When A Killer Thinks He's A Genius (but he's an idiot)

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I didn't know what to do anymore so I just snapped see my Grandpa's head boom pull the boat back I'm thinking how fast am I gonna run I was like everybody wanted that house deserved and I did he just dropped and I heard blood just pouring out of his head he's assaulted me before he's had so many different things wrong to me my grandma looks over and she's like what's going on Boom okay this is an emergency uh we we noticed a window off to the side and uh one person went in and looked and discovered a body okay do you know who it is [Music] on May 13 2012 the family of Rick and Janet Swede made a horrific Discovery at the couple's home in Manchester Iowa they had no idea the dark secrets that were soon to be uncovered but in this Twisted case it was the police who were left shocked at the admissions of a too honest killer a killer who you will hear from in an exclusive never before heard interview the relatives of Rick and Janet sweet had planned to celebrate Mother's Day as was their yearly tradition but as the family approached the house that day they instantaneously felt that something was very wrong this feeling was confirmed when they knocked on the door and no one answered immediately they noticed that one of the windows had been shattered but in no way could they predict the gruesome findings that lay inside peering through the broken glass they glimpsed a horrifying sight Rick and Janet were inside both in pools of blood on their couch murdered in their own home shocked and in a panic a call to 9-1-1 was quickly made inside and I noticed a gunshot wind through the window and so rather than go in and explore we're calling you but a burning question lingered in the air who could have committed such an evil Act the horror of the discovery was made all the worse as the investigation began Rick and Janet's family members quickly informed the police that there was one person still unaccounted for the couple's 17-year-old grandson Isaiah sweet who lived in the home with them fearing that he may have met a similarly grisly end authorities began looking for the missing teen but they never could have imagined what they would uncover when they finally caught up with Isaiah on May 14th the day after the bodies were found Isaiah was finally located in Cedar Rapids after previously driving 75 miles to Iowa City apparently the teenager was spotted walking towards a park and was quickly pursued by nearby officers Isaiah seemingly tried to outrun them but quickly surrendered once he heard the sound of police dogs on his Trail now knowing that no harm had come to Isaiah at least not the kind that his grandparents had suffered the police were eager to hear if he had any insight into the horrific crime he was promptly brought in for an interview you'll notice that Isaiah's in handcuffs and you'll soon understand why put those things off you fight a little bit better oh yeah you're gonna be good with me right yes sir all right the detective offers to remove Isaiah's handcuffs as a gesture of Goodwill and to try and build positive rapport with him this also serves the purpose of removing the constant reminder that Isaiah is in police custody which may help him feel more comfortable why don't we shut this thing for privacy okay grab some of that food okay Isaiah Isaiah since we haven't officially met hey my name is Richard I am a police officer I don't look like it but I figure this is a little bit more comfortable for me so after this is there any way to go to the hospital for this I get I cut it open on a rusty fence and absolutely sure I'm worried about tetanus yep no absolutely Isaiah isn't being interviewed in a typical interrogation room but instead is in what appears to be the detective's office this isn't ideal as there are numerous distractions that will be a constant reminder of where he is I'm going to show you this here this is called a statement of Rights and acknowledgment of the waiver okay great roommates Island anything I can say Canada will be a court of law write to an attorney if I cannot afford one will be appointed you've got those things down already okay let me read these two is that all right all right Isaiah may be trying to show off or appear smart by reciting his Miranda rights however all he's done is prove that he's quite familiar with the criminal justice process possibly due to past encounters with police regardless it's the detective who must read Isaiah his Miranda rights and he agrees to continue talking without a lawyer being present oh yeah go ahead now down when was the last time you had something to eat four days ago you haven't eaten anything in four days all right and we got more food so if you wall that stuff down you want to keep going we've got more food we can keep it coming you guys make me feel like I didn't do anything why do you say well let's put it like this I'm not gonna be lying to you guys about anything you asked me I appreciate that no problem okay Isaiah appears to be taken off guard by the warm treatment from the detective especially when it comes to being offered additional food this puts the detective in a very good position and Isaiah may be more inclined to give him the information he wants to continue to receive this kind of treatment they're not going to take this from me are they what is it this is a real Rolex okay where'd you get that from I found it in a Hobo's tent down there yeah it's CR okay we'll just keep it up there and we'll probably do with that later cops there was like four or five cops and in Cambridge yep looking for me okay and one of them came up to me started talking to me asked if I knew where I was because I was like no so he didn't recognize you I was like no I don't even know where he's at like I have my hair back to here now what would have been one of the reasons you were pulling your hair back trying to not be seen yeah yeah absolutely at first he was asking if I saw the other cop so I was like nope and I was like do you know Isaiah Swedish and I was like no idea not clue who that is what do you thinking that the whole time he's asking that I'm thinking how fast am I gonna run as soon as he walks away from me what I want you to do right now is just kind of relax go ahead kind of Mound down like I said I want to kind of start and kind of walk back through some things first all right okay more than anything I want to know what the [ __ ] brought me to what I did okay hey Isaiah if you if you cry I that's totally fine man I respect that okay oh let me go back so bad how come so much they didn't deserve that how come they didn't deserve it if anyone in that house deserved that I did Lord better take your time brother they raised me since I was born I would failable Janet and Rick had taken custody of Isaiah when he was just four years old due to their daughter's inability to care for him Stacy sweet Isaiah's mother had allegedly suffered from substance abuse and could no longer support her young son but her parents were more than willing to take him into their home immediately Isaiah will answer one of the questions of looming over the investigation but even with this reveal there are even more disturbing questions left to be uncovered when you say what happened that night at the house what happened would you shoot him with Isaiah assault rifle an assault rifle you remember what it looks like black okay with that black bold action 10 or more round clip it's uh Czechoslovakian okay AR-15 okay okay it takes a lot to admit that Isaiah okay that's not an easy thing to do okay and Isaiah this is okay and I appreciate that although Isaiah has just admitted to killing his grandparents the detective so desperately wants to get to the bottom of how this horrific crime came to be in doing so he ensures that there is nothing preventing Isaiah from answering any question that may be thrown his way how you feeling right I mean you're with me right now like well I don't really know like lunch okay let me let me ask you this Isaiah you understand who I am yes you understand I'm a police officer you understand that the guys who brought you up here why they they had to find you okay and they brought you up there there's nothing medically right now that's preventing you to talk to me no sir right but you understand the questions I'm asking you right now okay there's no there's no question that you're not smart enough to handle these questions okay and you know what I I get that I think yeah there's like stupid Choice yeah and sometimes we do Isaiah look at me I'm not we're gonna be able I'm going to well and that's you know what Isaiah part of this is it what you're doing today by telling me the whole truth as far as what happened not only what's leading up to it but what happened during it I know it's gonna be tough to walk through when we need to do that okay and then we need to talk about what happened afterwards okay all the details we need with this this is your chance to start healing yourself on the inside walk me through Friday what's going on Friday walk me through the time you wake up on Friday morning right when someone's gaze drifts to the left after they're asked the question this generally indicates that there is some inner dialogue going on in their head this doesn't necessarily mean they're being deceptive however detectives will take note of this Behavior home and then I went down to the basement up the there's a door that goes into the garage from the basement I went up to the garage and then their room took the assault rifle out of the room and then I'll loaded it with their bullets walked up the stairs took like a point like this I had earbuff Zone and everything I took a point like this stepped up one stairs so I could see my Grandpa's head boom pull the trigger back pull the bolt back shot my grandma twice in the head where's your dad said they were both sitting on the couch okay and where were you at I was on the stairs coming up like coming up from that Landing okay because I've I've heard I haven't been inside your house but you know so many guys were up there the other day and they're kind of going through a hollow point assault rifles then I went up to him and I just broke down started crying I told him I watched how long ago apparently the teenager was heading down a tumultuous path filled with partying substance abuse and rebellious Behavior during his high school years Isaiah had supposedly begun to fraternize with a crowd of older kids where he used substances such as marijuana and methamphetamine along with this he allegedly possessed severe learning disabilities making his education all the tougher to accomplish unfortunately this only led to further issues as Isaiah dropped out of high school at the age of 16. it seemed that after this the unruly teen's dangerous actions were beginning to manifest at home during the course of the last year leading up to the horrendous crime Janet and Rick had called the police 18 separate times on account of Isaiah's unpredictable nature on one occasion that in hindsight would foreshadow the events that followed Isaiah threatened to kill his grandfather and hurt his grandmother along with burning the house down on September 8 2011 police once again made their way to the infamous house to try and stop the emerging incident they instructed Isaiah to calm down but instead of obeying the command the angry teenager retaliated by going at his grandparents once more before being handcuffed and placed on a couch it's reported that once calm Isaiah was informed that he would be charged if the officers had to return to the house numerous other encounters consisted of the same nature of violence substance use and threats at one point Isaiah was supposedly threatening Rick and Janet so much that they wanted him to be placed in foster care but they were promptly notified that this wasn't an option as Isaiah's mother would have to be the one to take him in which the grandparents did not want on April 11 2012 the most recent call to the police was made due to the fact that the teenager was using a lighter in aerosol to make a blowtorch inside the house when police arrived Janet insisted that rather than arresting Isaiah she simply wanted him under control the officers helped to calm the situation before they left without incident another call to law enforcement occurred when the grandparents suspected that Isaiah had been using illegal substances which was confirmed once a search discovered a marijuana pipe within the residence despite the history of police calls Isaiah tells a very different story of this turbulent period in his life and you'll hear it all for yourself I'm trying to kill myself every single night since it happened take your time man foreign it's possible that Isaiah is seeking attention or sympathy from the detective I just want to know what's wrong with me well would you agree there's there's nothing wrong with you Isaiah would you agree with me on that from this standpoint Isaiah look at me okay okay I don't think that there's anything wrong I'll just go to prison for the rest of my life well Isaiah let's not focus on that right now let's focus on one getting past this thing right now as far as what happened okay if you can focus on those details with me okay worry about all that other stuff later okay you're a normal smart kid right okay you're not in your head at me yes all right and I've talked I spent the last two days with a bunch of our other agents we've been talking to people that know you I haven't heard one person that said you know what that guy's a [ __ ] you're a smart guy okay all we've had we've talked to all your friends okay people that used to know you from school okay in Isaiah the story that they're telling us is that you're you're a pretty smart kid would you agree with the intelligent yeah okay so I don't think that there's anything I took an Act recess stick out of 32. okay that's pretty good yeah it's pretty good but you interview with me there's nothing wrong with you right you just whatever came over me understand that though okay the detective may be trying to confirm that there is nothing wrong with Isaiah that could potentially indicate that he was not in his right mind when he committed the murders at the same time it's possible that he's flattering Isaiah about his intelligence as a way to build rapport let me ask you about this I think you mentioned that you went downstairs into the basement which did you go for first did you go for the rifle or would you go for the ammunition walk me through that look when I went downstairs first I was just gonna hit them both into the head but I'm back okay so it would be so messy you know it would be gunshot from a Extremely Loud assault rifle sure what's going through your mind when you're making that choice when I came up I came up right behind my grandpa when he was washing dishes with a bat by hand and I put it right behind his head came back like this and I couldn't do it that night yeah okay did he notice you were back there and I came up behind about 15 different times and he didn't notice me once what about your grandma's nope emotionally it would be much more difficult to kill someone with an object like a bat or knife it would most likely take numerous strikes to actually kill the victim so the perpetrator would see their facial expressions and reactions as they were attacked this may have been part of the reason why Isaiah chose a murder weapon that would almost guarantee a quick finish it also creates physical distance between the perpetrator and the victim making it easier to carry out the ACT okay what was uh where was grandma she was sleeping okay The Gunshot won't grow okay The Gunshot when you shot your grandson dude she looked over her husband his brain was hey yeah it was that like I'm not even being exaggerated at all sure and I wasn't up there like this whole part of the sun right here was gone and then my grandma's right here all that was gone okay did did when you and we're kind of getting away from that I know we're gonna do that okay go ahead and take it if you could buy your sandwich you know kind of help calm me down a little bit too when you went down to go get you with and got the ammo first right we went and got her what got the blood okay this was after I had it out with the bat okay what got the assault rifle find it down in the basement down to the ammo box into the basement there's over 30 000 rounds for that assault rifle over there is is does he keep his ammo down there so you knew his ammunition was downstairs okay does he keep going under lock and key or nope okay so you knew that you knew that you'd have free access to it okay and so did did uh what did you do next about the hollow point rounds because I do do the most damage when asked by the detective why he chose the hollow points Isaiah states that he didn't want his grandparents to go through any pain indicating that he didn't intend to injure or maim them but in fact clearly wanted them to die so you knew that the solid ones they might have lifted though okay you didn't want that yeah oh what shot my grandpa he just dropped and I heard blood just pouring out of his head my grandma looks over and she's like what's going on Boom shot right there grazed her head and she was still moving so I shot her right here how close were you Isaiah um I could have made the shop 300 yards I'm an amazing shot but I was probably about 10-15 feet away if that oh no honestly from the barrel of the gun that my grandpa said 16 feet next the detective asks Isaiah why he wasn't able to go through with using the bat as the murder weapon how would you stop why didn't you why didn't you referring myself to put them through any sort of pain okay and I think you mentioned it would have been too messy too right no that's I didn't want it to be messy that's why I wanted to do it with a bat okay okay did you think the bat would be a cleaner way oh yeah okay had you thought I mean had you done any research on the internet about this or yes sir okay what like what kind of websites did you go to oh let's put it like this I was talking to the best way to kill somebody and all this and if I would have waited one more day I would have killed the cleanest way possible which is what nicotine boy sleep and Isaiah you understand that these are your grandparents you know that they're human beings they're people right you're not in your head at me yeah okay is there any particular time why you only shot Grandpa once because I heard blood pouring out of his head you knew he was dead oh okay and and why why the two shots with Grandma she moved right after I shot her okay did she look at you or did she say anything after she like twitched and I I thought maybe oh it's probably just the twitch they get after they die where they just like X create on themselves sure sure yep I know what you're talking about I just wanted to make sure she was the only one that I actually cared about okay I think you were closer to your grandma than your grandpa how long have you been living with them since I was born okay honestly it was yours myself that night how come you could say the deserve it I did when it's over okay and and you know you know that did you check to see if they had a pulse did you check them at all like I was the whole side of her face was blown off and so it says so like his brain was like all the coffee okay but she didn't go over and you know just to just to double check the pack but loved okay why'd you kiss him because I love them kissing his grandparents after killing them could be an indication that Isaiah may have had some sort of emotional response after all but at the same time he may be lying as he would have likely gotten blood on his face or clothes and he made no mention of changing before packing his bag and leaving if he is lying he may be trying to present himself to the detective as remorseful or caring furthering this Isaiah then states that after he had committed the unthinkable acts he prayed for forgiveness did you pray for forgiveness because you knew what you did was wrong right away I just did right away I wanted to take it back I don't know why I did it okay after after that you know you said your taxes and stuff and then you left how much time did you spend in the house an hour an hour we could go straight to Cedar Rapids develop with my ex-girlfriend last or the assault rifle out on 13. okay on Highway 13 or didn't see it all the way back so okay I figure if someone sees a really nice gun man on the side they'll probably pick it up okay surprised the police didn't find him for me okay well and we'll talk about that too okay this signals that the detective may already have knowledge regarding the murder weapon and the police might even have it in their possession as you're as you're as you're getting stuff ready in the house uh did you pick up any stuff take anything out this is the first time that there is a long pause prior to Isaiah responding long pauses are often associated with deception especially if it's not typical of the person's speech patterns when he finally gathers his thoughts Isaiah states that he took his TV knives Hydrocodone pills and nine dollars from his grandparents after killing them he goes on to describe what he did following the crime which shockingly consisted of going to numerous parties with friends are you wearing the same clothes that you were wearing Friday night yes sir so these are the same clothes yes that's in the impound okay are these the clothes that you were wearing when you shot your Grandpa Grandma yes sir okay is there any blood on them from my finger okay what happened to your finger oh from that but I mean from you oh actually I I was wearing sweatpants and no shirt with eyeshadow okay because I didn't want to get blood on these shoes over the shirt because they're nice jeans there's no blood on anything I made sure I didn't get any sort of DNA from either of them on me okay this is a direct contradiction to his previous confession of kissing his grandparents after having shot them if his claim of not wanting to get any blood or DNA on him is true then he probably wouldn't have physically touched the victims where did the blood go when you shot him where like blood everywhere chunks of like the house is massive and there was like points where it's like here's the couch hey let's hear a little kitchen 15 feet away and there's a chunk of this big Lane in there can you go look at it yeah what do you think I picked it up and I looked at it and I could see it was for my grandma didn't that freak you out a little bit kinda kinda I was I was like oh well I'm psychotic murderer anyway so it doesn't really matter but you're not psychotic I know you're not psychotic people often think that any murderer is psychotic when in actuality psychotic refers to a specific set of symptoms which may or may not be present in a killer psychotic generally refers to psychosis which involves someone losing touch with reality a person with psychosis may have hallucinations or delusions and is unable to distinguish between real life and the world inside their head Isaiah hasn't reported any symptoms of psychosis and he appears to be well aware of what he did both at the time of the murders and now the detective likely wants to put on record that Isaiah understands he was not psychotic when he killed his grandparents so that it can be presented as evidence when the case goes to court I feel really good about myself being so compliant that way you should I mean and here's here's one of the things too guys and I want to make sure that this is abundantly clear is that I know that as we've talked through these things don't embellish anything with me okay you got to shoot me straight okay I need to know okay who is over at the house who you talk to and it's not you snitching you know what that is it's you telling me are they going to get arrested I have no control over whether or not all right later let's put it like this there was one more gun and I took that but I didn't use it what gun was that uh sawing off 12 gauge okay what'd you do with that sold it okay and then I gave the assault rifle to Brandon allers gave the TV to Brandon dollars she didn't throw it you didn't throw away the nope again okay then they transported out of town right away okay how come they transported okay they didn't want hot guns did you tell them it was hot they knew I'd killed my grandparents they came in the house right after it happened and why would Brandon be going over to your house he wanted to steal the truck the white truck okay he wanted that white truck did he talk to you about that yep how did he talk to you guys he wanted to know where the title was he wanted to know where everything was or it was my ass okay and did he tell you that I mean had you told him that you'd killed your grandparents okay and what did he say he was the one who gave me the nicotine poisoning suggestion I thought you said you got that over the internet I wasn't it's possible that rather than protecting other people as he claimed he left this part out of the story for self-serving reasons he may have known that there was no explanation for people being in the house after the murders that would fit with his narrative to the detective about how he was immediately remorseful if somebody told you what to do I need to know that if you found on the internet I need to know that but don't mix those two up okay you gotta shoot straight with me he told me about all this and I looked at a bucket okay when did he tell you about that same day Friday on Friday what did you tell him I told him I just plan on like killing him taking some believe and he was like you're gonna give me that assault rifle and that's on off Isaiah tells the detective that immediately after shooting his grandparents he went to pick up Damien a friend of his before supposedly bringing him to the crime scene that fact that Isaiah brought his friend over to the house after committing the brutal Act is disturbing to say the least Isaiah now tells the detective that he took a sought-off shotgun a knife the rifle the truck all of his toiletries the TV and some clothes from the house afterward he drove Damien back to the house of their friend Brandon's girlfriends then another detective enters the room with food for Isaiah before the two make small talk well honestly I broke my phone in half a couple nights ago because Dalton calls me he's like you killed your grandparents so I was like nope never happened you know just denied it all because of all my friends calling I thought he was just about me and then this girl sent me a picture of new Squad and a bunch of cops in front of the house so I snapped my phone enough as they talk Isaiah mentioned something particularly tragic my mom doesn't even know what's going on right now kind of worried about that but sure oh well let's understand I want your mom yeah I know her parents are dead oh she doesn't know it all no she doesn't know her parents are doing when was the last time you talked to her probably two three hours before I stopped my phone I called her okay she was pretty much the only person I didn't tell the real story to okay I told her I was on the run and a few of my friends I was like oh I stole the truck and just left sure a couple of them oh I killed my grandparents oh oh let me come over the house and Lou Isaiah's story seemed to be rather jumbled but this could be out of anxiety from the interrogation or the fact that he knows he is caught and there's no way out at this point when the first detective enters the room again he begins to question Isaiah's tale regarding his apprehension why why you run from the cops what were you afraid of one of my friends in Sierra told me that they were gonna handle me extremely roughly because I did what I did yeah and I didn't want to get tased or sure I just wanted to get shot why do you want to get shot so that I would never okay why didn't you want to kill yourself because it was too damn hard it just doesn't work ever this didn't work never works okay I just think God wants me here for some damn reason okay why why why do you think then uh it was okay to shoot your grandparents but not yourself I mean that's a tough question to ask right I know what you're saying it wasn't okay it wasn't okay was it however his Claim about wanting to get shot is incongruent with his behavior of coming forward with his hands up when he was surrounded by police Isaiah may be once again looking for sympathy from the detective by saying that he wanted them to kill him despite Isaiah's confession of his actions before during and after the shootings he still has yet to State exactly why he killed his grandparents did you look outside to see if any of the neighbors oh yeah okay how come I mean why'd you look outside because I wanted well I took a shower and packed everything up I wanted to make sure no neighbors like call the cops holy [ __ ] did you why I mean did you check yourself for did you see if you got any blood on your end I had nothing on me nothing I mean did you look oh yeah I was far enough away to a point where nothing like all the stuff went they all went that way and I was this way okay I mean there's probably some traces of guts and brains on my feet because I kept stepping on people and those really good what were you I mean were you barefoot when you shot them okay and yeah wash your feet or anything since then well no I did take a shower at my therapist scratch up this negates Isaiah's previous statement that he took a shower at his house immediately after the shooting and is yet another hiccup in his story he goes on to explain how his therapist Candice is his aggression replacement therapy teacher and is one of the few responsible adults in his life if not the only one later however exactly how Isaiah arrived at her home following the crime will be uncovered and it only goes to show that wherever Isaiah was trouble wasn't too far behind what's aggression replacement treatment how not to do stupid that gets people besides me her okay how not to hurt people around you okay I'd pass a class the week this happened you've been doing pretty good in the class good okay Isaiah states that he took the rifle 12-gauge shotgun and TV to Brandon's apartment in Cambridge where the friend was allegedly going to buy the guns supposedly Isaiah was never compensated as a result of Brandon's involvement Isaiah has some concerns I know they're probably going to be in jail for a while for this are they going to go to the same building as me I have no idea it's not really that's what I'm really really worried about I have no idea I saw brainer earlier really yeah I told you we were talking to your friends would you ask what'd you talk to them about we're trying to find you they didn't know where you were at so did they know where you were at oh yeah the whole time oh yeah I was in contact with them every single day okay with what it's my phone the detective informs Isaiah that he is well aware that the teenager's cell phone had abruptly been shut off during the course of events on Sunday May 13th but he wants to hear from Isaiah just how that came to happen one of my friends sent me a picture of the crime scene told me I told my grandparents so I snapped my phone in half so they can trace it okay you are I've got a Criminal Mind okay I do this is likely a sign of narcissism as Isaiah may see himself as Superior and more clever than other people and once again the detective portrays a sense of admiration which is likely to play into Isaiah's narcissism and keep him talking about that way so I've got an everything so when you're when you say you're talking to these guys when you when you're kind of on the run before you broke your phone are you texting them are you communicating with them on Facebook what are you doing texting calling okay you got any access to the internet on your phone it was a flip phone I was tweeting a storm up though and I think I updated my Facebook status a couple times through like you can text it to Facebook okay what were you updating on your Facebook I don't know what I was on Facebook but I know I was tweeting a bunch of random this old black dude said that was really high and I thought it was hilarious Isaiah did in fact contact his friends following the murders even confessing to one of them his additional crime of theft texting a stolen Chevy Avalanche Cham his friend's response a simple LOL followed by Isaiah's chilling return I'm nuts along with this Isaiah began to post alarming statements on Twitter starting on May 11th the same day of the murders Isaiah stated no excuses no apologies followed by I'm dying but his next quote was even more horrifying as it was posted around the same time as the violent shooting was committed at 12 10 a.m on Saturday May 12 he wrote time to live my life the detective switches gears by inquiring about Isaiah's run-in with law enforcement on the early morning of Sunday May 13th you'll recall that this was the day Rick and Janet's bodies were found two days after they were shot apparently Isaiah had been driving two girls around Iowa City in the previous hours making several appearances at nearby parties as the night was coming to a close they stopped at the fast break convenience store located on Naples Avenue and someone in the group allegedly tried to open the locked doors of the business thereby issuing an alarm trigger when police arrived Isaiah and his passenger supposedly denied any involvement but police would later claim they were indeed lying not only that but Isaiah failed to provide a valid license as his was previously suspended for an unknown reason in an attempt to cooperate the passengers allegedly notified the officers that Isaiah was hiding drugs in a duffel bag within the vehicle along with a hunting knife but Isaiah denied permission for law enforcement to search his truck and instead told them that he had various drugs stashed away Isaiah was quickly taken into police custody where it was discovered that he launched another string of abnormal tweets at 6 a.m on Sunday May 13th he posted damn can't wait to get out of the Cop Shop hashtag six unnecessary hours numerous others are too explicit to read but nonetheless Isaiah was not afraid to say what was on his mind as he tweeted away on his phone at the police station officers notified Isaiah that he could only be released upon the authorization of a legal guardian since he was underage the teenager swiftly realized that this was a massive issue as his two legal Guardians were thanks to his doing no longer alive according to him he lied and told law enforcement that his grandparents had been in Minnesota on a fishing trip and had limited cell phone service but they would be able to get in contact with his mother sure enough Stacy allowed Isaiah to be released and handed over to his therapist Candace where Isaiah supposedly ate sausage eggs and hash browns and took a shower not too long after his short-term stay at her house Candace seemed to find a shocking object within her residence and thought that it may have belonged to her patient Isaiah immediately she contacted the local authorities without his knowledge let me ask you this is is we got a call from her today is there any reason that there was a 40 caliber round that was found up there nothing did you have a handgun on you at all no sir no 40 caliber rounds lie detect me for that no sir okay so 40 caliber round it would have found it there what was it found in her house really no sir not from you no sir okay for sure absolutely not okay although the 40 caliber round was identified at Candace's home it has never been confirmed as to who it belonged to Isaiah states that his stay at his therapist house lasted a mere hour and a half before she supposedly drove him back to the Cambridge Apartments where he met up with a girl named Alicia did anybody even try to go to my phone records that's that's one of the things that we commonly do is we try and get phone records yep and every if you have murder charges or something felony like that you can get phone records like that yeah how do you know that I don't know I know but how do you know that I mean you're researching it I know I know a little bit of everything about everything honest ly like I just you learn something new every day sure Isaiah appears to possess several narcissistic trades such as being egotistical and having a grandiose sense of self he views himself as a very smart criminal which is incredibly ironic given that he was arrested so soon after the crime and is currently being interrogated let me look back at my notes Here make sure I'm not missing anything if you want I can look through them and tell you if you missed yeah I bet you could it's possible that Isaiah is once again implying that he thinks he's smarter than the detective and could more easily find any mistakes he's also likely very curious about what the detective has been writing down about him but of course the detective does not allow this to happen so who all do you think you've told about this Brandon foreign or afterwards I don't know when he started texting people but okay I got so many goddamn phone calls about oh did you kill your grandparents I heard you killed your grandparents killed a little out of here oh I started freaking out on people oh they took you into custody down there and they finally got you but you say you were proud of what you did it could be a red flag for deception that Isaiah's way of responding has changed from talking at a normal volume to suddenly shaking his head rapidly and responding quite softly okay we heard that you said hey I'm proud of what I did and you know I got what's coming to me no when I got when I said when I got out of the car is I thanked them for apprehending me okay and that they did their jobs right and I thank them for not tasing me like doggy me okay okay somebody told us that you'd and not that there's somebody who must have heard me wrong okay I actually did thank them I told them those I respect them a lot for what they did okay and did you say hey dude I know what I told him I deserved what I um I deserve what I got coming to me okay thank them for apprehending me because you understand what you did yes with your grandparents okay and it was anybody else that did it it was you yeah right there was nobody else in that house with you okay the detective has been concealing a rather large piece of information the ghost to show that the Killer teen had not been completely honest so far you know essentially at the end of the day you know I was going to show you a picture of the gun would that be can that beat again it's kind of a dark picture yes it is how do you know they know lots of things that the gun that you used yes okay you guys have this gun don't you you said earlier that you're you're pretty smart we're pretty smart at what we do obviously we do good work oh you traced my phone calls and my text messages and figured out right in an attic we ended up with the ended up with the gun that's what college prior to the shooting Brandon had offered advice to Isaiah on how to use the rifle which ultimately ended the lives of Janet and Rick Additionally the pair discussed other ways to kill the victims the morning of May 13th Isaiah told Brandon that he could break into his grandparents home and take whatever he wanted when Brandon arrived he snuck into the home but supposedly left in a hurry and didn't notify the local authorities as he was allegedly nervous about the situation Brandon eventually sold the rifle to another friend but the gun was turned over to the police once the bodies were discovered still the question of why has yet to be answered but as Isaiah reveals what drove him to commit the ultimate crime he loses all control like what my grandma's dying of cancer my grandpa called me peace every night of my life and every day that he constantly told me to just kill myself or fall off the Earth they treated me like I tried so hard to help my gravel with everything but my grandpa made everything so hard because he's always stressed me out screaming me for no reason and I didn't know what to do anymore so I just snapped who shot both of them and stole the truck okay if Isaiah's claims are true this type of long-term verbal and emotional abuse from his Grandpa would have been extremely damaging however it's important to keep in mind that he could be lying in order to provide a justification for his actions after all he doesn't say that his grandma was abusive and he still killed her as well we also cannot verify any of these claims what did she and why did you why did you shoot grandpa first pretty why he's made my life a living hell okay how long had you been thinking about doing this that one day that one day that one day okay all I thought and thought and thought but I never really made a plan okay when you say I thought and thought and thought what kind of things are you I wanted to kill my grandpa but I never wanted to hurt my grandma Yeah it's just that kind of just left her there yeah you did it Isaiah's legs are shaking possibly from the anxiety of being questioned or reliving the trauma of committing a violent crime if he had previously been a danger to himself as he claims this could also be the cause of his notable trepidation okay did he see it coming even Donuts I mean where was he was so drunk and high on his oxycontinence let me do this if I can if you stand up real quick if I'm your grandpa sitting on the couch like you uh are we this close I'm gonna sit like this okay tied it down like that I was right about here on the stairs okay so is he hunched over is he asleep yeah no no he's just out of it on his drugs yeah he was hunched over like oh I was on the fourth or fifth stare down at first so I could I could see his hair from there so when I took the first shot I took one step up I stare up so I could see his whole head shot where did that shot him first shot straight through his head right here right Temple okay a right Temple oh no like right in the temple right in the temple okay and what'd he do foreign smack the space off the coffee table so when you when you're coming up the stairs did you kind of sneak up the stairs a little bit I was like how come I didn't want to hear me okay okay then like as soon as and where's Graham I took this step right here gravel would be like three feet to the side anyway okay okay and I want step up first there took the shot stepped up the second stair took two more shots hey Grandma by demonstrating how the killings occurred the detective is solidifying the fact that this shooting was not in self-defense or in any way provoked by his grandparents gravity terribly nobody would ever believe it he's assaulted me before he's done so many different things wrong to me okay but he didn't do anything to you that night and I could never report any of it because my grandma would always voucher if it made me look like a bad one yes like he'd smoke pot with me and I dealt with cops and he'd just be like nope never happened notice that Isaiah's hands are Palm up as he talks which is known as the rogatory position when someone holds their hands in this way they may be pleading with the other person to believe what they're saying the rogatory position indicates low confidence so if someone makes a statement that they know for a fact is true their body language should reflect high confidence when I got busted for paraphernalia when I got put on probation that was his fight I tried so many times to tell the cops that they were like it's in your room and I was just like it was this though the detective handles a question raised by Isaiah that is sure to come as a complete surprise yet no I don't think they have Isaiah I don't know I haven't heard will there be any way I'd be able to go to him that I couldn't tell you oh and I'll tell you since you're shooting straight with me I doubt it okay um I don't know I don't make that call well I don't want my family to kill me anyways okay although we are able to hear from Isaiah throughout the interrogation he spoke with us in an exclusive never before heard interview where he expanded on the alleged abuse and gave us a deeper look into what he now believes led to that fateful day there was a ET I suppose I've gotten shot twice before I was 17. I like I didn't think I was gonna be around that one that that wasn't a thought I didn't I had no regard for my life whatsoever everything I did was so obviously a cry for help that it didn't make sense and nothing good happened nobody tried to help nothing so in my head I was like all right I'm on my own so I'm just gonna I don't know like what do I do and then once I want house arrest like you can't even get away from the problems at this point so how do you eliminate the problem don't don't get me wrong I'm not saying that other people failing me throughout my life is the reason I did it I at the end of the day I'm the reason I did I chose to do what I did but a lot of things could have happened if I would have had options Isaiah explains the alleged abuse that he endured at the hands of Rick and Janet he's like hey like like they'd call the cops and I'd be like he literally just hit me and I defriended myself what am I supposed to do or like he had a bunch of lanes in the backyard and they knew about it and they were like oh that's just ditch we just leave that alone they just pulled the plants and left them alone and there was a few occasions where I was like okay he assaulted me like literally and my grandma was like no it didn't happen that way he hit him first and they'd be like well if you press charges you're both going to go to jail because they both say that you did it first and it's their word against yours and no one's gonna listen to a dumb kid who cares about the kid right doesn't matter if a 15 year old's getting his ass kicked that's that's irrelevant his claims about his feelings toward his grandmother seem to be Ever Changing during this particular account it seems he's placing at least some of the blame on her which is in contrast to his statements during his interrogation I wanted to kill my grandpa but I never wanted to hurt my grandma she she was a mega enabler and the the verbal abuse and the emotional abuse was from her she was the one that was doing a lot of the screaming and like she'd always back him up and like great example I was I attempted I was like all right I'm just gonna leave and she's like I wish you would have just ended up to yourself making it work it would have been a lot easier on us like she'd say [ __ ] like that well I don't want to just tell my story because it'll help me get up because obviously I know that that's one of the first thoughts but the first thought the initial thought is this could help a lot of kids like if some kid that's 16 years old is getting his ass beat here's me talk about it and how it feels to be alone and it helps them and they actually go and talk to somebody about it and that's what telling my story that's where we live in all the forms like the biggest thing I want to do with my life I want to be an advocate for at-risk youth because I feel like if somebody would have just talked to me and really understood what I was going through and been like hey I get that like but you're okay like you're not by yourself I think that probably would have changed a lot because the hardest part about it was feeling like I was alone today Isaiah has seemingly Found A New Path even accomplishing some rehabilitative programming along with achieving his career Readiness certificate his co-conspirator Brandon ahlers took a plea agreement to testify against Isaiah and was sentenced to 18 years in prison for his part in the horrific murders this story doesn't end here though when police were finally able to search the grandparents home they allegedly found numerous internet searches on one of the computers locating various methods on how to kill someone in another sickening find according to new sources authorities supposedly uncovered inappropriate photos of children the pictures were allegedly found under the grandfather's account but nothing else has ever been revealed about the horrendous discovery during Isaiah's trial a clinical psychologist testified that during the time period of the crime Isaiah possessed the emotional maturity of a 12 to 14 year old but this did not stop the killer from facing the inevitable consequences initially Isaiah was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole but in an unexpected turn of events the Judgment was overturned after four years behind bars Isaiah was re-sentenced to life in prison with a Chance of parole without a minimum incarceration time this means that there is no telling when or if he will be released
Views: 9,679,372
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: documentary, true crime documentary, educational, psychology, law
Id: ufDLMeNT8Yw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 20sec (3200 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 16 2023
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