Relying On Forensic Science To Catch A Killer | The New Detectives | Real Responders

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[Music] two murders are linked by unusual bullets but linking them to the killers seems like a shot in the dark [Music] a woman points the finger of blame at her killers but catching them depends on a forensic technique that hasn't been invented yet when detectives on the trail of cattle rustlers uncover what looks like serial murder they call on forensics to help them round up their suspects they say that a burden shared is a burden have but when partners team up for murder the weight of their crime can drag them both down the burden of proof is on forensics to capture partners in crime [Music] [Music] november 19 1989 around 11 30 p.m [Music] on the mean streets of trenton new jersey a passerby discovered a brutal murder the victim was 38 year old francis c bodner a driver for golden calves officers at the scene examined the victim's body and combed the taxi for clues along with the slugs they recovered a small metal disc with a raised edge almost like a miniature bottle cap [Music] [Applause] it was a puzzling find detective lieutenant michael salvatore felt it held the key to solving this crime tell me about the case from last night because no one had ever seen that type of bull before that there was a possibility that the bullet had been created by a an enthusiast someone who loads their own bullets at home [Music] if that were true the bullets would be almost impossible to trace but salvatore hadn't seen the last of them just four hours later he was called to another murder scene a second taxicab driver was shot dead willie rogers age 33 had been discovered in the taxi he drove for the diamond cab company what do we got guys again investigators recovered the same odd metal disc along with a spent bullet and in both cases witnesses reported seeing three black men in the taxi prior to the murder [Music] the evidence technicians soon produced another clue a fingerprint lifted from the first taxi's front passenger side door the trenton police department's evidence lab transmitted the print to the national fingerprint database a clearinghouse for fingerprint evidence from around the country it would take some time before the results came back and there was no guarantee the print on the cab belonged to the killer the mercer county medical examiner performed the autopsies later that day bodner and rogers were both killed by a single shot to the back of the head execution style the executioners left behind little besides the unusual bullets to solve the execution-style murders trenton police had to rely on ballistic evidence taken from the crime scene it's all they had by 11 o'clock on the morning the drivers were killed trenton police had delivered the bullets to the new jersey state police labs captain mike lissinger the bullets perplexed him as much as they did detective salvatore and lysinger had been a ballistics expert for more than 20 years his reference books showed that the little metal cap was called a gas check the gas check is very unusual because you never see this in commercial ammunition this is the first time we've ever encountered a gas check as long as i've been in ballistics this was something unique to us a gas check is placed on the base of the bullet to keep it from melting and clogging the gun barrel with lead many people who make their own bullets use gas checks but licensure could tell these bullets were commercially manufactured though no american company made them now he had to determine what sort of gun fired them using the lab's stereo microscope he identified the pattern of alternating grooves and the spaces between the grooves or lands left on the bullets as they sped through the gun barrel these lands and grooves are a guns class characteristics and ballistics experts can use them to identify the type of weapon most likely to have left them on a bullet licencer determined that the trenton gas check bullets had a pattern of five lands and grooves with a twist to the right he told salvatore to look for a taurus revolver a ruger revolver or a smith wesson all of these were in common use among trenton criminals one of thousands of weapons could have left its mark on the bullets investigators didn't even know where to start looking before long however they got their first lead in the early morning of november 27th an anonymous caller told trenton police that two of the gunmen were twins named ron and john allen later that same day john allen was picked up for smashing car windows during a street fight investigators had him brought up for an interview john allen said he had been with his twin ron and their friend all evening the night the cabbies were killed they had hung out at a couple of clubs until 3 a.m salvatore wasn't convinced but without physical evidence tying john allen to the killings he had nothing when john allen's prince didn't match the one pulled from the taxi detectives wondered about his brother they pulled ron allen's prince from a previous arrest record trenton police compared ron allen's file print against the one left on the taxi the point-by-point comparison was a match ron allen had been in the murdered man's vehicle [Music] that wasn't enough to prove he was the murderer taxi see dozens of fares each day but the match told investigators they were on the right track learned that the allen brothers were trenton locals who became involved with a rough and dangerous gang called the new york boys turf was at a premium in the big apple so the gangs there started colonizing new jersey the allens were recruited i mean chief williams detectives continued to interview friends and enemies of the allen brothers hoping to poke holes in their alibi hoping for anything they could use can i on the street just about everybody knew what was going on but unfortunately in a lot of the homicide cases i've worked on people are very reluctant to come forward and give that information up the information they gathered continued to implicate the allen brothers but stopped short of being enough to arrest them then on the evening of december 20th 1989 one courageous eyewitness stepped forward when police assured him that he'd be safe he agreed to talk he told police that he was parked directly behind the first victim's taxi during the crime he saw botner shot from behind and heard the window shatter then he drove past the cab fast and saw three men going through bodner's pockets he identified ron and john allen as two of the three men he had seen in the cab that night the dragnet was closing in on the allen brothers but a single fingerprint and a rushed eyewitness account might not be strong enough to win the maximum sentence for these alleged killers detectives still needed to find a way to use the killer's ammunition against them that's what i'm talking about right here the investigation into the gang style murder of two trenton taxi drivers was making slow progress police had a witness who could place the allen brothers at the scene of one driver's murder now they had to place a gun in their hands they got help from a police informant what do you got for me that's what i'm talking about he told police that the allens had tried to sell him guns and ammunition several weeks back and that the guns had two bodies on them two murders let me think about that he didn't buy them all right think about it to prove the allen's involvement detective salvatore needed those guns he sent the informant out to get them the informant risked his life to do so within two days we received a phone call from the informant and he had the weapons he turned over the two revolvers and a fistful of bullets that he had just purchased from the islands our cabbies we also have salvatore sent the guns to the ballistics lab to compare with the slugs recovered from the taxis he's the same class both guns had five lands and grooves with a right-hand twist both could have fired the bullets found at the crime scenes another test would determine if one of them actually had the guns were test-fired [Music] the marks on the test-fired slugs from one of the guns matched the fatal slugs investigators had found the weapon they were looking for the gun that killed francis bodner and willie rogers police obtained the warrants they needed to arrest the allies officers swarmed over the places where they usually hung out [Music] they found john allen and brought him in ron allen called detective salvatore a few hours later asking about his twin detectives had the call traced while i was talking to ron on the phone we had a couple teams out here in west trenton a couple detective teams poised in various locations out here because we knew this is where they they frequented where he probably was and as soon as we got the information from the uh the bell operator we fed that information to our our units on the street and they came here and they forced their way into the house and arrested ron allen who was still on the phone with me at the time of the arrest [Music] tell me your story at first ron allen denied everything then investigators listed the evidence against him allen gave it up for him for his twin and for a third man alan said on the night of the murder he and his twin were out with a man named greg williams he claimed williams pulled the trigger [Music] by seven that evening an arrest warrant had been issued for williams five days later authorities arrested him in osila georgia but salvatore was never convinced for a minute that williams had been the trigger man the weapon used in the murder of the two taxi drivers were guns owned by the allen brothers they were guns carried by the allen brothers there were guns held by the allen brothers so it was not likely that gregory williams possessed the gun and killed the cab drivers we believe that it was the allen brothers who killed him on july 10 1990 ronald and john allen were convicted of the taxi cab murders on august 16th they were sentenced to two consecutive life terms the allen twins will be over a hundred years old when they become eligible for parole for his part in the crime greg williams was sentenced to life as well the allen twins and greg williams killed two men for just over a hundred dollars money they intended to spend in new york city to buy drugs they could peddle in trenton in jail the allens bragged about robbing and killing the taxi drivers saying they were easy targets with ballistics evidence so were the allens the allen brothers found their victims on the streets but staying at home doesn't necessarily mean staying safe los angeles april 17 1991 on this morning marilyn rush knew something was wrong when her friend joan dawley didn't show up for work joan was never late and she wasn't answering her phone concerned marilyn drove to the house joan shared with her husband dennis to make sure she was all right even though jones car wasn't in the driveway marilyn went inside to check on her friend she found her in the bedroom joan joan john john [Music] oh god [Music] when the lapd responded to the crime scene it looked at first glance like a botched burglary the bedroom had been ransacked joan dawley's bruised hands told investigators that she had tried to defend herself the dolly's neighborhood had had a rash of break-ins and this one matched the pattern [Music] outside a screen had been removed from an open window and a ladder stood beneath it but as police worked the scene they began to compile a growing list of clues that didn't fit with the burglary scenario the damp ground under the window had no footprints or marks from the ladder the windowsill where the burglars allegedly climbed in was clean of any dirt or scuff marks and a hundred dollars was left in plain sight on the kitchen counter it appeared as if someone had worked hard to make it look like joan dawley had interrupted a burglary lapd detective paul tippin wasn't convinced all of these things together with the evidence at the supposedly the point of entry didn't add up initially of course you look at it as a burglary murder but as it progressed it turned out to be a fabricated crime scene basically police suspected the murderer had contrived the scene after killing dolly officers notified the victim's husband dennis dawley and asked him some routine questions i know this is a difficult time if you have that type of a murder you're going to have to eliminate the spouse well you have to get over that hurdle before you can go to the next step dennis told police that he and joan were high school sweethearts married 35 years he last spoken to his wife the night before she was still asleep when he left the house at a quarter to five that morning for his job at the golf course he had no idea what could have happened or who could have wanted his wife dead he said he couldn't bear to stay in the house if police had more questions they could reach him at the home of his daughter debbie myers with dennis dawley above suspicion tippin pressed forward in his search for clues to this hideous murder now take that bag the autopsy found that the victim had been killed by blunt force trauma to the back of her head tests turned up no evidence of sexual assault the coroner discovered traces of blood and foreign matter under the victim's fingernails but investigators had no certain way of telling whether it was the killers or the victims in these early days of dna technology accurate testing required large samples testing the traces of material from under the victim's nails would jeopardize the sole piece of potential evidence my first question was do you think we can get dna evidence from any evidence under her nails and the answer was yes but once we do it then we may destroy all of the evidence through the analysis so i was real reluctant at that time to do it the risk was too great tippin would have to rely on old-fashioned detective work to solve this one at least for now to find out four days after the murder joan dawley's missing car reappeared her son-in-law spotted it in a parking lot across the street from the card store where joan had worked police found her keys but no useful clues days after the victim's funeral detective tippin called dolly at his daughter's house to see if he had noticed anything else the burglars may have taken all right but debbie myers told tippin that her father was gone dolly said that he needed to get away he planned to spend a few days quietly fishing at lake mead myers told tippin the name of the las vegas hotel where her father usually stayed tippin's experience told him it was strange for a man to leave town so soon after his wife's murder he asked a pal in the las vegas metro police department to keep an eye on dolly tippin's opinion of the bereaved husband was about to change [Music] the joan dawley murder investigation took a strange turn when dennis dawley turned up in a vegas casino at 3 30 in the morning he was in the company of a woman detective tippin received surveillance photos of the pair after checking around the woman was identified as brandita taliano the news didn't sit well after i determined that he was in las vegas with a female two days after he had buried his wife of 35 years i became very suspicious tippin looked into taliano's background he found that her rap sheet included convictions for prostitution and drugs she had no fixed address he also discovered that taliano had been staying in the mission hills motel in la during the time of joan dawley's murder the motel was just a quarter mile down the road from where jones car had been recovered this was worth a closer look so i went to uh the mission hills motel talked with the manager and basically what happened was he gave me a list of phone calls and phone numbers going back a month tippin checked the list of taliano's outgoing calls she had phoned dolly's home the golf complex where he worked and a local bowling alley that was his favorite hangout police department miss taliano it was time to pay a call on taliano he traced her to a north hollywood motel detective from the police department detectives approached taliano and asked to search her room surprisingly she agreed without blinking an eye generally speaking i mean if someone is that cooperative they're not thinking that they have anything that may develop into a lead or lead you to believe that they were involved in a homicide the search turned up several pieces of jewelry most of it was junk but one piece looked particularly valuable and not the kind of jewelry taliano would normally own taliano had an explanation ready she told them that she was often hired to clean the dolly's house while she was there she took some jewelry but not entirely without dennis's knowledge they were having an affair she wanted us to believe that basically she was okay with being around joan dolly and dennis but joan didn't know that the sexual activity was taking place [Music] detectives found a note stating that dennis was nervous about taliano keeping the jewelry he wanted her to fence it that suggested he was involved in its theft very nice piece of jewelry here a few days later debbie myers identified the jewelry she recognized the piece that her mother always wore if that were true then taliano couldn't have stolen it from the victim's jewelry box the other side jones jewelry in taliano's possession and a note linking dolly to the stolen pieces too many coincidences were piling up too quickly perhaps their secret game didn't stop at theft once i identified randita tagliano and the things that were going on with her and dennis dawley it became more and more apparent that it was a conspiracy and that these two people were involved in the case investigators began to believe that joan dawley's murder was a crime motivated by love not dennis and brandita's love for each other but their mutual adoration for money if dennis divorced his wife he'd lose half of everything he owned plus joan had recently inherited close to one hundred thousand dollars police suspected that dennis dawley was a shifty and dangerous man if he and brandita had plotted to kill joan because dolly wanted all of her money then why would you want to share it with i was somewhat concerned about randida also in her situation because i thought the possibility was there that dennis would murder brandita just to get her out of the way the evidence against the pair was only circumstantial investigators had no physical evidence putting them at the murder scene on the morning of april 17th but they had enough to bring them in for questioning at least then authorities could keep their eyes on the pair based on what they had gathered so far detectives developed a strategy they had 48 hours to either charge them or let them go it was a calculated risk interrogation tippin knew he didn't have the evidence to charge them so he was gambling that once in custody they'd crack and turn on each other dennis admitted to meeting brandita italiano on the street and basically that's all he would admit to was yes he was wrong and connecting up with brandita and having her as a girlfriend but as far as the murder or anything else he was not involved in anything i'll be right back taliano told a different story how are you today a few months before jones murder taliano had been serving time in a women's prison in los angeles while visiting her there dolly had asked her a favor did she know anyone he could hire for a big job she assumed that meant murdering his wife taliano recommended a man named gary ware i'll let you know he's pretty adamant of that you know he called me dolly's deal with where must have been finalized while taliano was in prison she said dolly never told her what happened it was a hot lead but investigators would need a lot more evidence to turn it into a murder charge that would stick and tippin's 48 hours were up authorities were forced to let dolly and taliano go where was no choir boy a man with a criminal record like his might be capable of committing murder for hire his phone records showed that dolly called him prior to jones death but not afterward all of a sudden i have him right in the middle of this homicide with phone calls that are being directed to him by dennis dawley so i had to find out why those calls were being made and what his participation or involvement was gary but a hardened criminal like ware wouldn't just volunteer information to the police tippin spent a year trying to get him to talk with his attorney present ware finally admitted to authorities that dolly had contacted him with an interesting business proposition the two agreed to meet dolly wanted ware to kill his wife he gave ware 30 000 cash and told him he didn't care how where did it but he wanted her gone at first tippin couldn't understand why ware would implicate himself in joan dawley's murder like this as it turned out he had an airtight alibi on the morning the victim was murdered he was in lock-up at chino state prison tippin's most promising lead fizzled right before his eyes after more than a year spent investigating joan dawley's murder the case went cold though lapd detectives had their suspicion they still needed hard evidence placing dennis dawley and brandit italiano at the scene of the murder of joan dawley one lead after another failed to pay off then on the last day of february 1994 detective paul tippin got a call that he'd been waiting three years for in the time since joan dawley's murder dna analysis technology had been refined enormously a new technique allowed even a tiny pinpoint of genetic material to be analyzed now the lab could accurately test only a portion of the foreign matter found under the victim's nails without the risk of ruining the entire dna sample the lab's new testing technology called pcr for polymerase chain reaction encourages the dna to carry out its natural function continuous duplication a carefully controlled environment of chemicals and heat works like a genetic copying machine kalin yamauchi is a criminalist with the lapd crime lab dna unit we can start with a small sample and put it in this instrument that can make hundreds and then thousands and then hundreds of thousands and millions of copies of that same dna so it was kind of an exciting time in forensic serology when pcr came online and were able to utilize this technology with pcr an immeasurable amount of dna can be cultivated into a testable sample the procedure was performed on a portion of material taken from beneath joan dawley's fingernails then compared with dna from her blood it didn't match someone else's cells were under joan dawley's nails that meant that the possibility of a suspect's dna was there and that was very very important to me because now it it brought about a a situation where i could maybe directly connect a suspect to the victim and that was very very important dennis dawley's genetic material was tested against the sample from his wife's nails it came back negative okay by this time brandita tagliano was in prison for an unrelated crime a warrant was issued and a blood sample obtained this time tippin got his match [Music] now there could be no doubt brendit italiano murdered joan dawley but tippin still wasn't convinced that taliano had acted alone dennis dawley's knowledge of the stolen jewelry his attempt to hire a hitman and a long string of incriminating phone records before the crime implicated him in the murder i believe truly that they were both in it they were both involved in it they were both there when it happened the jury agreed that dennis dawley and brandita tagliano had conspired and murdered joan dawley nearly four years after her death her killers were sentenced to 25 years to life dolly and taliano believed that murder was the easy way to well unfortunately they weren't the only ones to feel that way some people make murder a part of their business plan livingston county north central missouri over a hundred years ago this was wild rough country under the rule of frontier justice today it has settled into the essence of rural america old-style towns surrounded by farmland a place where farmers contend with the whims of the weather and the realities of economics people here believe in an honest wage for honest work at least most of them believe that the first two would have been here in october 1986 the livingston county sheriff's department received a call from a nearby livestock auction company a man named dennis murphy had passed a bad check for six thousand dollars to buy cattle [Music] he had paid for the cattle loaded them into a truck and vanished though murphy was a stranger he appeared to be working with a local farmer named ray copeland ray had attended the auction and while he hadn't bought any livestock he provided a truck for the cattle murphy had bought sheriff gary calvert paid mr copeland a visit to find out more about murphy he admitted that he knew dennis murphy that dennis had rented his pasture keep those cows and that he in fact had sold some cows with a dentist himself and the dentist had gave him a bad check also it might have been the end of the story except that a month later calvert received another call about a drifter passing bad checks for about six thousand dollars worth of livestock the drifter resold the cows took the cash and disappeared again ray copeland had been at the auction it was his truck that carted the cattle away but once again copeland said he was a victim too before you did five of them already while that may have been true calvert had reasons for doubt ray copeland had been arrested several times for passing bad checks of his own still calvert had no proof that he was behind this [Music] both of the cattle thieves had arrest records consistently bouncing in and out of jail on minor charges calvert assumed they were bound to get arrested again he'd catch up with him soon enough all he had to do was wait two years passed without any more trouble then in october 1988 calvert learned about three more drifters passing bad paper for good cattle this wasn't the kind of crime calvert had seen a lot of now he'd seen five cases in 24 months they had to be related when calvert ran a check on the two men who'd stolen the cows two years earlier he found no record of them they hadn't been arrested again anywhere calvert couldn't believe that these small-time criminals had reformed into model citizens but he didn't know where they had gone or if copeland might truly be involved calvert had heard rumors though copeland's neighbors told him that he was hiring drifters from the local mission to help him at cattle auctions because he couldn't hear well anymore copeland supposedly promised to pay the men fifty dollars a day to stay on his farm and not tell anyone they were there even if those rumors were true they didn't mean much a year passed before calvert got more information and it wasn't what he expected on august 20th 1989 an anonymous caller to nebraska's crime stoppers hotline tipped authorities to watch out for ray and faye copeland of mooresville missouri the caller said that he had worked for the copelands ray had made him buy cattle with bad checks and then threatened to kill him he said he wasn't the first he hinted that rey was a murderer jack mccormick on september 6 1989 just two weeks after the phone tip the anonymous caller surfaced jack mccormick was picked up outside salem oregon for sleeping by the side of a highway when the police computer revealed an outstanding warrant for bad checks in missouri he was extradited when he got there he admitted making the anonymous call mccormick said that copeland met him in a homeless shelter and hired him to work on his farm after he moved into copeland's house copeland opened a bank account for him so he could buy cattle it seemed like a square deal but mccormick grew suspicious when he found a closet full of men's clothes that belonged to other men from the shelter some had their names written inside a common practice among drifters during the 15 days he lived at the farm mccormick said he made several cattle purchases for ray and faye copeland but soon mccormick overdrew the bank account and the sullivan county sheriff issued a warrant for his arrest right after that on august 10 1989 mccormick claimed that copeland tried to kill him with a 22 rifle then for some reason copeland changed his mind mccormick fled the county it sounded like a wild story but the sheriff couldn't dismiss it out of hand then came the wildest accusation of all mccormick said he found a human skull and leg bone on copeland's farm when he suggested that what might be happening here is that mr copeland may be killing people we thought we better look into it based on what mccormick told authorities and coupled with the fact that two of the cattle thieves were seen with ray copeland the sheriff had enough to arrest ray and his wife faye for charges relating to check fraud a search warrant was issued to determine if they were up to something far worse a drifter named jack mccormick accused ray and faye copeland of murder he said the evidence was buried on their farm on october 9 1989 the couple was taken into custody with the copelands behind bars at the livingston county jail the officers searched the farmhouse they found items that seemed to substantiate jack mccormick's account first was the closet of men's clothes faye had been cutting them up to make a quilt some of the clothes had the names of the missing men in them just as mccormick had described the officers also found a list of men's names hidden in a camera case it included the men who had passed bad checks the ones who vanished had x's beside them if mccormick was telling the truth and copeland was a killer sheriff calvert would have to find the bodies but after a week of searching the officers found no trace of the missing men while the copeland farm was being searched tv stations began reporting on the case rancher keith albright saw the story and called the sheriff to report what he knew yeah this mr all brought out here on alaskan road albright had rented a farm just six miles from copeland's ray had done some odd jobs for him albright told police that he had found some bones out in a field at the time he thought they were animal bones now he wasn't so sure having found no bodies on copeland's farm police believe that albright might be on to something if copeland were guilty he wouldn't be careless enough to bury all his victims on his own land they spread out to search albright's farm in the barn they noticed that some areas of the dirt floor had been disturbed they began to dig by the end of the day officers uncovered three bodies from shallow graves on albright's property calls kept pouring into the sheriff's department and they tracked down every promising lead when people found out that we were suspicious of what he may have been doing they became suspicious about everything that they had seen him doing so we got we we went on a lot of wild goose chases all right looks like we have something down here don't perhaps trying to minimize his involvement began telling wild stories he said he overheard some strangers talking about dumping a body down a neighbor's well sure enough investigators found the body of one of the missing drifters but the lie backfired the discovery implicated copeland even further the search on that farm intensified and a fifth victim was excavated from beneath two thousand bales of hay using dental records the five men were positively identified a few weeks later among them was dennis murphy pulled from his watery grave it was a good start but investigators needed forensic evidence to tie copeland more directly to the murdered men [Music] calvert gathered the 22 rifle found in copeland's house and a pile of 22 slugs recovered from the bodies and delivered them to the missouri state highway patrol the rifle was test-fired in their crime lab it would leave its unique set of markings on the slugs as they hurled down the barrel a comparison microscope was used to compare the markings on one side the test-fired slug on the other a slug pulled from one of the five murder victims the marks on the slugs lined up exactly to firearms and ballistics expert todd garrison that meant only one thing after comparison and examinations we could conclusively say this particular bullet had been fired from this particular marlin firearm obtained from the copeland farm bullets from the same rifle killed each of the five victims but investigators still needed to know if faye copeland had any role in this the note found in the copeland's house told volumes rey who was illiterate couldn't have written the names on the list to see if she was the author calvert turned the list over to missouri state highway patrol's handwriting section though a person's handwriting varies certain features remain consistent handwriting expert don lock compared the note against a known sample of phase handwriting he noted several distinctive characteristics for example the letter b always appeared in uppercase even in the middle of a word luck concluded that this and other details were common to the note and to examples of faye's handwriting but what about the x's it was possible that faye had simply written the list of names and rey had placed the x's by them as he killed the men would be harder to judge could one simply look at the x's and positively identify those x's to someone no but they were there and as i said they were consistent with the writing that was positively identified locke even compared the ink used to write the names against the ink used to write the x's his conclusion the same ink had been used for both faye copeland wrote the names and marked the x's as her husband killed the men one by one lock and garrison provided the forensic evidence to charge the copelands with five counts of first-degree murder on november 12 1990 faye was sentenced to death ray followed her on may 22nd 1991. for two years faye and ray copeland were the only couple on death row sentenced for the same crime [Music] ray copeland cheated the executioner when he died in october 1993 at the potosi correctional center in 1999 his wife of over 50 years had her sentence reduced to life though neither of the copelands ever confessed investigators pieced together this scenario ray somehow came up with the idea of hiring drifters to write the checks for him make sure gate is lined up yeah the gate the gate got the gate come on after the men outlived their usefulness or when the warrants were passing bad checks piled up copeland murdered them and faye kept the books how much is a human life worth police estimated that the copelands made thirty thousand dollars from their scheme six thousand dollars a victim they thought no one would notice a few missing drifters they were wrong it's often said that two heads are better than one when committing murder having a partner gives police twice as much evidence to gather [Music] and twice as much chance to catch the [Music] killers [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Real Responders
Views: 668,976
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: police documentary, the new detectives, true detectives, real crimes, crime documentary murders 2020, crime documentary murders, true crime youtubers, serial killers never caught, new detectives documentary, the new detectives season 4, crime reenactment, investigation discovery, serial killer documentary, true crime daily solved cases, serial killer, crime stories 2020, crime documentary, making a murderer, disappearances, partners in crime, true crime, private detective
Id: M2uFJ0-iQZM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 12sec (3132 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 05 2020
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