Military Justice | FULL EPISODE | The New Detectives

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in north carolina a marine's estranged wife disappears without a trace with no body and little physical evidence naval investigators struggle to determine her fate the remains of a young woman are found burning near a rural south carolina road for five years her identity and that of her killer remain a mystery in virginia a sailor in the united states navy is found murdered in a vacant lot investigators must look among his shipmates to find the killer violence is an inescapable reality of contemporary life and navy sailors and u.s marines are not beyond its reach [Music] when those who defend their country commit murder it falls to special agents of the naval criminal investigative service to ensure that no one escapes military justice [Music] [Music] north carolina's camp lejeune is one of america's largest training grounds for the us marine corps [Music] but even here where honor and loyalty are virtues betrayal and murder exists on march 27 1999 marine corps sergeant whitman wallace reported his estranged wife 25 year old tanya missing to military police though he and tanya were separated their four-year-old daughter had been staying with him for a few days tanya was supposed to pick her up after she got off work the previous evening but she never showed [Music] tanya's roommates hadn't seen her either and they said that her vehicle was also missing whitman believed tanya had run off with another man [Music] the case was turned over to the naval criminal investigative service or ncis an elite civilian federal law enforcement organization whose mission is to protect and serve the navy and marine corps and their families special agent robert bratton who headed up the major case response team began the investigation into tanya wallace's disappearance there were some very real concerns about a mother of a four-year-old child who was very close to her child leaving without any comment to the family that she was staying with at the time a few hours after the missing persons report was filed word came in that tanya's abandoned car had been found security guards at a nearby store had noticed it sitting in the parking lot since early that morning an examination of the vehicle's exterior revealed the presence of small traces of human blood on the door handle agents and military police quickly spread out and began scouring the area for any signs of the young mother [Music] but hours of searching failed to produce any clues to the missing woman's whereabouts [Music] the vehicle was impounded for a more detailed analysis [Music] agents had to consider that with an impending divorce tanya wallace might have gone missing on purpose looking for answers agents went to check out her apartment and interview her roommates one confirmed that recently tanya had begun dating another man but he was in the navy and was currently deployed overseas [Music] tonya had made no mention of plans to travel [Music] and since ending her relationship with the abusive whitman wallace nothing seemed to be troubling her the roommate added that since her split with wallace tanya had become upbeat and excited about the new life she had ahead of her she was committed to her daughter's happiness and her roommate could not believe that tanya would simply abandon her four-year-old leaving her estranged husband to raise her [Music] based on interviews of her girlfriend that she was living with the fact that she had never left the child alone for any period of time in fact was uncomfortable leaving her child with the father for any extended periods of time we relatively quickly ruled out the the idea that she had probably left with somebody willingly before leaving agents collected tanya's toothbrush and a hairbrush for future dna comparisons [Music] though agents remained hopeful that tanya wallace would turn up unharmed all the signs were pointing to foul play when are we gonna start searching but so far they had no physical proof that a crime had taken place [Music] i appreciate you coming down talk to me sergeant whitman wallace was brought in for questioning [Music] he insisted he had nothing to do with tanya's disappearance so they couldn't seem to make their marriage work he still loved her and their four-year-old daughter he said that on the night tanya disappeared he had been assigned to work desk duty from 11 pm until early the next morning [Music] he said he never left his post [Music] agents contacted wallace's assistant who also worked that evening he confirmed that wallace began his shift at 11 o'clock [Music] but 30 minutes later wallace asked him to watch his desk wallace said his wife hadn't shown up to pick up their daughter and he needed to go back home and look after her until tonya arrived [Music] wallace left and eventually returned two hours later [Music] agents realized that sergeant wallace had lied when he claimed he never left work that night now they needed to find out what he was trying to hide they turned to the only piece of physical evidence they had a week after she was reported missing ncis special agent and forensic consultant mike maloney began examining tanya's vehicle as soon as we opened the door it was obvious that there was a great deal of blood in the car it couldn't be seen from the outside the interior of the vehicle was or was very dark dark colored carpet dark colored seats and interior but once we opened the door it was apparent that there was blood the carpet revealed a large blood stain approximately 16 inches long and 13 inches wide examiners removed it for a more detailed analysis [Music] the dna profile of the blood found in the vehicle matched those generated from the samples collected from tanya's residence [Music] hey bob it was clear that something violent had happened to tanya on the pattern but without a body agents were unable to prove that she was dead [Music] special agent mike maloney devised a blood volume analysis experiment that could provide them with that proof we felt that we could show that she had lost so much blood in that vehicle that she couldn't possibly be alive agent maloney first needed to determine how much blood it would take to create the same size stains as those left on the vehicle's carpet [Music] they obtained carpet samples from the vehicle manufacturer and saturated them with human blood examiners determined that 1850 milliliters of human blood or nearly four pints was necessary to create a similar size stain and that would be nearly half of tanya wallace's total blood volume no one could have survived such severe bleeding without medical assistance [Music] for agents there was now no doubt that tanya wallace was dead and they were equally convinced that her estranged husband sergeant whitman wallace was responsible but so far they had no hard evidence to prove murder with no body and only a blood-stained carpet to work with forensic examiners of the naval criminal investigative service proved that missing 25-year-old tanya wallace was dead an ncis special agent believed her estranged husband marine corps sergeant whitman wallace had killed her but they lacked physical proof and wallace was no longer cooperating [Music] believing the suspect may have tried to throw away evidence of his guilt agents began searching the dumpsters surrounding wallace's barracks but the trash had already been emptied ncis special agent robert bratton refused to give up though it seemed like a long shot he contacted the area landfill where all of the trash from the camp lejeune dumpsters is brought they can tell you where trash that's picked up and delivered that day or any particular day is within just a few feet we asked them at that point to isolate the trash that was delivered on monday and tuesday of that week the marines chemical biological incidence response force located that spot and began sifting through the mountain of debris [Music] after hours of searching the team found and collected a large green military issue sweatshirt and some women's clothes all of the items were covered with what appeared to be blood stains dna tests on the items of clothing showed that all of the blood had originated from tonya wallace and for special agent mike maloney it appeared that tanya had been wearing the clothing at the time of her death except for one item the green sweatshirt we were curious as to who the sweatshirt belonged to though the staining was on the outside of the sweatshirt and saturated to the inside so we were fairly certain it wasn't something that tonya was wearing the night that she was killed we examined the neckband of the sweatshirt and also the armpits and there was quite a bit of debris of old skin cells of sweat and sweat saturation examiners were able to extract minute traces of dna from the skin cells found on the sweatshirt analysis showed that the dna was consistent with having come from sergeant whitman wallace believing they were closing in on tanya's killer agents searched wallace's barracks room wallace was in the process of moving out and the place had been thoroughly cleaned i don't know what they'll turn out to be when agents applied luminol and darkened the room large stains emerged on the tile floor [Music] tests confirmed that the blood was human but the stain stopped abruptly where the carpet began no blood was present beyond the tile flooring convinced tanya had been murdered inside whitman wallace's barracks room agents began interviewing other marines who lived in the same complex thanks what do you have for me one marine recalled that a few days after tanya was reported missing wallace paid him a visit this probably is probably no big deal [Music] he said that he had an inspection coming up and the carpet in his room was muddy and it would never pass [Music] wallace asked to switch the carpets and the barracks made agreed but after the inspection was complete wallace never returned to switch the rugs back appreciate it i'll give you a call all right all right later okay in fact it was still lying on the marine's floor you have his rug now yeah hoping the rug contained the evidence they needed to prove whitman wallace was a killer agents collected it and brought it to the lab for testing agent maloney examined the carpet we did the luminol test and we found the rest of the missing pattern from that stain by the door they match together perfectly just like a puzzle piece a very large saturation stain of what was later positively identified as blood on the carpet that matched that pattern that had been so sharply cut off on the tile floor dna testing revealed that the blood on the rug as well as the blood on the tile floor was consistent with tonya's agents now had enough evidence to make their case sergeant whitman wallace was placed under arrest and charged with murder based on the evidence agents believed that whitman wallace was unwilling to give up custody of his daughter and was resentful of having to pay child support [Music] on march 26 1999 after getting off work tanya went to her estranged husband's barracks to pick up her daughter whitman wallace had made sure he would be there when she arrived with the couple's four-year-old daughter asleep in the next room wallace savagely beat tanya today [Music] he put her bleeding body into her vehicle drove to a remote site and buried her at a general court marshall sergeant whitman wallace pled guilty to kidnapping and unpremeditated murder he was sentenced to 30 years in prison and as part of the plea agreement wallace led authorities to tanya's remains even without the victim's body ncis special agents were able to quickly expose the deadly violence of a marine corps sergeant but in south carolina it would take naval investigators years to unravel one killer's deadly scheme on november 6 1989 a man driving along an isolated road in jasper county south carolina noticed something burning on the side of the road appearing it could spark a larger fire he went to extinguish it the fire was emanating from a large green duffel bag and inside the bag the man saw what appeared to be the charred remains of a human body he called 911 deputies from the jasper county sheriff's office raced to the scene [Music] the person found inside the duffel bag was burned beyond recognition [Music] and the skull had been smashed [Music] the only clue to the victim's identity was a unicorn print nightgown that had survived the blaze indicating this person was likely female according to jasper county detective sam woodward investigators found little else only thing we had was a a female body in a duffel bag that would set a fire um basically that's all we had we didn't have no footprints no tire tracks nothing like that believing that the victim's identity would reveal her killer police hoped an autopsy would yield valuable information [Music] analysis of the remains led the medical examiner to conclude that the female victim was caucasian around 25 years old with dark brown hair an enlarged uterus indicated that she had recently given birth her death had been brutal she had been hit in the head 32 times with a blunt instrument police entered what little information they had into a national law enforcement database containing descriptions of missing persons they also checked all local missing persons reports but none of the reports matched the description of this jane doe authorities knew their only hope of identifying this victim was to reconstruct her face as it had been in life for help police called upon the expertise of dr ted rathbun professor of anthropology at the university of south carolina he quickly realized this task would not be easy in a complete human skull there are 22 separate bones of the skull and face but in this instance due to the massive trauma there were at least 122 fragments to deal with some as large as the palm of your hand others as small as half of your little fingernail so that it really was a jigsaw puzzle a three-dimensional jigsaw puzzle after eight days dr rathbun had successfully rebuilt the skull i was able to provide law enforcement and the forensic artist with a completed skull that was held together with glue with supporting sticks and clay so that photographs could be taken and oriented representing an individual with a distinctive facial structure forensic artist roy pascal of the south carolina law enforcement division was brought in it was now up to him to bring this victim to life we do have that hybrid [Music] after placing rubber markers at certain points in the skull to indicate the depth of the flesh pascal photographed the evidence then he began drawing the face of the victim by hand in pencil [Music] four months after her body was found jane doe finally had a face hoping to spark some recognition from the public the victim's image was distributed throughout the area to the media and to local law enforcement agencies but no leads were developed five years went by without a break in the investigation it began to look as if this case would never be solved for investigators it seemed that the identity of jane doe and that of her killer would remain a mystery for nearly five years a female victim found burning along a jasper county south carolina road remained unidentified [Music] although forensic examiners had given jane doe a face her name and the circumstances surrounding her death remained a mystery [Music] yo one time years of searching through missing persons reports failed to produce a match [Music] and by 1993 missing persons cases filed in south carolina had reached an all-time high but the rash of reported cases was not limited to the civilian population agents from the naval criminal investigative service stationed in charleston were also inundated with similar cases involving military personnel and members of their families [Music] though they had formed a cold case squad to deal with the volume their caseload continued to increase [Music] in october of 1993 agents responded to the home of kathy french [Music] her lifelong friend 28 year old annie tahan hadn't been heard from in nearly five years at the time of her disappearance annie had been living with her boyfriend michael pollan a sailor stationed in charleston and though annie and michael had had a child together in 1989 their relationship had been troubled [Music] just after annie became pregnant michael grew violent and abusive toward her [Applause] [Music] he would explode into a rage for no particular reason and threatened to leave her and take their baby with him annie began to fear for her life but she vowed she would never give up her child [Music] a short while later kathy moved out of state [Music] and after giving birth to her baby annie wanted to join her but was reluctant because michael pallan had had her arrested once before on bogus kidnapping charges a few months later annie called her she was ready to leave charleston with her baby and come stay with kathy kathy said she wired annie money for bus fare but never heard from her again since the father of the missing woman's child was a sailor in the united states navy ncis special agent jim griebes agreed to open an investigation but given the couple's tumultuous relationship he had to consider that annie's disappearance had been intentional uh we felt that maybe she was in a bad relationship with michael paland and that she could have just fled and that was a possibility we had to rule out a records check showed that electronics warfare chief michael pollan was currently stationed at a naval base in hawaii agent griebes contacted agents there and asked them to speak with bellan [Music] michael poland told the agents that on the morning of november 6 1989 he woke to find that annie had left him in the baby [Music] he remembered that she'd called a few days later but didn't say where she was or what her plans were added that his mother who currently lived in savannah georgia had since adopted their daughter naval investigators didn't believe poland's story for them there was only one explanation as to why annie tayhan was not with her baby [Music] we felt that if she was going to leave what she wanted to do she would have taken that child that was the one thing she wanted was to take that child with her she did not want to lose that child it didn't take us very long to form the opinion that she had she had been murdered agents believe that michael pallan had killed annie tahan but so far they had no proof they began reviewing dozens of unsolved murder cases from throughout the state in one of the files dating back to 1989 agent grievous made a startling discovery that was a forensic drawing of a young lady that had been found in jasper county on november 6th of 1989 and i took this photograph i had of annie and i i looked at both of them and i knew right then that this was annie and that we had just found her dna analysis confirmed that the mysterious jane doe was in fact annie tayhan and now naval chief michael pollan was the prime suspect in her murder investigation what's the next step yesterday i went up to sled yesterday but ncis special agent peter hughes knew that finding proof of his guilt would be difficult the problem we were confronted with was the fact that we were working a homicide case six years after the fact so to start from ground zero and try and put these facts together was going to be a tremendous hurdle for all of us results for the credit card agents and local authorities began by trying to retrace poland's movements at the time of the murder in hardyville they sifted through his phone records for november 6 1989. they found several calls placed to a number in savannah georgia located 100 miles away the number belonged to pilan's ex-wife [Music] unsure of the connection local police obtained her financial records they found a receipt dated november 6th from a gas station located 25 miles from where annie's body was discovered [Music] investigators began to theorize that michael pollan had not acted alone agents traveled to miami where poland's ex-wife currently lived she denied any knowledge of annie's murder she remembered that one morning in mid-november 1989 poland called her [Music] he said that annie had recently left him and he needed her to help take care of the baby she agreed and drove to poland's apartment in charleston a day or two later to pick up the child [Music] but the phone records and gas receipts proved that she had traveled to the apartment on november 6th the same day annie was murdered when it came to dates and times she couldn't seem to keep her story straight agents confronted her with the receipts and asked if they would help refresh her memory once she realized we knew she was in that apartment uh at about the time that annie was murdered she knew we had her knowing she could be implicated in the murder the ex-wife agreed to cooperate she said that michael pollan didn't want annie in his life anymore but wanted the couple's baby knowing annie would never give up her child blonde plotted to kill her and the ex-wife agreed to help him pull it off [Music] in the early morning hours of november 6th poland called her and told her it was done and he needed her help in cleaning up the apartment [Music] when she arrived just after dawn she noticed blood everywhere after helping poland load annie's body into the trunk of his car she helped him shampoo the carpets and paint over the blood spatter on the walls the information had brought agents one step closer to making their case now they needed to find physical proof that michael pollan had done what his ex-wife had accused him of [Music] she agreed to take agents to poland's old apartment and walk them through the crime scene though the apartment was now vacant the ex-wife was able to point out where annie's body had been on the carpet she also described the pattern of blood spatter on the walls and ceiling [Music] but no blood was visible and after so many years agents were skeptical they would find any still agents darkened the room and applied luminol throughout the area to their surprise blood was still present and the locations of all the stains were exactly where the ex-wife said they would be [Music] terrible though the findings had corroborated the ex-wife's statements and provided powerful evidence of poland's guilt agents knew it didn't prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he was the killer [Music] because when you look at the facts of the case a defense attorney can easily say that this was a jealous wife who killed her not poland but a jealous wife agents needed to get michael pollan to confess to the murder [Music] with the ex-wife's help agents set a trap she would phone polan and coax him into talking about the murders interesting enough the opening comment that his ex-wife made was michael they found the body they found annie and his reply was no they didn't which was was a major significance and that he an innocent person of course is going to say what are you talking about body i don't know what what are you talking about but now he's he's on the phone and he's telling us no the police didn't find the body after several days of intercepting phone calls agents had heard enough well did you hear him deny him three weeks before he was scheduled to retire from the navy chief michael polan was placed under arrest and charged with the murder of annie tayan confronted with the evidence amassed against him poland confessed to the crime determined to keep his child he said in the early morning hours of november 6th he returned home from work to find annie sleeping in front of the tv [Music] using a blunt instrument he beat her to death to conceal his guilt he placed annie's body in a duffel bag and drove to a deserted country road he threw gasoline on the body and lit it on fire at a general court martial convened at the naval station in mayport florida michael pollan pled guilty to the premeditated murder of annie tahan he was sentenced to 30 years at the leavenworth federal prison for comparisons betrayal by a husband or a wife has become all too common but military buddies claim to be loyal friends to the end areas on the morning of april 23 1998 a man pulling up weeds near an apartment complex in newport news virginia noticed something lying in the grass [Music] when he approached he saw that it was a human body and the male victim had been shot to death the man went to a nearby apartment and called 9-1-1 officers from the newport news police department responded to the scene [Music] they began searching the victim's pockets for any clues to his identity inside a wallet they found several hundred dollars in cash and an id card the victim was 23 year old steven november a sailor stationed aboard an aircraft carrier at the nearby norfolk naval base he had been shot five times but the lack of any stray bullets or shell casings at the scene combined with scuff marks observed on the victim's shoes led police to believe that steven november had been murdered elsewhere then brought to this remote location no one who lived in the area had seen or heard anything unusual at autopsy the medical examiner determined that the cause of death was a nine millimeter gunshot wound to the victim's head four other bullets recovered from november's head and chest appear to have been fired from the same weapon [Music] but with few clues and no solid suspects police knew that finding this young sailor's killer would be a difficult challenge police in newport news virginia continued searching for answers in the shooting death of 23 year old stephen november an enlisted sailor in the united states navy with little physical evidence to go on police hoped a search of his residence would yield some clues police scoured november's records [Music] one document caught their attention it was a transaction record in steven november's name for a nine millimeter handgun the same type of gun that had been used to kill him but a thorough search of the apartment failed to produce the weapon [Music] looking to uncover any information detectives contacted the victim's commanding officers at the norfolk naval base but nothing in november's records suggested any problems he was a dedicated sailor and was well liked by his shipmates something worse than anybody hoping to retrace november's movements on the night he was murdered detectives arranged to interview his friends and shipmates airman apprentice hector coleman said he and another friend were with november the night before his body was discovered the three had gone out to run a few errands that evening around 10 o'clock november asked the driver carlos saldana to drop him off at a nearby convenience store november said he had some things to do and he would meet up with him later he had just cashed a large tax refund check and was carrying over two thousand dollars in cash [Music] the two men watched november enter the store and then drove away school guy i mean coleman said they never saw their friend after that all right airman recruit carlos saldana who had been driving the car that night was also interviewed he told the same story as hector coleman but almost immediately police sensed that saldana was not telling the truth newport news homicide detective lorenzo shepard observed the questioning while he was being questioned he was appeared to be very nervous he was very fidgety he wouldn't look you directly in the eye and those normally are sound are signs of individuals who are being deceptive or not being truthful when discussing something [Music] detectives asked saldana to take a polygraph test when the results indicated deception he decided to talk [Music] saldana said the three had gone to the convenience store that night but they did not leave after november went inside [Music] the victim got into the back seat of the car a few minutes later and they drove away he said hector coleman then pulled out a nine millimeter gun and shot steve in november the motive behind the murder according to saldana was robbery saldana had no idea where the murder weapon currently was but he knew that the gun belonged to steven november carlos saldana and hector coleman were both placed under arrest and charged with murder coleman denied any involvement in the shooting with saldana's confession police believe they had an airtight case but a month before the case was scheduled to go to trial an inmate serving time with saldana in the city jail came forward with information i've already been here for three months carlos saldana had bragged that he was the one who actually murdered steve in november he told the inmate that he had pinned it on hector coleman in order to avoid the death penalty [Music] the inmate had provided reliable information in the past and police had no reason to doubt him now investigators strongest witness had confessed to being the trigger man and now a month before the trial they were back to square one investigators knew that one of the two men in custody was responsible for stephen november's murder but until they could prove who had pulled the trigger they knew they could never win a conviction [Music] police in newport news virginia had two enlisted men in custody for the murder of steve in november a 23-year-old navy sailor found shot to death in a vacant lot though carlos saldana told police that his friend hector coleman was the killer saldana later admitted to an inmate that he had actually pulled the trigger with the trial just weeks away investigators were now in danger of losing their case but they had another option one that would allow investigators more time to build a solid case [Music] newport news authorities dropped all of the charges against hector coleman and carlos saldana and turned the case over to prosecutors of the navy's judge advocate general corps referred to as jag who shared jurisdiction in the investigation [Music] jag officer lieutenant commander scott lang took the case and with little physical evidence he had to prove which of the two witnesses was telling the truth [Music] the challenges in this case were that we had only two witnesses and both of them had a huge motive to lie no one wants to get pinned with being the actual trigger man in a murder so we did not want to commit our prosecutorial efforts to any one theory based solely on the word of someone with a motive to lie for help lieutenant commander lang turned to special agents of the naval criminal investigative service located in norfolk virginia well i just wanted to give everybody a brief here agent bill heath was assigned the case his first step was to determine the truthfulness of carlos saldana's claim that hector coleman committed the murder inside his vehicle we wanted to go back to that vehicle and determine the feasibility of mr saldana's statement could this shooting have occurred in this vehicle as he described that was that was their primary objective is it possible initial inspection of the vehicle however revealed no visible traces of blood or any other signs of violence [Music] the search of saldana's vehicle was turning up nothing and it seemed that agent's best chance of exposing steven november's killer was slipping away but ncis forensic examiners are trained to look past the obvious special agent mike maloney removed the rear seat of the vehicle where steven november had allegedly been sitting when the murder occurred when he split the seat cushions open he found the underlying foam cushion soaked in blood [Music] dna analysis confirmed that the blood stains had come from steven november's body using a projectile trajectory analysis agent maloney now set out to prove where the shots had come from projectile trajectory analysis is a method by which you take the injuries or the wounds that occur to the individual and also any intermediate targets that the bullet may have passed through be it the clothing be it the seat itself a wall a window and by lining those up you're able to determine where the likely point of origin of that shot was a mannequin with steven november's bullet-ridden shirt was placed in the back seat of saldana's car using the bloodstains in the seat cushion to approximate the victim's position agent maloney concluded that the path of the bullets must have originated from the front passenger seat since carlos saldano was known to be the driver of the night of the murder agents could assume that hector coleman had occupied the front passenger seat position [Music] but for special agent heath that was not enough he needed to locate the murder weapon which he believed was steven november's missing nine millimeter gun a short while after entering the serial number into a national law enforcement database he got a call police in brooklyn new york had arrested a man on a burglary charge and in his possession was steven november's nine millimeter handgun when the gun was recovered i was extremely happy that we had found that proverbial needle in a haystack the next hurdle was determining is this the murder weapon or not after ballistics tests confirmed that november's gun had fired the fatal shots agent heath traveled to new york to find out how the gun got there the man in custody claimed he bought the gun from a friend of his reluctantly he provided agents with the name and number of the seller [Music] agents contacted the man who had sold the gun fearing for his own safety he agreed to talk but only in a secluded spot at a nearby park [Music] when shown photographs of the suspects he pointed to hector coleman an old childhood friend as the man who sold him the nine millimeter gun [Music] coleman told his friend that he had used the gun to commit a murder and now he needed to get rid of it once i was able to locate the witness in new york that actually purchased this nine millimeter from mr coleman his testimony became absolutely tremendous because here we have a disinterested third party who in a casual conversation with mr coleman was given all the details of the crime though agents have no idea why carlos saldana had bragged to an inmate that he had pulled the trigger they had proven that hector coleman had murdered steven november [Music] agents believe that before entering the convenience store november asked his friend hector coleman to hold on to his nine millimeter gun after driving away coleman said he wanted to fire the gun into the air he asked november to make sure there were no police around when the young sailor turned his back coleman shot him he then robbed him of nearly two thousand dollars in tax refund money then had saldana drive to a remote location where they dumped the victim saldana later claimed that coleman threatened to kill him too if he told anyone about the murder carlos saldana pled guilty to one count of accessory and two counts of false official statements he was sentenced to eight years confinement a general court martial was convened for hector coleman on august 18 1999 he was found guilty of the robbery and murder of stephen november he was sentenced to life without parole in a federal prison violent crime poses a threat to every segment of society but when a murder occurs within the united states navy and marine corps it falls to special agents of the naval criminal investigative service to make certain that no one escapes military justice [Music] you
Channel: The New Detectives
Views: 207,025
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The New Detectives, New Detectives, New Detectives Full Episode, Full Episodes, New Detectives Documentary, Crime, Crime Documentary, Crime Patrol, True Crime, True Crime Daily, Unsolved, FBI, FBI Files, Crime Stories, Crime Documentaries Full Episodes, Unsolved True Crime, Mystery, Solved, Investigation, Police, Criminal, Forensics, Forensic Science, Science, US Navy, Marine Corps, Naval Criminal Investigative Service, Military Justice, wife missing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 40sec (3100 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 13 2021
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