When The Mob Came For Riley Gaines

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you were at San Francisco State University right so that's fun don't go to universities because they're pretty damn pathological so now you went there and you were invited to go there so you're actually a guest right so he in principle they should treat you nicely since you're a guest and you're taking your time and energy to go talk to people who invited you and why and what happened when you went there I was invited by the Leadership Institute um which is an organization that tries to advance um really they uphold the freedom of speech they they do they try to advance the conservative movement on college campuses and so I spoke at a turning point event um I'll kind of fill you in step by step of what this looked like I got there um I was supposed to meet the campus police department an hour and a half before the event we were set to meet at this parking garage and then walk over to the event together the police never showed up and so I didn't think much of it you know there was still an hour and a half before so I figured I could just walk over and I'm sure they would make their way over we would talk about an exit strategy if something were to happen which I I thought I knew what I was getting myself into I knew this was San Francisco I knew this was a different environment which almost excites me not because I want controversy or because I'm looking for arguments but because this is an opportunity to get in front of people who don't agree with me I was more hopeful that they would come with somewhat of an open mind to which they simply didn't there were some there were some civil yeah that was that was definitely naive that was definitely but yeah that's excusable and acceptable while you were going to University campus did you think you were a conservative I am sorry did you say did they think or do I think no no do you well you know you talk to Turning Point that's Charlie Kirk's organization right it's a definitely a conservative organization had did you have before all of this did you consider yourself a political creature did you have a political home or an affiliation I am I've always been politically in tune I've always been pretty up-to-date and knowledgeable about the different issues we face and what that looks like and typically My Views do align conservative um that's not to say every view I'm not someone who is going to feel like I have to lean a certain way because that's how I align that's not me um but I like to be well versed I like to be knowledgeable about what's going on and so I've always been in tune shall we say but by no means did I have any sort of political background or um any sort of ulterior motive to where I wanted to be in the position that I'm in right right so you weren't a political actor oh goodness no um yeah okay but always tried to be knowledgeable who's where who's doing what um I always watch the news and things of that um but by no means did I feel equipped for the position I'm in I still don't I'm learning no no I bet I'm learning every day okay so back to back to SFU you're there the police who are supposed to help you don't show up and so you're looking forward to this event and so let's continue walking through the the day's events so we walk over to the room it's in a building it's on the third floor um very quickly the room fills up um it's there's some there's it's about 50 50 supporters versus protesters in the room um but they very quickly reach the maximum capacity to which the administrators who were president said you know we're not allowing anyone else in the room and I was cool with that um I understood up at this point that there was some counter events going on some some protests around campus one of which they they organized this big sign making event where the protesters they got together and they all made signs and they all walked over together they orchestrated to sit in to where they sat in the speech which again I'm I understand that's your right to protest you have the right to organize um by no means do I think that I'm worthy of stopping that um that's understandable as long as again it's it's civil and somewhat respectful right um so I was able to deliver my speech I talked for probably 40 minutes and let me reiterate what my speech was I talked about what it takes to compete at that level um my background how this is a lifelong journey I talked about the competition I talked about the locker room I talked about the silencing piece not just from the female athletes but parents administrators medical professionals even um nothing opinionated really my speech there's no opinions in it it's strictly my experience um so I was able to deliver the speech I answered questions afterwards to which I was met with lots of questions and oppositions which I find extremely easy to answer whether they um take my answer that's on them but they're all easy to answer um but it was only after the speech I just had concluded it had been probably an hour everyone was standing up to leave and as people were standing to leave first of all I should mention while I was giving my speech I could hear people outside the building I could hear them chanting and it was a large group of people you could tell I could hear them chanting things such as trans women are women or other chants they could come up with but as I continued my speech I could hear chance getting closer and closer to when I concluded I could hear these people right outside the hallway to where one side of the hallway would yell trans rights are under attack the other side of the hallway would yell back what did we do we fight back and so I could hear this which was a bit unnerving just to know that they were right outside the door but again I I didn't really let it bother me that's not something that necessarily shook me at the time but everyone stood up to leave all of a sudden a mob of people enter into the room they rush into the room they flicker the lights they turn the lights off and this is when they rush to the podium where I was and some other members of The Turning Point chapter were and this is where we were met with assault and violence um so they turned the lights off so how dark is it in there when the lights are off this this period is a blur to me it all happened so quickly um I felt so disoriented I felt so jostled I felt so confused you know what is happening I was told granted I never talked with the police before this but the Turning Point members told me you know the police said they're going to lock the doors at a certain time there should be no problems um we'll be good so I I was under the impression that the doors would be locked which they were not um so it all just happened so quickly but yes they turned the lights off and it's it was night time outside so it's Pitch Black in this room which of course you have to imagine it's really dark oh so that was a sneaky little move yeah the campus police are completely they're com oh of course it's intentional they know exactly what they're doing and and the campus police are 100 unprepared for any real aggression absolutely you know they're yeah yeah and I mean to some degree that's on them and it's on the administration but it's also outside their normal course of training and activity they have no idea what to do so the idea that you're going to be protected by campus police on campus you can bloody well just forget about that that's not going to happen Okay so now it's dark and who is it that's rushing you exactly and how many of them are there a mob of trans rights activists whether that be trans individuals themselves whether that be people within this lgbtq community whether that be someone who just considers themselves an ally to this community there were so many different I don't want to say combinations of a person but there were men dressed as women and women dressed as men and everything in between so it was very again disorienting it was like who am I being met with what is happening um so as the lights are flickering the lights are on they're off an officer approaches me um very quickly and she grabs me and she's wearing nothing that indicates she's an officer and again I hadn't met her she never alerted me she was in the room her face is covered with a mask and she tells me very quickly trying to pull me along as more people are filtering into the room she says come with me I'm I'm with the police and I didn't believe her why would I believe her right um so I was very hesitant I was reluctant but truthfully I had no other choice at this point because I was being we were being rushed at the front of the room so we kind of navigate out of the room we're only met with more protesters once we get into the hallway we couldn't even come out of the door of the classroom because there were so many people filtering in that we had to go out this back door that led us to another classroom to get out that way um to which when we got to the hallway you look down to the staircase there's hundreds of people you look down to the other staircase of course which is your exit path to get out of the building and it's hundreds of people so ultimately we had no other choice than this officer led me to another room along that same hallway where I was barricaded for three hours over three hours um which was interesting it was I mean you in those moments in those hours you fear for your life hearing what these people are yelling hearing the things they want to do to you um an array of things all of which were violent and vengeful and hateful and all of the words of course in the well let's hear them let's hear him what did they tell you some of the things they were yelling um one of the terms they kept using which I think is so ironic um they kept saying we fight back and I thought about this and I thought the day before this event the day before the Press Secretary of the body Administration in a press conference said the words our trans Community they're resilient and they fight back and so it just kept replaying in my head wow they're using verbatim the same verbiage that Jean-Pierre whatever her name is is using um they were yelling I see so this is right from the top that that that's that's one of the things that really makes you wonder just exactly what country you're in at a time like that doesn't it absolutely the people who are who are threatening you and barricading you in because you're objecting to being uh what would you say subjected to an unfair competition by any reasonable standard and now you're being mobbed by half demented lunatics directly who are directly acting out words that have come up come from the highest possible state or well Federal authorities yeah that's real cute there's a betrayal for you that's a nice one they were yelling things um such as to the officers who were standing outside they were saying you know you're only protecting her because she's white they were yelling things which is they were yelling things such as you know you shouldn't have come here you should have known what you were getting yourself into you knew we would Riot let her out of that room so we can handle her ourselves are you aware that your browsing data is constantly being tracked and monitored have you ever stopped to think about who has access to this information and what they might be doing with it if you're like most people you probably haven't given this much thought but the truth is your browsing data can reveal a lot about you your interests habits location and even your identity every time you visit a website click on a link or make a purchase online you are leaving a digital trail that can be monetized by advertisers and data Brokers they use this information to Target you with ads and promotions that are tailored specifically to your browsing habits the more data they have the more accurately they can Target you that's why we trust expressvpn expressvpn encrypts your 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had tomato soup downstairs it never got to the point of you know permanent physical violence but but they wouldn't want to do what do you think would have happened I think just that I think these people based off of what they were saying I mean they were explicitly saying they wanted to hurt me um yeah I don't know to what extent that looks like but I'll tell you these people are they were unhinged they were Relentless um and that's something they kept saying is we're not letting up right well and they're in a mob too which is always a bad thing right because even if each of those people was only five percent insane on their own in a mob they're 100 insane and so yeah and so how many people are in there barricaded in with you and why were the barricades effective why didn't they just like hammer down the doors and have at her it was just in terms of people in the room other than the officers it was just me in that room there was a few officers who would filter in and out but there was a few campus officers who stood outside the door who kept people from I guess tearing down the door um how did they treat you how did the officers themselves treat you what was their attitude towards you like I was I of course respect law enforcement and applaud them for their job because it's a hard job and it's a thankless job um but these officers were I don't know if pitiful is too harsh but they were terrified they were terrified yeah they were scared to be seen as anything other than an ally to this community there was one person in the mob who was African-American who I guess the officer just had to push around a little into which this person yelled back you know you're only doing this because I'm African-American I'm going to sue and so these officers they don't want to put themselves in that position they've seen how that's gone in the past again to a much greater extreme but they don't they don't want to deal with this they they want all hands off deck so it affected how they did their job um they were terrified of creating a safe exit strategy for me using Force by any means I missed my flight home um to which I told them you know I'm I'm gonna miss my flight is there something we can do I want to go home I don't want to be stuck in San Francisco anymore to which at this point I began to get upset so you're essentially at that point you're essentially kidnapped well it gets even better from there because yeah okay inside this room I could hear these protesters on the outside and probably two hours or so in maybe two and a half these protesters the dean of students shows up these protesters are trying to negotiate if I make it home safely they're saying if she wants to make it home she has to pay us to which this dean of students is negotiating with them they all claim they pay you what they pay you meaning what I had to pay the mob that's what they were claiming what what did you have to pay them um a couple suggestions one person suggested you know if she wants to make it home safely she has to pay us ten dollars each um which is so silly um but it's not silly it's kidnapping I I it's it's not silly it's horrible it's it's beyond reproach and so beyond it's it's beyond it's beyond surreal oh that's amazing and and so the dean of this the dean of students didn't take names and decide that those were some students that could be easily dispensed with and removed from the campus permanently she decided she'd negotiate with him play nice because after all they were all they were doing was kidnapping you and extortion and engaging in extortion with the threat of violence that's all they were doing whereas you were you know complaining about the fact that you'd been subjected to an utterly unfair competition by officials that had betrayed you that's your crime their crime is kidnapping and extortion and you'll love this cute because after this event um I can and I can talk a little bit about how I actually got out but after this event um rather than releasing a statement saying we condemn violence or um we have to uphold the freedom of speech the vice president of student affairs her name is Dr Jamila Moore she sent out an email to their student body in this email it says we applaud our brave students they were in a situation where they were met with adversity they were met with um they were put in a very hard circumstance listening to someone who spreads violence and we applaud their bravery and their peaceful protests sent an email to their University describing what I went through as peaceful and so I read this yeah yeah and I'm so curious you know that's a real that's a real backhanded compliment that era sufficiently terrifying Force to have oppressed you know 200 rampaging Mobsters you know you really are quite the monster if you were able to manage that exactly well you're well you're being barricaded in a room and and essentially kidnapped and extorted so you know that's definitely a compliment totally the most backhanded possible way yeah yeah well it's quite something to watch this um to watch this uh this offer of an extended sense of victimization to the perpetrators themselves you know had to undergo all the trauma of having to listen to you describe how you were betrayed by the NCAA and by the Biden Administration and by all the virtue signaling dimwits who thought that forcing you and your teammates to compete against a man was actually acceptable and morally justifiable you know and so now we're in a situation where your mere attempts to defend yourself are regarded as some variant of hate speech and provocation to violence yeah that's perfectly goddamn delightful that's a lovely way to think about it so um yeah I don't suppose you heard from anyone like Kamala Harris for example complimenting you on her your bravery I know she sent off a missive a while back to Dylan Mulvaney you know letting him know what a brave soul he was for doing whatever the hell it is that he's doing I don't suppose you heard anything from from anybody up in the Democratic authorities you're bravery absolutely yeah yeah I bet you haven't no yeah that is um I'm not holding my breath
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Id: uvdHXQs2Zhg
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Length: 19min 48sec (1188 seconds)
Published: Fri May 26 2023
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