Building the ultimate backyard cubby house in Lego!

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hello welcome to lev toys okay so this is stephanie's house this is the original stephanie's house which was released in 2017 it is not in the original condition because i have renovated it over the years i've added a toddler's room for little stephanie and a bedroom for the parents because the parents never get a bedroom so i always like to add one to each of the lego friends houses however that's not why we're here today today we're actually looking at stephanie's house so this is also stephanie's house this was released this year in 2020 and it is a junior version of stephanie's house and i think it's you know stephanie now has two houses which is nice for stephanie she's obviously a mogul of the real estate industry but i thought that this house would actually be perfect because it's like a smaller version of the big house it would be perfect to turn into a deluxe dream house playhouse for a little version of stephanie so we're gonna turn this into the backyard playhouse the most deluxe one you've ever seen with all of the things that everybody would ever have wanted in a playhouse when they were little that's available in lego so let's see how we're gonna go with this so we'll take away the big proper stephanie's house and we're going to take our junior version and we're going to de-junior it a bit we're going to get rid of stephanie and we're going to get rid of a mum in the bike and dash because they're not involved in this build and this is for little stephanie so our miniature version our younger version of stephanie which i made her as a toddler quite a little while ago make sure you check that out if you haven't seen how i made the toddler mini dolls so right so where do we start down here in the bottom section we can actually leave a lot of this as it already is because you'd have a play kitchen in in a backyard playhouse for kids you'd have you know boxes of place cereal and you definitely have like a wooden egg and plastic saucepans and all those sort of things and you know this might be a a plushy croissant down here in fact that's what it is now not might be it is now a plushy croissant here in the oven so all of the play food but we're going to add to this so it's a good start we're going to keep the kitchen but we're going to move these i don't know if i'm going to use that but we're going to move these out just for now and we'll see what else we're going to put in so first up we need storage for all of the toys that are going to go in here so we're going to put a crate here a nice big one because we're going to be putting so many things in here so let's see we need some plastic plates with food already printed on them like it comes in kids toys and we need hot we're going to need a plastic spatula because obviously if we've got a pretend egg we need to be able to pretend to flip it while we're doing our pretend play and uh yep we need some forks so that we can have a pretend dinner party with the friends or with her friends with her because she's got a massive plushy collection if you remember from stephanie's toddler room and we got knives and we need an egg because it just makes sense to have an egg to pretend to crack into the frying pan and because you know random toys just end up in all the boxes to be tidied up we're going to put in a blue teddy bear and a fairy wand just in here with all the kitchen stuff so not perfectly sorted but nice and tidily stored and that's what parents really like to see okay in this corner over here i want to make a dress up like a dress up stand so these candle pieces are really really useful for stacking to make a nice big tall stem tubie kind of thing a stand it's going to be so if we put two of them into each other and put a stud on the bottom and then we put the flower spike on the top we can put this in the corner like a hat stand except oh okay so we've got because this is a junior's base plate it's got limited numbers of studs so we're just going to fill this out a bit so we can put this yeah in a better spot in the corner but i want to set it up just a little bit higher so let's put an upside down buckety kind of thing here and that's a good height for it oh looks great okay so now we can put some dress up clothes so some random capes and what what have we got right so nice bright yellow because that's one of stephanie's colors we'll put that on here and we need to have sparkles and pink because we just do and some butterfly wings blue butterfly wings and i've got another thing i want to put on but let's put in the corner first oh my goodness okay that's adorable and they're actually sticking out the window which is what would totally happen in a playhouse okay all right and a wizard's hat i want to put mickey's wizard's hat here as well so that's where obviously the the fairy one belongs over there but that's okay it's better to have it in the box so let's put this seat back in now and we can put the table back in too so that she can play she can play dinner or tea party or whatever here but i want to make these the cereal box and the milk box just a little bit more finished because it just bugs me to have the exposed studs on it so lavender tile on the top of the cereal box just makes it look that much more nice and a slanty cheese white piece on top of the milk makes it look gorgeous so we've got everything we need to have a pretend breakfast and i think we yeah i mentioned a tea party so let's have a teapot as well and we're going to need a cup but let's make it a plastic yeah not breakable cup that's really cute so she can serve tea to her teddy who can sit over here oh that's so good okay so we filled this space out so much more efficiently i think oh okay i love this i love the bottom level but deluxe playhouse hello we're going to work on a second story so because we got one and i don't know how much of this i actually want to keep so let's take some of these bits out because we don't need the separating wall we don't need i want a bit more space up here up high so i'm going to take these smooth tile pieces out and if we turn i want to turn this roofy bit around let's have a look what's happening on this side so okay all right all right okay i'm just thinking very slowly so i want to put these at the very front i think that's right so that i've got more room inside to put stuff up in kind of the roofy atticy area okay plans i've got plans for that so now i've made space for it but let's work out here let's actually put i cannot believe there's not an actual balcony out here so let's put one on and we'll make sure that the railing height is high enough to be safe for a toddler so it has to be chest height and so many two-story climbing houses like kids houses definitely have a balcony on them because they open up the top so this is perfect so this is really really cute we'll put some flowers over here and i have left a space here with a jumper stud to put a plastic binoculary thing up here up here out on the balcony that's really cute let's move the bed out of the way because now it's in the way of actually getting out onto the balcony and let's see how this is going to work look at that that's a whole bunch falling about it's perfect and yes it is just at chest height so safe for children perfect okay all right so we've got a balcony expo studs out here let's fix that let's let's put some mint pieces on here and smooth it over and i also want to put up here on either side of the windows some greenery some some flowery vines which actually are similar to what's on stephanie's proper house so this is like the the cuter version of what's on stephanie's house the rose vines so we got climbing flowers on either side of the windows oh my gosh all right that i really really like that okay let's head back inside and decide what we're gonna have not a toilet no play toilets in here and that can go to no dressing tables okay so oh all right so if i put up i want to tuck this just into the window so i'm going to need to just bring it up a bit so that i can hold it onto a little stud here just one stud and this is going to be this is gonna be the hospital the toy hospital so she's got her purple elephant out here and he has bumped his head so he gets that on his head and he gets a flower in his back because he's a toy and in front of that let's put i mean it wouldn't be much of a play area if we didn't have a cradle so for her toys this is so cute so we are using the cradle from the original lego friends hospital which had the maternity ward except it's exactly the same except i have ripped the the what are they called the wobbly bits on the bottom off the bits that make a rock the rockers so that we can actually attach it on here so here's her teddy we're gonna put a teddy in here he's getting some medical treatment so he needs his otoscope and these are all toy toy versions of the medical kit in fact i think i've got i'll put a medical kit down here too but before we do that let's put this over here uh this is obviously her previous patient which was a bunny a toy bunny who has apparently recovered but uh we haven't updated the information on the chart yet and we can put a baby's bottle here and then we can put the doctor's bag actually if we turn the bottle around we can fit them snugly together so the toy hospital is in this corner of the second level and here's one of her stuffies from her bedroom so we are filling this out i think that's enough on this side i don't think we can fit any more on here on the other side we're going to use a cloud table once again she's got a cloud table in her toddler bedroom so we're just doing a lot of mimicking here of things that we've already seen in her toddler bedroom but this is going to be a painting table because parents do not want you to paint in the house painting happens outside so this is perfect so she's got a green pot she's got a yellow pot of paint and this is the reason why painting goes on outside because you spill the paint so there is paint spilled oh let's use this let's use some dribbling down the edge so that we got the paint dribbled on the floor yeah no that looks terrible let's move that little dot off there and we'll just put it next to it and it's dribbling over the edge and i think maybe a little bit she might have dribbled just a little bit of the yellow paint let's put that here okay all right and that's why you don't paint in the house okay so we want to put some really cute just little cushions for her to be able to sit on while she's painting oh my gosh this just looks so adorable okay let's see how many of stephanie's pictures we can display in this playhouse so here's here's one of her pictures the current one that she's currently working on and oh this is one that she did when she had that terrible no good horrible day and this one's just been dropped on the floor so we'll secure it there with a stud okay and up here above the above the door and in front of the windows if i put a whole heap of outward-facing studs we can hang a whole heap of pictures up here as well like they've been pegged up or blue tacked up onto the wall so i've got so many cute options here there's a happy rainbow tree and this is her very first ribbon that she's won because she wins a lot of ribbons later on in life she's already dreaming about ribbons and a a little black cat and maybe we put a fishy here and a big one on the end this one here she's done quite well with this one looks an awful lot like one that emma might do maybe she copied off one that emma had done or maybe used that for inspiration because you know you learn through inspiration okay oh i want to put on the little bunny rabbit too so if i can't fit it here at the moment so if i just put a stud on i can layer them out like that that's that looks haphazard and and messy and it's exactly how i want it to look alright up in the attic area is the cookie jar that she nicked from the kitchen so this is going to be hidden up here so you can see how i've built this it's actually just oh gosh i dropped all the cookies out oh it's probably best if she doesn't leave any lying around because then they will be noticed then she will get caught okay cookie jar hidden up here in the top of the playhouse for later for snacks and over here ah i need some okay so i'm gonna put some drawers over here which would be good for storing stuff in but also in the top drawer let's just put some random stuff that she's collected so her favorite stick from the garden and this really cool little knot of wood or a wood coaster maybe it's just interesting stuff that she's found in the garden and this set of drawers actually has a secondary function because it's going to be supporting the slippery slide open dropped the slippery slide that is going to curve around this deluxe dream house and go around to the front so we need to backfill these areas back here so that it all gets up to the right height it's properly supported and then i think this will fit on look at that and now it actually looks a little bit like steps up to oh oh actually i need to move this table over the cloud table is just a little bit close so we can move everything over one stud and now there's a bit more room and now hold on there we go now obviously i want to move i want to move this over just a little bit more there we go that's better all right that's that's much better now if we pull the drawers out she can use these as steps up to the slippery slide look at that steps integrated into the actual furniture it's like tiny living it's perfect okay so the inside is absolutely fabulous and i don't think i can fit anything more in there but then we can work on the front now look at this she actually hit the mailbox which is lucky when she went down the slide because otherwise she would have fallen catastrophically onto the ground which is not very safe but i'm gonna use this mailbox to support the slippery slide but now it's a little bit off that base plate but that's okay we can work with this so let's remove some of this pre-existing stuff because we don't need it and get rid of the i can use the lights though let's use the lights because there's nothing better than actual working electric lights in a playhouse that is just so cool so if we put some lights in on either side of the front door if i can just shove them in here on the overhanging eaves it's going to be so awesome and these lights also match the style of the main stephanie's house all right this is going i can't stick that in it's about to say it's going really well until i can't actually install the lights properly so let's fix this floating mailbox problem there we go look at that you start a bit and it's fixed and we're going to extend our slide down around here it's going to come out the front oh okay so we need to actually put we need to build this up a bit so that they can all like is that going to be the right height breaking things this is what happens when you backfill but that's okay that's the point of lego so that yeah that looks like it's the right height so if we put this next one on here it doesn't quite touch the ground but that's okay i will work with that in a moment now does this door still yeah okay the door opens fine oh i've got a stephanie front door like printed door mat because this is a stephanie's playhouse over here i want to put i want to put a sand fit so let's put our sandpit here on this side of the house because it's a playhouse you gotta have a sandpit so if i oh the sandcastle from from the beach house from the new beach house is just so cute we're just going to completely copy that and put that here in the sandpit this design because i love these little corner pieces they are so cool so we've done one side then we just need to make exactly the same thing for the other side and then we just whack this in the sandpit but it's not gonna be quite centered because for a reason you'll see and over here on this little jumper stud on the side we're putting a bucket that's why it's not centered so we can put our bucket on the side with a bit of water because you know it's sandpit you've got to have water with the sand and just a bit of sand is escaping from the sandpit because it always does and this is the medicine the medicine spoon from the medical kit upstairs it's been purloined for that and it's being used in the sandpit because that's what happens and remember the rabbit that was up in the toy hospital this bunny is now better and is now the queen of this sandcastle and she even matches in the color okay this is really really going very well i want to put another toy in here we're just going to pack this full of toys i don't know quite where i'm going to put this little purple turtle but i'll find a place he's just gonna hang out here for now all right this is definitely turning into the playhouse that i would have loved as a kid oh my gosh oh but you know what we need we actually need if we've got a slide up here we need a ladder so there's a perfect place for a ladder right here so and the blue ladder just fits color scheme just so properly so we're putting the ladder in here and that is just so perfect it's like that spot was made for a ladder oh my gosh this makes just the perfect playhouse i cannot believe how well this is going alright where is this slide going to go to we could put it into a sandpit but no i got a plan i want to use the rainbow jewelry box from the dots theme and i want to actually use this cloud-shaped pool it's going to be a pool for the bottom and we'll use this bit for some other stuff but this almost like is in its entirety will be absolutely just perfect for this spot but i don't want to use the silver on the top because i don't think that goes very well with the colors but look at that shape it just fits in so well okay let's take these off the top and i think that if i yeah i've got enough of the light pink pieces so i can put some light pink rounded pieces on here i'll leave the rest exactly as it is because it's just so right yeah this is going to tie it in really really nicely to the color scheme of the rest of the build and if we put it in where are we going to put it so we're going to use so that's going to be the bottom of the actual slide and now we just need to yeah look at that it's attached it's attached now it's just going so well let's use some of these turquoise pieces to connect it to the the house base plate and then we'll just use some pink to smooth it all over and we'll fill these spaces at the back with some plants with some flowers i don't i haven't decided yet whether they're real flowers or whether they're plastic flowers on the playhouse depends whether they have a gardener or not we'll put some more flowers over here okay this is cool let's uh was this in i can't figure out whether i put this slide in the right no i wonder if i can put can i put the blue bit back a bit no i don't want to do that so maybe i want to just change this just a tiny bit and i just want to move these smooth pieces and cover up these exposed studs at the bottom so that well you know so that the bottom of the slide just looks a bit more finished and now we can put some more toys in here like a flamingo and the turtle is currently hanging out in here and let's put this unicorn floaty in here oh is he too big he's just sitting weirdly no he's not too big let's just change this bit out and if we put a smooth square just to hold all these base plates together that should be a bit smoother for there we go that oh my gosh it's huge but it's so flamboyant and so so right i think we need to put a rubber ducky in here too though look at this i want one of those wind-up frogs i want a frog that you know the wind up that you put in the bathtub but i don't have anything that kind of looks like that so i'm just gonna leave it as it is i reckon that this playhouse is now about as deluxe as i can possibly make it because i don't think i can fit anything else onto this build but there was a swing that came with this set too so let's just bling this up a bit let's add some more let's just make it more interesting so if we put some orange flowers up here and a little bit of greenery yeah that's not in the way of the swing that's all that's good that's cool and let's put just another set of flowers down here so it just doesn't look so sparse can i is it gonna swing alright if i have these flowers in the way actually now i can't do that because the yellow flower's right against that yellow at the back and that looks better okay no play area would be complete without a set of roller skates that had just been dumped and discarded on the ground wherever the kid took him off so that somebody can trip over them look at that they look so untidy and there's perfect i'm not finished yet though it wouldn't be an early build if i didn't overdo it so we've gotta have a seesaw i mean this is a play area there's gotta be a seesaw and stephanie could put her plushies on it so making it nice and simple because seesaws are a very simple thing anyway or they just basically need a hinge so that they can go flippity-flop like that so plushy time let's put them on we've got her mint panda and her pink disney princess palace pet plushie on the other side and now i reckon that this is as deluxe as i can make it it is it is a childhood dream i think look at this this is now the backyard playhouse which emulates the same color scheme as the main house this is like the spoiled princess child house oh my gosh all right i have wanted to do this since this set was released and it is perfect for this sort of modification so i am very very thrilled with how this has turned out okay i finished now though i have i have actually done so now's the time for you to subscribe let me know what you think of this new incarnation of stephanie's junior house now deluxe playhouse and i'll be back with another video very very soon so i will see you then okay bye
Channel: ellieV
Views: 5,063,063
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: family friendly, how to build, lego for teens, lego for girls, lego building ideas, adult lego collector, afol, lego review, no swearing, speed build, lego custom build, dream cubby house, deluxe, how to build a cubby house, backyard playhouse, toddler minidoll, stephanie's house, how to, lego house, custom lego house build, lego renovation, lego house flipper, stephanie's junior house, craft, diy, moc, my own creation, lego rebuild, lego friends
Id: q9YQz9-KMg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 17sec (1397 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 10 2020
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