A Stranger Keeps Leaving $$$ Under My Bed

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dereck wake up do you know what day it is said Tina uh I said while wiping the sleep from my eyes it was my little sister Tina well it started a birthday countdown every morning she'd jump on my stomach to tell me how many days were left until her big day three more days until my birthday I'm so excited Derek I can't wait to open my presents I know you'll get me something nice because you're the best big brother in the world she exclaimed ah my baby sister is gonna be six years old I replied while ruffling her hair and giving her a hug I was smiling but I felt terrible we're not a wealthy family in fact it's the complete opposite my mom works at a little bakery and my dad was recently laid off so we have very little I was given an allowance once in a while but I never had much to spend on anything I wish I could take my sister to the toy store and just let her pick out anything she wanted she was my only sibling and as an older brother I was very protective I wanted only the best for her but I had nothing I got out of bed and went to the kitchen to see what was for breakfast boring oatmeal porridge again mom I'm tired of this I groaned honey I'm tired of explaining to you that we can't afford to spend money on exciting breakfasts she replied yes son you should be grateful that you at least have something to eat many people don't my father said sternly i sat down and a quietly it was true well I didn't have much there were still many who had less and I guess I should be grateful YUM said Tina she was adorable she liked anything after I finished breakfast I took a shower and got ready for school my parents chose to send me to a private school because they believed it was better it was costing them an arm and a leg but they decided our suffering would result in me landing a lucrative career which would eventually make them proud anyway it was good because at least I got to wear a uniform so my classmates would never know that I only had two or three outfits still it sucked to be the only poor person in the entire school almost everyone at that place lived in mansions and had practically everything and there was me the guy with one uniform because my parents could only afford one I wore the same one every day that morning I was almost completely dressed when I realized I was missing a sock I searched everywhere for it it wasn't in the closet on the chair near my desk any my last resort was to check under the bed as I knelt and peeped in the darkness I noticed a crispy fifty dollar bill on the floor next to an old shoebox what I thought I've never been able to save that much my whole life so where did this come from I picked it up and without a second thought I shoved it into my pocket I was so excited that it ran out of the house and was just in time to catch the bus luckily my pants were long enough to hide the fact that I was still missing a sock my day was quite uncomfortable you ever tried walking around with a missing sock but I caught up with my best pal Myles at lunchtime you're so irresponsible in any way here you're lucky my parents are strict and that all I have in my house are books and board games otherwise we'd be in the same boat I replied one day that'll change you're the smartest person in our year I'm sure you'll be rich someday he exclaimed speaking about rich this morning I found a $50 bill under my bed that was so weird I told him he began to laugh well Derek I think you should check under your bed every morning maybe soon you can actually buy me more games I laughed too and then the bell rang so we both went to class when I got home that afternoon Tina came running towards me with her hands in the air two more days until my birthday have you bought me my present she screamed what do you want anyway I asked I want an lol doll too Barbie dolls a stuffed unicorn she went on and on and wouldn't stop I ate my boring dinner did my homework showered and went to sleep the next morning I realized I still hadn't found my sock I remembered miles is joke and looked under the bed again there was $100 there even though he meant it as a joke it was really there and much more than yesterday all I could think about was what I'd buy for Tina her birthday was the next day I quickly put my money into my pocket and left for school after school I went to the toy store and bought everything I could for a hundred and fifty dollars I walked home with my bag of presents feeling like the world's best big brother when I got home Tina ran towards me like she usually did Derek one more day until my Brit she paused there are these all presents for me she squealed yes but you can't open them until tomorrow I replied you're the best big brother ever she said and ran to tell our parents I went to my room to change and started on my homework suddenly I heard a knock on my door Derek it was my mom yes mom how did you buy all those presents for your sister you weren't doing anything you shouldn't be are you she looked at me suspiciously no mom I've been saving for a very long time I lied okay well I just wanted to say thanks your father and I were only able to afford a birthday card this time and I was gonna take one of the leftover cakes from the bakery after work so we're very happy she has presents I'm happy I raised such a responsible young man she said proudly she walked away and I began to imagine what I would do if the money kept appearing under my bed but who kept putting it there was this magic I was very confused but it was making my family happier so I decided not to think about it too much before I left for school the next morning I made sure I checked under the bed again believe it or not there was $200 there after that every morning when I checked the amount of money increased by $50 from the previous day and what seemed like no time at all I had saved a thousand dollars the money was always placed in the same spot under the bed and I could still not figure out where it was coming from one afternoon I decided to talk to miles about it I explained the situation and he looked puzzled for a while then he finally replied dude that's really weird anyway we should spend some now you deserve a few new things then we can spend the rest at the arcade I agreed and later we had a great time I bought myself some new outfits uniforms a backpack shoes and yes lots of socks after we spent a few hours at the arcade miles came up with an idea hey let's get some fake IDs and have some fun this weekend there's this new club I want to check out he said ah I don't know if that's the best idea but okay how much is it gonna cost I replied I had never done anything out of the ordinary like that before about 50 bucks each you just need to send me a picture by tonight and we'll have them the next day he said I gave him the money and he smirked the next day was Saturday I looked under my bed again and there was more money great I exclaimed while I counted the hundreds I put some away and put some in my wallet to spend at the club that night later I met Myles and he gave me my fake ID which looked surprisingly real I was now a 25 year old man named Joseph I laughed okay let's go have some fun I said yes but before that I have a surprise for you we're waiting for two other people who will come with us he said huh I replied as I saw two of the most beautiful girls from our school approached us here's your date Derek this is Stephanie I'm sure you've met before Miles said I had a crush on Stephanie since middle school but she always ignored me tonight she was actually my date I couldn't believe it Stephanie looked gorgeous she was wearing a purple mini dress and looked at me like she was actually excited um hi I said to her shyly don't be shy with me we're gonna have an amazing night she replied and that we had my night was insane we drank danced and partied like never before Stephanie stayed by my side the entire time and I was able to buy drinks for her and all of her friends I felt like a real man here I was outside partying and being able to buy my date anything she asked for I don't remember anything else about that night probably because I drank too much on Monday morning I was the talk of the school apparently I was so drunk that I ended up kissing Stephanie in the middle of the dance floor someone took a video and posted it on Instagram and now everybody knew it was the beginning of my new life people actually knew who I was now as the week's went by I became the most popular guy at school I was dating the most beautiful girl I had the most expensive things and so much money Stephanie had become my world even though she'd mostly talked to me when she wanted me to buy her something she was just so irresistible I did anything for her my life was absolutely perfect until one morning you ever wake up and just know that something bad was about to happen well that was how I felt I carried out my morning routine and as usual before I left the house I looked under the bed there was nothing there maybe the wind blew it away I thought I'll check again tomorrow the next morning there was no money again the morning after that there was no money I tried to keep myself calm and went to school like nothing was wrong finally began to freak out after the fifth day and my luck just ended like that with no warning instead of running for the bus that morning I went to the living room and sat down with my head in my head there what's wrong my father asked as he came to sit next to me everything my life changed so much the past few weeks and everything is going to suck again I replied what on earth are you talking about he said I told him about the money the party's Stephanie my new popularity and everything he started to laugh I couldn't believe it I just spilled my heart out of this man and he was just there laughing well son there's something I should tell you he finally replied what I said your mother and I aren't poor in fact a few years before you were born we inherited a great fortune we chose to raise you and Tina like this because and teach you some important values like honesty and generosity I put the money under your bed every night to see how you'd behave when you had everything he said I was shocked in the beginning he did well you spent it all on your sister but I don't know what God Indy after that you proved to me that you're not mature enough to handle any of this instead of saving or helping others you chose to impress people and to become popular you won't get another cent until you've left college Derek I'm sorry he continued I was in complete shock nothing made any sense after that week everything went back to the way it was before Stephanie left me for some other guy and the new friends I made wanted nothing to do with me because I was poor again
Channel: Story Time Animated
Views: 1,424,583
Rating: 4.8800693 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 18sec (618 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 25 2020
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