When SCAMMERS don't believe they can be HACKED!

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one of the most satisfying things is accessing a scammer's computer what's even more satisfying than that is when a scammer believes that they're too smart to get hacked only to end up getting hacked we got on the computer we got on the computer I'm going to show you guys in one second feels good feel I'm going to call him back and tell him I see your freaking banking transactions now the scam call center that I want to show you caught me trying to access the system twice my gosh again it's a voice changer perogi are you perogi I mean the cat's out of the bag all right a little bit of extra salt in the wound here now the scammers can't block me if they wanted to move on from you they could but they can't do that to me I can call them over and over again and with a little bit of persistence I actually gain access to one of their systems here's where it gets bad for the scammer this is where it gets really bad now they're going to catch me but it's too little too late I've got the dude's name his bank statements and he even ends up begging me not to put this on YouTube where is shanaz I want to speak with shanaz shanaz I want to cancel the Norton LIF service Shaz please don't upload any video on YouTube so we're going to put this on [Music] YouTube if you've been watching my videos for a while you probably get the drill by now these guys are pretending to be The Geek Squad which they're not they're going to connect to my fake bank account and pretend to give me a refund so what we're going to do is fast forward the part where the manager is on the phone and he's not very happy with me okay so right now we're going to directly go ahead and cancel that gig Squad services so do you remember the refund amount what was your refund amount well on my phone here it says $349.99 is that you on the screen we are here to help I know are you we are the I know it says bill is that you what are you Bill is that you no okay what happened sir it's not sir it's ma'am oh let me show you something okay right now as we are cancelling the service okay let me show it to you this is the service okay which we are cancelling okay let me show it to you oops are you trying to touch it no the last gentleman told me not to touch the mouse last gentleman you were talking to the same guy oh well you have a higher pitch voice than the other gentleman okay that sounds good what's an alternate shell what's an alternate sh wasting my time wait what are you doing wasting my time what are you doing you I'm messing with your computer why please no honestly please stop please stop seriously put it back to normal okay please what are you doing safe boot what is this stop no stop it what are you doing stop no stop please who's a man who's a men huh your father you son is are you a man is that who you are aen you don't like when I called you by your name ien a m i n i mean more of his name oh you restarted my computer why did you restart my computer because I want to your mother you know the beautiful thing is I'm back on my dang computer immediately it you restarted it and you think that you did something but I'm back on my computer can you believe that all right it's great it's great it's great it's great it is great good news for you it is great yeah definitely I thought that you messed my computer up but you're not a technical persons so you don't know what you're doing no no no absolutely not absolutely Amed so what is your YouTube channel name right do you think that everybody has to have a YouTube channel yeah it's right now it's very common yeah what's your YouTube channel you're not one of those guys that like you know saves a bunch of people and helps them no I I'm not interested on that yeah you seem like somebody that's more of like a chore you know what chore means right right yeah definitely teth Tom tomb Cho what would that mean mute kaban too please okay please stop putting me on mute excuse me please stop cursing me tamado m okay all right beta what does it I said I'm your daddy betaa beta no beta that's what you are you're my son and you don't speak to your father this way beta come on beta come on you can talk to me I know your friends right next to you just speak just speak to me okay perogi are you perogi I mean the cat's out of the bag mhm yeah so right now what is your exactly point oh uh don't talk about like anything nonsense just come too straight to the point what do you want to say I don't have anything to say to you then why you wasting the time I'm not wasting any to do yeah my my job is to call people like you up never mind hang up the phone all right we're going to call him again hello hello yeah hello yes I'm looking for The Geek Squad customer team my gosh again it's a voice Cher dud try something how did you know oh my gosh do you watch you how did you know honestly you were really smart next call please call me back with the next uh uh some new you know okay something new okay bye bye all right bye no you hang up hang up now this guy thinks that he's got me but what I've learned over the years is that I'm very persistent what I did realize was these guys had some type of call forwarding system so they could not really get rid of me I could keep calling in over and over again and get them on the phone so at the end of the day really what these guys have are just two options they can keep picking up the phone and having to deal with me over and over and over again or they can ask ask somebody to shut down the phone number I'm going to take advantage of the system and this call forwarding process that they have and literally just call them nonstop until I get on one of their systems and the rule of thumb here for all the scammers watching is if you want me to get on your computer literally just make me angry now while I take information to try to expose these scumbags there are hackers and scammers all around the world that are trying to take your information to sell it on the dark web our security partner Aura deals with the threat of your personal information being spread maliciously on online and again guys this is foundational to protecting your identity they provide a ton of value around fraud monitoring AV password management all wrapped into a single application and they'll go out onto the dark web and look for all of your information things like emails passwords phone numbers addresses Social Security numbers you name it not trying to scare you or anything but this has happened to me before and I'm sure it is either going to happen to you or has happened to you in the past so it's really important identity theft is such a common theme in our lives and and actually every 14 seconds there's a new victim to the tune of about $1,000 on average head on over to aura.com payback for a 2E free trial you can even put your own information in your family's information in and see what's out there so you can protect yourself today I think it's pretty important to know what's out there so let's get back into the call and see what we can find on these guys I am their hero thanks for calling support how are you doing today yes ma'am um I'm actually looking for the customer care team yes ma'am you talking to the right person then okay I was just on with with David um he has me on this nine digigit code do you mind do I give this code to you what do I need to be doing with this yeah can you tell me the can you tell me the numbers ma'am can you tell me the numbers yeah one second um on your screen ma'am it should be saying like I'm aware of the risk can you see that um yes it says customer there's a box here do I click on that yeah first click on the box ma'am and then you need to click on accept now it says customer for yes ma'am that's me okay it says possible scam detected do I hit this accept button underneath yeah click on that accept I did that and it says um it says awaiting any desk confirmation do I hit accept yeah click on accept ma'am you can click on accept now now what do I click on you don't need to do that ma'am okay just uh your screen is flashing I think okay ma'am so now I'm going to call my David okay I'm going to call him and you can talk to you're going to call David David ma'am D yeah ma'am don't don't wor okay who is who is that okay uh you you will uh you can I'm sorry just hold on okay just hold on uh you can talk to David okay I'm going to hang up this call you can talk to David right now okay okay oh baby I didn't get to do everything didn't get to do everything so really quickly what happened we got on the computer we got on the computer I'm going to show you guys in one second feels good it feel I'm going to call him back and tell him I'm gonna call him back and tell him so you guys know that I absolutely love confronting scammers you know getting the information from their computers looking through the information while we waste their time and then hitting them with it at the very end and here we didn't get a bunch of files but we got some interesting files from the scammer we were able to get the name of the scammer Shan he had a Shaz master sheet and actually looked like this was information on Indian Nationals that they were making calls into and possibly doing scams and we've heard a lot of times in comments on social media and even comments in our YouTube videos that scammers are not just going after the Us and other countries but they go after their own folks in India which is pretty sickening it's really sad and then also there was some kind of bank statement that was showing all these cash transactions there was a trading company that it 100% looked to me like they were l undering money it was a lot of money guys and then one of the final files I think it's best to just show you guys live when we did the confrontation in front of thousands of people just to see our reaction and just everything unfold live as it happened man just call back on a different voice call back H and let us get on your computer hello ma'am hello is shanaz there it's Shaz yeah Shaz no sir nobody has named Shas whom do you want to talk Miss I want to talk with SH I want to talk with shanas no sir I'm really sorry I no I I see your banking transactions as well shenaz I see your freaking banking transactions shenaz don't freaking mess with me I see your banking transactions cash transactions default are these what are these transactions shenaz huh hello where is shanaz I want to speak with shanaz where's Shaz who is that sir it's my son Shaz is my son my name is perogi and you told me to call back with a different voice so I did and I'm on your computer right now I want to talk with shenaz and what are these transactions Shaz so you want to cancel that right yes I want to cancel Shaz I want to cancel the Norton lifel service Shaz please please don't upload any video on YouTube what is this horse what is this horse DreamWorks on your computer you want to eat whole that yeah well that's what that's what's on your computer I'm just curious what it is this was Shaz horse Dreamworks Animation was on your computer and your banking transactions my voice is squeaking I'm so excited you told me to call back from a different voice and I did and now I'm on your computer shenaz you think you're overs smart yeah he freaking think you're ever smart and I'm going to take your Dreamworks Animation photos off your computer scammers be warned you want to lose your horse photos oh my gosh dude shenaz look at these look at these Bank transactions I don't even know what this is I can't show all of this on the screen oh yeah jeez 50,000 yeah the total is like 20 comma 75 comma 9774 that's a lot right or no I would assume yeah actually would I want to have that instantly yes then it's a lot what is this the The Trading Company 2 million what 2 million rupees oh it was so good I love when they challenge me to to they're like calling at a different voice they're from luck now they're from luck now let's call them up again and ask them how luck now is treating them Shas Shas shanas is it shanas or shanas how is luck now treating you guys by the way they do not want to talk to me now at this point I wouldn't want to talk to me either after that I'm just saying I'm not going to lie but like let's just keep calling them because I think this is one of the call centers that it just keeps calling and they have to pick up no matter what hello I'm looking for customer support oh they're automatic hang up now but they have to they have to pick up every single time that makes me so happy oh they're just oh that's so good uh now they're just picking up and hanging up man they're so afraid right now oh my it makes me happy we'll call from another number oh they shut down oh they shut it down I I was trying my best to um they didn't have like a a lot of folders I was trying my best man that was uh that was great all I was trying to do is get a couple inides calls and then we get these guys listen nothing better than a little Bank information and a DreamWorks Force to really round out the really round out the stream oh man that is something else
Channel: Scammer Payback
Views: 1,792,278
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pw0WqqBrT-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 49sec (889 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 15 2023
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