When Did You Not Stop Someone From An Embarrassing Moment (AskReddit)

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what embarrassing moment did you not stop someone from doing because you wanted to see what happened instead I was at a convention with a friend and went to the bathroom at breaktime he heads into a stall and I go to the urinal man walks in right behind me and heads into other stall unseen by my friend now this man had some problems serious noises and smell coming from his stall and then I hear my friend say dude WTF you trying to win a contest and he proceeds to let a huge one rip and giggle man another stall does not reply and unfortunately still has his own issues my friend says that all you got check this one out [ __ ] I'm crying from holding and laughter at this point as he lets another loud [ __ ] fly my friend thinks I'm and the other stall and we are alone in there the other guy probably thinks he's in there with an absolute psycho then finally my friend after getting no response from me says yeah boy might [ __ ] so powerful had got you speechless and he laughs other guy is probably terrified at this point I start washing my hands so my friend can simultaneously hear the faucet running and [ __ ] still going on in the still next to him I say hey Joe just gonna wash up and head back to the meeting room meet Heather it was absolutely hilarious how quiet that bathroom got when the realization sunk in for him by the time they were both done nobody wanted to come out first my friend joined me in the meeting room red-faced with a look that said seriously dude could you not have spoken up sooner it happened in high school while watching a reg occasional movie we were two classes tucked into a small classroom to watch it together so people had to sit on the desks as there wasn't enough chairs i sat next to my friend's girlfriend on a desk with my friend on a chair in front of us she strokes her hand through his his hair he takes his hand behind his back and proceeds to stroke her leg only Finglas it was my leg I poked his girlfriend to let her know what was going on we both knew what had to be done without uttering the words we let this go on for a good five minutes constantly fighting the urge to laugh out loud then I slowly pulled my trouser leg up he stroked my very furry leg for about half a second before he realized something was very wrong I'll never forget his face when he turned around to see what was going on this one is reversed as it was my friend laughing maniacally while it happened to me my college roommate used to work at this chicken restaurant called chicken express we would go eat at a location close to campus this was not the location that he actually worked at pretty often cause it's delicious so one time he tells me hey man when you order the tenders make sure you say should be--should be after your order that's the code to tell them you work at chickeny and they'll hook you up with like 20 tenders maybe it was wishful thinking or just plain stupidity that I totally believed him we drove through the drive-thru and he was in the backseat the conversation with the employee went like this um I'll have two number ones with mashed potatoes shibby Chevy okay two number ones with mashed potatoes into what was the last thing shibby should be having trouble hearing you or what now should be cheb by sir I have no idea what you're trying to say do you wanna pull around at which point I look back and see my friend almost turning blue from trying to hold his laughter in he totally lost it and I just drove off I went out to eat at him achieve with my family I think I was 10 or 11 at the time in addition to giving us source trays to dip our food into they also gave us shaved ginger and a dollop of wasabi my grandpa grew up during the Great Depression so he developed a habit of always cleaning his plate so as he finished his meal he moved his attention to the side dish no one else seemed to notice my grandpa staring quizzically at this rather large green lump not wanting to waste food he picked the entire thing up to eat it I could have clearly stopped him as I had been watching him the entire time but I also wanted to see what would happen well he about jumped out of his seat splitting the wasabi onto the table and started cursing up a storm I know it was wrong to do but I still get a little kick out of that memory I work in Youth Corrections the facility I'm in has a pool table and if the guys are doing good they can play there is a bench in that pool room that is ridiculously poorly designed if you don't sit dead center it will tip you off to either side there is an unspoken rule between staff and veteran cadets that we never inform new residents or staff of that bench it's hilarious last summer we went camping and when I tried to use one of the campground coin-operated showers I was disappointed when I put in a dollar and it didn't work as I waited for the one that did work a guy came up behind me and said hey it looks like that shower room is vacant are you waiting for this one in particular I explained that I had tried it but that it was out of order so there was now two of us waiting for one shower room just minutes later a woman and three kids comes by looks at us waiting in line and makes a dash for the vacant shower room one of the kids looked at us and quietly asks if there's a line and she responds s hhhh hhhh and the four of them go in and switch the door to occupied maybe I'm the one who should be embarrassed by not telling her undressing yourself and three kids inserting quarters that you'll never get back only to have to redress everyone and sheepishly get in the line you should have been in to begin with it's probably a bit of an overkill for the crime of seeing an opportunity and taking it anyway she was there in an even longer line when I got out and glared at me as I went back to my family's camping spot it definitely made me feel less bad about allowing her to go on a comic adventure my cow walker was known to have a temper in the office and ours had talked to him a number of times about it unfortunately he had a bad day I normally try to calm him down because he's an alright dude with a wife and young daughter but he's just a little too tightly wound higher ups knew I was friends with him and it started to reflect bad on me guilty by association so he gets a bad call we were in a claims Department one of his claimants started yelling at him he starts with matherrific in this and and I'm like no I can't be seen with him during this tantrum he ends up getting so worked up that he picks up the office fax machine and throws it nearly hitting a nice older lady he got walked out like 17 seconds later while waiting for a briefing a roomful of their fourth Airmen intentionally sat in every chair other than a damaged one they knew would dip very far back when someone sat in it I arrived in the room was for the anticipation was palpable I already knew about the chair I thought everyone did so I sat in the only other one available and realized the last person absent at that point was a generally disliked senior NCO a higher-up sergeant for those of who you don't know as a junior NCO I should have taken the initiative to inform said Simcoe about the chair when he arrived and for a second I was going to tell him then I didn't haha all the airmen erupted in laughter when it happened and it took every ounce of fortitude for me not to as well I was definitely low on the inside though I'm not proud haha many years ago was hanging out with a bunch of friends from college which we had all graduated from about five years before this story takes place we are having dinner it's for married couples and one single dude we all including both members of all the couples went to college together the single guy starts talking about how he ran into this girl Jennifer who will also went to college with and with him he had had a brief fling with in college I know that every single man at the dinner table except me slept with Jennifer when we were in college I also know or at least very strongly suspect that the other guys are not aware of each other having slept with her and be none of the women are aware that all of their husbands have slept with her so not only do I not stop the single guy from talking about his recent encounter with her I asked him a lot of questions how is she what's she doing does she have a boyfriend man was he hot in college friend B don't you also think she was hot in college friend C didn't you have a few classes with her on and on for about ten minutes or just long enough for every other dude at the table to turn beet red meanwhile single guy has no idea what's going on and is getting more and more confused about why I'm asking him questions about his old girlfriend this past weekend I was in the car going back home after a weekend trip to Boston with my roommate has a really amazing dude but has not that great of a driver he gets lost all the time he drives slow and has just kind of oblivious yet for various reasons he was the driver for this trip he got really mad at me for trying to assume full responsibility of navigation I said fine and shut up sure enough about 15 minutes later he zoned out and we missed the exit to get off the mass Turnpike and immediately ended up in like and extra half-hour of traffic trying to turn around I saw him zone out I saw him make no effort to get into the right lane and as soon as we missed it I calmly pointed it out he was very embarrassed and mad at himself in high school I took algebra 1a and 1b math split up into a two-year course instead of one it got a lot of the lazy kids I took it because math is harder for me anyway one of the kids in the class was trying to be all cool how he was doing it of course was incredibly dumb specifically he was trying to be a badess by spraying breath spray up his nose you know the kind that you sprayed twice onto your tongue it should also be stated that I was a complete and utter loser in high school so he's trying to be all cool spraying this stuff up his nose I look at him and just say Cory you're supposed to inhale while spraying now that his coolness was challenged he did it his face turning beat read em crying and slamming his head on the desk in pain for 15 minutes as a result was worth it I had a friend in college the dead people to kick him in the balls after he'd had too much to drink we'll call him Dave part of his party trick was to keep a straight face the whole time his success rate have given him a false sense of confidence so he just kept egging people on keep in mind that the bull kickers were usually drunk freshmen who could barely put any power into it then one night he decides to up the ante and ask one of the school athletes in attendance we'll call him Ricky I knew Ricky played soccer and though I'm usually the buzzkill that asks everyone to be doubly sure they really want to do this I decided to let Dave go for it Ricky who was also completely sober accepted the challenge he took a deep breath pretended like Lee was readying himself for kickoff and took aim at Dave's package what unfolded after that moment continues to pull at my heartstrings the moment that Rick his foot met Dave's crotch elicited a look of horror from every man in the room Ricky had taken Dave's deer seriously and his foot landed with so much force that it was reminiscent of the sound that a boxing glove makes on a bag except with a tiny squish I was a 19 year old girl and even I was grabbing my crotch when I heard it Dave quietly excused himself while Ricky apologized profusely after Dave hadn't been seen for a while I went looking for him and found him lying in a bull on the bathroom floor he had been there for about half an hour he looked at me and said I think I need help Ricky who was still feeling guilty was also sober and I asked him to drive us to the hospital they did the whole nine yards for Dave including an ultrasound I waited outside the room that I could tell that the ultrasound tech was trying to make small talk so while he was imaging Dave's balls and shaft I could hear him talking about a Peter Gabriel album the doctor said that Ricky's foot hit Dave's crotch with such force that it was as if he had sustained a stab wound to his genitals he spent the rest of the year with a banana hammock underneath his jeans the only funny part was that since he dressed like a generic hipster he had to buy new pants so they would fit over it haha Thanksgiving happens every [ __ ] year I watch my out-of-town my life is so awesome relatives turn into crumbling shapes of their former selves with every glass of wine bitter and sip of whiskey they take my cousin suddenly spout out last year Hammar the Runkle used to undress her when he was 14 and she was 8 she touched his purple headed monster they banked it back and forth about what would normally be some kind of major crime while my other relatives looked down at their food like nothing was being said two years before that my step-brother got like 20 phone calls from his girlfriend while his wife sat next to him uncomfortably that marriage didn't last and my own peed herself in the kitchen by accident when she could not find the bathroom fast enough yes Thanksgiving is glorious and this time of year is my absolute favorite I'll let my drunk friend hit on a woman I knew was married in a bar that the woman's husband owned while said husband was watching from behind the bar he got about three words into his hey baby come here often style pick-up line before the husband swooped over and max on his wife my friend asked me why I didn't tell him and I told him I figured the ring in the picture of the husband and wife bar owners on the wall sure have been enough guests not a friend of mine in college had a long-distance relationship five hour drive he always spoke to his GF and told her lies about going out and what time he got to his apartment etcetera even though I believe he genuinely loved her and cared for her a lot I cheated on her whenever he had an opportunity one day at a party where he wasn't supposed to be there was this girl mutual friend of us with a brand-new canon camera taking pictures of everything that night he was making out with a girl what a little drunk and got in the frame of the pictures two times in the background during the night dispute talks to the girl and convinces her to erase any picture that had him in it all three of us sit together and start erasing pictures of him I spot one of the pictures where he is in the background making out in stay quiet the next day his GF logs into FB in spots to pictures where he is making out in the background with another girl and end their relationship I broke a bro code and I'm not proud that F asterisk asterisk asterisk people who cheat my wife and I decided to hang out with some friends one night and we noticed a new guy joined the group he seemed nice but a little off turned out to be a total stalker who always carried a backpack we nicknamed it the rape kit anyways we were playing some games and this guy manages to cut his hand wide open since no one really knows a guy offer to take him to the hospital my wife and I jump in the car and I let him sit in the front seat he seemed super happy about my wife riding along with us and starts chatting with her I keep peeking in the mirror realizing these total interested in my wife and my wife is trying to keep a straight face she lets him flirt trying to be nice and not embarrass him as I Drive in silence until we get to the hospital he hops out and is trying to make plans with my wife to go out to dinner or a movie and she's dropping hints like flashing her ring and telling him she's busy finally he's like fine if you don't want to go out just say so I laugh and tell him I don't let my wife go out on dates without me he got beat red and told us he'd find his own way home I think I enjoyed watching the boost of confidence it gave my wife the most I can tell her she's amazing all the time but stuff like that is proof Kalka let's call him John got a Raspberry Pi delivered to the office and was talking about it at lunch other Kalka let's call him Jim legit thought he was talking about dessert he thought it strange that of pie would be delivered by mail but was still excited to try it everybody except Jim knew that it was the money computer not a pie but John still kept up the ruse we all still wanted to see the pie anyways so we all went back to John's office for the unboxing Jim even showed up with disposable plates and cutlery the reveal was pretty hilarious [Music]
Channel: ToadFilms
Views: 292,866
Rating: 4.9410915 out of 5
Keywords: stop someone, embarrassing moment, moment, embarrassing, stop, someone, schadenfreude, when did you not stop someone, reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, emkay, ToadFilms, GioFilms
Id: MuFR6bYNdWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 14sec (1034 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 26 2019
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