When I Get Angry Glass Starts Breaking | Animated Story

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hey my name is Barbara and recently strange things started to happen to me and I cannot find any explanation to this the fact is when I get angry windows begin to break around me in fact it looks like something from the supernatural realm even my closest friends say this and as for me I denied everything for as long as possible considering the things that were happening to just be coincidence but no this is really some kind of mysticism anyways make your own conclusions about this the first time the glass got broken was when I underwent severe stress on that day a classmate called me and said that a boy from our class got into a car accident he was returning from the supermarket together with his parents in a family car and a truck crashed into them on their way home he and his family were staying at the hospital in a very serious condition so no one knew if they would survive or not for me this piece of news was a great shock and I really liked that boy that's why I experienced double stress during that conversation with the classmate the glass of a window suddenly broke right in front of me after the loud bang sound it immediately turned into dust I had never seen anything like this and thought that it just broke because it was too old I don't even know if this is possible even in theory but I couldn't find another explanation when the second episode like this occurred I even forgot about the first one because the period between them was nearly half a year in any case it was very difficult to find any connection between them it happened in the school cafeteria I was sitting and having lunch with my friends when something wet hit my back everyone started laughing and poking fingers at me someone said that it was a piece of tomato I looked around and saw the evil grin of a girl with whom I had not gotten along with for a long time what the heck doesn't she understand the boundaries of what is permitted I thought an anger and at the same moment a glass of water on my table exploded in front of me you may say that it was just a coincidence but this is not the case because the next moment I shouted something at that nasty girl and a light bulb exploded right above her head people around were shocked everyone was staring at me and from the crowd I heard someone calling me a witch in short after that incident many of them especially the girl who caused the incident started avoiding me and tried not to deal with me at all in short I did not notice anything unusual on that day even myself as I was extremely outraged because of the behavior of that unbearable girl the glass seemed to be a lot less of a significant problem in comparison with her later in my life there was a period of misunderstandings with my parents and in our house almost all of the glass objects including the windows lightbulbs mirrors and even dishes were exploding on a regular basis then it became clear to me that this was all happening for a reason and the glass exploded right at the moments when I was angry my parents also realized this after the fourth or fifth fight and then tried to avoid conflicts with me Wow it turned out that this was not just a supernatural ability but also a great way to manipulate my parents it was useful for me and I didn't even hide my joy from my shocked family so you said that I'd been out for too long did you here's a blown-up vase would you like me to do the cleaning well let me add some more shatters for you and it's better not to mention anything about school at all I'll blow the whole apartment to hell as this topic makes me really crazy but it seems that I started playing with it too much and soon my parents totally refused from having glass objects in our house windows and bulbs became plastic dishes were made of iron and mirrors disappeared totally after that my anger became so meaningless that I even had mild depression as soon as I got a weapon that could neutralize even my dad my parents found a way to defend themselves from it although I must admit that outside my house I did not even try to restrain myself at all I felt really cool and powerful because absolutely everyone was afraid of my anger and did not notice at all how I turned into a bully and a bra not only enemies but also friends with whom I used to be close to started avoiding me my next birthday party was going to be held in a cafe with karaoke I sent out over 20 invitations and on the appointed day I was waiting for my friends inside but the thing is that absolutely no one came at 3:00 p.m. as was written on the invitations or at 4:00 and even at 5:00 p.m. it's impossible to describe how upset I was on that day and how ashamed I was before the cafe workers where I like an idiot had been waiting for guests for more than three hours at an elegant dress and had a set table in the end when I realized that I had nothing more to do there instead of just leaving I got angry and started screaming as usual cups dishes and even glasses of one of the waiters was breaking in the cafe hall the ceiling in that establishment also turned out to be made of glass and sharp shatters were falling on our heads it was a real nightmare someone even shouted that an earthquake had begun while others were sure that an explosion occurred there were many bloodied people around and no one knew where to seek salvation pieces of glass from the ceiling fell on my head as well and cut me when I realized what I had done I immediately left that place I had never been that ashamed before while walking home I was crying either because of pain being hurt or because of everything at the same time Tamm birthday damn cafe and my damn character without any help I turned into an outcast of my own making and my friends turn their backs on me I did everything myself and no one is to blame for this at home I could not even explain anything to my parents but I just locked myself in my room and started crying I hated myself because I was left completely alone everyone despises and hates me apart from being afraid and avoiding me Barbara you are a real idiot I told myself you know on that day apart from the fact that no one came to congratulate me I didn't even receive a single message from my friends this happened for the first time in my life and I was very sad that I had brought my life to that point but pity and self-torture are bad so I realized that it was time to change and work on myself it is time to try to become the former Barbara who had many friends who was loved and appreciated so I began to work on myself on my feelings emotions and character I must admit that it was not easy and the transformation from a [ __ ] to a cutie it was much more difficult than vice versa I had many nervous breakdowns often forgot to behave in a proper way and again crushed everything around me with my anger but I tried and continued to follow my way no matter what most classmates noticed my efforts and helped me change but at the same time it was weird that some people instead of supporting me were trying to sink me as if they liked the Troublesome and scandalous Barbara so one of my classmates named Lewis was constantly getting on my nerves and provoking me each time he tried to drive me crazy and make me really mad so that I would lose my temper again or rather blow some object made of glass Lewis was making spiteful comments calling me names or just making fun of me in front of others once during a chemistry lesson while we were carrying out some experiments he actually managed to touch my raw nerve and I exploded I did it with such force that the flasks with chemicals started breaking and some chemical reactions began to take place as a result a fire started all the people were evacuated from school and firefighters arrived I was sure that after that I would be expelled from school and for me that was the end I became withdrawn and could not say a word even when my parents arrived my numerous efforts were in vain now there would be no school no friends and no classmates who needs a troublemaker who ruins everything around and apart from that nearly killed the whole class together with the teacher I expected to be expelled from school and that's why I totally stopped attending classes in addition I was ashamed before my classmates because again I showed my weakness and all of my efforts were undermined and I was really surprised when I began to receive text messages from classmates asking me if I was okay and wondering why I missed class such questions were weird for me I thought that everything was obvious but no everything was not as I had expected it turned out that after the incident the whole class took up arms against Luis and went to the principal giving him an ultimatum either they all stopped attending school or Luis would be expelled the principal did not have to think for a long time because the reputation of his school was at stake he had no choice but to fulfill the demand of the majority moreover when he found out the reason for the hostility towards Luis he said that such a student must not study in our school I was in seventh heaven of delight everybody loved me believed in me supported me and this trust was invaluable at that moment I realized that I no longer had the right to fail any of them that is I had no right to show my weakness well you know this understanding was routed so deeply in my mind that I took control over my emotions now it's not emotions that govern me but I govern them in any case deep inside I still fear that I will get overwhelmed by anger and cause trouble again do you think that over time my explosiveness will disappear completely share your opinions on the comments do not forget to click on the thumbs up button and subscribe to our Channel
Channel: Meet My Story
Views: 358,367
Rating: 4.8643198 out of 5
Keywords: animated story, short story, animated short stories, actually happened, storybooth animated, storybooth meet my story, meet my story, animation short film, short animation, animation, animated channel, actually happened stories, stories, story, storytime, meet my storytime, I explode glass, with my mind, when I get angry, I manupilated my parents, glass breaks, my birthday, no one came, birthday party, after stress, I ruined cafe, I'm a brawler, fire, best classmates
Id: RPvuL3gmn_A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 25sec (625 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 19 2020
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