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so a question that I get asked a lot for some reason is when will you do a face reveal and does a lot of you probably already know I've shown my face many times actually if you follow me on my Instagram or my Twitter then you're probably very familiar with my face already like it's so easy to find but people still ask or they go is that actually you and I realize now maybe it's because a lot of people have like an official face reveal YouTube video and I never made one so people just assume I've never shown my face so here I made one so now you can stop asking me damn here you go a face reveal but it looks like I'm not wearing the right outfit for this so one second tada now I am officially on brand contrary to what you may have been led to believe I am saddened to report that I do not in fact look like an anime character in real life as much as I'd love to unfortunately I am instead cursed with this flesh prison I call a real human body by the way that giant blanket was gifted to me by chilli Panda and it is one of the best gifts I've ever received in my entire life thank you those of you who for some reason suspected I was a 16 year old Caucasian girl surprised I even fact a 23 year old Korean American woman a lot of you already knew that though so here I am standing next to my pride and joy and also my other pride and joy and honestly was one of the best days of my entire life and yet that was basically my official face reveal that I feel like I didn't have to make but I did anyway so it's there yeah bye i'ma go work on stuff enjoy these bloopers okay bye [Music]
Channel: Emirichu
Views: 8,475,010
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: emirichu, emirichu face reveal, face reveal
Id: -GzJgShq-pw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 16sec (136 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2019
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