way to wrap up such an overall Bleak series but I can absolutely understand if you guys don't feel the same way like I said at the beginning the common story was rushed and also felt too slow at the same time although the final issue is triple the size as a normal one it could have been told through 10 issues easy and I think it all comes down to the compendiums ending where he did evened out the issue distribution between all four of them leaving 48 issues in each compendium with the last one containing the final issue as a type of bonus my opinion Kirkman had too much story for 193 issues but not nearly enough to fill another compendium so he had to make the choice to trim it or keep going despite running out of well thought out stories to tell if I had to pick one out of the options I would personally pick the one we got but overall I think the ending is a lot more controversial than Kirkman intended a few extra issues were definitely needed to flesh out Sebastian and develop his hatred towards Rick but I think what we got works just fine as an ending you may be thinking to yourself why is Rick pra so much when most of the work was really done either before he arrived at the Commonwealth or after his death well that's a thought some others in Universe share as well such as Laura who remembers some of the horrible things Rick did in his journey to becoming the respected leader he died as and she chooses to work far away from civility on the rails to escape it it's realistic to me that the story of Rick would be embellished over the years he would be used as a martyr for rebuilding society which if it helped bring the world back what's the harm of building a statue am I right but as you can see this version of the ending is far different than the one we got in the show there's no CRM or France no Daryl and Carol's already dead at this point and obviously Rick and Carl are present in the story arc Negan is exiled from Alexandria all the way back in issue 175 and besides a small cameo in a panel during the ending Montage he's never really seen again Jesus and Aaron survive and grow old together and most everyone else lives the rest of their lives in peace the only character to be conf firmed dead post issue 192 is Stephanie Eugene's wife who died of natural causes Sebastian would spend the rest of his days in a Cell just as Carl promised with his mother Pamela sticking by his side for the remainder of her days a very fitting end for the two getting to see all the characters we know and love grow old is such a rewarding experience for longtime viewers real quick before I wrap up I just wanted to mention that these fake covers that were made to fake us out are meant to actually tell the story of adult Carl's death with a cover made up for issue 196 showing Andrea and Sophia at his grave it's not Cannon or anything I just thought it was kind of cool wanted to include it but let me know what you guys think in the comments down below do you enjoy the ending of the comics or do you think it was too rushed and could have been done better I love hearing your guys' opinions if you you enjoyed this video be sure to hit that like button and if you're feeling generous drop a sub as well thanks for watching folks
Channel: Ty Swell
Views: 232,191
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the walking dead, the walking dead comics, the walking dead universe, twd, twd explained, rick grimes, carl grimes, daryl dixon, michonne, negan, dead city, fear the walking dead, the ones who live
Id: dH1LuN9UKz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 40sec (1120 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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