When is it Too Much Cats? (asking for a friend, it’s me, I’m the friend) LEGO build using only cats?

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hi welcome back sometimes you just need a dopamine hit and today I have got all my cats and we are going to head straight into crazy cat lady territory with a to much cats build or too many cats if we we're going with better grammar but we're not going to we're just going to have we're going to have too it's too much cats too much no still bad so I have collected as many cat like theme things as I could from my Lego collection I've got all of my cats here we got grumpy chunka cat we've got variation on Grumpy chunka Cat oh my goodness we're going to I don't even know where to start to be honest I mean we start with the cats right the cats are the main feature here and I have a lot of them and like often happens when you have a lot of something you don't I don't know quite where to start because we have I have I have too many I am that crazy cat lady I love these ones these ones came from like all the different colored on oh I have two yellow ones how do I end up with two yellow ones these came from the uh the blind box things the cubes the cat cubes there's a gold one there somewhere too cuz there were gold and bronze ones I collected all the colorful ones and some of the others some of the others I just had one off for each flavor yes cuz cats are 100% flavored speaking of flavors that was a little bit speaking of flavors what are all the different styles of cat we have in Lego so far so we have the forward facing one we have grumpy chonka we have this sideways one which was the first style to come no we're not doing Minecraft ones today they're kind of no they're too big they're going to be too big I'm sorry I'm going to exclude them we have these yeah the sideway one which was the first Lego friend ones we have these we have snowball which is like in its own kind of L snowball too from The Simpsons we've got the standy upy cat we've got the crouchy forward cat which is like from Belleville and we've got some kitten variations too so we've got the friend style kitten and we have got a City Style kitten both cute in their own their own unique ways so these are all the different styles of cats that we have so far they come in all different colors and patternings but I still I really think and I 3D printed one earlier this year we really need an I know where to put it though we really need a like a line curled up sleepy cat so this is the one that I made which is nowhere nearly as cute as a proper Lego one but I want I want a legit Lego variation of a sleeping cat because that's what cats do for 23 hours and 50 minutes of the day so I mean it's like it's normal and it's it's yeah it's a little bit more realistic anyway all right so this is where we're starting now if we want like themed cat stuff thanks to the Gabby House theme happening we have got so many cute things which got like cats just plasted all over them like Kawaii cute cats so we got so many places that we can actually start with this there are also all of the characters that came with the Gabby's dollhouse stuff and we've got all of the uni Kitty stuff to all of these faces these 3x one blocks these bricks that have got uni Kitty faces on them so I'm going to just literally plaster these all over the build so that's s to be that's going to be eye everywhere cat eyeballs everywhere staring at you not creepily we're going to make characters too so we can kind of mix and match the Gabby The Gabby mini dolls because we came with they came with like three different variations which is so good got a minifigure cat here which I'm going to we're just going to look at but I'm going to put to the side cuz it's just a little bit creepy just doesn't it's not going to work for what I want to be ultimately very cute a happy build couple of hair pieces with cat ears already on them of course we got Pandy Paws we could like use panty PA's head too if we wanted to maybe oh this top and this bottom aren't matched up not that it matters but just going to put things back the way they originally were let's put together oh and yeah we've got mer Kitty wow we do have so many good choices now and two cat hair pieces in two different colors and all of these ones which are like a cut minted minted cut printed mirror or a port hole all right okay let's make a character let's start with one so this shirt actually came from Emma it's so cute it was so quiet and I just love this bottom with the socks I just think they look so cute together so this is where we are starting and I mean this is obviously Emma so we're going to put Emma in it's this is going to be like a variation on our OG Lego friend Emma girl let's do some different hair though because I just love this new hairpiece and uh I mean it's black so it's just like Emma's got a new hair hairstyle and we're going to use these these Gabby ear so cuz it Doesn't all go so nicely so cute and it's not armor anymore now because we've compiled all sorts of things so this is Kitty we've got a kitty as our first character for this build well I'm not stopping it just one because we got so many other hairpiece choices so if one wanted to use this turquoise one with the black ears let's find going going straight to the Head go heads first heads first Tails second Tails oh my goodness I mean I can't really make a tail because all the tals are made for Minifigures but I could have physically made one I do have a cattail somewhere which I made for uh chat Noir somewhere oh okay I need to dig that out but maybe not let's stick with this let's go with this top and maybe something different on the bottom that's not quite as cat themed maybe we'll just do this one because this ties in nicely with the hair so just need a little bit Yeah I need just a little bit of a tie in so we've got Kitty and Tabby cuz this one's now called Tabby and we can make a boy character too because the torsos for the Gabby Playhouse are you know unisex we can use them on either so this fantastic rainbow top and if I want to use oh see if I want to use like a traditionally short boy hairpiece I had the almost none of them had accessory holes in the top which is so disappointing cuz boys like accessories too they like to accessorize or if they don't they should cuz it's really fun so this one this hairpiece actually has this like beautifully product to do to the side it's got a hole in it so I can put cat ears in there so this guy's name is going to be Alan because it's Turkish for lion we got Kitty a land and Tabby and they're ready for me to make a cat or what a cat something a cat themed Bonos build so I always wanted to do a cat cafe but I just I don't want to make it sensible this is this has got to be this has got to be just full of nuts so my native how I normally roll all of these sensible builds I've been doing L lately with the Taylor Swift stuff no it's time for something absolutely ridiculous so dragging in as many things as I can already that have come from once again Gabby's dollhouse thanks very much for all of these pieces this one oh where did the ears go for this I I took them off for some reason I don't know we need to put the ears back on we got all these printed little faces which are just perfect little printed cat faces so we're going to have big furniture cat pieces um and we've got this which came off the cat Hotel Lego Friends cat hotel but I'm going to just change it up a bit because even though I said you know cats sleep 90 90 something point something per of the day like like 110% of the day are going to change this up so that it is awake so we're going to have little little eyes and one of these cute little snout pieces with like blowing bubbles and there's going to be cat here on the corner I put a jumper start over here on the corner and this is going to be like a focal piece at some stage up on the wall of our Cat Cafe yeah all right already I mean the colors are not going to be matching at all I'm not sticking with any color theme here cuz it's no color scheme because we're sticking with a theme yeah a cat theme so we need a door with a cat door in it which is this one's perfect let's put because this is going to be facing inside we put the handle on the no that does not work dang I really hoped it would we'll put that on the out oh well we can actually just turn it so that it can be facing this way so it can open inwards and then we can see the really cool handle and then the cut door can open inwards and hopefully it won't knock other no it'll be fine let's put this yeah there we go so we got Daisy either the ginger or is sticking out of the door there let's put this Cloud tree cut thing here as and we'll use it as a prominent part of the wall uh this can go over the door yeah I'm just kind of shoving things together here to see how it all hopefully it will all come together so we need these supports on either side so it doesn't just overhang weirdly uh and now we might actually just put this yeah we could oh I was hoping that would hold those two bits together let's get the fridge together so this is going to be over in the Kitchen Side of our Cat Cafe so in here we need some cat nums so we got a drumstick but it has to be raw cuz you can't give cats uh yeah you can't give cats cooked chicken bone cuz it shatters in their throats bad and cheese not sure why it's cuz I like cheese and milk because apparently cats love milk well they do love milk but you're not supposed to give it to them it's all so sad really my poor cats they miss out okay pop this over here and now I think it's time to yes to to bind these two base plates together so if I just put these down over here these little jumper tiles we'll utilize them later but I want to make a big cat path all the way down uh from from from the door to the edge and we're going to use these which are traditionally supposed to be pet Treats but in this case they're actually you know por prints cuz that's what they actually have on them por prints so if I randomly put these artistically randomly all the way all the way to the end and then I fill up whatever I haven't filled there with some nice turquoise tiles and then it becomes like a really cute little carpetyoutube too from The Simpsons this one's called um Bianca no hold on the one on the Top's called bian I've already okay I'm going to call them schury flury and plsy are here on the cat tree nice work flury schury flury is the one with the with the mohawk mohawk flury these fabulous cat scratched armchairs also have just come out of the cat Hotel I'm transplanting a whole heap of stuff I've changed up the seat itself just to put a like a cute little stickered seat on there but apart from that it's all exactly the same we're going to put this directly in front of this pink bit that we've got and then we can just put another little cat face above there that it's such a cute little cat chair okay and bring in in Pandy Paws wo okay it's already absurd I I love it over here another kind of cat scratching post Tre thing and this one came out of I am out of yeah out of the actual Gabby's dollhouse so just changed up the color scheme a bit cuz I haven't really got any uh any Coral in it and on the top we have got lavender the lavender cat a maybe I should call it like Pinky the lavender cat cuz that would be confusing on this door on this wall over here we're going to yeah we're going to put in some big bits just to fill up yeah to take up some nice substantial space to start with cuz down here we're not going to see what's down low cuz we're going to be putting couches in front of it but this is going to be the uni Kitty feature wall here we go and we're also going to have like some jumping up points so it's kind of like a cat staircase too so they can be perched up high and they can use it to the get themselves up high you know like from platform to platform you understand you got it oh my gosh so going to stagger in these uni Kitty thingies and have some little forward facing studs too because I also have some really cute little cat portra things that we can put on the wall as well as the uni Kitty uni Kitty face as it's going to to be absolutely yeah it's going to be cluttered this whole build is going to be cluttered it is definitely going to reach too much catmax 100 100% okay all right so trying to just I'm just trying to make sure that these cat faces are staggered so I'm just putting random bits of pink in between them two oh I got this really cute printed tile from yeah use the little cat like party one from Emma's something from one of the Emma sets oh I've got a few of them they turned up in a few in a few sets Okay and getting going up here another we can put another one on here which is also from all of these paintings are an themed I wonder if we're going to see much more cats oh my gosh my grammar is awful but it doesn't matter many more cats from the uh from the new Lego Friends line okay we've got just a couple more holes to fill here another platform so the cats can get all the way up to the top of what's going to be like a like the they can climb to the top of the wall and hang out on the top of the wall because I'm not going to put a roof on this because I'm too lazy okay so let's install Some Cuts in here so we have got we've got Ginger mags over here looking really really cross and on the side here we've got happy Larry and then one of the weeny little kitties this one's called mson and this purple one is called titles and then the gray one up here is called gray cuzz his owner was very unoriginal but just so very very loved coral one on the very top has got yeah aspirations of grander we're going to call it tiger now along the top we're going to put some more tree in the same color scheme as the as the rainbow tree at the back with all of the the the the fairy lights on it too so if we make it Lilac and pink and then we just kind of hang a little little see-through studs underneath they'll look like fairy lights and they're in the same color scheme as yeah as as a rainbow cloud tree thing it's just all going to tie in really nicely and they can use this tree then to also walk along all the way across the all across the top of the walls all the way oh I did warn you it was going to be nuto so don't say I didn't it was 100% transparent up front Okay that's so cute more cats let's install some more cats up here uh we're going to have this little little one called called caramel and this one with the two different colored ey called Todd and we've got the yellow one whose name is sunshine of course of course he is looking at his kitties there are so many are there too many yet not yet all right over here is our seating area for the cafe so we're going to make a whole heap more couches are they for the people who are visiting or are they for the cats you choose I mean where really they're for the cats this all these catches going to be for the kitties so this one I'm just kind of putting something there I don't have another scratched scratched up couch kind of stickery thing so I'll just put something nice and load to the ground we've got a little spot on the side where we can attach attach a cat nice and safely so we can have one on the arm this one oh this one actually has a name I can't remember I don't know what it was but I'm going to call this one cinnamon roll cuz he's cute just want to num him all up and this this couch came out of the cat hotel with all the scratches on the back this one's a lovely comfy like sprawly couch and this has got oh he has a name too his chocolate bar he's adorable there not his proper name but this is the I'm renaming all the cats for our too much cats builded okay all right we put this in here we'll put chocolate bar on his CO's deliciously comfortable sofa here and then next to here got some more places on the ground for pillows and like rugs and fabulous places for kitties to hang out cuz they just love they like being up high but they also like being on soft comfortable things all right table here cuz it is Cafe so we need to have some snacks on the table people snacks not cat snacks though we really should probably have a whole table for cats for cat snacks anyway cuz it's a table with food on it of course there is a cat on it so chunka cat is now hanging out on this table really close to all the food certainly like violating all the health regulations but it's a cat cafe what are you going to do I'm trying to stick that down again okay it's good we're good we're good we need another little seat over here off to the side so just a cute little one nice and then if I put some feet on it I'm just sticking with The Pastels cuz The Pastels are just coming naturally to me to match all this color scheme here and then I can pop it yeah that's good and we can put pinky on here pinky malinky all right in the front section we've got our Cloud table and on the cloud table actually we won't put anything on the cloud table yet we'll put some cushions down here first a whole stack of cushions and then we can use that as a seat too but we'll need one more seat over there for kind of the midle e section and this one yeah I've got no more little scratchy things we're just shoving we're shoving seeds together and they're just so haphazard but they're also so funky and cute because that just fits the whole theme with all the kawaii stuff with a confetti on the sticker for this one okay uh oh we're going to need some food here too so maybe this one we just got a bubble tea over here and then because it's a table with food on it we need to put a cat on it too so we got Smokey on this one and then over here on this this chair is Miss Daisy no we've already got a daisy Miss Miss petunia and we've got snarky cat and in the corner we have got fire Ranger oo who wants to let me name their cats I'm so good at it okay okay so we've got little boxes with cat faces on it so we'll put a fish in this and then we'll bring in snowball 2 Simpson snowball 2 the slightly deranged looking cat to nibble on that and now we need to make the food preparing area surrounded by cats so sanitary and we'll pop this as actually this might be our front the front serving table thing still I mean still we're just surrounded by cats a red ball for playing with and then in front we can put another little box here and this can have some cat toys in it but we'll we'll we'll put them together in let's put in some let's put in the the oven kind of thing oven the cookie bit so this this oven came out of Leo's room so still got some cake in it so it's perfect we got some cake baking and then weirdly enough we're going to have cats all the way around but not not in the oven cuz that would be entirely entirely unethical and wrong so we have got little one down the bottom we got turquoise monkey at the very top in the drawer I just love how the kittens fit in the drawers it's adorable I would have just like filled all the drawers with kittens but it would have been pretty boring but I just love the kittens in the drawer okay we need a cake display because it's a cafe so we're going to need some cakes don't know how many of these I can actually make that will be cat them but we do have this really cool printed sleepy face so we can use that as the top of the display so that works right as a cat yeah as a cut thing and this came from once again the Gabby's dollhouse thingies and we're going to make this into like a layered sponge cake yum a purple purple and chocolate sponge cake and we'll make some more really really Quai colored yeah really colorful delicious looking cakes so maybe a little cupcake too just to mix up the variety and oh we what we need to make a prepared like chocolate layer cake like the one that's actually in the oven so here's one that's we've pre-prepared pre-prepared all there and of course we got kakei so we've got one sitting there on a platter and we've got kakei so they're already ready so let's put the rest of these on the shelf that doesn't fit I need to maybe put it down here I don't know why I thought it would fit on the bottom shelf but it didn't fit on the top shelf they're exactly the same height H that's just we'll just leave it there and hope that it fits yeah okay and pop this cake down up here and then the other little cupcake down here but yeah I need to I need to just pop it in and see how it looks in situ now look at that it's bending backwards down on the bottom I need to just take this bit off here and add another 4x1 turquoise plate just so that it sits up just a tiny little bit higher and then everything fits in nicely should have done that initially going to change these around so I can see the really colorful one here at the front it's display piece it's spectacular and then uh next to there we can actually have oh this really cool printed piece with yeah it's a kitchen printed piece it's from Gaby's dollhouse too and it's just perfect for this with all of the confetti and the little cat Eary bits on it just moving this table out of the way very difficulty difficultly so that we can see what I'm doing behind it cuz we have built in this space so much it's like so clotted you can't see and this could would have so I could make a sink but that would be boring I mean sinks are functional and you need them to keep things clean but that's not what we're here for we're here for snacks and delicious cat things so speaking of delicious cat things I did mention that we needed some cat treats so these which were um P prints before and now doubling is cat treats got a whole Bowl here of cat treats which you could just like stick your hand in and grab one and give them to the kitties and then over here on the other side we have another cookie jar with cookies for the people these sugar cookies which just make me so hungry for sugar cookies I really really want one and there's a space in the middle for another kitty Alice Alice the kitty okay all right I mean having cats nestled in amongst the food is absolutely revolting but this is make belie so hush all right I want to put I want to put this on the top so I'm going to need to space this out a little bit better so if I move that over one then I can then I can Center the big cat thing in the middle of it I think so if we put this over here on this side for support uh I think it probably needs to go up one can I just put it on the top and nobody will notice that there's like a one by one plate missing off there no I'll know I'll know that it's I'll know that it's not there so I'll just take that off and I'll put it on and there we go now my heart will be happy you can't see it but I really didn't need to do that but it's done now okay so now we have our big cat face on the top let's reinstall of our cookies M touch all the sugar cookies I want to have them like the print facing forward cuz otherwise it's not very interesting to look at it's so cute though look at that okay over here we need cat food we're going to need an awful lot of cat food so we've got a few different boxes from from many different years of collecting cat stuff including this one which was new this year so that's really cool once again came out of the cat Hotel I just love that we got a cat Hotel it's so good everything's been dog themed before it's nice to have a kitty one uh put our table back in So if this is the front like the servery table oh come on I know Snowball fits under here like I can just kind of nestle her ear under perfect okay so we need a cash register and we're going to put our delicious cake here ready cakey up here on top of the cash register teapot over here cuz you got to have Cups of Tea at a cat cafe and this little uni Kitty tail and a little Eerie kind of thing makes the idea of a cat and in the cat treat no the cat toy area we've got like a tassle play thing so we can put that in the box when we're not using it but at the moment asan's popped in to have a bit of a play here with Sandy tan Sandy tan the kitty yeah look at them they're having so much fun and we'll put another ball in there cuz he can never have enough balls they always end up underneath underneath the entertainment unit anyway and we have got suti in the kitchen as well and then up on the top here I'm going to have to pause for breath at some stage up on the top there are spaces for some more jumper studs to have some more cats so we have got little blinky a linky and we have got aquam Min and Mad Max with his Mohawk up the top okay all right my gosh do we have enough cats in here I think there's room for a few more let's just receip the kitty over here with the cookies uh this's room down here for for little monkey cat and then I just don't think we can fit any more in I really don't I think this is absolutely absurd and I love it it's so it's so Bonkers guys but there's room for just one more there's always room for one more oh my goodness all right so did we reach cat saturation kitty kitty Max for our build today I think we did I like I mean I say there might be there room for one more and there probably is but at this stage everywhere I look I see cats so I think tick we have successfully fulfilled the brief for this build and I am just absolutely delighted look do any kitties or make sure you subscribe leave me a comment which one was your favorite cat I don't remember the name so it'll be fun uh yeah and do all the things check back in cuz more videos are coming up soon so I will see you then good bye
Channel: ellieV
Views: 1,777,136
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: family friendly, how to build, lego for teens, lego building ideas, adult lego collector, afol, lego review, no swearing, speed build, too much, single colour build, too many cats, crazy cat lady, build challenge, gabby's dollhouse, cat names
Id: Ep4rxwAQBdU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 14sec (1514 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 02 2023
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