My Crush Has Been Living In My Wall

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after high school I decided to move out of my parents house so I rented a small apartment on the other side of our big city and I found a part-time job at a local coffee shop this was my first job ever I worked as a barista luckily my co-workers were super friendly one of them is Caleb he didn't speak much but he stared at me all the time he also worked as a barista one day when we were making coffee I was telling him my concerns about college I waited for his response but he just stared at me for a whole minute before saying you have the best smell ever I just laughed and walked away awkwardly since then I started to notice how weird he is so I tried to keep my distance one day after a late night shift I got to the parking lot got inside my car and reversed it suddenly I hit something my heart dropped I rushed to see what had happened and there I saw Caleb lying on the ground holding his leg I panicked and didn't know what to do so I jumped in my car and drove home leaving him on the ground I was terrified by what I did I didn't help him the next day at work I hoped that he wouldn't realize that I was the one who hit him but Caleb looked at me with a smile on his face I was confused then he came close to me and said it's okay Milla I know you were scared and terrified that's why you didn't help me my heart stopped he knew then he continued I ever gave you I'm happy as long as you are safe and I only got a few bruises no biggie I was shocked by Caleb's response I asked him what he was doing there behind my car he said he wanted to make sure I arrived safely because it was late at night he was so polite and it made me feel bad about how I treated him before I stopped avoiding him and we slowly became friends but at the coffee shop I started to notice there is a cute customer sitting in the same spot every day and he never took his eyes off me I blushed and smiled at him however he never approached me after my shift I was walking to my car and I heard footsteps behind me when I looked I saw a dark figure I panicked and ran as fast as I could I could hear him getting closer but I just ran until I lost him the next day when I arrived at work I heard there was a big fight inside when i walked in i saw caleb beating the q customer i saw the other day the manager came in and apologized to the guy and then told caleb to take the day off when I asked Caleb why he did it he said that the guy was stalking me I was confused was he the one who followed me last night Caleb explained that he had been watching him since he noticed his weird behavior when he heard him today on the phone saying he was gonna find out where I live he couldn't hold it in and he beat him but I didn't expect that Caleb would go that far to protect me from that day on he insisted on walking me home and making sure that I got there safely after he walked me home a couple of times I decided to invite him inside we sat and talked for hours then it happened we kissed and slept cuddling each other after that night he would stay at my place often watching movies or talking I started college after one week and what I saw there made my jaw literally drop the same guy from the coffee shop he was holding a bag he looked at me and I immediately turned my face and walked away I decided not to tell Caleb since I was afraid that he might go after the guy again I kept seeing the guy at college for the next few days he didn't seem like a bad guy after seeing him closely so I decided if he ever comes again to talk to me I'll give him a chance to explain himself and it happened he smiled at me as usual I didn't turn my face and smiled back at him which encouraged him to approach me and start the conversation he said hi Mila I'm Dan well I know your name from the tag on your apron then he continued I didn't mean to bother you or anything but I liked how you always look so calm and friendly but your coworker is scary he beat me for no reason I told him that Caleb thought he was creeping on me and he did it to protect me I assured him that Caleb is a good guy after this conversation I saw him daily at college and I discovered that we had some mutual friends I enjoyed his company but didn't tell Caleb anything after a month the exams period started I invited Dan and our mutual friends to have a study group at my place this happened a couple of times after each meeting dan was the last to leave we sat together and chatted for a couple of hours we flirted with each other and we even kissed I liked Dan and also liked Caleb and I wasn't ready to choose or to become intimate with one of them so I decided to leave everything as it is at work I took a late night shift since I was busy with college and on my way to the car I felt as if I'm being watched again I texted Caleb and asked if he could come I was so afraid to go home alone that night he replied that he will be there in 10 minutes and he came Caleb got angry at me for leaving work late without telling him he said whenever you have a late shift text me I can't have you go home alone then he said that the guy that used to come to the shop maybe the stalker I couldn't tell him that Dan is actually a nice guy and we hung out together so I ignored it Caleb stayed at my place for two nights and insisted that I must text him whenever I work late shifts after a couple of days one of my co-workers named Liz came to my place we sat and she suddenly said I didn't know that you smoked Milla the smell is so strong here I told her that I don't smoke and maybe the smell is coming from one of the neighbors after Liz's remark I started to notice many weird things happening at my apartment many of my things went missing and showed up after days I thought it was caused by stress of the exam so I brushed it off one night I heard a loud banging noise coming from the living room I was so scared but got out of bed and went there to see I opened the main door but there was nothing I went back to my room and texted Caleb about what happened he replied that I'm overthinking and maybe the noise came from one of the neighbors I got upset by his text I was hoping that he would come and stay over so I decided to invite Dan I sent him a message but there was no reply I tried to call him but also he didn't pick up I thought that it was weird since he always answers his phone but maybe he didn't have battery left in his phone or something I went to sleep that night in the morning I went to work when I arrived there one of my co-workers said did Caleb tell you anything about why he quit work I was shocked Caleb quit why he didn't tell me anything I immediately texted him but there was no reply I spent the whole shift worried about him and called several times but still no answer I didn't know if he had friends outside the coffee shop he never mentioned anyone I decided to text dan and tell him this even though he hated Caleb but surprisingly still there was no reply from Dan to what happened did the two of them just disappear and at the same time why I was upset by what happened Liz saw how upset I was and then she said she's going to stay at my place and we could watch some movies have fun and forget about the boys drama so we went home together and stayed up until a late hour in the middle of the night we heard the same loud banging noise I looked at Liz and she was terrified too we carefully got outside my room and went to check the house but nothing was there we also checked the hallways but they were dead empty we decided to sleep with the lights on and investigate in the morning the next day as I was taking the trash outside I saw my neighbor she was an old woman I greeted her and she did the same and said your boyfriend is a nice guy but he always asked me how I'm doing when he gets out at noon what I froze what boyfriend I asked she said oh the one with the dark hair I always see him leaving the apartment at noon I freaked out I ran terrified to the apartment to see Liz she looked confused I shouted at her someone has been breaking into my apartment for days I quickly explained to her what the old lady had said and we called the cops when they arrived I explained to them what the old lady said and they searched the whole apartment and found nothing I was shocked how and who as the police were still in the apartment I noticed that the big painting in the living room was tilted I reached to fix it but to my horror I stalked creak from the side so I moved it a little and I let out a loud scream the police officers and Liz rushed to me and when they saw their jaws literally dropped there was a huge hole in the wall in that hole were a few clothes bedsheets and a bag they searched the bag and found a wallet with an ID to my shock it was Caleb's ID everyone was shocked the police then said that the person who is living in the wall must stay there for a long time since there was a lot of cigarettes and empty food cans then they said they will make sure to arrest Caleb and take good care of this case since it was very dangerous and no one knew his intentions I was terrified Caleb the nice guy was a psycho who lived in my wall they asked us many questions about him turned out that we barely knew anything about him when Liz mentioned to them the fight incident at the coffee shops the first time Caleb got violent they said they will check the tape and see if they can get anything from it I decided to stay at Liz's apartment until they arrest him that same day I got a phone call from the police they said that they watched the tape and saw something shocking during the fight they saw Dan taking something out of Caleb's pocket and they zoomed to see it was his ID I was terrified then the police said that Dan must be the one they're looking for and he wanted to frame Caleb after a couple of days Caleb showed up he said that he went to a nearby city to his sick grandma she was on the verge of dying and that's why he didn't have his phone with him and apologize for the sudden disappearance Caleb was shocked by what we told him about Dan he said I knew it that guy was psycho he was watching you the whole time with the dirtiest look on his face Caleb told me that he was protecting me the whole time and when I hit him with the car he said he was coming to talk to me but I didn't see him as for now I go to a psychiatrist to recover from that traumatic experience and I quit my job and I'm waiting for the police to find Dan and arrest him
Channel: My Story Animated
Views: 3,448,148
Rating: 4.8598614 out of 5
Id: kmiEDowM6uw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 22 2020
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