When A Man Becomes A Legend

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that's player ever played against Kobe is more skilled than any player that's ever played that I've seen he knows in his heart he's the best ever welcome to the Kobe show complicated shots shooting over taller opponents footwork with extraordinary grace the Alon V tell of the athletic ballot jury that he put on that court I think there has been nobody better than Kobe Bryant right now he's the best player in basketball that I don't think is even close one time one game I'm taking Kobe Bryant like I'm going right at you I want to be better than you Kobe Bryant was the best bachelor ever live well you know he's the greatest has ever played Kobe Bryant will go down as the greatest basketball player that has ever lived the best player this dude had everything in the toolbox times we we haven't seen this type of mastery at this level Kobe Kobe Brad Coleman Kobe Bryant Kobe Brad it's Kobe Kobe Kobe Kobe Bryant Kobe being Bryant Kobe Bryant Kobe Kobe disguise unbelievable man is no doubt that he's the best player that I have faced what he's able to do offensively and defensively is I mean it's unbelievable and I look up to a guy like Kobe Bryant because of what he's able to do every night he goes out on the basketball court so once again I'm quoting again saying that Kobe Bryant is the best player in our league he has the capacity through his will and determination [Music] you [Music] no one understand what it takes to be great the force that drives you to do what others don't the sacrifice is made all with one purpose in mind push yourself and become better the extra seconds minutes hours of work put into perfecting one's game lifting yourself above the rest to make sure your name will forever be synonymous with one word greatness On June 26th 1996 the NBA was introduced to a 17 year old kid out of Philadelphia the fifth player in league history to make the jump straight from high school to the NBA and yet even with all of this hype with all the heavy expectations with the bar set impossibly high on this kid he somehow managed to exceed all expectations every single time in every way possible you know I wasn't sure if I wanted to make this video a tragedy is so devastating it's almost incomprehensible what is there to say that hasn't already been said Kobe the black mamba the man who made us dream big persevere overcome get knocked down and get right back up and do it all over again because that's what champions do the man who taught us about loyalty strength discipline an unshakable unmistakable possession of heart and persistency the part where he taught us to never back down to never quit until I have reached the top and I dare anyone to try to stop me that part that Kobe energy that unmatched unwavering contagious energy that only the black mamba could bring so today with a heavy heart I want to celebrate Kobe's life with y'all some memorable moments in Kobe's career who he was as a player and person and the irreplaceable role he played in our lives now we've discussed Kobe and all of his glory on this channel more times than I can even count like the time when we took an in-depth look at every single time Kobe faced off against Jordan or when we crunched the numbers to see if a prime Kobe Bryant could score a hundred points in today's NBA the conclusion we came to of course he could he's Kobe Bryant and then there was the time when we took a dive into the exact moment when Kobe became the black mamba and put the entire world of basketball on notice when he was on the courts it was Kobe's world and everyone else was just living in it not a single weakness in his game physically or mentally and don't even get me started on afro Kobe I don't know what that man was putting into his hair but when Kobe was rocking the fro there wasn't a soul on planet earth that could keep up with my guy all the moments he gave us like when Michael Jordan told Kobe he can wear the shoes but he would never fill them so as a farewell gift Kobe puts 55 on his head the best part is you know Kobe was loving every minute of that beatdown meticulously choosing his spots talking smack just being Kobe or the time you threw that al you to Shaq sealing the deal in game 7 to go to the NBA Finals a moment that has been ingrained in all of our memories or what about the time when Kobe outscored the entire Dallas Mavericks roster for three quarters dropping 62 points in just 32 minutes what is savage you gotta love it and of course the famous 80 one-point game that had us all in shock and made even the biggest Kobe haters say well I'll be damned Kobe once had the nerve to bet $500,000 in the middle of a game on a free throw of course no one wanted to take that bet and he drilled it and let's not forget about the time when Matt Barnes tried to spook our dude and Kobe just stood there like dark you know who I am right or how about the time when Kobe gifted the entire Lakers roster with his signature shoes then when the team got blown out by the Blazers Kobe took the shoes back and told his teammates they couldn't wear them because they were too soft there was the time he sank to clutch free-throws in crunch time after tearing his Achilles can barely walk but still sinks back-to-back free throws with three minutes left in the fourth but this was just another day in the life of Kobe or how about just a couple years ago when Kobe decided he wanted to make a short story messed around and got an Oscar is that not the most Kobe thing you've ever heard of oh you know just casually receives the most coveted award in an industry you've never been a part of because simply why not the man was a living legend and I want to stray away from any goat discussions I feel like this goes beyond basketball and his legacy is cemented in ways that transcends rankings and numbers but I want to offer a perspective into the mind of Kobe a point of view that may shed some light on why many fans across the globe feel that there never was and never will be another Kobe Bryant see back in 96 Kobe became the first guard to ever get drafted to the NBA straight out of high school at the time this huge jump had only occurred once in the modern NBA which came in the year prior with Kevin Garnett but unlike young stars that came after Kobe that took the NBA by storm Kobe didn't quite see the same success early on in his career as a first-round lottery pick Kobe spent his first two seasons in the league coming off the bench averaging just over 20 minutes a game and just under nine shots again for a player that just two years prior was being anointed as the next Michael Jordan this wasn't quite the start some fans were expecting to put this into perspective you know we gotta give our boy cobia charts here are numbers from other all-time greats in their first two seasons in the league add that to the fact that he dealt with a shortened lockout season in his third year and Kobe's path to greatness was already starting to fill with more obstacles and challenges than his counterparts in fact here is a pre draft scouting report on a 17 year old Kobe let's see here very mature yep knows the game of basketball and what needs to be done to win yeah a true leader who dominated games with triple teams most the time yup fierce competitor with a lot of determination bruh no brainer has perfected the turnaround jumper Jordans trademark will hold up you know what whoever wrote this Jason your scouting report from 24 years ago was spot on I mean this is gold all the way down to his moves here's another scouting report that was pretty accurate but personally I prefer the fan-made version this is Kobe and fortunately his early struggles set him up for a monumental rise from role player to an all-star coming off the bench 280 franchise player to superstar status slowly but surely getting better and better every single season eventually transcending the sport itself Kobe's path to greatness was not your conventional hero's arc well then again nothing Kobe did was conventional averaging 45 points for an entire month being the best offensive and defensive player in the entire league simultaneously winning with rosters that did not have the makeup of a championship team Kobe was just different in fact it is this exact quality about Kobe and his game that elevates the black mamba into the realm of the best player to ever lace up status see here's the thing Kobe didn't have LeBrons durability he didn't have Michael's giant mitts and ungodly vertical leap he didn't have Kareem's length or Shaq's frame or any of that now don't get me wrong Kobe had the tools but where other players were put on the fast track to basketball superstardom Kobe Bryant had to painstakingly build his track piece by piece every shot every failure and shortcoming every moment on the court was cataloged in Kobe's basketball index categorized practiced practice some more fine-tuned and executed to perfection the next time you saw him Kobe took the gray skillset intangibles that he was born with and through years of discipline and focus crafted that same skill set into the deepest most versatile deadly polished bag the game has ever seen because the older I get the less I appreciate raw talent and the more I admire other stuff courage will power commitment fearlessness competitiveness the absolute obsession to win and be the best that was Kobe Bryant freakishly talented and yet somehow even more exceptional at everything else a few months ago on his podcast Gilbert Arenas discuss what made Kobe so incredible at his craft and I couldn't agree any more with him if you go six six guard and you took all their names off and put their attributes on it you wouldn't find Kobe he'd be somewhere at the bottom because of his measurement like we're not talking about how he uses it got a member he uses it maximized like he uses 38 inches better than most people use their 42 s 44 so the fact that Kobe did more with less every shot had to be harder because he didn't have that he couldn't just jump over everybody his shots was more difficult the reason Kobe will be number one is just like 300 leonidas you don't supposed to win this fight it all supposed to get closer but the Greek god is supposed to kill you guys but the fact that you made him believe is the reason we remember you you fought and stood knowing you were gonna die that's why Kobe's number one so the fact that out of all the athletes that ever came in his league the one who is average is the one who got close to the Greek god makes him degree guy he had to work for every thing that he got although the loss of Kobe and his daughter GG has left the basketball world shattered hurt and just absolutely heartbroken I feel so blessed to have witnessed the greatness that was Kobe Bryant so as time passes we must do our best to preserve the legacy of Kobe NBA I'm talking to you among the suggestions I have seen from fans many said that the NBA should retire both the numbers 24 and 8 to honor the Black Mamba and although I think this would be great I've got something even better make a January 26th Kobe day or Mamba day around the league and for the games that are scheduled for that day have one team all we're number eight and the other we're all number 24 that way we are all reminded of Kobe's legacy each year of course having a team full of players with the same numbers would get a bit tricky with the refs I'm sure we could figure it out another suggestion that I personally feel the league has got to do is change the NBA logo to Kobe to me this is a no-brainer the NBA has a shady past with the existing logo anyways we've discussed this in a previous video Jerry West himself has said for years now that he no longer wants to be the logo and honestly the league has evolved so drastically over the past decade that I feel a new logo would be a fitting way to bring in this new era of the NBA the players that will be playing in the NBA 1020 years from now we all looked up to Kobe it only makes sense and what better way to immortalize the man that made us fall in love with the game than by making him the face of the league Kobe Bryant was the physical embodiment of basketball he gave every fiber of his being to this game I think it's time the game gave back to Kobe there are so many things I could say about this guy right here I could go on for days and I mean that quite literally Kobe thank you for inspiring us for showing us that our mind is the most powerful tool of all thank you for 81 thank you for one two three four five championships Thank You Koby for everything you
Channel: JxmyHighroller
Views: 2,656,025
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: LeBron James, Michael Jordan, LA Lakers, LA Clippers, Bucks, House of Highlights, ESPN, NBA highlights, Zion Williamson, Giannis Antetokounmpo, Luka Doncic, Jimmy Highroller, Kristopher London, Lamelo Ball, NBA mix, James Harden, Stephen Curry, Best dunks, Kobe Bryant, Max Kellerman, Stephen A Smith, Shannon Sharp, Ball brothers, Shaq tries to bully, Shaq vs Michael Jordan, Kobe, The Black Mamba, 81 Points, Kobe last game, Kobe and Shaq, Kobe Highlights
Id: NpCUX3gTqls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 26sec (986 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 30 2020
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