when the actor won’t stop running

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there's a lot of memorable movie runs Forrest Gump Rocky Run Lola Ryan Even This Moment In get out but nobody runs on screen quite like Tom Cruise including top gun Maverick Cruz is now running 44 of his 52 movies a ridiculous start that is turned into a strange mythical Legacy people can't get enough of compilation videos and Supercuts of TC getting his jog on which has become something of a global joke I mean the man's own Instagram bio even says running in movies since 1981 as if that is the only thing he's known for going even further this strange phenomenon has led to actual academics writing reports that correlate he's running to a film's box office success which is pretty hilarious when you think about it simply put it's a meme it's a joke it's a given get a Tom Cruise movie he runs but when I was watching this completely unnecessary scene in Maverick the other day I thought why do we really care why is Tom Cruise running such a part of the social Zeitgeist and more importantly how the hell do they film this okay first things first it looks really cool I think that's undeniable the only other actor who comes close to this level of running aesthetic is probably Daniel Craig but he doesn't have anywhere near the body of work the Cruz has and he doesn't look anywhere near as fast when cruise is running he looks like a real-life action figure going a hundred miles an hour hair weeping in the wind and it's always so much fun like this tracking shot in Mission Impossible 3. just a fantastic movie moment which probably speaks to Cruz's commitment to his stance more than anything we all know he broke his foot while filming Mission Impossible and it seems like he's trying to find a new way to kill himself in each movie by doing more and more extreme stunts but this just means he's committed to the spectacle of what he's creating which makes him one of the last true action Stars we have for me it's it's about storytelling and I I grew up watching you know Charlie Chaplin Buster Keaton Harold Lloyd you know Abbott Costello you know these they're they're kind of work that they did the classics and they they made me laugh and they had tension so these things that I want to I want to really build stories around that's why I started producing Mission Impossible and I know that very few other actors have the juice in Hollywood to make the demands he does so it's not entirely fair to compare him to younger actors like no one else would be able to demand that they film an entire movie in Airborne f-18s but then again who else is gonna voluntarily learn to fly a fighter jet or hang off a plane or break their foot and still finish the take no one too much time effort and risk so it's no surprise that Cruz puts this sort of effort into his running scenes as well the proof he got better or at least according to an ESPN article earlier this year where a panel of Olympic athletes said they noticed a huge Improvement in his running style during collateral in 2004 which means that I after running in movies for 23 years at the age of 42 he decided that he could still get better and hide a professional coach he wanted it to look perfect on screen the initially failing run with balled up hands evolved into this upright straight Palm style that he's famous for now and sure some people think this looks a bit goofy or robotic and I'm sure he was told this looks better on camera which is why he's doing it but he's still really freaking fast even with this weird straight back style a Blog user calculator the Cruisers running at 15.3 miles per hour during this scene which equates to a 14.6 second hundred meter sprint which yeah is not World athlete fast but in this scene he's 43 young mandariner people travels well over 100 meters we have no idea how many takes he'd done and most importantly he's in full pants and no running shoes which is the craziest thing about all these runs he's never in athletic years wearing jeans or a suit and he's still absolutely flying so no he's not winning any Olympic records but Jackie joining Kersey a three-time Olympic gold medalist thinks he could probably run an 11.5 second hundred at 60 years old with a bit more training bottom line he's fast so fast that he has to slow down for co-stars when they're allowed to run with him but then how do they make it look this cool running scenes are filmed in a lot of creative ways like if there's a character traveling at super speed the actor often runs on what's called a Magic Carpet which is basically a long tart being dragged Along by another vehicle or they get dragged with a weighted wire system that lifts and propels them by comparison to this Cruz's running scenes might seem a bit low-key he's running unassisted for most of his scenes so surely they just point and shoot right nah the one stunt I think that probably was the most most difficult may not look like that he was jumping off rooftops now these were tile roofs it required incredible Grace Precision coordination and footwork and it looked so effortlessly that was tricky first of all I was the third to last day shoot of the movie and then that final day of the Sprint I couldn't wait to do that Sprint which Sprint yeah this one so clearly there's a lot more elements at play than you think first Tom has to be great at hitting his marks and just super fast like he already is second the blocking of all the extras needs to be perfect third a setting that emphasizes his speed like this sidewalk is perfect because you have so many stationary objects to contrast with his Dynamic movement and most importantly you need the infrastructure and Tech that can capture someone moving this fast incredible you know technology the camera reg we're using the spider cam was such a high-tech device spidercam is basically a bunch of rigging equipment it's not just one system that we put up so if somebody has a vision or a shot and we build infrastructure to get our system up in the air and then we program the shot after that clearly not every one of his running shots has a spider cam or some elaborate setting sometimes he's just been filmed from a car or a dolly or a crane sticking out of the Burj Khalifa but again his ability to act while moving this fast like delivering the dialogue and doing whatever's in the script makes him the world's preeminent action star say what you want about his off-screen Antics and values but it's impossible to watch the man put this much effort into his craft without showing some sort of appreciation and it's not like he's some B grade actor it's Tom Cruise for God's sake he's had a decorated career and been in some amazing movies he's a genuinely good dramatic actor I'm not sure it was my examination sit down but for now it seems like the rest of his career will be fully invested in pushing the boundaries creating spectacles and orchestrating scenes that look amazing in a cinema which I'm completely fine with like sure I'm a bit sad that I probably won't be able to see him in some more dramatic roles but in a world that's getting taken over by too much CGI and too much green screen it's incredible that we've got a gatekeeper like Tom Cruise still trying to push out realistic action so I say just keep running Tom as long as you can we'll all keep watching [Music] thank you
Channel: Scene It
Views: 4,583,607
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 09MiWO8uDfc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 40sec (400 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 19 2022
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