Knives Out Ruined Cinema - Here's Why

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Knives Out is in theaters on Wednesday that's on him a Knives Out mystery is in theaters now on Netflix December 23rd and it's in the movie theaters for one more day if you want to go see their cats you know what I'm glad you asked remember the days of mid-budget movies like The Shawshank Redemption or home alone while they don't exist anymore is it the fault of knives out no is the title a bit of Click bait yes am I gonna bring It full circle and show you how it relates also no no I'm kidding I'm gonna so the answer is actually yes the lack of mid-budget films we're talking anywhere from 15 to 75 million dollar budgets don't really get made anymore and it's having a bigger impact on Cinema than you may think mid-budget films Force creative filmmakers to think outside the box to tell magical stories that have stood the test of time there was no Reliance on Larger than Life CGI battles needless green screen or sacrificing character development for spectacle don't get me wrong I enjoy the big budget films with spectacle but I wish they didn't come at the cost of losing these mid-budget films that used to pack the theaters like remember Gremlins okay I don't either because I'm young but it's a perfect example of a creative mid-budget film that has stood the test of time and funny enough the Gremlins director has talked about this very issue saying things such as Hollywood has become a system that only produces two levels of movies the small budget Indie flick and the massive swing for the fence's big budget Blockbuster missing was the mid-budget movie that had reliably filled Cinemas for decades ones that this director is specialized in directing but why take an established filmmaker's opinion on the matter when you can take it from a nobody YouTuber like me hopefully this video will fill you in with this information you didn't know you needed in a more entertaining fashion than reading it in an article but I mean hey if the video sucks you can let me know but here's the thing if you happen to enjoy it perhaps you could give the video a like and consider subbing to the channel hell even if you hate the video maybe you could still do that I don't know why you would but I don't know just don't do nothing no one likes a bystander anyways Apocalypse Now 31 million dollar budget Shawshank Redemption 25 million Home Alone 18 million Event Horizon 60 Under Siege 12 Silence of the Lamb 19. these mid-budget films were all released around the same time frame the 90s when mid-budget films were at their Peak and creators were forced to be much more imaginative these films have stood the test of time as something about their movie Magic it's far deeper than lots of the shallow big budget spectacle due to the modern Blockbuster bringing in staggering profits if marketed right Studios aren't that interested in modest profits anymore you may have noticed that Hollywood is making a whole lot fewer comedies these days and that's part of this mid-budget blockade hangover put a lot of butts in theater seats in 2009 but these days who cares 179 million dollar box office is chump change compared to a Star Wars Transformers or MCU flick for example side note everything released these days seems to be owned by Disney in one way or another but that's besides the point the proof is in the numbers following the release of Iron Man in 2008 the Marvel Cinematic Universe saw 585 million from 140 million dollar budget while Thor Captain America Guardians of the Galaxy and Spider-Man all had similar financial success 2019's Avengers end game made 2.7 billion on a 356 million dollar budget the second highest grossing film of all time money talks and the mcu's success told Hollywood that superheroes sell as the movie going experience adapts to our viewing Pleasures Studios have taken note opting to produce higher costs higher Revenue films over less costly less Revenue generating Productions due to competition with today's countless entertainment options streaming services and social media Platforms in particular Studios Noah film must have Buzz to bring bodies to the theater which comic book movies typically do in modern times comic book movies dominate the box office they create massive revenue and in this particular climate are almost a guarantee to at least triple their budget Hollywood knows this and hence why mid-budget films have taken a back seat in 1990 the inflation-adjusted average production budget of the top 20 grossing films was 63 million dollars but in 2019 it ballooned to 141. film researcher Stephen follows found that a film's budget has a strong correlation 0.744 Pearson correlation for you nerds to his projected gross return quite simply the studios understand that spending money makes money and mid-budget films don't fit into this equation the industry was starkly different in 2007 four of the best picture nominees fell into the mid-budget category No Country for Old Men 25 million atonement 30 million There Will Be Blood 25 million and Michael Clayton 21. before streaming disrupted entertainment movies in the 15 to 70 million dollar range showcased creative experimentation sure 2007 still had its big franchises the top box office performers included Spider-Man 3 Shrek III Transformers Pirates of the Caribbean at World's End and Harry Potter in the Order of Phoenix Hollywood knew its money makers but they weren't the only movies getting theatrical releases as far as Awards sure the academy still prefers historical and social issue dramas over Marvel and DC movies but today's Oscar Darlings must manage with smaller budgets last year's Best Picture Winner Coda cost 10 million while 2021's winner nomadland cost 5 million critically praised mid-budget films like the power of the dog mang and the trial of Chicago 7 got released directly to Netflix the kova 19 pandemic impacted those distribution decisions but the studios clearly lacked faith in their box office potential the Spike Lee's to five Bloods cost 40 million and he hoped for an early 2020 theatrical release but after struggling to secure a deal with a major Studio he had to partner with Netflix if a celebrated director like Spike Lee can't find a non-streaming distribution deal how will anyone make a studio back movie that doesn't feature Thanos or Jake Sully some of the most influential films of the last half century had medium-sized budgets Silence of the Lambs Shawshank Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and Raging Bull these just wouldn't get made today because Studio Executives would question their box office potential mid-budget films don't have the extravagance of larger budget movies or the quirky minimalism of Independence but they allow filmmakers to expand their creative palettes they've allowed directors like Paul Thomas Anderson and Steven Soderbergh to go from Scrappy up and comers to household names no actor has been more vocal about the demise of medium budget films than Matt Damon he referred to those 20 million to 70 million dollar movies as his bread and butter and he told the New York Times you need those roles to develop as an actor and build your career and those are gone films like Talented Mr Ripley Invictus and the informant would get released as streaming miniseries in today's entertainment landscape Damon believes the ability to penetrate International markets explains why Studio was prioritized superhero Blockbusters the number of Chinese movie screens has grown from just under 5 000 in 2009 to over 82 000 by 2021. superhero movies are easily translatable across cultures because of their striking visuals and simplistic plots foreign countries might not show interest in a Coen Brothers portrayal of the 1960s folk music scene or an Adam McKay biopic of a former vice president the existence of international markets like China India South Korea and Mexico combined with the ancillary Revenue made from merchandising explains why comic book franchises and action-adventure fantasy remakes have taken over Hollywood Damien chazelle should be a household name as a prodigy in directing the same way the public viewed Quentin Tarantino in the mid 90s and JJ Abrams in the mid-2000s but the shifting Hollywood landscape has diminished his movie making opportunities his first feature film Whiplash was met with critical Acclaim and two years later he directed La La Land to similar acclaim shazelle's next film first man again won over the critics but only made 107 million on a 59 million dollar budget and he no longer had a blank check from the studios naturally his next move was Netflix where he directed Two episodes of the show The Eddie anytime movies with the 15 million to 70 million dollar range fail it only gives the Studio's justification to avoid them in 2019 Warner Brothers gave the kitchen a 38 million dollar budget with a stellar cast featuring Melissa McCarthy Tiffany haddish and Elizabeth Moss this crime drama would have easily made 100 million in the 80s or 90s but it flopped grossing only 19. take Seth Rogen once a box office draw with movies like knocked up super bad and Neighbors in 2019 he was given 40 million dollars to make long shot and although the reviews were positive its 53 million dollar gross fell short of Studio projections the studios can stomach a big budget superhero or fantasy remake failure the confoundingly expensive solo a Star Wars story had a 275 million dollar budget but was considered a box office flop but not all flops are the same and this one was still profitable after grossing 393 million Marvel lost 100 million dollars on 2019's dark Phoenix but when Avengers end game Spider-Man far from home and Captain Marvel each grossed over a billion that same year they offset the box office bomb mid-budget movies aren't the economic powerhouses they used to be legal drama is Like A Few Good Men Coming of Age dramedies like Dead Poets Society and romantic comedies like the proposal have migrated from theater to streaming platforms today's Big Five Studios Disney Columbia Universal Paramount and Warner Brothers all rely on familiar genres to make money today's social media cancel culture serves as a quasi-production code that limits the Studio's appetite for risk the big five don't draw inspiration from ambitious production companies like a24 and Annapurna pictures instead we get an assembly line style of Film Production [Music] the assembly line style of Film Production eventually died by the early 70s as directors like Martin Scorsese Steven Spielberg and Francis Ford Coppola sparked a creative revolution getting increased control over their films without Studio interference to escape this current creative rut to escape this current creative rut Hollywood must Empower a new generation of filmmakers and it luckily has a whole television industry to steal from with inventive comedies like Quinta brunson's Abbott Elementary foby Waller Bridges fleabag and Issa Ray's insecure TV is showing Hollywood how the showrunners of today are like the directors of the 70s these three along with Donald Glover Ryan Murphy Shonda Rhimes Vince Gilligan Kenya Barris Jen statsky and Mindy Kaling are among the most Innovative voices in entertainment for the film industry to be more than just superhero chaos it must give movie making opportunities to these types of showrunners although this video has exclusively discussed the decline of medium-sized films there are several examples of mid-budget success stories yes the tie-in the knives out is coming crazy Rich Asians 30 million dollar budget 238 million dollar growth Hustlers 20 million dollar budget 157 million dollar gross and hidden figures 25 million dollar budget 236 million gross these films have proven that mid-budget movies can succeed with the proper backing and the biggest success of all 2019's Knives Out made 311 million on only a 40 million dollar budget this Whimsical murder mystery with a deep cast and long time but unknown director is the type of film that Studios regularly release from 1970 to 2010 critical success audience success and tremendous box office draw Johnson was nominated for an Oscar for best original screenplay Knives Out could have been the film to reignite the passion for mid-budget Cinema and create a new wave of imaginative medium-sized films to get made instead Netflix bought the rights to the franchise for a staggering 450 million dollars [Music] no God no God please no no yes Netflix is punking down an astounding 450 million for the rights to knives out two and knives out three that doesn't even include the cost to actually make the film so yeah the title of this video isn't quite accurate it should have been titled Knives Out may have had the potential to reignite the craving for mid-budget Cinema within audiences but instead was purchased by a major streaming service thus further conditioning audiences to stay at home for their content consumption but that title just doesn't have the same ring to it you know what I mean Netflix purchasing this film I think is a far more depressing precedent than many believe I don't blame Ryan at all for taking the deal I mean always take what you can negotiate I just hate the fact that great original films will probably always end up on these streamers unless they're made by creators like Cameron Nolan or Tarantino that seem to put the Cinematic experience above all and selfishly I'm sad that I won't be able to see the knives out sequel in a theater or own the Blu-ray one day the first Knives Out was such a fun experience unraveling the mystery as an audience in the theater and watching it on Netflix just won't hit the same but not all hope is lost Jordan peel and Greta Gerwig are two of Hollywood's most sought after directors and they've proven the economic upside of mid-budget films in 2019 peels us made 255 million on a 20 million dollar budget while gerwig's Little Women made 218 million on a 40 million budget both come from non-traditional backgrounds for directors as Gerwig was a writer and an actress for a decade while peel was an improv and sketch comedy performer for the studios to produce quality Cinema they must identify Ai and Empower creators while big budget films attain Global popularity and independent films build intimate connections with Niche audiences the mid budgets are the type of movies that make us fall in love with cinema cinema has the power to Spotlight social inequities give voice to the voiceless and critically engage with Antiquated Norms I also believe that everything kind of comes full circle in an interesting way I think eventually Mass audiences will begin to get a bit fatigued of only seeing big budget Blockbusters and with the absence of these creative mid-budget Endeavors there will become a craving for them that Hollywood Executives will capitalize on don't get me wrong there will always be a place for the big budget spectacle as well I just think sprinkling in some more diversity will be welcomed by the masses I also think along with the names of Jordan Peele Greta Gerwig among many others Executives will also allow these voices to make their films the way they choose I mean directors have become the modern A-list Stars the new Christopher Nolan directed biopic Oppenheimer its trailer just released and got like a billion views in the first 24 hours that's crazy for the type of film it is and just goes show that our tours will always stand the test of time in a climate where getting original films produced is more difficult than ever maybe I'm being overly optimistic but the business of film and the power of film don't have to be incompatible in my opinion guys thank you so much for watching the video If you hung into the end thank you so much I would love to know your thoughts on everything what are your thoughts on streaming platforms original films the lack of mid-budget Cinema my click bait title whatever it is comment below let me know again if you enjoyed the video it would mean the world if you could drop a like and maybe subscribe to the channel thank you so much for the support and I'll see you for the next video [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: REKRAP
Views: 3,234,209
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 18sec (918 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 29 2022
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