When Taylor Schabusiness Beheaded Her Lover in Bed

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hi I'm Taylor Shaw business and I'm a very hard-working dedicated individual that's broke and really needs money to help get that swole on hey you and welcome my name is Mike and in this whole video we are getting all up into business because well yeah kind of gonna be a lot of them in this video you know making videos about True Crime must have been myself for a good few years now you know you get to a point where like you think you've seen it all right you're like listen of corporate all the models Nothing's Gonna surprise me and then this comes along in February 2022 it first appeared some kind of game a wink wink had gone wrong but how wrong it'd have to go for a head to end up in a bucket I'll leave for you to decide this is bananas let's give it a goo [Music] this old video takes us to Green Bay home of the Packers of cheese of snow and well probably one of the craziest stories I've covered in race recently at least congratulations Green Bay you know you lost Aaron Rodgers but yeah gained some [ __ ] business on the western side of Green Bay it lies a nice little neighborhood and one of the streets in that neighborhood is Stony Brook Lane if you can believe that a nice quiet neighborhood modest homes for the hard-working folk of Wisconsin though I definitely don't call them that when my team is playing the Packers and it was from one of those houses that a 911 call was made at approximately 3 25 am on February 23rd this is that call just your son 24 20 25 or no he was sure yesterday with some chicken then all of a sudden nobody's here uh where's the rest of the body at no idea he was here a couple hours that came up with Taylor and they was met somebody Taylor Who's That Girl Senator Coronado living in the house was one Tara packanic and you know earlier on in the night she had heard a door slamming and a car drive off now her son and her son's friend had been staying over for like the last day or so and so she was a little bit curious oh she's like oh correct massone's friend left we'll go down and see if everything's all right it was the middle of the night you know but she was a little bit curious and so she sat down to investigate and she went to use the bathroom and she saw the light down in the basement where they were it was on so she down the steps she went as she went down the steps she opened the door into the basement and right there on the other side of the door was a black buckets on the ground on top of the bucket was a towel and weird so she listened to tell see what was in there inside was a head a severed human head her son's head she then went back up to talk to her partner Steve it's hard Tara believed it was her son Shad Tyrion Shad was 24 years of age son of Tara and Michael Tyrion he was a native of Wisconsin growing up with two sisters one brother a local to the Green Bay Area he reportedly left school without graduating attended the same school in fact with a certain tailor Shad enjoyed camping he loved games and he was a talented artist whose specialty was wood carving but now the police were riding to his home his mother's home for a different kind of carving they showed up about 10 minutes after the nine women call had been made that snowy bitter morning following Tara's directions they found the bucket at the bottom of the stairs a towel on top inside a severed head do it let's just the two responding officers were so shocked by this entire situation they had to double check to make sure the head was real he was like that's not like rubber no no wait anymore right if we could get more units here sooner rather than later that'd be appreciated we've got quite a bit of blood down here pulling it through this rest of this house there was a fair bit of blood in the basement on the mattress on the floors and later when checking the bookage fully it was filled with blood and there was a penis also inside as well as two knives later bags would also be found in the basement containing body parts the upper torso internal organs and more knives would be found and then the Palacio the next protocol was who was the last person to be with shad to see him and that was a person shad's mother Tara called Taylor Coronado better known as Taylor ship business they rocked up to where she lived also in in Green Bay about an hour and a half after first finding the severed head and before they even spoke to her saw her knocked on her door they could seemingly follow the trail of blood from her vehicle um is this blood does this look have blood to you why am I just tripping bloody footprints see this right here could possibly be brought up hmm hey who did that hi hi Taylor how's it going officer what's up with the three-day Police Department Taylor emerged from the apartment building and seemed pretty surprised to see the police standing outside right beside her vehicle she had blood on the front of her sweatshirt sweatpants and hands no on your hands okay yeah we're gonna have to what apartment no blood on the fitted cap with their name on it though it's a bear's hat though by the way I mean in Green Bay come on you sure I mean she was this a business and she wanted everybody to know it they they do now [Music] Taylor she business was born Taylor Coronado on the 23rd of November 1997. she again likes that a local of Green Bay they were high school classmates together at Bayport High School now Taylor's upbringing wasn't wasn't great it wasn't easy uh Taylor's mother Marla she passed away when Taylor was about 12 years old she passed away of cirrhosis and alcoholism after then Taylor went to live with her grandparents who lived in Katella down in Texas since she was a child she's been receiving mental health treatment something which when she moves back to Wisconsin well the drugs and the uh Mass didn't didn't really help kind of one iota surprisingly in her own spare time she would make dream catchers really shitty art or take selfies with serial killers oh my God is that a picture of her with local Wisconsin celebrity Jeffrey Dahmer now Taylor is in fact married married to a man named Warren Chabot now I hear you're barking big dog where was Warren while Tater was off having a good time with Chad over here well uh he was in fact in prison during this time and and today it still is Taylor and Warren married in February 2020 and are so mad about each other they tattooed each other's names on their necks talk about dedication it appears that Warren shabo is the reason Taylor changed her name from Coronado to shab business because she likes the Shah part and she means business I assume it's a stupid ass name but it kind of fits fits the story Warren Chabot also changed his name from Chavo to cheb business but that was a very bad idea for Warren over here because he can't even spell it he is currently incarcerated on drugs charges results actually I'll let him explain my name is Warren ishibo but I'm the one that blessed Taylor with the last name business either way I'm currently locked up on federal charges because I was framed anyways I beat a conspiracy to distribute methamphetamine charge and pled to a possession with intent to deliver which is the best deal I could get so I was sentenced to 28 months because I already had 25 months in at the time of sentencing with this being said just know I'll be out by the January of 2024. but possibly November or December of this year so plan on Warren sha business to be out soon now you know a little bit more about Warren and trust me come my release terribly lots more to know about myself and my wife hashtag free my wife Taylor should business loyalty over everything though from some of the stuff Taylor would post on her Facebook account it doesn't seem like it's literally over everything for Warren Taylor would often post these very passive aggressive things about you know they never trust a man who breaks your heart and all that kind of [ __ ] Warren has a criminal history of domestic abuse drug dealing resisting an officer Taylor has one too Australian officer resisting an officer possession of drugs paraphernalia according to documents and on pictures Taylor and Warren have a son they're two years old named Mateo thankfully he lives in Texas with his paternal grandparents I mean with this unworn's Facebook profile Mother of God maybe she really is that banging I could fix her and so it wore in a way that mice will play and hence Taylor and Shad it's and it seemed like they had been um in a relationship before they kind of rekindled that they'd known each long-time friends they'd known each other from high school they had been dating before they broke up and now when confronted by the police that night February 23rd after they found shad's head in a bucket Taylor I mean her reaction was like you got me well they found cars yet that the child was his mom's house it's on his head where's the rest of his body it's there it's at his house he's in the house can tell me what happened that's a good question because I've blacked out during that time yeah I always threw the party the body's there so we're gonna take to hit someone do you like food so you dismembered a body too yeah but what did you do with the body parts yeah I know I forgot the head I wanted the head did you bring anything with you yeah yeah [Applause] did you watch it did he did no no it was out of random like I wasn't expecting that and it kind of threw me off guard and it was an open place and all that he went into big part it's pretty open [Music] it was really weird she didn't really try to deny or hide anything at all maybe it's because she was on drugs or is just an insane person but I think both can be true at the same time because there's plenty of times when she is not on drugs and she's an absolute notebook more of Shad would be found in Taylor's minivan including a leg what happened that night uh was this and it's not easily easy listening for the record folks on the night of February 21st uh Taylor went and she picked up Shad from his mother's house where he lived and together then they went back to Taylor's and they started doing some drugs ladies and gentlemen I'm talking the devil's lettuce smoking the reefer also meth too or as Taylor calls it the [ __ ] right they also shot up some antidepressants then um they went back to shad's basements uh sometime on on February the 22nd went down uh Tara let them in Downey's go wouldn't it have five minutes of being downstairs in that basement Shad who's like yeah have a look at this he brought in two metal chains described as being like dog collars before where the two of them choked me Daddy had kind of been a thing now they're taking it to the next level with metal chains so they were both kind of author heads a little bit and then Chad was lying down on the bed face down Taylor on top of him on his back choking him here comes the chain right and you put it around his neck while we were like playing around and [ __ ] and then um this was kind of like a Prelude to you know it's like foreplay she was going book Wild she was choking him she kept going she had his face became purple he started coughing up blood she went even harder and harder she said she blacked out and doesn't kind of really remember exactly what happened but next thing you know she would come back to conscious he would still be alive resisting her try to scratch her but she would keep going harder and harder because in her words she liked it she then choked him to death then after he was dead she used his body so then after he realized he was no longer who's dead just Jason purple and he said come on close going on it was a mouth um what'd you do clean them up a little bit yeah and then um I need to play without him okay what you do is it yeah I put it in his mouth at one point his back was on the bed his head hanging off she grabbed a bucket and put it under his head and started sawing his head off how did you just number his body then oh my God nice nice she would go upstairs to where shad's Mom and her boyfriend were into the kitchen just grab those knives don't mind me just um you know um doing a bit of woodwork when did you start you know cutting up a spot um some of the knives that were found were bread knives ground down to the nope she then began dismembering his entire body in that basement putting his torso into a tote bag along with his heart and lungs other sections of him and two other bags inside the room along with the bucket his leg was found in a crock pot inside her Minivan and she was there essentially with the body pretty much the entirety of February to 22nd doing all sorts and chopping them up and then early morning February 23rd she left discovery made 911 called and as Taylor was being interviewed by the police she was happy to shoot [ __ ] you know what's the crack at it was weird I would imagine Taylor's business was charged with first degree intentional homicide mutilating a corpse and sexual assault in response Taylor pleaded not guilty now on the road towards trial the main that part of the discussion would be by Taylor's mental health which I mean from hesha did it and how she described it fair enough she would in fact undergo a number of mental health examinations to see if she was in fact fit for trial about a month after she was charged a court-appointed expert said she was capable however the defense would always dispute always the sensation no She's suffering from mental health issues she's not capable of assisting in her own defense she should be fan You Know Not Guilty by reason of insanity all that and I mean obviously that's their job but they would also say you know Taylor has been suffering from mental health difficulties since she was in seventh grade since she was a shot right this has been tread her entire life only exacerbated by drugs use math Ola the [ __ ] but ultimately the judge would rule she was mentally competent in assisting her own defense though her actual defense would say she was away with the fairies that due to her Matthews she was hallucinating and all sorts though her defense wouldn't be you know spared even though they're a great helper uh from Taylor because in February 2023 she attacked her own attorney while in court never should have come here an accused killer attacked her own attorney in court Taylor she business is accused of killing and mutilating her boyfriend a year ago in Wisconsin you went off on your journey Taylor you went crazy on your attorney she really went from not a bottle Runner was this a ploy too seem insane probably I mean some defense experts here they would say when you're talking Taylor she's fine she's coherent she's Grand other times they would say they would go in and speak to her and she's just screaming Non-Stop when she presents herself you have comments about that yes it's my comments about that are that it's very um a very very unusual what we call presentation how is she looking how does she talk how does she interact she's been described as smirky I yeah smirky she has inappropriate that her you know grinning weird grinning when she's talking about the crimes looking people have interpreted it to be like laughing at what she did other times looking you know real I mean I can mimic it very um scowly a lot of people interpret it superficially to be grinning yeah grinning at all but getting a kick out of everything nah nah not me based on my experience and training that's a psychotic person right there the Judge Joe wasn't having it and finally towards the end of July 2023 her trial began Taylor was pleading not guilty and not guilty by reason of mental disease or defect defendant strangled her friend she had Theory into death using a dog collar that after he was dead engaged in sexual acts with him this body subsequently dismembered him using kitchen knives found in the home But ultimately the case comes down to choices and responsibility the defendant made a series of choices February 21st 22nd and 23rd choices to use methamphetamine choices to kill her friend Chad choices to then utterly degrade him after the fact the choices the defendant made please keep an open mind listen to all the facts listen to what every witness has to say carefully and weigh what they have to say and remember there's always two sides to every story Taylor's behavior during trial wow she's having a great time like she was may as well have been there with the popcorn she was a Hooten and hollering she she looks like the whole and the whole thing hilarious when the prosecution argued to show you know the crime scene images and they wanted to show an image of shad's decapitated head she found that hilarious that argument um the doctor could just simply describe everything but the question is is be helpful to the jury or here to the judge zap or when a friend of Shad was testifying and makes a kind of accidental joke specifically uh when I got there I was we were just chilling chopping it up like how we always do and uh basically um I was like Taylor was thinking asking like do you wanna you wanna hang out with Chad she was asking me like for consent to hang out with shed well she kept her sense of humor at least I mean if nothing else she also had this really weird habit of looking at the camera and smirking when you I wonder if the cameraman thought she was hitting on him several times it was only one time that one time when you saw her did you saw Did You observe her to be acting in any kind of bizarre manner okay nothing further thank you very much can you redirect [Music] it took the jury less than an hour to decide if she was guilty or not I presumed they stopped for coffee in McDonald's while they were trying to kill most of the error you can literally see the smile fall off her face the first verdict reads as follows we the jury find the defendant to tailor Denise business guilty of first-degree intentional homicide as charged and count one of the information dated this date July 26 2023 signed by the poor person however that was only the first part of the trial then would begin Parts two when the jury had to decide was she you know mentally irresponsible for like she did murder Shad but was she mentally there when she did it or was she not mentally responsible for the murder of Shad Tyrion it didn't take long after once again less than an hour tete was ruled competent and mentally responsible for her actions question one at the time the crimes were committed did the defendant have a mental disease or mental defect answer no Taylor will be sentenced at the end of September 2023 she's likely looking at life without parole [Music] and so ends the story of Taylor Show Business probably the most insane woman I think it's up there the most insane woman I've ever covered the most you could have comparable person I can think of is uh your man Bryce Rhodes in court shouting and all sorts I can't tell if Taylor is just evil or on another planet completely there was that recent hearing uh you know the other day about the UFOs and all that stuff and Aliens you know the whole thing of like yester is aliens no joke I wonder if Taylor is who they're referring to she's kind of evil in a humorous way though if I'm honest I mean what she did was completely despicable and my heart goes out to tashad and his family but at the same time it's kind of like what did Taylor do today what's she up to today put a camera in her cell live streaming I'd subscribe she's something else entirely but I guess it's none of Arisha business thank you so much for watching uh I really appreciate taking the time to watch this little video means a lot as always and as always next all video will be open a couple of days uh every Tuesday and every Friday at 8pm my time which is 3 P.M EST so give it a goo also all the other stuff links down below it all later stuff so take well if you want otherwise I'll see you real soon in the next video please take care of each other and yourselves because I love you thank you [Music]
Channel: That Chapter
Views: 1,274,819
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: that chapter, true crime, dark history, taylor schabusiness, shad thyrion, bodycam, police bodycam, police interview
Id: oSNZoLwZZ2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 38sec (1538 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 01 2023
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