The Greatest Television Character Ever Created

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Rick Grimes Ricky Dicky doo-dah Grimes a man so popular in The Walking Dead shamelessly stole him from fortnite in case you didn't know The Walking Dead show was adapted from the comic of the same name which features protagonist Rick Grimes as he wanders from the apocalypse asking a lot of meaningful questions about life and the current predicament the world is in the show does pretty much the same thing with Rick but arguably better and today we're going to look at Rick as a character and what makes him so special and to me the greatest television character ever invented Rick's Journey can be separated into four distinct categories Family Man Rick Rick taylorship Rick murder beard Rick and merciful Rick our journey starts all the way back in 2010 when the world was first introduced to Rick Grimes on their Panasonic Vera TX p46g20s the pilot for The Walking Dead is one of the greatest Pilots I have ever seen it introduces you to the story but most importantly in context of today's video it didn't you to Rick who if you couldn't tell by now is kind of a big deal he serves as an audience surrogate whilst also being his own person which is it's kind of difficult to pull off he wakes up Dazed and Confused with one primary objective and that's find his family he meets fellow survivors such as Morgan and Glenn who teach him that things are different now and he'll have to adapt to survive oh also Rick doesn't know it yet but these two characters are going to be very important for Rick's growth in the future Rick eventually reunites with his family and we're happy for him yay but he also reunites with his old friend Shane who's a bit crazy nay Rick's Oxford this season is learning to be a better family man to his wife Rory and Son Coral he sees the world in a very generic way they're the good guys and the zombies are the bad guys he doesn't kill any humans and in fact tries to negotiate and reason with them Shane doesn't really agree with this and we'll get to see more of that in the next season but the seeds are definitely planted here also Shane is having an affair with Rory so he's kinda in love and obsessed with her or whatever after some hijinks Rick and the Gang eventually end up at the CDC where they meet Dr Jenner who believes all hope is lost and you might as well end it quickly and painlessly he wants to blow the group up but Rick's like no please don't so uh General lets him go Rick's grateful the day will come when you won't be remember that it's important the gang escapes and heads off onto the road not knowing what to do next all in all pretty good season 9 out of 10. Rick doesn't really change here there's no big event that makes him rethink life and that's fine this is the first season of the show we don't need to see Rick's decline yet because we just need to get hooked into this world and want to see more at the moment Rick doesn't break bad yet that's safe for the next few seasons and yes I will now compare him to the other television character that is considered the greatest of all time Tony Soprano and Walter White and Jimmy McGill these characters are definitely up there as the best their Legends but in my humble opinion I think Rick Grimes is a better character don't get me wrong I think the shows are better especially as The Walking Dead started to decline and Better Call Saul is the greatest show ever invented but hot damn there's just something about this British man pretending to be an American man who can't say the world Coral properly that just makes my heart melt and we shouldn't really compare these characters because they're all super different but if I didn't bring them up there would be one person in the comments who does so uh there and even with that I know someone's gonna bring up like Dale Cooper or Russ Cole or [ __ ] Elmo so it doesn't matter nothing matters I just want to talk about my post-apocalyptic cop who's got a lot of issues now on to season two alright let me tell you something season two is when we really start to see Rick change but that is of course brought on by Shane and if you were to say that Shane is right about basically everything and is only brought down by his obsessions for warri and coral you would not only be right but you would also get a gold star good job but let me tell you something else season 2 also features Rick's first human kills which of course has an effect on him as it becomes more common to the point he gets desensitized to killing and arguably enjoys it sometimes what there are three big things that change Rick this season the previously mentioned first human kills the whole Barn scene and finding out Sophia was a walker and when he killed Shane and let me tell you something these incidents all have an effect on the man he is by the end of the season when he gives his dictatorship speech and realizes the world is no longer a democracy Rick through season two slowly starts to slip into the man he's going to become for season three and four but it's a very gradual and subtle shift you might not even notice it the first time watching and by the time the season is over we now have a new Rick going into season three Rick taylorship Rick doesn't take any chances he's still a good guy at heart but he ain't no saint he will happily kill now if need be without a second thought but he isn't doing it unnecessarily he is becoming a stronger leader but he doesn't want to slip into pure dictatorship he tries not to he always does what's best for the group unlike the primary antagonist of this season Philip or better known as the governor there's a lot of similar Charities between Rick and the governor in fact there's a lot of similarities between Rick and most of the main villains he comes up against shame was a challenge to Rick as a father and husband and the governor is a challenge to Rick's leadership and the other villain that will challenge Rick is one that we will get to shortly but for now we got the governor and whilst he is a pretty decent leader he is brought down by selfish interest and you know he likes murder Rick loses Ori this season and that definitely affects his perception of life and he starts to go just a little bit crazy also after losing her he runs back into Morgan who also lost his wife and now son and is not taking it so well I think including Morgan like this is great at showing the audience that Rick could very much become like this if he also lost Coral sure Lori's death hurts him but he still has coral and now Judith the reasons he keeps on fighting Morgan is a great example of what Rick could become if he lost everything so after Rick and the group fight the governor and win at the end of season three for things are looking good for Rick and the Gang Rick for a short period of Time find some sort of Peace at the prism with the help of Herschel things are looking good for him until the governor comes back with a heart full of Vengeance too far gone is the episode that I always think of when people ask me why I like The Walking Dead for me it's the most memorable moment I have watched on television I just love this episode so much it's not my favorite but it's a great moment for Rick in the audience because our perceptions have now changed fully on this world as a whole the threat is no longer the Walkers it's the people everyone is too far gone but Rick isn't fully murder beard Rick yet another incident happens later on in season 4 which fully changes him and that's when he bites Joe's throat out in one of the most brutal scenes in the entire show who's that The Bite of 87 I think this is Rick's most Savage kill and he's had a lot of those but it's just the animosity of this one that gets to me he becomes like the thing he used to think was the biggest threat but now well they're both the same and of course now he goes into season five now committed to his murder beard Persona season 5's opening episode really does encapsulate everything superb about murder beer Rick and yes I'm aware if you watch my best episode video I didn't pick no Sanctuary for season five and a lot of people were really upset about that and I'm sorry and I'm gonna be totally honest with you I didn't re-watch it before making that video and I should have I'm not gonna [ __ ] sing a song but I am sorry that I didn't put no sign Chris the best episode because no sanctuary it's a very good episode anyway Rick is a lot more Savage when dealing with the members of terminus he just outright says let them turn into Walkers after killing a few he will now do anything to survive and will kill anyone that gets in his way which will definitely not be bad for the group as a whole whatsoever murder beard Rick is a lot of people's favorite version of the character and I say the appeal he's very badass and brutal but that's the point Rick is becoming more and more unhinged and he doesn't even know it he will now happily kill people in their sleep to maybe ensure his group's survival an event that will definitely not come back to haunt him or the group later on Rick gets very cocky and thinks he can take on anyone an event that will definitely not okay let's talk about Negan eventually the gang ran into a group called The Savior is led by Negan and Negan reflect Rick's murder I guess I don't really know the word for it his anger his hate his ego stuff like that now you could argue who is actually in the right here for days because both groups have killed people from each group but the fact fact is no one is right murder is bad and Rick is going to learn that the hard way here by not only losing one longtime friend but two long time friends Glenn was there from the beginning and he has saved Rick's Life Flight more than twice and Abraham has been a long time comrade to Rick both deaths affect Rick in a deeply troubling way after this event he is broken he wants revenge but has no idea how he's going to get it so after a while of planning they go to war with the savior is probably because they stole Rick's mattress this war lasts a while but called the sides that maybe this fighting is unnecessary and just wishes everyone could live peacefully called us a few side quests and helps a few people and whilst helping someone he gets bit but he doesn't care because he did a noble thing and saved a life which he sees as a good choice to make Carl sadly dies and this just messes Rick up he shifts his anger towards Negan because of course he does but before Carl died he wrote letters to everyone asking them to stop fighting and find peace Rick has internal conflict because he wants to Grant his son's wishes but he thinks it's too late to find peace with Negan so they fight on a hill but in a shocking turn of events Rick decides to spare Negan claiming his Mercy prevails over his wrath this is actually my favorite moment from the show a broken wrist sitting by the tree finally finding some sort of Peace this is where Rick's character Arc is finally complete and he can now live happily as The Walking Dead comes to a close after an excellent final season seven and eight are pretty slow but I mean it's the end you know it's the final Seasons they completed everything everything is wrapped up nicely I'm so happy it ended after eight seasons wait there's more so yes The Walking Dead sadly did not end there and Rick has one more big thing before he can go and Andrew Lincoln can go see his family and that's Rick's final episode there really isn't much to say it's just Rick hallucinating past characters that have had an effect on him I like his discussion with Shane and how he has become more like Shane than he could have ever imagined this episode only really serves as a send-off to him and it does a pretty good job at that and yeah he's in the finale but he doesn't do anything so that's like the main events of Rick before we see him in the new show but why do I think he's the greatest television character ever well because it's my opinion but I like him because he's a fully realized character with once and tough to reach goals that we want him to succeed in but he's got a lot of issues like a lot of issues we feel his pain in episodes like too far gone and the day will come when you won't be Andrew Lincoln is just so good as him that I think he would play Rick Grimes in every Universe in the Multiverse I am excited for the Rick and Michonne show but I have my doubts I hope it's a satisfying conclusion for these characters but I'm afraid that it won't be Rick Grimes is a character that resonates with me so much because well I can't relate to a drug kingpin with cancer and I'm not in the mob but Rick he's just a regular dude that evolves to his surroundings and adapts to them he tries to do the right thing and slips into selfish desire sometimes but he always manages to pull himself out from being too far gone I'm going to sum up this video now in seven words I like Rick Grimes because he's cool thank you for watching I hope you enjoyed if you like Rick Grimes consider Subs subscribing to join the grime Army smash like button see in the next one fellow people and stay safe out there because Walkers are all around you they're in the woods
Channel: Burden of Best
Views: 284,100
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TWD, The Walking Dead, Rick Grimes, Zombie, Walkers, Rick, Andrew Lincoln
Id: cMU2dybP8RQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 13sec (733 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 04 2023
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