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a tourist town becomes a death trap for three vacationing women investigators must link the suspect to the crime scene or their case will be dead in the water during her abduction a woman is shot on videotape can the blurry image help detectives zoom in on her killer a [Music] murder case rests on two computer discs that have been cut to ribbons now investigators must invent a way to assemble their evidence bit by bit [Music] every phone call can be followed every transaction leaves a trace most of us never give it a second thought but when a crime occurs technology becomes an electronic witness [Music] [Applause] [Music] on June 4th 1989 investigators in Tampa Florida found themselves plunged into the depths of a mystery at 9:30 in the morning boaters discovered a body floating in Tampa Bay it's hands were tied behind its back duct tape covered the nose and mouth the victim was naked from the waist down the Coast Guard arrived to recover the body they cut it free of a weight that dangled below the surface the victim was female as they carried her to shore another call came in a second body had surfaced seven miles away like the first she was bound and apparently raped she was also thrown in alive it was clearly a victim of the same killer st. Petersburg detectives syndra coming has worked the case this body the second one also had a yellow nylon rope tied around her neck there was another female nude from the waist down the end of the rope around her neck was tied to a two cell cement block her feet were tied together her hands were tied at one point but we believe she struggled and she was able to get her hands-free in the water before she died the killer hadn't finished no sooner had the second body been recovered than a third victim surfaced 200 yards away killed in the same manner the triple-homicide in the water sent out ripples of activity police boats scoured Tampa Bay for more victims divers descended to the bottom but no more bodies were found that was the good news the bad news was that the killer left no immediate clues he was still out there somewhere whoever killed these women had to be some kind of a monster [Music] the autopsy revealed the three women had been dead between two and three days giving their killer ample time to clean each died from lack of oxygen either from the tape across their noses and mouths the rope around their necks or by drowning the horror of the crime was compounded by the anonymity of the victims in a tourist spot like Tampa every day the victims could have come from anywhere the case was heavily publicized hoping that someone who knew the victims would come forward hundreds of leads poured in sixty detectives were assigned to follow up not one lead panned out meanwhile 1,100 miles away in Van Wert County Ohio a dairy farmer named Hal Rogers grew anxious his wife Jo and daughters Michelle and Kristi were vacationing in Florida it was their first time off the farm the girls had never been to the ocean before and were very excited but now couldn't escape his obligations at the farm and had to send his family without him their last postcard was dated 11 days earlier and they hadn't called in a week he knew something was wrong while Hal Rogers contemplated a trip to Florida to look for his family a maid at a Tampa hotel had suspicions of her own for seven days she returned to the same room to clean it but found that the occupants hadn't slept in the beds or even opened a bar of soap some of the city's surrounding the murdered women was fresh in her mind wondering if there were a connection she told her manager about the room he notified the police [Music] the room was registered to Joe Rodgers she had arrived with two children forensics dusted for fingerprints one set was positively identified as one of the murder victims identification was difficult because the bodies were so decomposed when found but investigators at last had something to work with on the hotel registration Rodgers had listed her vehicle the car wasn't in the apartment Tampa Police spread out to located they found it parked at a boat ramp two and a half miles from the hotel forensics combed every inch of it for clues they found a tourist brochure on the back were handwritten directions to their hotel the penmanship was compared against Jose Christy's and Michelle's it didn't match it was apparently written by someone they met on the road to investigators this meant only that they became lost and asked someone for directions it was hardly a lead a tourists life is full of such brief interactions with strangers that's precisely why investigators were so troubled by this case the killer too was no doubt a stranger to the victims and crimes committed by strangers are the hardest to solve because nothing connects victim to killer it could be anyone from the entire Tampa Bay population that we were concerned about and it had everyone in Tampa Bay area concerned and worried because the victims were were just tourists someone that everyone can identify well they weren't in a drug area they weren't doing anything illegal or anything wrong and here they they were singled out and victimized by an unknown person and we had no leads to the suspect nothing to start with investigators also found a sheet of hotel stationery with directions to the boat ramp they included the words blue with white because the directions were to the boat ramp were killed on the water detectives assumed the words described The Killers boat it also described hundreds of other boats in Tampa Bay investigators determined that the handwriting on his stationery matched Joe Rogers the killer must have visited or ponder at the hotel and dictated them but no one had seen him in the hotel giving people log of incoming calls the ferocity of the crime told police that the killer probably had a prior record more than likely he worked his way up to murder through a series of smaller crimes but without further leads the investigations stagnated months rolled by as waves of suspects arose and were eliminated in October four months after the murders investigators received a bulletin about a rape that occurred on a boat at Madeira Beach two weeks before the Rogers were killed the victim was a tourist Madeira Beach was only ten miles from the murder scene sergeant Glenmore says the similarities between this case and the Rogers rape and murder didn't stop there the suspect in the Madeira Beach case had threatened to use duct tape on the mouth of one of the of the victim on the Madeira Beach rape case and that was what was used on our victims he also threatened this woman with dying was it worth dying for and he also had a blue and white boat [Music] the victim gave police a description of the rapist besides his blue and white boat she also remembered that her attacker drove a dark four-wheel-drive vehicle with tinted windows become positive her attackers face was published in the papers tips flooded in months past as detectives chased every lead that could connect a suspicious stranger to the victims it came to nothing by now almost a year had passed and all they had was a picture of a rapist who may or may not be the killer without any promising leads in the Tampa Bay triple homicide sergeant Glenmore reviewed the evidence collected so far he had a composite sketch with no ID and a brochure with directions to the hotel written in a stranger's hand the brochure was taken to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement lab in Tampa and processed to reveal fingerprints it held some prints that didn't belong to any of the victims they were analyzed by latent print examiner's Sam McMullen there's what we call or referred to sometimes as writers palm and that's when you're writing a document the way that your hand the palm of your hand falls on the document of sale a palm print is just as conclusive as a fingerprint in making an ID whoever left these prints wrote the directions on the brochure now detectives wondered if this same person possibly killed the Rogers if this writer were the killer his fingerprints were probably on file for prior offenses although palm prints become part of a repeat offenders record they aren't usually cataloged in the computerized fingerprint system investigators had no way of doing an automated search all they could do is manually compare the print against each new suspect that surfaced more time slipped by without a match the prints and the writing sample seemed useless more wouldn't let the investigation die the man who killed the Rogers was at large and police were determined to find him to flush him out they held press conferences posted billboards typically what happens is you put up a picture of the victims and you say does anybody know anything about this case I think what was a little bit different unique about what we did with the billboards was is we actually put a picture of the handwriting evidence up on the Billboard and asked people to look at that and tell us if they knew then who the hand writer was among the deluge of leads one stood out a woman named Joanne Steffi told police that the handwriting looked like a former neighbor's an aluminum siding contractor named Oba Chandler she had seen the composite when it first appeared and thought it resembled Chandler but she wasn't sure the handwriting rekindled her suspicions when we put the handwriting up on the billboards and it brought it back to her attention she went and checked with some other neighbors and some other people and found some contracts where the business he was in she made the visual comparison herself along with her neighbors and they decided it was a great likelihood this was the writer so they gave us a call the contracts in brochure were sent to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement where they were scrutinized by document examiner Teresa Stubbs the examination of handwriting is really a study of movement you're looking at all the aspects of the writing the beginning strokes the ending strokes the hythe relationships of letters to other letters once I had familiarized myself with all those habits that were on the brochure then I compared them with the habits found in the known sample of writings submitted as being that of mr. Chandler I found that they were significantly similar in all aspects no differences the handwriting match was the break the detectives needed a little more digging and investigators found that 45 year old Oba Chandler had a long criminal record having been charged with everything from burglary and counterfeiting to kidnapping police obtained his palm prints from his prison records the print found on the brochure matched Oba Chandler's right hand they had their suspect now they had to build their case detectives arranged a photo lineup with the Mandara beach rape victim I'm asking if she could identify the man who attacked her she selected Oba Chandler's picture more confident than ever that Chandler was the murderer sergeant Moore kept him under surveillance to see if he would tip his hand he didn't and they didn't have enough to arrest him to prove he killed the Rogers they had to place him at the scene of the crime the waters of Tampa Bay held no clues but maybe the answer was in the air detectives sought his phone records to see if they could trace his whereabouts Chandler's home records showed that on the night of the murders June 1st 1989 five calls were made between 1:30 and 5:00 a.m. the prefixes showed that these calls were shipped to shore made collect to his home they were extremely important they put over Chandler on his boat the night of the killings the night that the women were murdered and thrown into the bay we could prove that Oba Chandler was on his boat at his trial Chandler said he'd been fishing on the bay that night when his engine failed he told the jury that his fuel line broke and by the time he fixed it with duct tape he'd lost all his gas he was stranded until a passing boat rescued him the next morning but the jury didn't buy his fish story on cross-examination Chandler couldn't explain why he called home but didn't call a towing service he couldn't describe where the fuel line enters the engine he didn't realize that duct tape doesn't stick to a gas covered fuel line and most importantly he didn't know his engine had an anti-siphon valve making it impossible for the gas to leak out if the line burst I believe that was one of the defining moments for the jury to see him on the stand and to see all of what he said proven wrong the prosecution presented a more credible scenario lost in Tampa Joe Rogers and her daughters stopped to ask directions to their hotel the friendly stranger who showed them the way was over Chandler now he knew where they were staying he may have called them shortly after they checked in inviting them to watch the sudden Sun from aboard his boat Joe jotted down the directions and off they went there was no time to unpack when they arrived at the Pierre Chandler was there to greet them they boarded the boat never suspecting this was to be their last sunset for his crimes Oba Chandler was sentenced to death oh but Chandler didn't care who he killed most murderers are more selective the road to their conviction begins with a motive in Northumberland County in central Pennsylvania a young girl returned home from a grandparents house she'd walked this path dozens of times and her mind was a million miles away but on June 12th 1989 the foul smell of decay caught her attention she cautiously investigated hoping it wasn't a dog struck by a car what she found was far worse a human body Pennsylvania State Police rushed in to document the scene before the body was transported to the morgue for autopsy every homicide investigation begins with three questions who's the victim when did the murder take place and who did it district attorney Roberts a cabbage now a district judge search for answers we could not get a quick identification we had to use scientific techniques we had to get a forensic odontologist to examine the teeth and so forth for that purpose also we were interested in finding what the time of death was the warm weather had taken its toll there wasn't much left to collect all that the police could tell was that the victim was female [Music] she didn't easily surrender information about her death her clothing provided the first clue County Coroner Richard Ulrich analyzed the remains the clothing was removed and upon being removed was displayed and was examined further and at this point time it was felt that she suffered repeated stab wounds to the back through the clothing which indicated blunt force sharp injury next the insect life colonizing the body was examined the life cycles of flies and beetles can be used to estimate the time of death the longer a body sits the more generations of insects it nourishes it was determined that the victim was killed between 19 and 25 days earlier the dental records identified the victim as lori ocker who had disappeared 19 days before on May 24th lori akka and her son had moved back in with her parents after separating from her husband she was last seen leaving home at 3:30 for her job at a pet store in the mall by 4 o'clock she hadn't arrived at work her boss found her homes to see where she was her mother was concerned she should have been there already thinking her car may have broken down her parents retraced her route they saw no sign of her until they arrived at the mall [Music] her car was parked near the entrance but no trace of lorry was found until her body was recovered 19 days later for almost three weeks lorry occur was considered a missing person but now her case was turned over to homicide and attention shifted to finding her killer Laurie's mother told police that lorry had received threats from her estranged husband Robert ocker the couple had been battling over custody of their son lorry had been so afraid of Robert that she kept a shotgun under her bed for protection he became the prime suspect shortly after Lori disappeared police had questioned Robert ocker he told investigators that he'd been out running errands in his Plymouth Caravelle he hadn't seen Lori his parents must enjoy dirt agreed that he'd been out but said he'd driven his mother's car a 1984 Chevy celebrity at the time the inconsistency meant nothing to investigators Robert may have been lying because he wasn't covered on the Chevy's insurance to prove Roberts involvement they'd have to place him at the scene of the abduction police went to the mall to see if anyone had seen anything suspicious they spoke to a teller at the bank next to the mall entrance she suggested that perhaps the tape from the automatic teller machine held some clue since it captured the portion of the parking lot where the victim parked her car an ATM camera snaps still images onto videotape at preset intervals the camera at the mall where ocker disappeared took a picture every 10 seconds Laurie auger had been missing five days by the time investigators were able to obtain the tape the image fuzzy but undeniable was stalkers car next to it was a figure assumed to be occur it was the next image taken ten seconds later that caught investigators attention the picture was not clear the focus of the camera was on a person who was negotiating a transaction with the machine over his shoulder deeper into the parking lot was what we believe a scene of abduction the image showed a car crossing the victims path she's leaning into the car in the next frame that [ __ ] is driving away and lorry is gone the car those ghosts liked vaguely resembled the Chevy owned by Robert hawkers mother Robert ochre was a suspect by virtue of the fact that he and Laurie parted on such hostile terms Laurie feared for her life but it appeared that Robert had managed to lure her into the car at the time of this abduction Robert ocker was exercising his first weekend of visitation and he had in his custody the child we absolutely have no statements to that effect but circumstantially we know that how devoted she was to that child is there any conceivable reason she would have gone into the car probably if somebody would have told her that her something was wrong with her child or she was needed she might do it for that reason [Music] investigators face two obstacles linking the car to the homicide first the image on the ATM was too blurry to conclusively prove it was the Chevrolet and second Robert Walker's father had sold the car three days after Lauria car disappeared it had changed hands four times in the months since ocker sold it it was finally traced to its new owner 90 miles away despite the fact that the car had been thoroughly cleaned prior to sale the forensics team was able to raise clues from the vehicle in a door gasket were strands of hair consistent with the victims it had pulp on the end indicating that it didn't just fall out the question was why would lorry augers hair be there in the car not belonging to robber talker but belonging to the mother we also had information that she's seldom if ever was near that vehicle clue by clue the circumstantial evidence was building against Robert Walker but investigators knew that the case depended on identifying the vehicle on the tape without any witnesses our main witness in the case was the camera itself murder is not a spectator sport you seldom get eyewitnesses to a murder investigators tried the next best thing they reconstructed the crime using the ocker Chevy they positioned it in the parking lot to approximate the unknown car and they taped it with the same camera and focus as the ATM image then the two images were compared the results were encouraging but inadequate just not reasonable doubt the tape from the ATM wasn't enough investigators knew they needed to enhance the image but in 1989 enhancement technology was in its infancy they didn't know if it was possible to clean up the video as a cabbage contacted Eastman Kodak for help they suggested NASA if anyone on the planet had the ability to turn fuzzy images into hard evidence it would be the ballistic missile defense organization at Kennedy Space Center principal investigator Alan teachin is in charge of analyzing images from shuttle launches for evaluation or troubleshooting when the Pennsylvania State Police contacted him he knew that enhancing the ATM tape wasn't rocket science but it was close the process was very much the same the source material was different in that videotape from ATM machine is poor quality than what we normally deal with teachin knew the quality of the image was too poor to identify faces or the license plate the best he could hope for was to identify the car model the image was loaded into a computer which converted it into a digital image made of dots of light called pixels 512 pixels per line 512 lines per image the process took five days the computer governed by a set of mathematical equations manipulates the pixels enhancing the picture there is no human intervention directing a specific result the mathematics determine the result each set of equations produces a different outcome teachin have to be meticulous in his methods he was setting a precedent never before had video enhancement been used in a capital case he devoted three weeks to enhancing the ATM video once he completed it he set to work enhancing the police reconstruction video he used the same parameters for both in order to demonstrate that the images were in fact enhanced and not altered even within him/her the car in the original video wasn't perfectly clear to make their case investigators hired an expert from General Motors to identify the make and model of the car he identified it as a Chevy celebrity model year 1983 or 84 robber stalkers mother drove a 1984 model sakovich have placed the augurs car and robert occur at the crime scene the image enhancement made his case based on the forensic evidence and the unambiguously enhanced images Robert ocker was sentenced to death for the kidnapping and murder of his estranged wife Lori Walker a landmark case also established image enhancement as a powerful tool in the crime fighter's Arsenal there are video cameras all around us so they're capturing images and whenever anything significant happens now police are going to those cameras to try and capture some critical evidence and now they're using digital imaging to try and get it enhanced to a point where it's it's more reliable than it would have otherwise been every murder investigation is like a puzzle solving it requires finding the right pieces but in a case in the Philippines investigators have the pieces they needed they just didn't know how to fit them together in the pre-dawn hours of February 25th 1991 a disabled truck on a desolate road caught the eye of a taxi driver in Angeles City the Philippine star assist the driver he realized he had no woman behind the wheel was death [Applause] when police arrived the queue was still in the ignition the driver was still strapped into receipt she was an American officials at nearby Clark Air Base were notified life on the base is tightening the first investigator on the scene thought he recognized the truck and it's driver a master sergeants wife named Julie Snodgrass Tim Davis Office of Special Investigations regional forensic consultant Lieutenant Colonel Tim Davis was summoned as we approached the truck one of the agents came over and said sir I think it's it's Julie [Applause] now when I walked up to the truck and looked in I just said oh my god and you um you you you don't forget those kind of things I will tell you that you just don't as an Air Force wife Julie was a friendly face at picnics and parties which she attended with her husband Joe and sometimes their two young children she was she was a good gal to be around friendly never knew an enemy that's what I had a problem with when I was at the scene was that I just seen Julie two days before and I'd asked her hey I told her she looked great she's got this great glow in her eyes this great smile and it's tough the glove box had been ransacked content spilled across the seed and onto the floor superficially it looked like a robbery but it was too violent for that the victim had been stabbed more than 40 times this was an act of violence this wasn't an act of hey lady give me your purse I'm gonna steal your truck it wasn't anything like that this this was an act that was done clearly to kill Julie the truck was carefully transported to a garage at the base where it was swapped for blood that might belong to the killer air and fibers were also collected the sample were sent to the army crime lab at Camp Zama Japan the results were disappointing none of the blood fibers or hair found in the car pointed to anyone other than the victim investigators hoped that more significant clues were still to be found the truck was carefully enclosed in a tent and fumed with superglue paper which exposes latent fingerprints some partial prints were lifted from the dashboard they didn't belong to Julie or Joe Snodgrass but the Philippines had no system to match fingerprints with known felons it was another dead end besides the brutality of the crime one question kept nagging at Davis what was the victim doing in that part of town especially at that hour Julie went somewhere generally it was on base only very rarely did Julie ever go off base the victim's husband Joe Snodgrass was questioned about the night of the murder it was an awkward situation Joe was in charge of managing all the evidence collected from crimes involving Air Force personnel in the Philippines because of his personal connection the murder of his wife was one case he was not catalogue Snodgrass told investigators that he and Julie argued she stormed out before several of her friends to see if they'd seen or heard from her fight he even kept a log of the calls he's made that level of attention to detail raised suspicions if you're watching and you believe in in the TV cop stuff primarily one of the things that a guilty person does is keep a log of the phone calls so you just think I'll come on this is this is too obvious here buddy but he actually did [Music] Joe and Julie Snodgrass had a history of domestic problems in fact a year earlier during a divorce Joe and moved back to the states with their children Joe had convinced her to come back to him one month before her death to see if their relationship was souring once again investigators spoke to their housekeeper she was nervous and unable to offer any information about the snodgrass as a relationship considering her daily interactions with the family that seemed strange investigators had no evidence to justify their suspicions about Joe Snodgrass then the housekeeper decided to come clean you know what did you do just as our investigation into the murder of Julie Snodgrass was hitting a wall the timid young housekeeper broke the case open she admitted to having an affair with Jo Snodgrass more than that she told investigators that he had written her a letter asking her to hire her relatives to kill Julie Snodgrass he asked me to find somebody to kill her and he wanted me to quick she destroyed it but her word was enough to get a warrant to search Jo's office investigators confiscated some handwritten letters and two computer floppy disks from his office then as a matter of legal procedure it's not grass was called in to identify the items collected in order to establish ownership when presented with the floppy disks was not grass suddenly lunged forward and pulled something out of his pocket we heard one of the agents call out he has a weapon and at that time a number of agents who were armed ran by us and ran to the interview room and then it was determined at that point that Jo had a pair of scissors Snodgrass had concealed a pair of pinking shears it grabbed the disc all in basically one one motion this was like flash second stuff and Jo began to cut the disc up into pieces this is this is evidence this is not supposed to happen but it did the disks obviously contains something in a criminal that stuff could there'd ever be salvaged Lavis wasn't hopeful you've taken something that was intact and now it's in 20 some pieces and in your mind it's there they're there in a sense becomes 23 more pieces of evidence how did how do you deal with it that was the question of the hour no one had ever dealt with anything quite like it before he sent the fragments to the Department of Defense computer forensics laboratory in Washington DC they became the responsibility of special agent Jim Christie of the Air Force Office of Special Investigations from the time I got the initial phone call from the Philippines we were we had all our computer crime investigators out trying to find someone who had a technique to recover the data because no one had ever tried that before like this not only were the disks cut up each piece was crumpled as well Christy shopped the discs to private companies to other law enforcement agencies to the FBI each politely declined saying the task was impossible or staggeringly expensive so when my deputy had kuch ins and I we drove around the Beltway picked up our disc and we're driving back around the Beltway and coming back to the headquarters here and Eadie said okay you've let everybody else have a shot at this you're gonna let me have a shot and I said what are you gonna do well Gus got to tape them back together and I won't tell you what I I told him at that point [Music] they experimented with blank formatted discs cutting them taping them back together and slipping them into a drive to see if the data were still readable the first attempt was disappointing so we turned it on and I watched my disk drive bounced across the table for about 10-15 seconds until the read/write heads ripped off before they tried again investigators placed a second floppy underneath the tape floppy to cover up the seams [Music] they saw their first glimmer of progress the disk drive survived but before they could apply the technique to the actual disk fragments they had to flatten them out once again brainstorming and intensive trial and error brought results a soldering iron placed in a section of aluminum tubing provided the right amount of heat and pressure to flatten the fragile sheet once the segments were flattened investigators have to try to read them they knew they might only have one chance so when putting the pieces together they erred on the side of caution we're afraid that if we put them all together that if one piece ripped and caught the head it might tear up the other evidence so we decided to create hosts diskettes what we called hostess guts for each piece each fragment was spliced onto its own separate host diskette and read individually 23 fragments 23 host diskettes one chance to catch a killer [Music] computer forensics experts in Washington DC puzzled over how to assemble the pieces of the mutilated diskettes in order to solve a murder some of the fragments were so small investigators didn't know how to align them on the disk these more troublesome pieces were sprayed with a solution called Magnus II the magnetic spray dries to a powder reveals the magnetic tracks on the disk fragments once the fragment was properly aligned on the host diskette our was brushed away finally any time to read the fragments to analyze and display the bits and pieces and data investigators relied on a software package called an ax disc developed for law enforcement Anna disk kept a trail of the separate segments of data and displayed them on the screen so they could be combined the pieces in more ways than one were falling into place but the splices still caused problems information on a diskette is tightly packed whenever the disk drive head hit a splice it lost contact with the disk and missed large chunks of data for this high-tech problem an assistance to find a low-tech solution well what do you get was he just put his finger on the head just like you would put a penny or a coin on it on an old photograph when you if you got stuck and and by putting his finger on it and rereading that sector the head didn't bounce that we were able to get more data [Applause] investigators found love letters Snodgrass wrote to his wife and to his mistress along with letters to his insurance company requesting an increase in Juli Snodgrass as coverage they also recovered information linking Jo to an elaborate black-market scheme but what they found next was akin to a signed confession we found a last paragraph of a letter talking about his girlfriend hiring the hit man him asking her as a girlfriend a higher hit men which she did it had taken five weeks but the DoD forensics lab had achieved what was thought to be impossible taken resurrected data that enabled a brutal murder to be avenged and in the process developed a set of procedures for others to follow experts said the cost could reach into the millions they spent 131 dollars the information they gathered sent back to the tenon Colonel Davis in the Philippines tell you flat out had we probably not had that we'd had a tougher case to prove but with the the documentation that was recovered from that disk there was no mistake we had Jo investigators reconstructed the legend force of events that led up to the murder Joe Snodgrass who was very controlling of his wife had convinced her to deliver some money to one of his black-market contacts he told her to pick up two of his confederates and to drive them to the drop-off corner she complied she didn't know that the men she were the ones hired to murder her they were the relatives of the snodgrass his housekeeper trusting them she drove to a secluded spot they killed her because can you tell us what happened that night I didn't sort sir they confessed to the crime and I see need your help yes door together the housekeeper received probation I'll do it this last time but not anymore and if we're masterminding the crime Jos nutgrass received life in prison you never stop and think that you would end up investigating one of your own for murder or being involved in the conspiracy to commit murder it never crosses your mind net not once the technology that simplifies our lives has also made it harder for us to pass unnoticed in almost everything we do we leave behind an electronic trail as solid as footprints and as individual as our own face when a crime occurs unseen by human eyes investigators can invoke and electronic witness [Music] [Music]
Channel: Real Responders
Views: 285,204
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bombs, bomb, bomb disposal, mail explosive, explosive disposal, police documentary, the new detectives, forensic science, investigation, detectives, police investigation, cold cases, criminals, crimes, true detectives, sherlock holmes, real crimes, real detectives, private detective, forensic evidence technician, forensic evidence and crime scene investigation, forensic evidence john oliver, forensic files season 11, forensic malayalam full movie, forensic files 2020 hln
Id: Rg9saWPxI8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 2sec (3122 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 29 2020
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