When The Dungeon Master Broke Our Minds With A Terrifying Horror Campaign | Narrated D&D Story

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[Music] today's video is sponsored by bespoke bespoke post is a monthly membership club delivering awesome boxes of top shelf goods discover great brands for every hobby every single month seriously there are so many boxes for coffee whiskey knives grilling tech and the outdoorsmen and women and in my opinion one of the biggest appeals of the stuff in the box is made by smaller brands every box has at least 70 dollars in value but only costs 45 dollars the weekender is happily named because i can fit all the essentials for the weekend books dice dungeon sets miniatures enough character sheets for whatever misadventures my players find the bag is great i'm a big fan it can hold everything you need and more for your gaming weekend use the journal and pen from the frontier box to take notes during your game your dm sure would appreciate it or strap on the super sharp forge knife in case you run into goblins in real life take the quiz that will determine what's inside your boxes and start getting great stuff and even after the quiz if you don't like the box pick a different one you only pay for what you want you'll get a box assigned to you each and before it's shipped you'll get a preview of what comes inside to decide if you'd like to keep it swap it for a different box or skip the month entirely for no charge click on the link in the description below and use my code all things d20 to get 20 off your first box when the dm broke our minds with a terrifying horror campaign hi everyone all things dnd is back with another story horror campaigns may not be for everyone but once in a while i love getting sucked into some scary stuff this dm is what every horror dm aspires to be tell us your good horror campaign tales after listening to this one with the lights on our dm is an artsy type but not in an interesting way he likes vera similitude more than useful information he's like the tolkien of dms we've often badgered him about his style of running things he likes making worlds and then turning us loose in them we happen to prefer adventure modules and whatnot so after a particularly harsh heckling which i regret he offers to run us something very special in the mood that we seem to prefer we agree though i fully expect some more of his mediocre twaddle so we start out in this shitty little town and his world's analog to dark age germany it's gray wet there's a lot of mud everyone is dirt poor all the peasants are insular and taciturn around foreigners we groan several times as we begin but learn that we're actually on our way through on our way to persia rome or something on a mission to recover some sort of artifact the guy sending us gave us rations supplies and what he called kerthake marching powder which we understood to be a joke and it was more or less cocaine a good start well we head out and pass through some sort of black forest and then a dreary swamp with incredibly dense fog where he has a seriously make eight spot and listen checks every once in a while pausing for like three minutes at a time and asking if we had any more modifiers to add as usual his descriptions of the surrounding area are incredibly articulate sometimes bordering on the poetic it had been corny most of the time but this time it worked because this time it wasn't just hollow detail there were things to notice cryptic but alluring hints towards the nature of something we didn't know what it was there was no hint towards what it was we were supposed to be learning about only that there was something something fast something slick something twisting and limp but todd and strong that was pursuing not us but chasing something something that a moment later took on its traits i can't even begin to describe it we actually forgot for a moment that we were supposed to be playing we were hypnotized he shook us out of it all of a sudden with orcs that cartwheeled and spun out of the swamp dragging moisture from the air back into the swamp as they emerged dragging gore from the ground back into their bodies into closing wounds as they did losing power and glazed expression to take on the green vibrance of life and psychically drawing weapons to them from the ground in brackish water we killed them throwing them back into the water directly from whence they came and reopened their wounds for them we were pretty sure that was it we met some weird folk after that like an elf who refused to walk on the wet stone of the road through the swamp to the point of laying down two squares of wood to walk upon as he went and talking entirely in paradox eventually we took the wooden planks away from him and broke them when he tried to take them back if he kept walking so slowly he'd get his ass killed by zombie orcs right the mook just sat down and started crying after that but we kept going sounds like pretty standard fare doesn't it oh we thought so too we complimented the dm at the end of the session for a job well done he had really gotten us with those zombie orcs really creepy oh but it only got worse from there we arrived in a village a little village on the outskirts of the country we were supposed to be entering do you remember the bit about how good he was at describing things well he brought us to tears here it was the most beautiful thing i'd ever heard put into words before he described the most idyllic and wonderful place imaginable it was a golden town full of vibrant life and surrounded by flowing wheat the people came up and greeted us welcoming us to their little town all the men were friendly and offered us lodging and hospitality and all the women were long braided and beautiful with ample bosoms and wide eyes every home had a bronze symbol of the sun with a grinning face on it nailed to the door and every street corner had women twirling slowly on the spot dancing in the joy of the daytime and the people all moved in rhythm taking long steps every two or three seconds of walking sidestepping as they spoke very musical people too they were always humming it was good stuff so we figured we'd stay around for a while to check everything out we go to the inn and get ourselves some rooms we chat up the townsfolk and we learn that the town is called car tour deck i think this is a laugh and decide that i'm in this town for the women so i convinced three of the women to sleep with me they are of course promiscuous people whose religion revolves around how awesome strangers are go figure so the rest of the crew follows suit and we all wake up surrounded by ladies we head out into the street and start noticing things for one thing the same women are dancing on the same street corners everybody greets us by name with elaborate greetings nobody just says hi nobody just says good morning they say may the light of the lord of light shine on you or welcome to the dawn of his glorious day it doesn't take us long to realize that the dm is talking entirely in rhythm with the music that's playing in the background he had been since the first moment the townsfolk were all speaking in meter de da de da de like a heartbeat we start freaking out because we knew that something was wrong with this place somewhere in the back of our minds we knew that there had to be we're all over that in a heartbeat we start asking questions the local lord is a sorcerer but all the damn lords in this place are sorcerers the grey marshes that we pass through are terrifying places that nobody likes traveling through well no joke the primary crop is graveweed which only grows on ground watered with human blood sounds like a good crop to be pl oh wait yeah so the cleric starts detecting evil everything shows up everything the dirt evil the people evil the houses evil the dm asks for a spot check which he's been doing for a while now though he hadn't really given it much thought after the first 30 times for once he sits up straight and all of a sudden says you notice that the man speaking to you has no eyes none of them do there's a full 10 seconds of silence before he adds they never did he then begins to elaborate upon what else they did and didn't have the list was elaborate and traumatizing the end result boneless toothless eyeless with long rubbery limbs and grey flesh what we had mistaken for braids on the women had been long blackened tongues tongues he said that we had grown rather accustomed to during the night there we start freaking out about halfway through that last bit i smash the one we're talking to his face in with a morning star the sorcerer turns around and lights the little gang of women that had been following us on fire some of them covered in ragged cloaks of human skin attack some begin flailing about like lunatics screeching and cackling and talking backwards instead of attacking they would rub up against us shuddering slithering and boneless moving into our way when we tried to flee and taking our blows like they were nothing until we had hewned them to bits it was sick and unnerving and it didn't make any sense but we killed them we killed all of them every single one of them we cleared that village out one goddamn building at a time killing the lipless horrors and the little sharp tooth ones that nodded our ankles and jumped out of dark corners and the ones that grabbed our legs and the ones that would throw themselves at us while others flanked around or ran off to ambush us later we killed them all and ended the threat but we knew what the root of the problem was it was the wheat the grave weed it must have been corrupting the people with foul necromancy so we painted warnings on the buildings left notes for anybody who might have come and warned them of what would happen if they ate the stuff and then we lit the fields on fire and left the dm ended our third session there and congratulated us on a job well done the next session though he showed up with a dark heresy book we had been wanting to play that for a long time and he said he had brought character sheets and everything and we all had our fill of horror gruesome death was one thing but that stuff was just surreal too much so we purged some heretics from then on didn't take one look back at d d for a few months then we came back not to the same campaign nobody mentioned it again the dm had us roll up characters and had to start out in the same little town we began in before we're all a bit worried but he raises our spirits by informing us that it's fall it had been spring when we had departed last time it wasn't just a start over it was something different good stuff we get almost precisely the same starting equipment as the first group from almost the exact same quest giving priest we don't get the marching powder though which was good it struck me as a bit goofy anyway so we're going on our merry little way down the swamp road we don't run into any orcs which is good but we do find an elf with broken legs the emaciated starved corpse of an elf with broken legs clearly orc work we proceed and get what amounts to the single darkest moment in the entire history of my gaming life we found the town burned black scorched earth the surrounding fields are little more than ashes and soot worn down by fall rains into a thick slurry the sky is dark it's dusk but we proceed through the early evening with torches and investigate the town it is a scene of unspeakable carnage a hundred people killed like animals weaponless men hewned down as they tried to defend their families women butchered as they attempted to clear the escapes of their children monks wearing the white robes of pacifists who had clearly tried to grapple and pin down their assailants beaten down and split open with repeated unnecessary horrible mutilating strikes and the buildings the buildings were covered with writings in blood gibberings and the frothing babble of mad men rhyming rhythmic mournful furious meanderings that made no sense but read clearly nonetheless for they all had something in common like one long grand verse they were written in iambic pentameter so we try reading the stuff on the wall it's gibberish but we read it it rhymes it's incredibly messed up sounding the dm busts out a piece of paper that's very very nearly black with text and reads it it's the closest thing to the sound of madness i've ever heard if i had a copy of it i'd post every word of it here and there must have been 800 words on that sheet the text was microscopic it was incredible i don't even know what it was because the rhyme scheme made no sense but flowed anyway it was like each burst of five there would be either one or two rhymes but it went on for so long that we stopped listening to it we stopped paying attention to what he was saying so when he just started describing the three figures gaunt and lanky still holding the morning star and sword hands still wreathed in flame that were lowering themselves behind us narrated even as it happened on the wall we didn't notice didn't notice until he stood up and started screaming it at us one word at a time at that point even the dm was sweating and one of the players was crying it was genuinely the most terrifying thing imaginable he had already destroyed us with a calm voice and an even face now he brought it home we didn't even roll initiative our previous characters butchered us to the insane ramblings of the dm it was horrifying i regret giving the dm a hard time and i would like to go back to the way things were well that gave me some serious chills great storytelling on the dm's part pretty twisted in fact please let us know what you think and comment below don't forget to subscribe to our channel all things d our videos are posted every tuesday and friday so stay tuned for more amazing dungeons and dragons content
Channel: All Things DnD
Views: 279,335
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dnd, all things dnd, dnd stories, d&d stories, puffin forest, d&d, dungeons and dragons, dungeons & dragons, roleplaying, role-playing, tabletop, table-top, tabletop rpg, dingo doodles, reddit dnd, reddit d&d, reddit dungeons and dragons, geek and sundry, dnd vines, critical role, runesmith, narration, reddit, zee bashew, reddit narration, rpg, astoshan, 4chan, dndgreentext, greentext, dnd story, dnd animation, dungeon master, dm, horror, dnd horror, yt:cc=on
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 7sec (787 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 23 2021
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